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报道我国5属:坛花兰属Acanthephippium、毛兰属Eria、沼兰属Malaxis、鸢尾兰属Oberonia、长喙兰属Tsaiorchis,5种兰科植物镶囊坛花兰Acanthephippium striatum、马齿毛兰Eria szetschuanica、小沼兰Malaxismicrotatahtha、小叶鸢尾兰Oberonia japonica、长喙兰Tsaiorchis neottianthoides在西藏、江西和湖南的新地理分布点,同时补充叉喙兰和小叶白点兰在贵州和湖南的具体分布点.凭证标本保存于中国科学院华南植物所标本馆(IBSC)和中国科学院植物所(PE)中国科学院广西植物所标本馆(IBK).  相似文献   

应用中草药预防蛇病虽然刚刚开始,在南方诸省(区)甚至全国各地的蛇场还未得到大面积的推广应用,但只是时间早晚的问题.其实,用中草药预防蛇病是一个全新的概念和途径,是生产绿色食品(蛇肉)的重要手段,也是减少蛇肉、蛇胆等抗生素残留超标的好措施.所以,用中草药预防蛇病是今后的必然趋势.  相似文献   

黑鲍鱼菇是四川农业大学农学院应用微生物系教师采用细胞工程技术选育的食用菌新品种,又名晚生北风菌、冻菌、黑菇、黑鸡菇等,是北风菌中的珍品.其菌盖黑色、菌肉乌黑色、菌褶褐黑色、菌柄乌黑、基部略呈白色,子实体柄短、盖大、肉厚、质嫩,食之鲜香滑嫩、细腻爽口、具鲍鱼鲜味,口感远远超过平菇甚至凤尾菇、香菇等大多数食用菌类,是满足人们对黑色食品强烈需求的高档菇类,深受各地消费者喜爱.黑鲍鱼菇含有18种氨基酸和多种复合型维生素,含有人体必需的8种氨基酸和丰富的多糖体,富含钙、锌、铜、硒等微量元素,对增强人体免疫力、改善肾功能有非常好的作用.目前,该产品供不应求,是能给菇农带来较大经济效益的食用菌新品种.  相似文献   

Leaf nitrogen resorption is very important to Phyllostachys edulis development because the withdrawn nitrogen can help newly emerging and growing culms.However, few studies have focused on the ontogenetic changes in leaf nitrogen resorption of P. edulis. Here, we examined the variability in mature leaf nitrogen concentrations(Nm), nitrogen resorption efficiency(NRE) and proficiency(NRP or Ns) and leaf-level nitrogen use efficiency(NUE) of the current-, 3 rd-and 5 th-year culms in P.edulis stands under extensive management. Analyses of variance and correlation indicated that patterns of Nm,NRP, NRE and NUE were markedly affected by culm age and leaf nitrogen status. Nm, Nsand NRE were significant higher in younger(current-year) culms with 1-year lifespan leaves, while NUE was markedly higher in older(3 rd-or 5 th-year) culms with 2-year lifespan leaves. Significant linear correlations between Nmand NRP, NRE and NUE,Nmand NUE, Nsand NRE were found for each culm age,and Nmwas significantly positively correlated to NRE for all culms pooled. Higher proficiency in older culms led to higher NUE and lower NRE, these relationships can be modulated by Nm, which in turn, is restrained by leaf N availability and acquisition. Our results revealed that at the intraspecific level, P. edulis can adjust its leaf NRE, NRP,and leaf-level NUE in concert with culm development.Understanding nitrogen resorption characteristics and NUE of P. edulis can help decision-makers design appropriate deforestation strategies and achieve precise N fertilization for sustainable bamboo forest management.  相似文献   

BP and RBF neural network to predict forest stock volume were studied,but the study in evaluating both networks’ application effects was not conducted.In order to find a higher forecast precision,more strong applicative method,the comprehensive analysis and evaluation on the two methods were carried out in the practical application. By the correlation analysis,crown density,shady-slope and sunny-slope,TM1,TM2,TM3,TM5, TM7,NDVI,TM,(4-3),TM4/3 were selected as input variables,and the forest volume of Miyun County as output variables,RBF and BP neural network models for forecasting the forest volume were established.And the neural network training step length,training time,prediction accuracy and the applicability model of the two methods were comprehensively analyzed.The results show that the RBF neural network model is superior to the BP neural network model.  相似文献   

