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古树名木是传承历史文化的重要载体、是留住乡愁的重要实践、植物进化历程研究的重要依据。近年来,随着城市化进程的不断加速,古树名木的生长环境受到了很大的威胁。本研究通过实地调查、监测、测定相结合的办法,结合多年养护管理经验,对大兴区128株古树名木的生长环境、生长势进行逐一调查,在充分掌握大兴区古树名木现状的基础上,通过对相关数据的汇总分析,科学评价大兴区古树名木健康状况,确定古树名木生长衰弱、濒危的程度及分析衰弱原因。针对性的提出日常养护管理对策,并对生长环境差,生长势衰弱、严重衰弱的古树名木,结合树木自身问题及周边生长环境,提出合理的保护措施,增强古树生长势,改善古树生长环境,延长古树寿命,提高安全系数,实现古树的观赏价值和生态效益。  相似文献   

为了解山西省国槐古树资源现状,通过实地调查和资料查询,对山西省国槐古树资源生长的海拔高度、生境、生长现状进行调查统计。结果表明:山西国槐古树多集中分布于温带大陆性季风气候的山西中部地区,海拔700~900 m,占调查总数的45.86%;生长于乡村屋落的占比82.32%;国家Ⅰ级古树(500 a以上)301株,占比83.15%;生长状况处于濒危和衰弱分别占比27.62%和25.97%。综合调查结果,对山西国槐古树资源保护利用提出了建议。  相似文献   

泰山岱庙古树名木的现状与保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为掌握泰山岱庙古村名木的生长状况,在进行调查的基础上分析了古树名木生长不利的因素,提出了泰山岱庙古树名木保护中存在的问题,并阐述了古树名木的保护措施。  相似文献   

在收集古树名木现有资料的基础上,对确定的古树名木进行每株调查,共获909株。分析了其树种、地理分布、原本用途、生长地、所有权、树种起源等因子与古树名木保存的关系,并提出了建设古树名木的保护对策。  相似文献   

张树彬  袁永  关庆伟  杜明  高阳 《绿色科技》2012,(7):105-107,109
针对近几年辽宁省沈阳市东陵、北陵油松古树群衰败死亡严重的现象,对东陵油松古树群的生长状况展开了调查,并分析了古松衰弱的原因,提出了科学可行的综合管理和保护措施。  相似文献   

通过对玉溪城区及周边街道古树的数量、品种及生长状况的调查,分析古树生长现状及存在的问题,提出了城镇古树保护建议。  相似文献   

莲都区古树名木现状与保护措施   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
采用全球卫星定位仪(GPS)实地定位,逐株、逐片每木检尺调查的方法,对丽水市莲都区的古树名木资源进行了首次全面系统的调查。在调查的基础上,就古树名木树种与数量、生长状况、分布情况和树龄与保护级别等进行了分析研究,建立了资源数据库,并提出了保护管理措施与建议。结果表明,莲都区现存古树名木1974株,隶属31科56属68种,其中一级古树名木64株,二级古树名木255株,三级古树名木1655株;树龄最大达1600a,胸径最大达458cm。  相似文献   

为了摸清武汉市黄陂区内古树名木的资源特征情况,采用资料查询、知情人走访、现场考察的方法,对黄陂区内古树名木的种类、数量、胸径、树龄、海拔分布等22项特征因子进行调查。结果表明:黄陂区总计拥有古树名木867株,包括26科36属40种,古树群落3处,其中:Ⅰ级古树30株,Ⅱ级古树71株,Ⅲ级古树766株;朴树最多,为269株,其次为枫香树150株,柿139株。古树名木资源的分布主要集中在木兰乡、王家河街、六指街、蔡家榨街、蔡店街、姚集街,不同区域的生长情况差别明显,祁家湾街、罗汉寺街的古树生长环境较差,不同树种海拔分布差异较大。  相似文献   

对山西古树名木生长衰弱原因及其环境状况进行的调查发现,是人为活动导致古树名木生存条件恶化,引起古树名木衰弱和死亡。为保护现有古树名木资源,在借鉴其他地区古树名木保护复壮成功经验的基础上,文中提出应从土壤环境改良、地上树体保护、树体支撑加固、修补树洞等方面入手进行古树保护,定期进行理化性质营养成份的测定,以掌握和分析古树生长的各项环境指标。    相似文献   

