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吉林省林业调查规划院今年在一类清查、二类调查、荒漠化普查和营林质检工作中采用了PDA进行野外数据采集,本文主要介绍利用PDA采集数据的设计思路、主要解决的问题及使用中应注意的事项等。PDA在林业野外数据采集上的应用,为科学、合理、准确地管理森林资源,提供了一种采集数据的方法和手段。  相似文献   

PDA小班调查数据后期处理系统的研究与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
PDA小班调查原始数据处理系统是应用信息技术重组传统森林资源调查的业务流程,研究针对采用便携式PDA进行外业数据采集的原始数据的处理系统.通过以北京二类清查工作为试点,研制并建立了一套适合于森林资源二类清查野外调绘中利用PDA进行采集的数据的处理修正系统,通过与先进的外业方式相配合,可大大提高工作效率.  相似文献   

基于嵌入式GIS的森林资源二类调查数据采集系统   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
许等平  唐小明  毕于慧 《林业科学》2006,42(Z1):151-154
利用嵌入式地理信息系统的基础开发模块,研究开发基于个人数字助理的森林资源二类调查数据采集系统.根据我国森林资源二类调查的特点和需求,利用ArcPad实现了对森林资源空间、属性数据采集、外业定位和导航等功能,从而达到了森林资源无纸外业调查的目标,提高外业调查精度、节省费用、提高效率.  相似文献   

采用正射影像图为森林资源二类调查调绘的基本信息源 ,并结合野外实地验证 ,进行了内蒙古扎兰屯市林业局森林资源二类调查工作 ,查清了该市森林资源的种类 ,数量和质量 ,达到了预期目的  相似文献   

<正>石漠化管理信息系统是国家林业局防治荒漠化管理中心委托中南院开发,为保证系统功能及监测数据的延续性,第三期石漠化监测相关功能,将在二期的基础上进行开发。同时,为方便外业调查,开发了基于ANDRIOD平板的野外数据采集系统。这套平板野外数据采集系统除了在石漠化调查中发挥作用,在乡镇林业工作可以发挥更大作  相似文献   

遥感影像在林业方面的应用范围很广,包括森林资源调查、森林资源动态监测、荒漠化与沙化土地监测、森林火灾监测、森林病虫害监测、林业生态工程监测与评价等。以西林吉林业局二类判读调查工作为例,对遥感影像在森林资源二类调查中的应用进行了研究分析,总结一点经验与建议供大家参考。调查工作充分考虑西林吉林业局森林资源特点,在数据采集、成果形成过程中,运用国内先进的PDA与"3S"即地理信息系统(GIS)、遥感(RS)和全球定位系统(GPS)三者相结合等高新技术,提高了调查成果的科技含量和调查质量,保证了调查数据采集的真实性和准确性。  相似文献   

对2016年启动的福建省林木种质资源普查特点进行初步探析,结果表明:福建省林木种质资源普查工作注重顶层设计与技术创新,同时创造性地提出经费测算依据和标准;优化完善了收集保存的林木种质资源类型划分,对优树和优良单株调查登记提出新见解;野生的林木种质资源调查范围不局限于天然林或天然次生林内,精确量化了调查线路长度,开展了二类固定样地与样线调查方法树种丰富度比较;运用互联网+、人工智能、大数据分析等现代技术,快速、高效、准确地开展野外数据采集和资源管理。研究结果可为进一步推动全国林木种质资源普查工作提供参考。  相似文献   

系统借助eSuperMap二次开发SDK搭建基于Pocket PC的嵌入式GIS开发平台,结合森林资源调查规划守则及传统野外实地调查时所遇到的诸如林班边界定位精度不高、数据采集录入繁琐等问题,设计开发出森林资源调查手薄软件系统。组件式技术确保了GIS在PDA上的灵活制定,充分利用了嵌入式设备的硬件性能;通过实现与GPS接收器的蓝牙通讯接口,有效的提高了野外调查定位精度。系统的实现缩短了森林资源调查周期,提高了定位精度并有效降低了工作量,为森林资源调查工作及数字林业建设提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

以宽甸县永甸镇为试验区,对采伐作业设计工作流程进行了分析,开发了一套前后端一体化的采伐作业设计系统,并分析了该系统的关键技术。该系统主要由前端基于移动GIS野外采伐作业数据采集系统,后端采伐作业设计管理系统和中间层数据传输3部分构成,实现了采伐作业设计数据采集、处理与数据管理的功能。通过运用移动GIS,实现外业调查、数据获取、更新、处理、管理等全程信息化、无纸化,便于进行作业设计制作和采伐数据的管理。  相似文献   