Carbon management index(ICM) is used to evaluate the scientificity of soil management.Soil organic carbon(SOC) and readily oxidized carbon (ROC) contents under Leucaena leucocephala stand, Acacia glauca stand,Acacia auriculiformis stand, Azadirachta indica stand,wasteland and dry cropland were determined and their ICM were calculated.The results showed that the SOC and ROC contents under the 6 land use types were 4.22-5.92 g·kg-1 and 1.34-2.33 g·kg-1,respectively.No significant differences in SOC contents among these land uses were observed.The ROC contents under the 4 types of woodland,however,were significantly higher than these under dry cropland or wasteland(P<0.05). The ROC were high significantly(P<0.001) correlated(R2 is 66.3%) with SOC.Compared with wasteland,the ICM ranged from 1.77 to 2.36 under these woodlands,and 0.99 under dry cropland.It is revealed that the litter quantity and land management under these land uses may be the key factors resulting in the variation of ROC.At ecological fragile region of Dry-hot Valley,closure management is useful to sequestrate C in woodland soils.However,the management systems for soil carbon pool under dry cropland are not in a sound way.  相似文献   

The Pine Barrens in New York State are dominated by pitch pine(Pinus ridgida) and scrub oaks(Quercus ilicifolia and Q. prinoides). With fire suppression over the last 90 years or so, P. rigida regeneration has become sparse, even in areas set aside to preserve this type of vegetation. We evaluated the effects of fire and an alternative disturbance(mechanical removal of vegetation)for increasing P. rigida regeneration in the Albany Pine Bush Preserve in eastern New York State. By comparing cover, diameter and height of P. rigida, Q. ilicifolia, Q.prinoides, and Vaccinium spp.(blueberry) growing on the sites with a known fire history, we documented structural and compositional changes in the vegetation since its establishment. We also compared sites on which Quercus sprouts were controlled through mechanical removal. In the years following a disturbance, height and cover of Q. ilicifolia increased continuously and the species became increasingly competitive. Both the density of P. rigida seedlings and Vaccinium cover decreased significantly as the diameter and height of Quercus increased. Our results confirmed that the dominance by P. rigida could be attributed to periodic fires at intervals of 20–25 years. We conclude that removing Q. ilicifolia can favor P. rigida dominance on the barren without fire by releasing pine seedlings from competition.  相似文献   

Freezing and thawing indices are not only of great significance for permafrost research but also are important indicators of the effects of climate change.However,to date,research on ground-surface freezing and thawing indices and their relationship with air indices is limited.Based on daily air and ground-surface temperatures collected from 11 meteorological stations in the source region of the Yellow River,the freezing and thawing indices were calculated,and their spatial distribution and trends were analyzed.The air-freezing index(AFI),air-thawing index(ATI),ground surface-freezing index(GFI),ground surface-thawing index(GTI),air thawing-freezing index ratio(Na)and surface ground thawing-freezing index ratio(Ng)were 1554.64,1153.93,1.55,2484.85,850.57℃-days and 3.44,respectively.Altitude affected the spatial distribution of the freezing and thawing indices.As the altitude increased,the freezing indices gradually increased,and the thawing indices and thawing-freezing index ratio decreased.From 1980 to 2014,the AFI and GFI decreased at rates of 8.61 and 11.06℃-days a-1,the ATI and GTI increased at 9.65 and 14.53℃-days a-1,and Na and Ng significantly increased at 0.21 and 0.79 decade-1.Changes in the freezing and thawing indices were associated with increases in the air and ground-surface temperatures.The rates of change of the ground surface freezing and thawing indices were faster than the air ones because the rate of increase of the groundsurface temperature was faster than that of the air and the difference between the ground surface and air increased.The change point of the time series of freezing and thawing indices occurred in 2000–2001.After 2000–2001,the AFI and GFI were lower than before the change point,and the changing trend was lower.The ATI,GTI,Na and Ng during 2001–2014 were higher,with faster rates than before.In addition,the annual thawing indices composed a greater proportion of the mean annual air temperature and mean annual ground surface temperature than the annual freezing indices.This study provides the necessary basis for research on and prediction of permafrost changes,especially changes in the depth of the active permafrost layer,climate change,and possible evolution of the ecological environment over the source region of the Yellow River on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   

玉参属一年生或多年生肉质草本植物,直根系,主根圆柱形,肉质表皮棕褐色,是餐馆的高档蔬菜.玉参具有清热解毒、生津止渴、补气血、助消化之功效.对气虚乏力、脾虚泄泻、神经衰弱、肺燥咳嗽有一定疗效.  相似文献   

