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对不同立地粉单竹林进行了群落调查,分析了不同立地竹林的林冠结构和林地植物物种多样性。其结果显示,3种不同立地条件粉单竹林林冠特征差异较大,林下植物多样性也存在较大差异,以水边的粉单竹林冠层的林冠开度最小,叶面积指数最大;以山坡的粉单竹林林下植物多样性最好。  相似文献   

郑州城市园林植物群落物种多样性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用典型抽样法,对郑州城市园林植物群落的种类组成和物种多样性进行了调查统计和分析。结果表明:1)3种不同类型绿地植物种类共计186种,隶属于72科133属;2)公园绿地的乔木层、灌木层和草本层物种α多样性指数均高于居住区绿地和道路绿地;3)公园绿地的β多样性指数均高于居住区绿地和道路绿地,居住区绿地和道路绿地之间的β多样性指数较小。针对郑州城市园林植物群落物种多样性的实际调查情况,提出加大乡土植物的运用,注意丰富季相景观和植物群落垂直结构层次的建议。  相似文献   

深圳市主要植被群落类型划分及物种多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用组间平均联结法对深圳市主要植被群落进行划分,并应用Gleason丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数和Pielou指数对主要植被群落的物种多样性水平进行比较分析。结果表明:深圳市城市森林可以划分为5个群系组和31个群落类型;各群落类型的物种多样性均表现为灌木层>乔木层,常绿阔叶人工林的乔木层和灌木层的生物多样性指数均最低,常绿落叶阔叶人工林乔木层丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、均匀度指数均最高,常绿阔叶人工林的乔木层优势种比较明显。  相似文献   

徐海韵 《广东园林》2010,32(4):55-57
对成都市不同类别的5个公园绿地进行抽样调查,对其物种组成、优势度与多样性指数等进行了统计和分析。调查表明:成都市公园绿地保存有较丰富的古老、珍稀树种资源;各公园乔木层优势度指数偏低,神仙树公园(社区公园)最高;以新益州公园物种多样性最为丰富。总体而言,乔木的多样性指数大于灌木。根据对物种多样性及乔木层优势度的分析,对各公园的群落组成、结构特点提出了改造建议。  相似文献   

通过调查粤东地区两条高速公路内的互通立交区绿地的植物多样性和应用现状,结果表明:在6个1200 m2的样方中有维管植物112种及变种,隶属45科96属,较丰富的种类有禾本科、菊科、大戟科等。绿地的物种多样性不高,各层多样性指数表现为草本层灌木层乔木层,绿化形式简单粗陋,养护管理有待加强。建议推广优良乡土植物,促进绿地植物的多样性和生态效益的提高。  相似文献   

城市野生鸟类及其物种多样性是现代城市生态系统健康的重要指标。上海有着丰富的鸟类资源,但是高密度城区各类用地的鸟类物种多样性的相关研究较少涉及。该研究于2014—2015年对上海浦东新区世纪大道沿线不同类型用地的鸟类群落进行了调查,共记录到8目25科47种鸟类。对居住用地、公共设施用地、道路广场用地、公园绿地、湿地等不同用地以及居住用地、商业服务业用地、商务办公用地中各类绿地-建筑空间格局的鸟类群落结构进行了比较研究。结果显示:公园绿地生境鸟种数最多;其次是由居住用地、公共设施用地、道路广场用地的附属绿地构成的休闲绿化生境;而湿地生境的鸟种数虽然最少,但稀有鸟种更多并且多样性指数和均匀度指数均大于公园绿地生境;中心式绿地布局模式对鸟类物种丰富度和物种多样性更有利。整个研究区域的鸟类群落结构呈现一定的季节变化,但严重单一化。  相似文献   

通过对长春市主要交通绿地木本植物多样性的调查研究,结果表明,新民大街、延安大路、人民广场、新民广场物种多样性指数较高,但是各物种重要值差异较大,导致物种均匀度指数偏低;人民大街、前进大街、南湖广场物种多样性指数较低。总体上看,长春市主要交通绿地木本植物多样性不高,缺乏物种丰富度与均匀度的结合。  相似文献   

以郑州市公园绿地、附属绿地中的120个人工植物群落为研究对象,调查其群落结构和物种多样性,利用Margalef丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数对郑州市城市绿地人工群落的物种多样性进行研究,结果表明郑州市城市绿地人工群落的丰富度指数均处于较高水平,植物多样性丰富,其中公园绿地丰富度指数最高,道路附属绿地次之,社区附属绿地最低。  相似文献   