基于SPOT5遥感影像的样地判读   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用SPOT5卫星遥感资料在沾益县大坡乡进行了森林资源二类调查试点。共布设目视判读样地7711个、野外实测样地290个,其总体抽样精度为87 29%。介绍了工作方法,分析了判读结果和存在问题,提出了今后工作的思路。  相似文献   

应用已经公布的第6次全国森林资源连续清查数据对我国的采脂松树资源和松脂贮量进行估测分析,探索一条有效实用科学的松脂储量计算方法和途径,提出按"连清"数据中可采脂龄级计算采脂松树资源,用可采脂径级统计的株数进行松脂贮量估测的方法.通过计算,得出全国目前可采脂松树资源为316.65万hm~2,松脂贮量为162.5万t·a~(-1).论证分析我国各省(市)区松脂资源的分布和存贮量.  相似文献   

This article reviews the research and application of airborne laser scanning for forest inventory in Finland, Norway and Sweden. The first experiments with scanning lasers for forest inventory were conducted in 1991 using the FLASH system, a full-waveform experimental laser developed by the Swedish Defence Research Institute. In Finland at the same time, the HUTSCAT profiling radar provided experiences that inspired the following laser scanning research. Since 1995, data from commercially operated time-of-flight scanning lasers (e.g. TopEye, Optech ALTM and TopoSys) have been used. Especially in Norway, the main objective has been to develop methods that are directly suited for practical forest inventory at the stand level. Mean tree height, stand volume and basal area have been the most important forest mensurational parameters of interest. Laser data have been related to field training plot measurements using regression techniques, and these relationships have been used to predict corresponding properties in all forest stands in an area. Experiences from Finland, Norway and Sweden show that retrieval of stem volume and mean tree height on a stand level from laser scanner data performs as well as, or better than, photogrammetric methods, and better than other remote sensing methods. Laser scanning is, therefore, now beginning to be used operationally in large-area forest inventories. In Finland and Sweden, research has also been done into the identification of single trees and estimation of single-tree properties, such as tree position, tree height, crown width, stem diameter and tree species. In coniferous stands, up to 90% of the trees represented by stem volume have been correctly identified from canopy height models, and the tree height has been estimated with a root mean square error of around 0.6 m. It is significantly more difficult to identify suppressed trees than dominant trees. Spruce and pine have been discriminated on a single-tree level with 95% accuracy. The application of densely sampled laser scanner data to change detection, such as growth and cutting, has also been demonstrated.  相似文献   

Considering the pressures on tropical forests from deforestation and the recent expansion of harvesting through forest concessions in the Brazilian Amazon, it is imperative that forest management systems are scrutinized to ensure sustainability. One of the basic problems in forest management is the correct identification of species within the forest stand. While this is a well known issue, little consideration is given to how to mitigate this problem or its affects on management practices and conservation. This paper examines the current practice of forest inventories in the Brazilian Amazon, as part of the mandatory system of reduced impact logging (RIL), using extensive forest inventory verification. The results show that the RIL management plan implemented in the project area was based on a highly inaccurate forest inventory. At least 132 species or 43.5% of all species identified after botanical checking did not appear in the forest inventory and the common practice of matching vernacular names to scientific ones proved to be severely deficient. In contrast, a high percentage of field identifications based on local people's expertise were correct. We suggest changes to current practices, including the training and use of parataxonomists, the collection of samples for verification, and stricter government control over current practices, which will achieve greater accuracy in data collection and forest management planning. Ultimately, we argue that in the current climate of extensive deforestation and forest use, it is essential that all aspects of RIL systems are reevaluated in order to achieve economic and ecological sustainability.  相似文献   

1987年大兴安岭林火碳释放及火后NPP恢复   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
以大兴安岭地区1985年一类森林资源连续清查资料和1987年林火资料为数据基础,结合GIS技术,进行大兴安岭1987年林火碳释放及火后净初级生产力(NPP,net primary productivity)恢复的研究.通过对1987年火烧迹地林火发生前各树种的生物量的估算,得出在1987年林火中大兴安岭林区森林释放的碳量约为1.97×10~6~2.47×10~6 t;同时分别比较火烧中各树种的碳释放量和不同火烧等级下的碳释放量.结果表明:落叶松在1987年林火中释放碳量约0.96×10~6~1.19×10~6 t,占碳释放总量的49%左右;重度火灾中碳释放量占总碳释放量的99.4%.火后乔木层的NPP恢复在21年间成逐渐增加的趋势,并且恢复趋势表明在火后23~24年的时候中度火灾后的乔木层NPP可达到未过火林地的水平.  相似文献   

