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【目的】基于重点国有林区微观调查数据,实证分析重点国有林区各项改革对林区就业的影响,为重点国有林区改革政策调整提供参考。【方法】运用统计学方法分析重点国有林区劳动力就业行业、部门以及区域的变化,采用计量经济学方法定量考察各项改革对林区就业的影响。【结果】重点国有林区各项改革对林区就业产生了显著影响,林区内劳动力对林业和国有部门的依赖程度逐渐下降,就业区域也不断向外扩展。其中,森林资源承包管护责任制,通过林地所有权和经营权的分离,促进了劳动力在林业行业和国有部门就业比重的上升;市场化手段组织林业生产,对劳动力在林业行业就业有促进作用;加工企业转制,明显推动劳动力从国有部门流向非国有部门;一次性安置富余职工,促使劳动力逐渐流向非林业行业,就业区域也不断向林业局外扩展。【结论】重点国有林区各项改革使林区就业格局发生了明显变化,活跃的劳动力市场已经初步建立,发挥市场在林区就业中的作用是未来体制改革的重要方向。  相似文献   

国有林区职工家庭是林区复合系统中最微观的主体,国有林区的转型发展影响着林区职工家庭,职工家庭的生计态势也影响着国有林区的顺利转型和发展。因此,在国有林区转型发展的新时期,关注林区职工家庭的发展态势具有一定的现实意义。文中将国有林区职工家庭脆弱性界定为林区职工在面对突发或是长期的外在压力、冲击或风险时的抵御能力,或是面临外在环境变化时适应能力不足、不安全或是易受灾的程度;并依据生计理论,从物质资本、人力资本和社会资本分析东北国有林区职工家庭脆弱性具体表现维度;应用压力-状态-响应(PSR)模型分析东北国有林区职工家庭脆弱性的形成演化机理。结果表明,东北国有林区职工家庭脆弱性的形成是职工家庭内外部环境因子的压力与职工家庭自身对因子响应能力共同决定的结果;长期来看,林区职工家庭的脆弱性有向威胁森林资源安全、抑制林区经济发展、破坏林区社会稳定3个方向演化扩散的趋势。  相似文献   

林改第一槌敲醒了林区职工 2006年4月29日.一个春机盎然的日子.一个改变了伊春林业职工命运的日子。根据国务院第119次常务会议关于加快实施伊春国有林区林权制度改革试点的意见.全国国有林区林权改革试点在伊春乌马河林业局乌马河经营所正式启动实施.并相继在5个试点林业局全面展开.试点面积8万公顷。  相似文献   

林业职工是国有林区林权制度改革的实施主体,是推进国有林区林权制度改革的主要力量。国有林区改革作为一项事关经济发展和社会稳定,涉及政府、企业、职工等多方利益关系的复杂的系统工程,直接与职工的切身利益息息相关,因此,职工的满意程度关系着国有林区林权制度改革所设计的“森林资源不断增加、生态功能不断增强、职工生活不断改善”的三大政策目标能否顺利实现。  相似文献   

生态保护政策的实施以及政企分开体制改革促使我国重点国有林区发生转型。在此背景下,文中运用微观经济学供需理论,对我国重点国有林区隐性失业的成因进行分析,重点讨论了森工集团以及职工家庭隐性失业的形成机制。研究认为,由于林业产业结构与林业就业结构发展不协调致使森工集团产生过剩劳动力,形成森工集团内部的隐性失业;在重点国有林区转型过程中,林区职工家庭的工作时间未能充分利用被迫产生闲暇,即形成了职工家庭的隐性失业;重点国有林区产生的隐性失业问题会增加森工集团企业成本,降低森工集团经营效率,减少林区职工家庭福利。  相似文献   

国家林业局雷加富副局长赴吉林调研本刊讯日前,国家林业局雷加富副局长率领国家林业局、国家发改委、财政部等有关部门组成的调研组赴吉林省就天保工程实施情况及国有森工企业深化改革的情况进行调研。调研组重点考察了松江河林业局天保工程实施和深化改革的情况,分别与林业局管理人员、民营企业经理、林业职工等进行了座谈。调研组还深入到林场、职工家庭和下岗职工做生意的小摊了解情况。调研组认为,国有森工企业改革为吉林林区带来了新的活力和新的发展前景。吉林林业这次改革迈的步子是比较大的,突破了国有林区几十年计划经济条件下形成…  相似文献   

