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沼液施肥对杨树林地土壤微生物量碳氮的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沼液是沼气发酵过后的液体残留物,是一种优质的有机肥料。研究了不同沼液施肥对杨树林地土壤微生物量碳氮的影响。结果表明:施用沼液可以提高土壤微生物量碳、氮的含量,微生物量碳、氮含量增加范围分别为4.29%~61.62%和6.08%~76.10%,土壤微生物量碳氮含量随沼液施用量增加逐渐提高。土壤微生物量碳氮呈正相关。土壤微生物量碳氮比随沼液施用量增加逐渐下降,其变化范围为9.92~10.81,土壤微生物量碳氮比与微生物量碳、氮含量负相关。  相似文献   

本文综述了国内外关于森林土壤碳动态过程对氮沉降响应机制的研究进展,概述了大气氮沉降对土壤碳释放及其影响因子的作用机制,从土壤生物学特性、凋落物动态、土壤碳释放等方面揭示大气氮沉降对土壤碳平衡过程影响机制和机理,探讨了森林土壤碳动态过程对氮沉降响应的不确定性因素,并指出未来该领域研究重点。  相似文献   

土壤微生物量碳是土壤碳素转化的重要环节,也是土壤有效碳库的重要组成部分。文章从土壤微生物量碳的影响因素、测定、周转以及土壤微生物量碳与土壤有机碳的关系四个方面综述了土壤微生物生物量碳的研究进展。同时,为今后这方面的研究重点及发展方向提供了参考。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to compare the allometric equations and biomass expansion factors (BEFs) of six dominant evergreen broad-leaved trees (Camellia japonica L, Castanopsis sieboldii Hatus, Quercus acuta Thunb, Q. glauca Thunb, Machilus thunbergii S. et Z., and Neolitsea sericea Koidz) in subtropical forests. A total of 86 trees were destructively sampled to quantify the aboveground biomass of each tree component (i.e., leaves, branches, and stem). Species-specific or generalized allometric equations and species-dependent BEFs were developed for each tree component of the six broad-leaved forest trees. Species-specific allometric equations were significant (P < 0.05), with the diameter at breast height (DBH) accounting for 68–99% of the variation, whereas generalized allometric equations explained 64–96% of the variation. The values of stem density ranged broadly from 0.49 g cm?3 for C. sieboldii to 0.79 g cm?3 for Q. glauca, with a mean value of 0.68 g cm?3. The BEFs were significantly (P < 0.05) lower for C. sieboldii (1.25) than for M. thunbergii (2.02). Stem density and aboveground BEFs had a significant negative relationship with tree ages. The results indicate that species-specific allometric equations and species-dependent BEFs are applicable for obtaining accurate biomass estimates of subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests.  相似文献   

The soil microbial biomass and nutrient status under the native broadleaved forest and Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations at the Huitong National Research Station of Forest Ecosystem (in Hunan Province, midland of China) were examined in this study. The results showed that after the native broadleaved forest was replaced by mono-cultured C. lanceolata or C. lanceolata, soil microbial biomass and nutrient pool decreased significantly. In the 0–10 cm soil layer, the concentrations of soil microbial carbon and nitrogen in the broadleaved forest were 800.5 and 84.5 mg/kg, respectively. These were 1.90 and 1.03 times as much as those in the first rotation of the C. lanceolata plantation, and 2.16 and 1.27 times as much as those in the second rotation of the plantation, respectively. While in the 10–20 cm soil layer, the microbial carbon and nitrogen in the broadleaved forest were 475.4 and 63.3 mg/kg, respectively. These were 1.86 and 1.60 times as much as those in the first rotation, and 2.11 and 1.76 times as much as those in the second rotation, respectively. Soil nutrient pools, such as total nitrogen, total potassium, NH4 +-N, and available potassium, also declined after the C. lanceolata plantation replaced the native broadleaved forest, or Chinese fir was planted continuously. Less litter and slower decay rate in pure Chinese fir plantation were the crucial factors leading to the decrease of soil microbial biomass and nutrient pool in this area. Human disturbance, especially slash-burning and site preparation, was another factor leading to the decrease. There were significant positive correlations between soil microbial carbon and nitrogen and soil nutrients. To improve soil quality and maintain sustainable productivity, some measures, including planting mixed conifer with hardwood, preserving residues after harvest, and adopting scientific site preparation, should be taken. Translated from Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2006, 17(12): 2,292–2,296 [译自: 应用生态学报]  相似文献   

