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正什么是中国森林认证产销监管链认证中国森林认证(CFCC)作为一种新颖的产品认证由CNAS负责认可评审,其涵盖的认证领域包括:森林经营类(森林经营、非木质林产品、竹林、森林公园、自然保护区等),产销监管链类,珍贵濒危野生动物饲养类。CFCC产销监管链认证是通过独立的第三方认证确保产品中所使用的认证木制品源自于可持续经营的森林、再生原料和其他非争议来源。认证的依据为GB/T28952-2012中国森林认证产销监管链。为获得CFCC  相似文献   

CFCC与FSC林产品产销监管链认证标准对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来林产品产销监管链认证在全球发展较快。目前PEFC和FSC这2大森林认证体系在全球影响力最大,发展也最为迅速。中国的林产品产销监管链认证体系已与PEFC产销监管链认证体系实现了互认,因此两者的标准结构与内容类似。文中主要从原料分类、信息、林产品加工转换过程以及销售和流通4个方面对比分析中国林产品产销监管链认证标准与FSC林产品产销监管链认证标准,总结其主要缺陷,并针对政策制定和实际监管提出建议。  相似文献   

森林认证与中国木材产品市场   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
森林认证作为促进森林可持续经营的一种市场机制已经在世界范围内广泛开展 ,特别是欧洲和北美国家的消费者普遍要求在市场上销售的木材产品应贴有经过认证的标签 ,以证明他们所购买的木材产品源自可持续经营的森林。因此 ,中国的森林经营认证和林产品的产销监管链认证 (绿色标签 )对于促进森林的可持续经营 ,稳定企业现有产品市场份额 ,进入新市场具有重要意义。  相似文献   

木材合法性认证及其对中国木质林产品贸易的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
木材非法采伐及其相关贸易是导致许多发展中国家毁林和森林退化的重要原因。森林破坏反过来导致约20%的全球碳排放。许多政府和私人部门以及国际社会纷纷采取措施确保木材的合法性。随之而来的木材合法性认证越来越普遍。文中概述木材合法性认证的概念及认证体系,归纳木材合法性认证的要点、局限性和启示,简要分析木材合法性认证对中国木质林产品贸易的影响。  相似文献   

周密 《国际木业》2008,(9):38-39
英国:B&Q公司已获得FSC和森林认证体系认可项目(PEFC)的双重产销监管链认证,有效期从2008年7月开始。该认证资格是雨林联盟的SmartWood项目经过对B&Q公司木材采购和加工进行了严格考评后授予的。产销监管链记录着木材产品从森林到最终用户手中的全过程,其中包括生产、运输、配送等所有环节。  相似文献   

文莱:文莱林业部4月初就东盟木材合法性、合法木材产销链及木材可持续生产指南的准则和指标问题召开技术讨论会。这次会议的目的是讨论落实在泛东盟国家木材认证倡议、合法木材产销链及木材可持续生产会议上提出的东盟国家木材合法性的准则和指标。泛东盟国家木材认证倡议工作组的工作目标是逐步实现森林可持续经营。  相似文献   

<正>2009年12月,派阳山林场木材综合加工厂顺利获得产品产销监管链(FSC-COC)认证证书,2010年11月22日,该林场获得森林经营(FSC-FM)认证证书,成为广西第一家正式获得FSC-FM/COC森林认证的林场。  相似文献   

黑龙江省迎春林业局非木质林产品资源丰富,是我国首批非木质林产品经营认证试点单位。依据GB/T 18951-2012《中国森林认证生产经营》与《中国森林认证非木质林产品生产经营》(征求意见稿),对其开展非木质林产品经营认证审核。一年来,迎春林业局在社会、经济、环境方面都取得了较好成效。本文总结在了迎春林业局开展非木质林产品经营认证试点中取得的经验,提出需采取的措施。  相似文献   

森林认证的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林认证是一种运用市场机制来促进森林可持续经营的手段。认证内容和范围主要包括森林经营认证、碳汇林认证、竹林认证、非木质林产品认证、森林生态系统服务功能认证、生产经营性珍贵稀有濒危物种认证、产销监管链认证七类。  相似文献   

琴言 《国际木业》2008,(11):44-44
美国:Universal林产品工业公司2008年9月30号宣布其旗下的8家工厂达到了森林管理委员会(FSC)的严格要求,获得了FSC产销监管链认证。  相似文献   

The US and EU markets are the main destinations of Chinese forest products.Through analyzing the similarities and differences between the US Lacey Act Amendment and the EU Timber Regulation,the paper focused on how to realize better compatibility and practicality of Chinese timber legality verification scheme in terms of verification standard setting,verification procedures,pilot work of timber legality verification scheme,capacity-building trainings and studies on key problems.  相似文献   

As the global forest issues and illegal logging have increasingly aroused the concerns of the international community,the US Lacey Act Amendment and the EU Timber Regulation poses requirements for the legality of timber.The paper described the background of timber legality issue,analyzed the specific requirements of the US and the EU for timber legality,and pointed out their negative impacts on China’s wood enterprises.Based on the analyses,the authors came up with the approaches that China’ s wood enterprises could adopt to meet legality requirements,and proposed the specific suggestions on how enterprises respond to the requirements for legality with an eye for the difficulties that they are confronting with.  相似文献   

