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张媛 《林产工业》2020,57(2):98-100
在我国"走出去"与"引进来"战略推动下,我国木材产业的发展持续加快,进出口贸易水平显著提升。中美贸易争端的不断升级,给我国木材进出口带来了一定的压力与挑战。阐述了中美贸易争端基本现状,分析了我国木材进出口贸易企业所受到的影响,在此基础上提出了相关应对策略,这对于我国木材企业更好地融入国际市场,提升市场竞争力具有重要意义。  相似文献   

根据我国木材与木制品进出口贸易的规模、木材进口国和进口量、木材市场价格、木制品出口量和出口金额等方面的统计数据,分析了2014年我国木材与木制品贸易特点,指出2014年我国木材与木制品贸易规模扩大,木材进口创新高,木材价格持续下滑,主要木制品出口增速加大。预计2015年我国木材与木制品消费增速将继续放缓。  相似文献   

近年木材进出口贸易概况及对木材产业相关问题的思考   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
朱光前 《木材工业》2006,20(2):8-11
通过分析2005年我国木材贸易进出口情况与2006年的走势,从资源利用的角度,探讨我国木材产业的发展前景,指出我国木材产业应逐步由劳动密集型向资金密集型和技术密集型转化,开发新技术和新产品,以质量、品牌和信誉打开国际市场,对国际上一些意在恶化中国进口木材国际环境的论调进行了反驳.  相似文献   

根据我国木材与木制品进出口贸易的规模、木材进口国和进口量、木材市场价格、木制品出口量和出口金额等方面的统计数据,分析了2014年我国木材与木制品贸易特点,指出2014年我国木材与木制品贸易规模扩大,木材进口创新高,木材价格持续下滑,主要木制品出口增速加大。预计2015年我国木材与木制品消费增速将继续放缓。  相似文献   

吕飞  卞锋彬 《山东林业科技》2009,39(4):129-130,128
概述了近年来中俄木材贸易情况,及我国对进境俄罗斯木材检疫和除害处理措施,并论述了其优缺点,提出在当前中俄木材贸易日益繁荣的情况下,加强对进境木材的检疫和除害处理的重要性。  相似文献   

近几年,随着我国经济的快速发展,国内对木材及林产品的需求急剧增长,为国内外木材贸易商提供了无限商机。为了搭建国内外木材贸易商技术交流和贸易洽谈的平台,中国木材与木制品流通协会与加拿大国际木材市场集团公司于2011年9月14日至16日在天津市联合举办了首届“世界针叶木材应用技术研讨与贸易洽谈会”。  相似文献   

针对美国次贷危机对木材贸易的影响,以迪拜和BIG5展会上的木材交易为实证,分析了木材贸易在次贷危机中所面临的主要问题,指出了木材贸易所面临的世界通缩国内通胀的挑战和机遇,为木材贸易应对危机提出了维护老客户、开发新兴市场、建立知识产权和品牌,调整产品结构、双向贸易等相应措施。  相似文献   

受国际木材市场及贸易状况发展趋势及我国的木材资源状况和经济建设特点的影响,未来几年我国木材进出口将出现以下形势: 1.进口货源国相对稳定,但在这些货源国之间的产品贸易数据会有所变化。原木进口国将稳定在俄罗斯、马来西亚、加蓬、巴布亚新几内亚、印尼、缅甸、德国和新西兰。俄罗斯木材在进口中仍占绝对优势。  相似文献   

本文从汇率调整、外汇收入、退税款项、稳定木材出口市场、与外商建立良好的贸易关系等方面对木材出口中的买断、代理方式进行了分析比较,认为木材出口实行代理制,可为林业企业创造更高的经济效益,并能稳定木材出口市场,与外商建立稳固的贸易关系。  相似文献   

欧洲EUROPE英国木材进口市场状况良好英国:来自木材贸易联合会(TIF)出版的木材贸易杂志的数据显示,去年11月份英国进口木材量增加了13%,显著高于行业内的预测。最新数据也显示,英国木材产品进口市场今年的订货量已经上升。  相似文献   

Over the last three decades the exportation rate of raw sawlogs from Illinois to neighboring states for processing has nearly doubled. While the exportation of sawlogs has adverse impacts on the Illinois wood products manufacturing sector and local forest landowners, little research has been conducted to understand how the spatial arrangement of timber mills affects sawlog exportation. This research models, in a spatial environment, timber mill procurement influence within southern Illinois and the surrounding region in an attempt to understand how the location of mills is a partial explanation of the increase in sawlog exportation. Assuming equal market power, timber mills within the study area were found to be arranged in a manner that results in low competition for sawlogs within Illinois and high competition in neighboring states. Spatial models incorporating differential market power based on mill size characteristics suggest that Illinois experiences little procurement pressure from high production mills operating within the State but is under procurement pressure from high production timber mills operating in neighboring states.  相似文献   

The European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR) was adopted in 2010. This Regulation prohibits placing illegally harvested timber on the EU market and obliges economic operators who put timber products for the first time on the EU market to exercise due diligence. So far, little research has been done to understand the politics of the EUTR. Based on 25 interviews with key informants and the analysis of 32 policy documents, this paper explains the emergence of the Regulation as a result of coalitional politics driven by both conflict and cooperation among state and non-state actors. We show that the politics of the EUTR is marked by heated policy debates and mistrust, in particular in regards to the prohibition clause and the relation between legality and sustainability. Domestic timber producers (public and private forest owners), forest industry (sawmilling, furniture, pulp and paper) and forest-rich EU member states (e.g. Austria, Germany, Finland and Sweden) represented in the Council built a CONTRA-coalition that were (initially) opposed to the regulatory changes suggested by the PRO-coalition of environmental groups and the European Parliament. The Regulation emerged through a strategic alliance between environmental groups, timber import-dependent forest industries and retailers. This “Baptists-and-Bootleggers” alliance was facilitated by an overlap of environmentalists' beliefs and moral arguments (emphasizing the negative societal and ecological impacts of illegal logging) and timber industries' economic interests (protectionism and market expansion as well as reputational improvement). The EUTR was finally adopted through the political support of national authorities of EU member states who are timber import-dependent (the UK, the Netherlands and Denmark), and the European Parliament. The paper concludes with a reflection on the importance of coalitional politics for policy change at the nexus between environmental, trade and market policies.  相似文献   