文章研究了土壤不同水分条件下200、400kg/(株.a),不同氮沉降0、45和135g/(株.a)对文冠果结实(包括果实产量、种子千粒重、种仁含油率、果实纵横径及其比值等)的影响。结果表明:文冠果结实具有明显的变化特征。氮沉降在一定程度上提高了果实产量和果实横径。氮沉降对种子千粒重、种仁含油率的影响与土壤水分条件有关。低水分条件下,前者随着氮沉降的增加而增加,后者变化不明显。高水分条件下,前者变化不明显,后者则升高。2种水分条件下,果实的纵径、纵横径比均随着氮沉降的增加而降低。  相似文献   

为了掌握毛竹林地土壤微生物量碳的动态变化特征,以江西省安福林区的毛竹纯林、竹阔混交林、竹杉混交林这3种不同类型毛竹林地作为研究对象,同时以中亚热带阔叶林和杉木纯林林地为对照,对其土壤微生物量碳(SMBC)含量的季节变化情况及其在各土层的剖面分布情况进行了研究。结果表明:不同类型毛竹林地的SMBC含量间差异较大,不同类型林地0~60 cm土层的SMBC含量平均值的大小顺序为竹阔混交林(157.62 mg·kg~(-1))毛竹纯林(143.17 mg·kg~(-1))竹杉混交林(110.19 mg·kg~(-1))阔叶林(101.07 mg·kg~(-1))杉木林(86.56 mg·kg~(-1));各林分类型的SMBC含量均表现出明显的季节差异,春季的SMBC含量均极显著高于其他季节;各林分类型其SMBC含量的平均值均随土层的加深而降低,其分布在各土层的含量间的差异均达到显著水平,说明土壤表层的积聚作用明显;毛竹林地的SMBC占土壤总有机碳(TOC)的比率为1.01%~1.11%,高于阔叶林地的0.67%和杉木林的0.79%;毛竹纯林、竹阔混交林和竹杉混交林的SMBC与TOC的相关系数分别为0.71、0.55和0.47。  相似文献   

Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) (as ammonium nitrate) was applied monthly onto the forest floor of one old-growth forest (>400 years old, at levels of 50, 100 and 150 kg N ha−1 yr−1) and two young forests (both about 70 years old, at levels of 50 and 100 kg N ha−1 yr−1) over 3 years (2004–2006), to investigate how nitrogen (N) input influenced N leaching output, and if there were differences in N retention between the old-growth and the young forests in the subtropical monsoon region of southern China. The ambient throughfall inputs were 23–27 kg N ha−1 yr−1 in the young forests and 29–35 kg N ha−1 yr−1 in the old-growth forest. In the control plots without experimental N addition, a net N retention was observed in the young forests (on average 6–11 kg N ha−1 yr−1), but a net N loss occurred in the old-growth forest (−13 kg N ha−1 yr−1). Experimental N addition immediately increased DIN leaching in all three forests, with 25–66% of added N leached over the 3-year experiment. At the lowest level of N addition (50 kg N ha−1 yr−1), the percentage N loss was higher in the old-growth forest (66% of added N) than in the two young forests (38% and 26%). However, at higher levels of N addition (100 and 150 kg N ha−1 yr−1), the old-growth forest exhibited similar N losses (25–43%) to those in the young forests (28–43%). These results indicate that N retention is largely determined by the forest successional stages and the levels of N addition. Compared to most temperate forests studied in Europe and North America, N leaching loss in these seasonal monsoon subtropical forests occurred mainly in the rainy growing season, with measured N loss in leaching substantially higher under both ambient deposition and experimental N additions.  相似文献   