The European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR) was adopted in 2010. This Regulation prohibits placing illegally harvested timber on the EU market and obliges economic operators who put timber products for the first time on the EU market to exercise due diligence. So far, little research has been done to understand the politics of the EUTR. Based on 25 interviews with key informants and the analysis of 32 policy documents, this paper explains the emergence of the Regulation as a result of coalitional politics driven by both conflict and cooperation among state and non-state actors. We show that the politics of the EUTR is marked by heated policy debates and mistrust, in particular in regards to the prohibition clause and the relation between legality and sustainability. Domestic timber producers (public and private forest owners), forest industry (sawmilling, furniture, pulp and paper) and forest-rich EU member states (e.g. Austria, Germany, Finland and Sweden) represented in the Council built a CONTRA-coalition that were (initially) opposed to the regulatory changes suggested by the PRO-coalition of environmental groups and the European Parliament. The Regulation emerged through a strategic alliance between environmental groups, timber import-dependent forest industries and retailers. This “Baptists-and-Bootleggers” alliance was facilitated by an overlap of environmentalists' beliefs and moral arguments (emphasizing the negative societal and ecological impacts of illegal logging) and timber industries' economic interests (protectionism and market expansion as well as reputational improvement). The EUTR was finally adopted through the political support of national authorities of EU member states who are timber import-dependent (the UK, the Netherlands and Denmark), and the European Parliament. The paper concludes with a reflection on the importance of coalitional politics for policy change at the nexus between environmental, trade and market policies.  相似文献   

The Government of Indonesia (GoI) and the European Union (EU) have signed a Voluntary Partnership Agreement on Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT-VPA), which aims to prevent illegal timber products from entering the EU. This agreement recognizes a certification for timber products exported from Indonesia based on FLEGT-VPA standards and implemented through the timber legality verification system, Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu (SVLK). While the implementation of SVLK complies with the FLEGT-VPA, it has not dissolved pre-existing national systems for forest management and timber trade. Implementing SVLK standards amid multiple forest regimes causes redundancy of administrative procedures in forest management and timber trade in Indonesia. This redundancy, in turn, leads to decrease in cost efficiency, weak legitimation, and low effectiveness of the system, especially in community forests.  相似文献   

中国森林认证体系与葡萄牙森林认证体系均为PEFC认可的森林认证体系,中葡2国是通过PEFC认证的非木质林产品经营单位数量最多的2个国家。文中对中葡2国的森林认证体系、非木质林产品认证相关标准及认证程序进行了比较,发现2国认证体系在标准结构、认证程序、认证不符合项的整改时间、证书的有效期方面存在差异,但认证标准在内容上均有相对应的条款;研究结果可为中国森林认证体系的改进以及非木质林产品经营单位选择认证体系及认证机构提供参考。  相似文献   

关于建立我国森林认证体系的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
鉴于我国目前建立森林认证体系的必要性和紧迫性,提出在建立我国森林认证体系的过程中,必须吸收森林经营单位和非政府组织参加;我国森林认证体系应高标准,严要求,分步走;尽量做到与国外森林认证体系互认;对国外森林认证机构在我国开展森林认证在现阶段应采取扶持与鼓励政策;对我国出口木质林产品考虑改革现有出口退税政策的建议。  相似文献   

Sustainable forest management is the process of managing forest to achieve one or more clearly specified objectives without diminishing the forest’s ability to continue providing goods and services in perpetuity. In this paper, we show how the African Timber Organization/International Tropical Timber Organization principles, criteria and indicators for the sustainable management of African forests can help timber companies assess their progress towards this goal in Gabon. Through a partnership between International Tropical Timber Organization project PD 124/01 Rev. 2(M), the World Wildlife Fund, and the ministry responsible for forests in Gabon, audits were conducted between 2012 and 2014 to evaluate the implementation of sustainable forest management in 14 forest concessions in Gabon. In general, results show that Principle 4, linked to the well-being of workers and local populations, proved the most difficult principle to implement, while Principle 3, dealing with maintaining ecological functions, was the least problematic. A number of companies were found to be experiencing significant difficulties in implementing management plans. It is also clear that independent forest certification has become a key element for ensuring the successful implementation of sustainable forest management.  相似文献   

A perspective is presented on the role of forest certification in general and concerning small-scale forestry in particular. Certification may be viewed as a tool to communicate with consumers, as a tool to influence forest management or as a game of power and money. Market studies indicate that the end consumers have little interest in certification; the process seems to be more of an issue for some large retailers of wood products. The impact of certification on forest management and thus on the environment has not been studied extensively, and the original objective to stop devastation of tropical forests has so far failed. Certification is a new type of regulation, not based on democratic institutions. Equal treatment, correct procedures for appeal and transparency of decision processes are issues of governance yet to be addressed. The market penetration of certification is increasing, but its importance is an open question. One possible scenario is that large retailers and their large suppliers will adopt certification while the large number of smaller forest owners, wood processors and dealers abstain. Small-scale forest owners do well to develop their own standpoint vis-à-vis certification and marketing.  相似文献   

Forest certification has increased the cost of companies which has affected the international trade of wood products. This paper examines forest certification costs of companies, and based on this, uses partial equilibrium to analyze its trade restriction effects, and uses space price gradient field model to check whether it is a substitution for tariff barriers. Our conclusion shows that forest certification has restricted the trade of wood products due to its high certified cost, and clarifies that in the case of tariff reduction, trade of wood products are hindered by different levels and different costs of forest certification. This paper implies that efforts should be made to increase the amount of certified forests worldwide. It is necessary to lower the certified cost and important that government policy measures to support certification should include consideration of who bears the cost, support for aggregation of smallholder growers and improved communication in timber supply chains.  相似文献   

我国小规模联合森林认证效果调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
联合认证是森林认证中一种常见的认证模式。文中根据对7家开展FSC小规模联合认证的营林组织进行调查的结果,总结出小规模组织在成立联合体、体系文件、内审、传统权利、环境影响、生态系统保护、化学农药使用、森林经营规划以及森林经营中的产销监管链9个方面普遍存在潜在不符合项;通过对调查结果的分析找出我国发展小规模联合森林认证存在的问题,并提出促进我国集体林小规模组织森林认证工作的建议。  相似文献   

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