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针对多代萌生人工刺槐林林分质量退化的问题,采取近自然转化和培育技术,增加刺槐优良品种种、适宜树种的占比,优化森林结构,提升森林多种效益。通过人工诱导、疏伐补植、渐进式树种置换等方法,将萌生矮林转化为实生乔林,形成刺槐、油松、蒙古栎等树种的混交林分,抑制林分退化,改善养分循环,增强森林生态系统健康与稳定性。  相似文献   

刺槐饲料林经营技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用矮林作业经营的饲料林,较传统的乔林作业模式提高产量1.4倍,显著增加了营林效益。通过试验研究,提出了太行山刺槐饲料林的合理营林密度和轮伐期,并建立了饲料林的产量估测模型  相似文献   

笔者介绍了山西省栎类资源的分布特征和经营史,针对栎类林分经营过程中存在的问题,指出了栎类天然次生林的经营目标和方向。按照德国的分类标准,可将栎类天然次生林分为矮林、中林和乔林三大类型。笔者针对3种栎类天然次生林的生长特点分别提出了不同的经营技术,以期为保护栎类及其种质资源提供参考。  相似文献   

杜仲是特用经济树种 ,在陕西省汉中、安康建有 1万多 hm2基地。杜仲林的经营有乔林、矮林、头木等作业方式 ,从多种效益比较结果来看 ,乔林作业较优。杜仲幼树顶端优势明显 ,萌芽力、发枝力强 ,叶厚而大 ,幼年期高生长较快 ,粗生长缓慢 ,栽植密度不当易发生大换头现象 ,造成干形弯曲、生长势变缓。本试验的目的主要在栽培密度和初期干形培养上 ,对乔林作业的初期生长和效益作初步的探讨。1 试验地条件与试验材料1 .1 试验地条件杜仲乔林密植试验地设在原陕西省林业学校教学实习苗圃 ,面积为 833.38m2 。该苗圃原为土地平整后的农耕台地 ,…  相似文献   

渭北刺槐和油松人工林林分质量初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林木质量等级组成和期望成材类型的蓄积量被作为表达渭北黄土高原刺槐和油松人工林的林分质量的数量指标。结果表明,没有利用价值的林木占总林木株数的50%以上;龄级间各期望成材类型的蓄积均值趋于随着龄级的增长而增加,但波动较大,特别是在好的立地条件下生长的刺槐乔林;油松和刺槐矮林在好的立地条件下,期望成材的蓄积量高于其在并的立地条件下的值,对刺槐乔林来说则截然相反;在相同龄级内刺槐乔林的期望成材蓄积量高于刺槐矮林和油松林;由于林分间变异系数太大,因而龄级和好坏立地条件之间各期望成材类型的蓄积量差异并不显著,仅有个别龄级在好和差的立地条件下可见微小的差异;这是由无规则的抚育间代利用造成的,立地越好,采伐强度越大。  相似文献   

杨树薪炭林研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨树是山东省主要造林树种之一 ,也是适宜的薪炭林树种 ,确定最佳采柴周期、造林密度、混交方式 ,是提高生物量的关键技术。经多年定位观测试验得出 :杨树乔林作业的薪炭林最佳造林密度为 2m× 2m ,最佳采伐周期为 5a ;矮林作业的杨树 ,最佳采伐周期为 3a ,其单位面积年生物量最高 ,并能节省成本 ,提高生态和社会效益  相似文献   

因木材匮乏,发达国家为保证森林工业的原料供应,发展中国家为保证烧柴供应,都在重视短伐期林业的发展。瑞典农业大学林学院专设短伐期林业系。印度Parmar园艺林业大学也有专家从事短伐期林业研究。他们对短伐期林业所下的定义为:速生树种高密度造林,可以是乔林作业,也可以是矮林作业。可持续经营木材生产轮伐期不超过30年,年每公顷至少产10t木材干重或25m^3木材。  相似文献   

不同栽培模式对杜仲叶及枝皮中多种活性成分含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探寻不同栽培模式对杜仲叶及枝皮中多种活性成分含量的影响规律,以不同月份采集的吉首大学张家界校区校园内的杜仲矮林与乔林叶片与枝皮为试材,采用高效液相色谱法测定了其绿原酸、京尼平苷酸和松脂醇二葡萄糖苷的含量,采用硝酸铝-亚硝酸钠比色法测定了其总黄酮含量,还用对二甲氨基苯甲醛显色法测定了其桃叶珊瑚苷的含量。测定结果表明:7、9、10月采集的杜仲矮林叶中绿原酸的含量分别为2.416%、2.463%和2.934%,分别是同期采集的杜仲乔林的2.094、1.027和1.968倍;其总黄酮含量分别为1.224%、11.664%和14.564%,分别是杜仲乔林的0.159、0.759和1.146倍;其京尼平苷酸的含量分别为1.404%、1.012%和0.359%,分别是杜仲乔林的0.476、3.819和2.017倍;其桃叶珊瑚苷的含量分别为6.655%、6.543%和6.508%,分别是杜仲乔林的1.623、1.377和1.909倍。11月份采集的杜仲矮林枝皮中京尼平苷酸、桃叶珊瑚苷和松脂醇二葡萄糖苷的含量分别为6.711%、3.494%和0.467%,分别是杜仲乔林的1.035、2.024和1.052倍。测定结果还表明,杜仲矮林叶及枝皮中有多种活性成分的含量高于杜仲乔林,故矮林作业具有推广应用价值。  相似文献   