尽管溶解有机碳(DOC)和溶解有机氮(DON)在森林养分循环中的作用日渐为人们所关注,但对它们的浓度及动态,特别是对亚热带森林DOC 和DON 的研究甚少。本文于2002 年通过野外天然降水及亚热带木荷和杉木人工林(monoculture plantations of Schima superba and Cunninghamia lanceolata,15 年生)穿透雨和树干茎流各水样的收集及室内各水样中DOC、NO3 -N、NH4 -N 和总溶解有机氮(TDN)浓度的测- +定,其中DON 浓度通过TDN 与NO3 -N、NH4 -N 的浓度差值来计算,- +结果表明,天然降水DOC 和DON 浓度分别为1.7 和0.13 mg·L-1。木荷人工林穿透雨DOC 和DON 浓度分别为11.2 和0.24 mg·L-1,高于杉木人工林的DOC 和DON 浓度(10.3 和0.19 mg·L-1)。杉木人工林树干茎流DOC 和DON 浓度(分别为19.1 和0.66 mg·L-1)明显高于木荷人工林(分别为17.6 和0.48 mg·L-1)。天然降水DOC 浓度的月变化不明显,而DON 浓度在夏季和秋季较高。两林分穿透雨DON 浓度的月动态与树干茎流的十分相似,均在雨季开始时(3 月)浓度增大。两林分穿透雨DOC 浓度在2-4 月间较高,而树干茎流DOC 浓度在9-11 月间较高。图4表2 参24。  相似文献   

Afforestation is economically and ecologically important for protecting land and improving soil quality. This study evaluates how soil basal respiration, physicochemical and microbiological characteristics are affected by parent material variety in afforesting degraded areas. For this, some soil physical and chemical parameters, microbial respiration (MR), soil microbial biomass carbon and microbial indexes (Cmic/Corg and MR/Cmic) were determined. The results showed that the physical, chemical and microbiological properties of the soil formed from limestone were better than those of the basaltic-andesite soil. An independent samples t-test demonstrated that the afforested area on the limestone parent material had significantly higher microbial biomass C than the basaltic-andesite parent material. The microbial quotient (Cmic/Corg) of the limestone soil was positively affected by afforestation. In addition, the highest basal respiration value (1.01?±?0.33 CO2–C 10?2?µg?g?1?h?1) was observed for the limestone at the topsoil. The lowest metabolic quotient values were determined for the basaltic-andesite parent material on both topsoil and subsoil (1.99 and 1.42?μg CO2-C mg Cmic?1 h?1, respectively). This study revealed the importance of determining the parent material and its soil characteristics for successfully managing forest applications in degraded areas. Limestone soil sequesters more carbon and promotes microbial activities with a higher Cmic/Corg than the basaltic-andesite soil. Furthermore, the microbial quotient remained low during the 10 years in which the forest was in its sapling stage.  相似文献   

Vegetation restoration is a key measure to improve the eco-environment in Loess Plateau, China. In order to find the effect of soil microbial biomass under different vegetation restoration models in this region, six trial sites located in Zhifanggou watershed were selected in this study. Results showed that soil microbial biomass, microbial respiration and physical and chemical properties increased apparently. After 30 years of vegetation restoration, soil microbial biomass C, N, P (SMBC, SMBN, SMBP) and microbial respiration, increased by 109.01%–144.22%, 34.17%–117.09%, 31.79%–79.94% and 26.78%–87.59% respectively, as compared with the farmland. However, metabolic quotient declined dramatically by 57.45%–77.49%. Effects of different models of vegetation restoration are different on improving the properties of soil. In general, mixed stands of Pinus tabulaeformis-Amorpha fruticosa and Robinia pseudoacacia-A. fruticosa had the most remarkable effect, followed by R. pseudoacacia and Caragana korshinkii, fallow land and P. tabulaeformis was the lowest. Restoration of mixed forest had greater effective than pure forest in eroded Hilly Loess Plateau. The significant relationships were observed among SMBC, SMBP, microbial respiration, and physical and chemical properties of soil. It was concluded that microbial biomass can be used as indicators of soil quality. __________ Translated from Journal of Natural Resources, 2007, 22(1): 20–27 [译自: 自然资源学报]  相似文献   

间伐对重阳木人工林土壤微生物量碳氮和酶活性影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以太仓市20年生重阳木人工林为研究对象,研究了间伐4a后的重阳木人工林土壤微生物量碳氮含量以及土壤脱氢酶、过氧化氢酶、脲酶、碱性磷酸酶和蔗糖酶活性的变化.结果表明:间伐显著降低了土壤pH值、表层土(0~10 cm)C/N、亚表层土(10 ~20 cm)可溶性碳含量,增大了亚表层土壤微生物量碳含量和微生物量碳占总碳的比例,对微生物量氮无显著改变;间伐显著减小了过氧化氢酶活性,增大了亚表层脱氢酶活性,消除了蔗糖酶活性在不同土层之间的显著差异.  相似文献   