陆文达  王冬香  凌楠 《林业研究》1999,10(2):124-126
lntroductionChina'sterritoryisvast,buttheforestedareaisless.About29%areaofChinaisdesertandbaremOuntains(Zhangetal.1997).ThefourthnationaIforestsurvey,whichwasconductedbytheMinistryofForestryin1989~1993,indicatesthat133.7millionhm2or13.92%oftheIandareaofChinaareforest.Thestockoflivingtreesis11.785bilIionm',ofwhich1o.1biIIionisinforest.Thenetgrowthofstandingvolumeiso.4biIIionm3peryear,whiIethecutisO.3billionm',ofwhichatleastonethirdisfarfueIwood.Sotheforestresourcesarenotrich,forestcoveri…  相似文献   

This paper addresses the effects of economic transition policies on forestry in China. The effects of de-collectivization and market liberalization on the forest land area and timber harvest are studied using panel data from four provinces covering the period 1978–1995. Fixed effects ordinary least squares models for forest land cover and annual harvests per hectare are estimated, allowing for differences across provinces and prefectures in northern and southern China. The results show that land tenure reform in general has had a positive effect on forest land expansion, but the absolute size of the effects varies from province to province. The positive impact of the reform on timber harvesting has not taken place at the cost of forest land cover. The claim that market liberalization leads to over-harvesting of forest resources in developing countries is not supported by our results.  相似文献   

龙超 《国际木业》2005,35(9):22-25
本文阐述了现代木结构建筑在中国的应用、研究现状、建筑实例,指出木结构在我国具有很大的潜在市场,并且有利于合理有效的利用我国的林木资源,生产出具有高附加值的产品,做到经济、社会、生态效益的三者相统一。  相似文献   

基于2018—2020年浙江省龙泉市900宗活立木交易数据,采用半对数多元线性回归模型研究木材市场价格、单位面积蓄积、林分质量等因素对活立木交易价格的影响。结果表明,龙泉市活立木交易平均价格为3 976元/hm2,木材市场价格、单位面积蓄积、单位面积株数、平均胸径对活立木交易价格有显著的正向影响;流入方性质和流出方性质对活立木交易价格有显著影响,且影响存在差异性。提出规范木材市场交易,加强森林资源评估工作,提升交易的公平性,全面推进林权抵押贷款等建议。  相似文献   

富宁县国有金坝林场面积10 109hm2,其中人工用材林5 410.7hm2,林木蓄积616 900m3,分别采用林地期望价法、重置成本法、收获现值法、木材市场倒算法等对该林场人工用材林地及林木资产进行了估算.估算结果,林地地价1 952.23万元,林木价值为6 867.60万元.  相似文献   

新西兰林业发展之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
新西兰林业经过50余年的发展.实现了对天然林的保护.木村生产从完全依靠天然林转变为只有1%的锯材来自天然林;一个只有不足400万人口的国家,现在年产木材已达到2100万m^3,木材及木制品出口创汇占全国创汇的12%,成为国民经济的支柱产业,未来25年木材产量将翻番.而且完全来自可持续利用的人工林;这些经验已成为世界林业实现可持续发展的典范。文中分析了新西兰林业成功的经验,希望有助于正在蓬勃发展的中国林业。  相似文献   

The Russian forest is the last big wood basket of the international timber market and the conservation of the Russian forest is critical to protect global environment. There is a strong need to analyze present situation of forest policy and forest industry in Russia. The basic direction of forest policy reform of Russia is decentralization and introduction of market principles. However, the lack of specialists in forest policy in the regions and the conflict between central and regional governments has accelerated the confusion of forest policy. Forest management organizations cannot spare enough money for forest management because of the financial crisis of Russian government. Forest industry has also deteriorated. Although privatization of the forest industry was completed, it did not improve the management of enterprises and they could not survive the economic crisis. Output of the forest industry has decreased and most enterprises came close to bankruptcy. Under these circumstances, the former regional amalgamation of forest industry, which has accumulated hard currency earned by timber export, re-took control of the industry and tried to increase timber exports even more. However, logging enterprises, facing economic crises, cannot observe forest regulations and forest management organization cannot control these violations. A recovery of forest industry may accelerate the degradation of forest resources in Russia.  相似文献   

Loss function analysis was introduced to timber market price analysis. Methods found in Bayesian statistical decision analysis were applied to expectations of market price changes. These were obtained from a forest owner survey conducted in Finland in 2009. Forecast errors of heterogeneous price expectations of the individual private forest owners were derived with observed price changes in six different timber price regions. The forecast errors were complemented with random number simulations to control for unobserved response heterogeneity. The properties and estimation of generalized loss functions – LIN-EX and flexible loss functions – allowing for asymmetry in individual forecast errors were introduced into the analysis. Estimation results for different price regions implied that forest owners’ perceived costs related to positive forecast errors of negative price changes that took place in 2009 were larger than those related to negative errors. This under-prediction vs. over-prediction asymmetry was large in some price regions. The forest owners exhibited an aversion to losses reflected in price expectations errors in the year 2009. The observed loss aversion means that forest owners were cautious in their selling decisions during periods of declining market prices. This has a negative impact on the recovery of slack timber markets.  相似文献   

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