阳春市有着丰富的古树名木资源,通过调查统计,阳春市古树名木共有1675株,隶属于35科69属96种,其中,大戟科、豆科、樟科为优势科。分析了阳春市古树名木的种类与数量、分布特征、生长及环境特征和古树群落分布特征。结果表明:从分布特征看,生长在乡村的古树为1608株,其数量是生长在城区的24倍,占建档古树名木总株数的96.00%;从生长特征可知,生长势正常的古树有1 644株,占建档古树名木总株数的98.15%,衰弱级、濒危级和死亡级古树仅占建档古树名木总株数的1.85%;从生长环境状况来看,1675株古树中生长环境好的有1615株,整体古树生长环境较好;从古树群落分布现状来看,最具代表性的古树群落为古红锥Castanopsis hystrix群落和古荔枝Litchi chinensis群落。总体而言,阳春市古树名木生长环境较好,保存得较完整,可以更好地实施下一步保护措施。  相似文献   

香山公园古树、大树树洞调查及修复   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
古树、大树年代久远,枝干难免出现空洞,严重影响树木生长,危及树木安全。本文通过对香山公园古树、大树树洞情况调查,分析形成原因,并提出相应的修复措施。    相似文献   

粤北地区光皮树种质资源生态调查及其开发利用   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
光皮树是我国新发掘的一种珍稀、优质、理想的多用途乡土木本油料树种,尤其适合石灰岩山地种植,是石漠化地区良好的生态恢复造林树种。根据2008和2010年对粤北地区(主要在乐昌县境内)进行的两次资源调查结果,发现粤北地区光皮树资源亟待保护。现存光皮树的分布类型主要包括树龄在200年以上的散生古树、天然小群体和人工小群体三种类型。以生长和果实产量为主要目标经济性状,共收集粤北地区光皮树种质资源45份。根据文献资料以及最新试验数据,文章对光皮树的开发利用进行了总结和探讨。  相似文献   

Old provenance experiments with Scots pine and Norway spruce in Finland were used for assessing the long‐term effects of the projected climatic change on forest trees. The northernmost origins showed an increase in wood production when transferred southwards into a climate with an annual mean effective temperature sum close to that which is expected in northern areas as a result of the projected climatic change. A model is constructed with the estimated changes in wood production as a function of the annual mean temperature sum at the original location and the change in the annual mean temperature sum caused by the geographical transfer. The major changes in wood production are expected to occur in the northernmost areas of tree growth.  相似文献   

The performance of 25 provenances in international trials on seven sites in four countries was assessed for survival and growth at 3 years. Of these provenances, seven were from Queensland, 12 from Northern Territory, Australia, and six from Papua New Guinea. Significant growth differences were found: (a) among provenances at four sites, (b) among the sites, and (c) between provenance regions. The interaction between sites and provenances as well as between sites and provenance regions was also significant. The poorest growth was recorded in Kanchanaburi, Thailand, while the best growth was in Banjarbaru, Indonesia. Stability analyses of the provenance x site interaction revealed eight provenances with high vigour and good tree form that were relatively stable across sites. These included Archer River, South Coen, Coen River and Wenlock River provenances from Queensland; Noogoo Swamp and Mann River provenances from Northern Territory; and North Bensbach and Old Tonda Village provenances from Papua New Guinea.  相似文献   