基于VB的森林资源数据采集系统构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为科学合理经营管理森林资源开展森林资源清查工作,而数据采集是整个森林资源清查工作的关键环节,传统的人工卡片式记录已不能满足林业发展的要求。因此,本文研究设计一套基于VB的森林资源数据采集系统,利用VB设计出符合实际作业需要的窗体操作界面,并链接到Access数据库。在PDA上安装此系统能实现森林资源无纸外业调查的目标,并提高外业调查精度、节省费用和提高效率。  相似文献   

倪家广 《林业调查规划》2006,31(3):138-141,152
云南省森林资源连续清查第二、三、四次复查统计资料显示,全省林分面积和蓄积连续10年实现了双增长,有林地覆盖率显著增加,但林分质量下降,用材林近成过熟林资源较少。分析了森林资源可持续经营的有利条件及制约因素,提出实现森林可持续经营的技术措施和对策。  相似文献   

瑞典、瑞士和芬兰多目的森林环境监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了瑞典、瑞士和芬兰3国的森林资源调查体系,包括抽样调查法、调查项目、GIS和遥感、信息系统、成果公开和面向用户。共同特点是:(1)收集包括木材和非木材资源的各种信息;(2)传统的地面调查向森林资源与环境变化监测方向发展;(3)在国家森林资源连续调查中应用遥感和GIS提供最新森林资源信息;(4)野外调查和数据处理的计算机化。根据上述分析,建议在我国采用以遥感和GIS为基础的兼有森林环境监测功能的  相似文献   

利用东北林区云冷杉林、落叶松林、樟子松林、红松林、栎树林、桦树林、杨树林、榆树林、椴树林和水胡黄林10种森林类型的1947个样地的激光雷达数据和地面实测蓄积量数据,首先通过多元线性回归和非线性回归方法,分别建立基于机载激光雷达数据的森林蓄积量回归估计模型,并通过对比分析,确定统一形式的基础回归模型;然后利用哑变量建模方法,建立基于不同森林类型参数和相同激光雷达变量的蓄积量模型。结果表明,研究建立的10种森林类型的线性蓄积量回归模型的解释变量个数在2~7之间,确定系数在0.460~0.858之间;非线性蓄积量回归模型的解释变量个数在2~4之间,确定系数在0.461~0.846之间。基于点云平均高度和平均强度建立的10种森林类型的二元蓄积量模型(研究称之为标准模型),其确定系数在0.440~0.815之间,平均预估误差在2.88%~4.42%之间,平均百分标准误差在16.76%~25.52%之间,预估精度基本达到森林资源规划设计调查技术规定要求。依据研究建立的10种森林类型的蓄积量模型,可以编制基于激光雷达数据的航空林分材积表,在森林资源调查实践中推广应用。  相似文献   

Developments in the field of remote sensing have led to various cost-efficient forest inventory methods at different levels of detail. Remote-sensing techniques such as airborne laser scanning (ALS) and digital photogrammetry are becoming feasible alternatives for providing data for forest planning. Forest-planning systems are used to determine the future harvests and silvicultural operations. Input data errors affect the forest growth projections and these effects are dependent on the magnitude of the error. Our objective in this study was to determine how the errors typical to different inventory methods affect forest growth projections at individual stand level during a planning period of 30 years. Another objective was to examine how the errors in input data behave when different types of growth simulators are used. The inventory methods we compared in this study were stand-wise field inventory and single-tree ALS. To study the differences between growth models, we compared two forest simulators consisting of either distance-independent tree-level models or stand-level models. The data in this study covered a 2,000-ha forest area in southern Finland, including 240 sample plots with individually measured trees. The analysis was conducted with Monte Carlo simulations. The results show that the tree-level simulator is less sensitive to errors in the input data and that by using single-tree ALS data, more precise growth projections can be obtained than using stand-wise field inventory data.  相似文献   

世界林业航天遥感进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章论述了近10年来遥感资料获取技术的进步和今后10年的展望;介绍了资源大国、林业集约经营国家和发展中国家遥感技术在林业资源调查、灾害与环境监测方面的应用情况,以及与GIS相结合的发展趋势;在总结了近年来工作的基础上,提出了林业遥感所面临的任务。  相似文献   

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