目的 模拟N沉降下凋落物分解及土壤微生物特征,为研究森林生态系统碳、氮循环对氮沉降的响应机制提供依据。 方法 以滇中亚高山常绿阔叶林、华山松(Pinus armandii)林、高山栎(Quercus semicarpifolia)林和云南松(Pinus yunnanensis)林凋落物为研究对象,采用凋落物袋法,于2018年2月至2019年1月,通过模拟N沉降和原位分解实验,研究不同模拟N沉降下(CK, 0;LN, 5;MN, 15;HN, 30 g·m−2·a−1)凋落物碳氮、土壤微生物量碳(MBC)、微生物量氮(MBN)及土壤微生物数量变化特征。 结果 分解1年后,不同N沉降处理下,常绿阔叶林和高山栎林凋落物C含量均显著增加(0.40%~8.16%),华山松林和云南松林凋落物C含量呈LN减少(2.67%),HN增加(4.09%);各林分凋落物N含量均显著增加(1.45%~69.01%),C/N则显著降低(0.34%~37.92%);相同N沉降下土壤微生物量随土层的加深而减小,N沉降对土层垂直分布格局影响不显著;N沉降对常绿阔叶林和高山栎林土壤MBC和MBN的影响表现为抑制,对华山松林和云南松林表现为低N促进,高N抑制;4种林分土壤MBC/MBN介于5.31~11.26之间,N沉降对不同林分不同土层的MBC/MBN影响存在差异,但均受到高N的抑制作用。 结论 滇中亚高山4种典型森林凋落物分解主要受森林类型影响,N沉降次之;土壤微生物量和数量主要受森林类型影响,土壤深度次之,N沉降最小。  相似文献   

Despite growing attention to the role of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) in forest nutrient cycling, their monthly concentration dynamics in forest ecosystems, especially in subtropical forests only were little known. The goal of this study is to measure the concentrations and monthly dynamics of DOC and DON in precipitation, throughfall and stemflow for two plantations ofSchima superba (SS) and Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata, CF) in Jianou, Fujian, China. Samples of precipitation, throughfall and stemflow were collected on a rain event base from January 2002 to December 2002. Upon collection, all water samples were analyzed for DOC, NO3 −N, NH4 +−N and total dissolved N (TDN). DON was calculated by subtracting NO3 −N and NH4 +−N from TDN. The results showed that the precipitation had a mean DOC concentration of 1.7 mg·L−1 and DON concentration of 0.13 mg·L−1. The mean DOC and DON concentrations in throughfall were 11.2 and 0.24 mg·L−1 in the SS and 10.3 and 0.19 mg·L−1 in the CF respectively. Stemflow DOC and DON concentrations in the CF (19.1 and 0.66 mg·L−1 respectively) were significantly higher than those in the SS (17.6 and 0.48 mg·L−1 respectively). No clear monthly variation in precipitation DOC concentration was found in our study, while DON concentration in precipitation tended to be higher in summer or autumn. The monthly variations of DON concentrations were very similar in throughfall and stemflow at both forests, showing an increase at the beginning of the rainy season in March. In contrast, monthly changes of the DOC concentrations in throughfall of the SS and CF were different to those in stemflow. Throughfall DOC concentrations were higher from February to April, while relatively higher DOC concentrations in stemflow were found during September–November period. Foundation item: This study was supported by the Teaching and Research Award program for MOE P.R.C. (TRAPOYT). Biography: Guo Jian-fen (1977-), female, Ph. Doctor in College of Life Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, P.R. China. Responsible editor: Zhu Hong  相似文献   

采用室内培养的方法,分析了磷添加对南亚热带鼎湖山马尾松林(PMF)、针阔叶混交林(PBMF)和季风常绿阔叶林(MEBF)土壤(0~10cm)CO小CH4排放/吸收和有机氮矿化的影响。结果表明:28周的培养,100mg磷添加处理土壤C—CO2累积排放量依次为PMF、PBMF和MEBF对照的82.4%、84.4%和102.8%,2000mg磷处理土壤依次为其对照的107.2%、101.2%和109.1%;100mg磷处理土壤CH4累积排放量依次为其对照的69.9%、102.7%和66.3%,2000mg磷处理土壤依次为其对照的-57.4%、25.3%和22.4%,其中,磷在处理初期较一致的提高土壤CO2和CH4排放,磷对土壤有机碳矿化的影响与森林的土壤状况有关,添加的磷浓度越高,其促进作用越强。1周的培养,100mg磷处理土壤有效氮净矿化量依次比PMF、PBMF和MEBF对照少37.06%、39.60%和28.62%,2000mg磷处理土壤依次比其对照少70.97%、84.14%和187.97%,100mg磷处理土壤硝态氮净矿化量依次比其对照少48.06%、40.45%和28.03%,2000mg磷处理土壤依次比其对照少254.09%、115.32%和238.50%,磷显著的抑制土壤有机氮的矿化和硝化。结果建议,在研究P对土壤有机碳氮矿化过程时应充分考虑土壤对P的吸附作用。  相似文献   