高速公路边坡植物群落物种多样性与土壤因子的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对沪(上海)陕(陕西)高速公路信阳至南阳段4种路基边坡的物种多样性指标和土壤特性进行测定,同时分析路基边坡物种多样性与土壤因子之间的相关性。结果表明:"紫穗槐+狗牙根+高羊茅"群落和"胡枝子+狗牙根+高羊茅"群落的物种多样性指数、丰富度指数及均匀度指数较高,物种多样性指标之间相关性显著。多样性指数、丰富度指数与土壤容重、孔隙度的相关性较强,均匀度指数与土壤容重、孔隙度的相关性较差;物种多样性指标与土壤硬度有一定的相关性,与土壤有机质含量相关性较小,与土壤抗冲性、土壤最大持水率相关性均较差。  相似文献   

采用典型样方法,对武汉市10个具有代表性的城市公园的165个植物群落进行调查,结果表明,所调查植物群落中共有植物219种,分属74科156属;运用组平均法(UPGMA)对165个植物群落进行聚类分析,分为21种植物群落类型;利用Partrick物种丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数,比较不同群落类型的物种多样性特征,其中群落类型紫玉兰-杜鹃-小苜蓿的物种丰富度和物种多样性最高,圆柏-八角金盘+山茶的物种丰富度最低,水杉-杜鹃+洒金桃叶珊瑚-早熟禾+车前的多样性指数最低,植物群落的多样性程度表现为乔木层 ≈ 草本层 > 灌木层。在城市公园绿地中人工配置决定了植物群落物种多样性特征,其他环境和人为干扰因素也影响植物群落的物种多样性。建议适当增加观赏价值高的乡土植物,构建物种丰富、层次复杂、结构稳定的近自然植物群落。  相似文献   

为探析喀斯特山地城市生物多样性特征及其影响因素,以黔中典型多山城市——安顺市为研究对象,运用生物多样性相关理论与方法,分析了安顺市植物物种多样性特征及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)安顺市植物群落物种多样性指数偏低,不同空间区域中差异较大,西南片区和中心区域低而东北片区最高;(2)不同绿地类型中植物群落物种多样性指数由高到低的顺序为区域绿地、公园绿地、附属绿地、防护绿地、广场绿地;(3)在不同方位中较为发达的中心城区与西南方位上多样性较低,东北方位最高;(4)自然绿地的植物群落物种多样性高于人工绿地和半人工、半自然绿地;(5)海拔1400 m以上区域的多样性高于海拔1400 m以下的区域。城市内植物群落物种多样性受地形地貌和城市发展的影响表现出较大的差异性,通过采取相应措施来调节人类活动与自然环境之间的关系,合理构建生态廊道,加强不同类型生境间的内在联系,让城市内的生态得到更好的保护与发展。  相似文献   

We analyzed the effect of simplifying assumptions in canopy representation of radiation transfer models, comparing modeled diffuse non-interceptance and photosynthetic photon flux density with measurements at different layers of complex pine-broadleaved canopy with large seasonal variation of leaf area index. The most detailed model included clumping of trees (i.e.,?stand density) and a vertical specification of leaf angle distribution and shoot clumping. A less detailed model replaced the vertically specified variables with their means. The most parsimonious model accounted for neither shoot clumping nor stand density. The vertical specification of shoot clumping and leaf angle distribution only slightly improved vertical and seasonal openness and light estimates over using mean values. Further simplification had little effect on total absorbed light but was more risky for estimates of the vertical distributions of openness and light absorbed by the canopy, which will affect photosynthesis estimates due to the non-linearity of photosynthetic light response. Including woody surfaces in winter, when leaf area was low, was essential for reproducing the measurements correctly. A sensitivity analysis showed that ignoring (i)?shoot clumping could result in a substantial overestimation of total absorbed light with errors increasing with decreasing leaf area and (ii) stand density in sparse stands could lead to substantial overestimation of total absorbed light, and the effect is largely independent of leaf area. Also, (iii) the effect of changing leaf angle distribution increased with decreasing leaf area, and was larger and more persistent along the leaf area range with increasing shoot clumping. Overall, accounting for the effect of tree clumping on absorbed light is most important in stands composed of species where leaves are not very clumped (e.g., broadleaved). However, even in forests with highly clumped shoots (i.e., coniferous), an accurate estimation of absorbed light distribution in stands requires incorporation of stand density in the model.  相似文献   