由于林业的不良生产使森林资源日趋减少,所以,森林的天然更新也逐步被人们所重视.我院对绥阳林业局23个场所进行了天然更新调查,对天然更新树种的生长环境状况及各树种有效更新和实际更新进行了详细记载,其结果分析如下:  相似文献   

在森林资源规划设计调查的基础上,采用标准地法,调查了小陇山林区滩歌林场森林资源天然更新的主要树种、评定了天然更新效果,分析了天然更新规律,为科学培育经营森林资源提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

We report results of new research on (1) community composition of novel subtropical dry forests developing on abandoned pastures and agricultural fields in both private and protected public lands and (2) seed germination and growth rates of plantings of native tree species on degraded soils. We found that novel dry forests were dominated by introduced species, which accounted for 59 percent of the Importance Value (IV) of stands. These forests had high species dominance, with the most dominant species averaging 51 percent of the IV but reaching values as high as 92 percent. The floristic similarity between novel and mature native forests was low (5.6 percent) compared with the similarity among novel forest stands (26 percent). Collectively, the emerging novel forests had relatively high species richness (39 species/1.2 ha). After 45-60 years of growth and development, novel forests lagged mature native forests in basal area, tree density, and species richness, and lagged stands of similar age and past land use inside a protected area. Novel forest stands inside the protected Guánica Forest had higher species richness than those located outside in private lands. Most regeneration was from seed (67 percent of the new stems were single stems). The results from the germination and planting experiment show that seeds of 17 of 21 native tree species germinated in the laboratory and grew successfully in abandoned pastures when planted and watered for a period of 13 months. Our research shows that after the initial invasion and dominance of introduced species on degraded sites, the stands diversify with native species thus evolving towards new forest types with novel species combinations.  相似文献   

  • ? Seedling banks of woody species established under closed canopy have received little consideration in coppice forests despite their potential importance for natural regeneration.
  • ? This study aimed to evaluate the influences of canopy composition and of distance from the nearest forest edge on the abundance and species richness of the seedling bank, for different ecological groups of seedlings (age, successional status and dispersal vector) in 68 fragmented coppice stands.
  • ? Seedlings were found in 67 stands, with 19 species identified. Eight species present as older seedlings were lacking as first-year old seedlings, suggesting temporal variability of species recruitment. Seedling abundances of species with low-dispersal ability were positively correlated with the abundances of their conspecific adults. Seedling abundance of mid-successional species was negatively correlated with the distance from the nearest forest edge, while mid-to-late successional species seedling abundance presented the opposite pattern.
  • ? Our results showed that woody species were able to establish frequently under closed canopy in these fragmented coppices and form a seedling bank which may be used for natural regeneration.
  •   相似文献   

    The conversion of anthropogenic into more natural, self-regenerating forests is one of the major objectives of forestry throughout Europe. In this study, we present investigations on permanent plots with different silvicultural treatment in NE German pine stands. Management of old-growth pine stands on acidic and nutrient-poor sandy sites differs in fencing, thinning, and planting of certain tree species. The investigations were carried out on the community, population, and individual level of the pine forest ecosystems. Thus, vegetation changes, size and height of tree populations, and height increment of tree individuals were observed over a time span of 6 years. Special attention was paid to short-lived tree species such as, e.g., Frangula alnus and Sorbus aucuparia, as well as to Fagus sylvatica as one of the most typical forest tree species of Central Europe. Vegetation changes are interpreted as a consequence of natural regeneration of formerly degraded forest sites, involving an increase in nutrient availability. High browsing pressure can be considered as a key factor for the inhibition of tree seedlings and growth of saplings. Some Sorbus aucuparia individuals, however, succeeded in growing out of the browsing height also in unfenced stands. Few found specimens of Fagus sylvatica proved that this species is able to establish spontaneously on these relatively dry, acidic sites under continental climate influence. Such natural regeneration processes, also including spontaneous rejuvenation of trees, can be integrated into silviculture as passive forest conversion management. An active management like thinning of stands, planting of trees, and fencing can accelerate forest conversion with regard to height growth and species number of trees.  相似文献   

    文章从广东省沿海防护林体系建设的基本情况入手,总结出沿海防护林体系建设中存在的地区间发展不平衡、建设资金不足、林分质量普遍不高等问题,并分析加强防护林体系建设的必要性和迫切性。根据本省沿海防护林体系建设的指导思想、基本原则、总体布局和营建技术要求。提出加强其建设的几点措施。  相似文献   