15年前,青阳县乔木乡项目林场刚栽的国外松小苗星星点点布满在3000多亩荒丘岗上,没有引起多少人注意.如今,小苗长成了参天大树,茂密的森林将这里妆扮成绵延数公里的绿海,引来了一批又一批参观的人群.据介绍,这片林木平均树高已达8米,亩均蓄积量已超过12立方米.这是我省引进世界银行贷款营建的速生丰产林中的一个典型.  相似文献   

2006年以来,紧缩性宏观经济政策接连出台,存贷款利差逐步缩小,银行业全面对外开放,外资银行把中间业务作为进军我国金融市场的切入点,我国商业银行大力发展中间业务是自身生存,应对外资银行挑战的必然要求.本文运用SWOT分析方法,找到了我国商业银行中间业务的优势、机会、劣势和威胁,提出了发展中间业务的策略.  相似文献   

冬天刚刚离去,转眼就已经准备迎接万物复苏的春天。常言道一年之计在于春,理颜大计自然也是这个季节最不能忽视的了,春季多风、多雨以及紫外线强烈这样恶劣的环境下,我们需要对娇嫩的肌肤给予更多的重视与关怀。  相似文献   

马岛 《湖南林业》2011,(10):34-34
世界上的椰树几乎都生长在岛屿半岛和海岸边,成了热带海滨独特的风光。一株株椰子树,高耸挺拔,长矛似的羽叶向四周伸展,仿佛一柄巨大的绿伞,一簇簇的椰子垂悬在树干上。椰树迎风摇曳,婆娑作态,发出喁喁细语。它那图案般的侧影,在晚霞中渐渐暗黑下来,给人以奇妙的遐想。  相似文献   

黄奕,上海世博会志愿者手势形象大使,毕业于上海东方文化学院影剧科。代表作品有:《上错花轿嫁对郎》、《卧虎藏龙》、《都市丽人行》、《少林武王》、《十全九美》以及《还珠格格3》等。黄奕自出道以来出演了众多为大家所熟知的影视作品,深受广大观众喜爱。近些年来,黄奕不仅在演艺和歌唱上不断进步,更是热心投身公益事业。2005年,黄奕获得了中华慈善总会授予的爱心大使称号;2008年获最具亲和力慈善之星称号;5·12汶川地震之后,黄奕又发起了由自己名字命名的慈善基金会奕动基金,希望通过社会各方面的支持与协助,筹集善款用于慈善事业,在传递爱心的同时也能激发起每个人的社会责任感,弘扬积小爱、为大爱的慈善理念。经绿色中国年度焦点人物评委会审议,黄奕获得2010绿色中国年度焦点人物候选人提名。  相似文献   

钟志红 《湖南林业》2011,(11):44-44
桌上的那本字典,书签是一片秋叶。叶片是两年前的仲秋,在东北一景区游览时而拾。近些年来,我已习惯在电脑上查找生字,自然少有去查阅字典,若非这天擦拭书桌,不慎将字典碰下地去,让那片叶儿趁机逃了出来,幸许我早把它遗忘。  相似文献   

二月江南,万物复苏,随着春天的脚步,我们踏进浙江省江山市石门镇清漾毛氏文化村。殊不知,这个隐匿山村中的村庄竟是江南毛氏发祥地、毛泽东祖居地。这个村历史上曾出过8位尚书、83个进士和200多位名人,历代名人墨客赵抃、陆游、苏轼、朱熹等,曾在清漾留下数百首(联)脍炙人口的诗词、楹联,在中国村级史上极为罕见。  相似文献   

在颁发焦点人物奖项之后,紧接着颁发的是2010绿色中国年度焦点人物生态人物奖。值得一提的是,这一奖项是绿色中国年度焦点人物首次设立的奖项。此时,会场气氛渐入佳境,大屏幕上闪现出获奖者的身影。他们是,中共山东省聊城市委书记宋远方,中共吉林省白山市委书记李伟,广西壮族自治区林业厅厅长陈秋华,中共浙江省临安市委书记邵毅,辽宁省大连市林业局局  相似文献   

据国外媒体报道,《愤怒的小鸟》是游戏开发公司Rovio的第52款游戏,而在推出这款游戏之前,Rovio已经濒临破产的边缘。正是这款游戏挽救了  相似文献   

玫瑰带露风姿展,夏日飘香衢江畔。5月17日,2011(首届)中国玫瑰公主颁奖盛典在浙江省衢州市衢江区隆重举行。丁甜加冕中国玫瑰皇后,龚绮等26人获得中国玫瑰公主称号。  相似文献   

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