Understory plant biomass, species richness and canopy openness were measured in six-year old hybrid poplar riparian buffer strips, in the understory of two unrelated clones (MxB-915311 and DxN-3570), planted along headwater streams at three pasture sites of southern Quebec. Canopy openness was an important factor affecting understory biomass in hybrid poplar buffers, with lower understory biomass observed on sites and under the clone with lower canopy openness. Although tree size was an important factor affecting canopy openness, relationships between total stem volume and canopy openness, for each clone, also support the hypothesis of a clonal effect on canopy openness. Understory biomass and canopy openness as low as 3.6 g m−2 and 7.6% in 1 m2 microplots were measured under clone MxB-915311 at the most productive site. This reduction of understory plant growth could compromise important buffer functions for water quality protection (runoff control, sediment trapping and surface soil stabilisation), particularly were concentrated runoff flow paths enter the buffer. On the other hand, tree buffers that maintain relatively low canopy openness could be interesting to promote native and wetland plant diversity. Significant positive relationships between canopy openness and introduced species richness (R 2 = 0.46, p < 0.001) and cover (R 2 = 0.51, p < 0.001) were obtained, while no significant relationship was observed between canopy openness and native (wetland) species richness and cover. These results suggest that planting riparian buffer strips of fast-growing trees can rapidly lead to the exclusion of shade-intolerant introduced species, typical colonisers of disturbed habitats such as riparian areas of pastures, while having no significant effect on native (wetland) diversity. Forest canopy created by the poplars was probably an important physical barrier controlling introduced plant richness and abundance in agricultural riparian corridors. A strong linear relationship (R 2 = 0.73) between mean total species richness and mean introduced species richness was also observed, supporting the hypothesis that the richest communities are the most invaded by introduced species, possibly because of higher canopy openness, as seen at the least productive site (low poplar growth). Finally, results of this study highlight the need for a better understanding of relationships between tree growth, canopy openness, understory biomass and plant diversity in narrow strips of planted trees. This would be useful in designing multifunctional riparian buffer systems in agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

以1 100 m2样地为研究基础,分析澳门青洲山假柿木姜子群落的种类组成、区系成分、外貌特征、群落结构以及多样性特征。结果表明,本群落有维管束植物47种,隶属于27科42属,热带分布种占绝对优势。群落外貌主要由单叶、中型叶,全缘的常绿高位芽植物决定。优势种径级显示:群落目前保持以假柿木姜子为优势种,翻白叶树与假苹婆为增长种群的格局。这3种主要种群呈集聚分布。整个群落M agarlef指数为4.907 2,Shannon-W iener指数0.874 2,S impson指数1.164 1和P ielou均匀度指数0.302 4。多样性比较显示,该群落的物种多样性低于香港黄桐群落、鼎湖山厚壳桂群落及深圳南山区鸭脚木群落,可能与该地的岛屿性、优势种显著、外来种入侵等因素有关,应加强保护维持该群落的物种多样性。  相似文献   

Plant diversity plays key ecological roles in forest ecosystems, including influencing succession, resilience and nutrient cycling. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of livestock grazing and human uses on herbaceous species diversity. We surveyed 50 ha of protected area and 50 ha of unprotected area to evaluate herbaceous species diversity in oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) forests in northern Iran. We calculated and compared three indices each of diversity and evenness, and species richness between the two areas. Herbaceous cover was higher in the unprotected area while leaf litter depth and tree canopy cover were higher in the protected area. The diversity indices, H (Shan- non-Wiener index ), N~ (McArthur index), N2 (Hill's index), EQ (Modified Nee index), E,ar (Smith-Wilson index), E5 (modified index of Hill) and R=S (species richness) and species richness R=S were greater in the protected area than in the unprotected area, suggesting that protection from grazing results in increased numbers of plants and species. The effect of land protection on plant diversity was more pronounced for evenness than for species richness and the positive correlation between diversity and evenness indices was higher than that between diversity and richness.  相似文献   

珠海市城市森林的总体布局与植物组成   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
本文介绍珠海市城市森林的总体布局和不同绿地类型的植物组成和配置模式。珠海城市森林分为 3大块 :城市中心区森林、西部城市发展区森林、东部海岛区森林 ;着重分析了以下 5种绿地类型的植物组成特点和配置模式 :(1)行道树的组成具有花色艳丽、花期长、树冠大而美、突出滨海特色等 ;(2 )海岸绿地植物包括红树林、海滩植物、沿海道路和临海低丘植物 3种类型 ;(3)岛屿观赏植物有 6 4种 ,分为 5种类型 ;(4)黄土石坡裸露地生态绿化分为 3个阶段 ,采用 4种不同的模式 ;(5 )残次林改造采用 3种模式  相似文献   