    Forest management is often carried out in different ways, without any appropriate environmental restrictions. Stands of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) in Galicia (NW Spain) have been harvested by alternating high forest and, mainly, coppice forest. However, some totally inappropriate silvicultural treatments have been used, such as thinning of the best trees and inadequate pruning. The objective of the present study was to analyse how environmental characteristics affect the management of oak forests in Galicia. For this, a botanical inventory was carried out in 39 selected stands of Q. robur and a total of 42 parameters were measured, 4 of which were physiographical, 12 climatic, 19 edaphic and 7 silvicultural. In order to analyse the possible relationships among these variables, the silvicultural data were compared with the other data, by canonical correlation analysis. All parameters were correlated with the silvicultural regime, although the correlation was weak for the floristic data. It is therefore evident that the environmental conditions affect how forest stands should be managed, although this does not imply that more profitable use of the stands cannot be achieved than at present, and alternative silvicultural methods must be found to enable appropriate management and conservation of oak stands.  相似文献   

    Emerging forests on abandoned land: Puerto Rico’s new forests   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    The species composition of forests change continuously as the earth’s biota evolves and adjusts to environmental change. Humans are accelerating the rate of species turnover by moving species around the planet and dramatically changing environmental conditions. Our focus is on new forests in Puerto Rico that emerge naturally on abandoned lands previously converted to agriculture and degraded. These forest stands have combinations of species that are new to the island’s landscapes. New forests exhibit high species dominance during forest establishment, which includes dominance by alien tree species. These alien tree species establish and maintain forest cover, which may facilitate regeneration of native tree species. Landscape analysis and literature review revealed that these emerging stands are highly fragmented (60% were <1 ha in 1991), function as refugia for native organisms, and at 60–80 years old have similar species richness and structural features as native stands of similar age. However, the island’s new forests exhibit important differences from mature native forests on unconverted forestlands. New forests have fewer endemic species and fewer large trees (≥55 cm dbh) than mature native forests; they have higher soil bulk density and lower soil carbon and litter stocks; and they accumulate aboveground biomass, basal area, and soil carbon more slowly than native forests of similar age. We suggest that new forests will become increasingly prevalent in the biosphere in response to novel environmental conditions introduced to the planet by humans.  相似文献   

    文章综述了世界热带地区的森林资源分布、基本类型、主要特征,以及世界次生林的经营现状和主要经营方式。这些经营方式包括建立自然保护区、生态公益林经营、"采掘主义"、限制采伐和伐后更新、"砍三留七"法、"扶持"式育林法、"抑制"式育林法、整体培育法、专门培育法、带状皆伐法、开发欠知名树种、自然更新和封山育林。同时提出了森林分类经营,即按照经营的主要目的将其划分为商品林、公益林和多功能林等基本类型的方法。此外,分析了热带次生林存在的问题,并提出解决这些问题的措施。  相似文献   

    江西德兴天然次生林林下幼苗更新特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    为了解实生和萌生幼苗个体数量及比例在各类植被中的变化情况,本文以江西德兴常绿阔叶林不同林分为研究对象,对各林型中幼苗的种类组成、数量、多样性与更新方式进行调查研究。结果表明:7种林分类型的乔木更新情况不同,德兴常绿阔叶林更新幼苗共35种,分属17科23属。更新苗数量最低的是拟赤杨+马尾松林,仅为1 250株/hm^2,更新苗最多的林分类型为米槠+甜槠林,为6 500株/hm^2;甜槠+木荷林更新幼苗种类高达25种,居7种林分之首,马尾松+木荷林下幼苗仅有10种;从演替更新年龄结构来看,马尾松+木荷林和丝栗栲+木荷林所在的群落,林下更新苗属于增长型锥体。其它5种林型属于下降型锥体。  相似文献   

    Natural spruce-fir mixed stand is one of the main forest types in the world,and also has huge ecological,economic and social benefits.According to the structural characteristics and succession laws of natural spruce-fir forest,it is urgent and significant to develop scientific management measures for natural spruce-fir mixed stand in line with local conditions.The article outlined the characteristics of the distribution and structure, regeneration and succession laws of natural spruce-fir forest,and analyzed the current situation and existing problems of natural spruce-fir forest management.The following recommendations were eventually made:1) In no cutting area,all logging activities should be banned.In a restricted cutting area,the cutting intensity should be generally controlled within 15%of the stock volume before cutting.On the commodity forest management area, the appropriate cutting intensity should be determined according to the volume per hectare,determine and classification management should be implemented in accordance with the characteristics of forest,to ensure the scientific selective cutting.2) Closure for afforestation,planting and repair planting should be adopted on vegetation-intensive land,sparse shrubs covered land and harvesting slash,in order to accelerate natural regeneration.3) The in situ conservation should be conducted in nature reserves and scientific experiment stations of rare and endangered species,such as Abies chensiensis,Picea neoveitchii,Abies vuanbaoshanensis,to reduce human destruction.4) It is supposed to collect seeds in time,establish nursery,actively establish forest, expand artificial population and promote natural regeneration.  相似文献   

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