Evidence on habitat associations of threatened wood-inhabiting species in boreal forests may contribute to a better understanding of their ecology and conservation needs. We examined the diversity of wood-inhabiting fungal communities in an old-growth boreal forest with high substrate availability and continuity based on repeated surveys of fruit bodies. The number of species in morphological and functional groups in relation to coarse woody debris (CWD) attributes was estimated with generalized linear models. Additionally, we calculated species interaction networks of CWD attributes and fungal species. The composition of fungal communities was analysed using a non-metric multidimensional scaling with subsequent environmental fitting. Old conifer (especially spruce) logs and large aspen logs with branches represented the most important substrates for the red-listed species and the indicator species of old-growth boreal forests. Among “dynamic” CWD attributes such as time since tree death, decay class and stage of epixylic succession, the latter was the most important indicator of diversity of all species and their morphological and functional groups. The interaction network provided evidence of the importance of tree species diversity for fungal diversity. The composition of fungal communities was tree species specific and related to dynamic attributes, bark cover and diameter of logs. Our results suggest the importance of a continuum of dead wood from different tree species with a variety of niches such as branches, exposed wood, fragmented and complete cover of bark and patches of epixylic vegetation to maintain the assemblages of wood-inhabiting fungi in an old-growth boreal forest.  相似文献   

基于GIS的城市古树名木信息管理系统的设计与开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了使城市有限的古树名木得到有效的保护,基于ArcView GIS基础上建立城市古树名木信息管理系统。利用ArcView对空间数据的管理、查询和分析等功能对古树名木的各种信息进行采集和分析,并在此基础上,探讨利用Avenue语言对系统进行开发,定制满足用户需要的应用界面,从而使城市古树名木保护走向标准化、信息化和数字化。  相似文献   

KUHL  W. E. 《Forestry》1989,62(1):51-66
In Northrhine-Westphalia research into the causes of forestdecline is aided by colour infra-red photoflights. For thispurpose some small areas, and several large regions were coveredby flights since 1983. The analysis reported is confined tospruce (Piceaabies (L.) Karst.) because symptoms of new forestdamage are reasonably well understood. Besides normal damage and vigour assessment, additional informationsuch as the social status of individual trees, crown density,sample plot position in the stand and thinning activities werecollected. The main outcome of the data analysis is representedby graphical illustrations. The results indicate that silviculturaltreatments could not have caused the present appearance of sprucebecause these have not changed rapidly in the last decade and,furthermore, the research shows no correlation between thinningactivities and extent of tree stress. On the contrary, dominantand edge trees indicate that all areas show the well known damagesymptoms which are attributable to extreme exposure to rain,fog and wind. The new forest decline is especially unmistakablein older stands. Old trees seem more at risk than young ones. The colour infra-red technique can only indirectly elicit relationshipsbut the results of photointerpretation show it to be a practicableassessment method.  相似文献   

郭宜强 《福建林业科技》2012,(1):142-144,164
分析古树名木保护的现状及存在的主要问题:社会重视程度不够、法制不健全、大多数地方未进行古树名木林权登记,造成其所有者的权利没有得到法律确认,影响对古树名木的保护。提出通过制定《古树名木保护条例》、明晰古树名木产权、建立古树名木生态补偿金制度、建立古树名木保护基金,实现对古树名木规范化管理。  相似文献   

昌都地区“茶马古道”旅游开发的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了西藏昌都地区“茶马古道”独特的旅游资源和开发利用价值,针对沿线旅游资源的特点,提出了旅游开发的几点思考,以期对昌都地区“茶马古道”沿线旅游业发展有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

对中国伊犁天山野果林表征植物的组成、特点及性质进行了系统的研究,探讨野果林的来源和发展,结果表明:野果林区系成分是多元的,各类成分在此相互渗透,分布区重叠,使野果林区系没有绝对的本地特色.其中温带成分占有最高的比例(33.33%);西伯利亚-天山过渡成分(17.54%)是野果林植物区系连接北方安加拉(西伯利亚)植物区系的桥梁;天山-沿喜马拉雅成分(10.53%)又把野果林与华夏植物区系紧密联系在一起;新疆的大部分地区过去曾是特提斯海(Tethys)的一部分,所以现代野果林植被仍保留有古地中海成分的残迹(5.25%);天山是新疆境内植物属种最为丰富的地区,天山成分在各分布区类型中的比值也最高(33.33%),尤其是东天山特有的成分,则代表着野果林的土著部分,这一成分无疑是本地发生的适生种.野果林的区系发生是多方面的,主要有安加拉成分、古北极成分、古地中海成分、华夏区系成分和新疆本土成分.  相似文献   

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