Pinus yunnanensis var. Tenuifolia is an important species of timber and grease in southern China, but the characteristics of the soil microbial community in P. yunnanensis var. natural secondary forests are still poorly understood. Using a fumigation-extraction method and phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis, we study microbial biomass and community composition in the topsoil (0–10 cm) of three types of secondary forests (PYI, PYII, PYIII) dominated by P. yunnanensis var. to varing degrees. Microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen, total PLFA, and PLFA contents of bacterial, fungal, and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi were significantly lower in PYI than PYII or PYIII, and there were significant differences in the monounsaturated/saturated fatty acid ratio among the tested forests. Principal component analysis indicated that the soil microbial community structure of the tested forests differed significantly. The changes in soil microbial biomass and community composition were positively correlated with soil water content, pH, organic matter (SOM), total nitrogen (TN), and total phosphorus. Season did not significantly affect the soil microbial community structure, but significantly affected soil microbial biomass, SOM, and TN, which were higher in the dry season than in the wet season.  相似文献   

间伐对侧柏人工林土壤微生物生物量碳、氮的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以徐州侧柏人工林为对象,研究了在弱度间伐(LIT,20%)、轻中度间伐(MIT1,40%)、中度间伐(MIT2,60%)和强度间伐(HIT,80%)下,林下土壤微生物生物量碳、氮在土壤表层(0 ~ 10 cm)和亚表层(10~20 cm)的变化.结果表明:不同间伐强度下,微生物生物量碳、氮含量均随着土层加深而减少.随着间伐强度增加,微生物生物量碳、氮总体变化趋势为先增加后降低,其中微生物生物量碳表现为MITl> LIT> HIT> MIT2,均与对照CK有显著差异(P<0.05);微生物生物量氮表现为MIT2> MITl> LIT> HIT,各处理间均表现出显著差异(P<0.05).间伐也使土壤微生物熵增加,尤以MIT2达到最大(2.63%).研究表明,侧柏人工林经过2 a间伐,土壤微生物生物量碳、氮含量增加,在一定程度上使土壤碳库和氮库短期内出现不稳定趋势.  相似文献   

We report the results of carbon stored in soil and aboveground biomass from the most important area of mangroves in Mexico,with dominant vegetation of Red mangrove(Rhizophora mangle L.),Black mangrove(Avicennia germinans L.),white mangrove(Laguncularia racemosa Gaertn.)and button mangrove(Conocarpus erectus L.).We sampled soils with high fertility during the dry season in 2009 and 2010at three sites on Atasta Peninsula,Campeche.We used allometric equations to estimate above ground biomass(AGB)of trees.AGB was higher in C.erectus(253.18±32.17 t·ha-1),lower in A.germinans(161.93±12.63t·ha-1),and intermediate in R.mangle(181.70±16.58 t·ha-1)and L.racemosa(206.07±19.12 t·ha-1).Of the three studied sites,the highest absolute value for AGB was 279.72 t·ha-1in button mangrove forest at any single site.Carbon stored in soil at the three sites ranged from36.80±10.27 to 235.77±66.11 t·ha-1.The Tukey test(p0.05)made for AGB was higher for black mangrove showed significant differences in soil carbon content between black mangrove and button mangrove.C.erectus had higher AGB compared with the other species.A.germinans trees had lower AGB because they grew in hypersaline environments,which reduced their development.C.erectus grew on higher ground where soils were richer in nutrients.AGB tended to be low in areas near the sea and increased with distance from the coast.A.germinans usually grew on recently deposited sediments.We assumed that all sites have the same potential to store carbon in soil,and then we found that there were no significant differences in carbon content between the three samples sites:all sites had potential to store carbon for long periods.Carbon storage at the three sampling sites in the state of Campeche,Mexico,was higher than that reported for other locations.  相似文献   

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