Deciduous broad-leaved forests (DBF), Larix principis-rupprechtii (LF) and Pinus tabulaeformis plantations (PF) are three typical forest communities in the warm temperate zone of the Dongling Mountains. In this study, we used an indirect method, hemispheric photography, to measure and analyze the dynamics of leaf area index (LAI) and canopy openness of the three forest communities. The results show that the LAI values of DBF and LF increased gradually with plant growth and development. The highest LAI value appeared in August, while canopy openness changed inversely with LAI. The lowest value appeared in November. DBF maintained a higher LAI in August and had a more open canopy in November compared with LF. For PF, we observed little changes in the LAI and canopy openness which was attributed to the leaf retention of this evergreen species. However, a similar relation between LAI and canopy openness was found for the three forest communities: canopy openness varied inversely with LAI. The relation is exponential and significant. Therefore, canopy openness is a good indicator of LAI in forests. This result can be used to test the validity of the LAI based on remote sensing and to provide a reference for the study of the canopy heterogeneity and its effect. This also benefits modeling for fluxes of carbon, water and energy from the level of the stand to landscape. __________ Translated from Journal of Plant Ecology, 2007, 31(3): 431–436 [译自: 植物生态学报]  相似文献   

We examined relationships between stem diameter, sapwood area, leaf area and transpiration in a 15-year-old mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans F. Muell.) forest containing silver wattle (Acacia dealbata Link.) as a suppressed overstory species and mountain hickory (Acacia frigescens J.H. Willis) as an understory species. Stem diameter explained 93% of the variation in leaf area, 96% of the variation in sapwood area and 88% of the variation in mean daily spring transpiration in 19 mountain ash trees. In seven silver wattle trees, stem diameter explained 87% of the variation in sapwood area but was a poor predictor of the other variables. When transpiration measurements from individual trees were scaled up to a plot basis, using stem diameter values for 164 mountain ash trees and 124 silver wattle trees, mean daily spring transpiration rates of the two species were 2.3 and 0.6 mm day(-1), respectively. The leaf area index of the plot was estimated directly by destructive sampling, and indirectly with an LAI-2000 plant canopy analyzer and by hemispherical canopy photography. All three methods gave similar results.  相似文献   

Efforts in Europe to convert Norway spruce (Picea abies) plantations to broadleaf or mixed broadleaf-conifer forests could be bolstered by an increased understanding of how artificial regeneration acclimates and functions under a range of Norway spruce stand conditions. We studied foliage characteristics and leaf-level photosynthesis on 7-year-old European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) regeneration established in open patches and shelterwoods of a partially harvested Norway spruce plantation in southwestern Sweden. Both species exhibited morphological plasticity at the leaf level by developing leaf blades in patches with an average mass per unit area (LMA) 54% greater than of those in shelterwoods, and at the plant level by maintaining a leaf area ratio (LAR) in shelterwoods that was 78% greater than in patches. However, we observed interspecific differences in photosynthetic capacity relative to spruce canopy openness. Photosynthetic capacity (A1600, net photosynthesis at a photosynthetic photon flux density of 1600 μmol photons m−2 s−1) of beech in respect to the canopy gradient was best related to leaf mass, and declined substantially with increasing canopy openness primarily because leaf nitrogen (N) in this species decreased about 0.9 mg g−1 with each 10% rise in canopy openness. In contrast, A1600 of oak showed a weak response to mass-based N, and furthermore the percentage of N remained constant in oak leaf tissues across the canopy gradient. Therefore, oak photosynthetic capacity along the canopy gradient was best related to leaf area, and increased as the spruce canopy thinned primarily because LMA rose 8.6 g m−2 for each 10% increase in canopy openness. These findings support the premise that spruce stand structure regulates photosynthetic capacity of beech through processes that determine N status of this species; leaf N (mass basis) was greatest under relatively closed spruce canopies where leaves apparently acclimate by enhancing light harvesting mechanisms. Spruce stand structure regulates photosynthetic capacity of oak through processes that control LMA; LMA was greatest under open spruce canopies of high light availability where leaves apparently acclimate by enhancing CO2 fixation mechanisms.  相似文献   

The transmission and interception of light through the canopy is an important indicator of forest productivity in tropical forest ecosystems, and the amount of light that eventually reaches the forest floor is influenced by its interactions with leaves, branches, fruits, and flowers among many different canopy elements. While most studies of forest canopy light interception focus on leaf area index (LAI), very few studies have examined wood area index (WAI), which may account for a substantial component of light interception in tropical forests. The influence of lianas on the interception of light and their overall contribution to WAI is a potentially important factor, but it is generally overlooked because of its difficulty to assess. In this paper we evaluate the relative contribution that lianas have to the overall WAI and canopy openness as function of successional stage via a latitudinal comparison of sites across the Americas (Mexico, Costa Rica and Brazil). Our results suggest that lianas significantly increase WAI and decreases canopy openness. However, lianas were absent at all of our study sites where canopy openness exceeded 60%. Our data are the first to explicitly document the role of lianas in the estimation of WAI and, overall, they will contribute to better estimations of ecosystem level LAI in tropical environments, where there is a lack of data on WAI.  相似文献   

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