四川省川南林业局成立于1950年,是四川28户重点森工企业之一,经营面积110万亩,年创造生态服务价值67亿元。实施天保工程20年来,森林管护和人员分流成效显著。1998年在册职工4533人,离退休职工2578人,2018年末在册职工899人,离退休职工3784人。森林蓄积、覆盖率和职工收入稳定增长。全面完成国有林区棚改房建设任务,新建1375户,维修改造868户。2018年企业立足天保,苦练内功,完成了国有林区改革方案编制和报批,为全面启动国有林区改革打下坚实基础。  相似文献   

伊春林区加大森工企业内部产权制度改革力度伊春林区坚持“以改革促调整、以调整促发展”的工作思路 ,不断加快森工企业内部产权制度改革 ,取得了显著成效。在企业产权制度改革工作中 ,伊春林区针对林业局因政企合一体制的特殊性 ,暂时不能整体改制的实际 ,对 1 7个林业局除木材生产和营林生产之外的运输、基建、商饮服务等 4 64个附属单位(包括林办集体 ) ,从母体剥离分立 ,与地方国有工业企业同步进行产权制度改革 ,改制为面向市场 ,自负盈亏的法人实体 ,不再吃木材成本饭。通过剥离改制 ,盘活闲置国有资产 2亿多元 ,转岗分流职工 3 .6万…  相似文献   

红石林业局在发展家庭经济方面,创造了令人瞩目的经济效益和社会效益,取得了显著成效。促进了林区经济结构、产业结构的调整,增加了职工收入,安置了林区富余劳力和待业青年,带动了林区第三产业的发展和壮大,提高了职工发家致富的本领,从而促使林区经济登上了新的台阶。作为全国五百家大型企业之一,红石林业局在发展家庭经济方面的一些做法和经验值得森工企业学习、借鉴和探讨。1统一思想,加强领导,提供保证红石林业局家庭经济1992年刚起步之时,有相当一部分干部职工想不通,有的人认为发展家庭经济是丢了主业搞副业;有的人认为…  相似文献   

去年九月中下旬,我们到大兴安岭林区,就国有林区如何进一步搞好改革的一些问题进行了调查。为了摸清林区基层的情况,我们先后在兴安盟和呼盟调查了五岔沟、白狼、柴河、南木、巴林和乌奴耳六个地方林业局,在牙克石林管局调查了阿尔山、绰尔、阿里河、大杨树四个国有林业局,还考察了一些木材加工企业。我们较广泛地接触了当地的干部、职工和群众,听取了他们的介绍和意见。  相似文献   

This study examines the importance of mangrove resources to the livelihoods of people living beside the world's largest contiguous mangrove forest. Median annual household income was USD 1122, based on household survey data from 264 households in six villages adjacent to the Sundarbans, in Khulna, Bangladesh. Forest income represented 74% and 48% of the total household income for the lower and middle income households respectively, but just 23% for higher income households. Although higher income households derived a larger absolute income from forest resources than the lower income households, the addition of forest income to household income reduces measured income inequality by 27% suggesting that forests offer a more egalitarian source of income than most other sources at the study sites. Thus reducing forest income as a result of reduced access to forest resources would greatly affect the livelihood outcomes for the rural poor and increase wealth discrepancies among households near the forest margins.  相似文献   

To investigate the household-level economic importance of income from forests under different tenure arrangements, data were collected from 304 stratified randomly sampled households within 10 villages with community forest user groups in Tanahun District, Western Nepal. We observed that forest income contributed 5.8% to total household income, ranging from 3.8% in the top income quartile to 17.4% in the lowest quartile. Analyses of poverty indices and Gini decomposition showed that incorporating forest incomes in total household income reduces measured rural poverty and income inequality. Community forestry income constituted 49.7% of forest income, followed by 27.5% from government-managed forest, and 22.8% from private forests/trees. Community forestry income, however, contributed more than other sources of forest income to income inequality, indicating elite capture. We argue that a full realisation of community forestry's poverty reduction and income equalizing potential requires modifications of rules that govern forest extraction and pricing at community forest user group level.  相似文献   

Community forestry is an emerging success model of state–community partnership for forest management and poverty reduction. Bhutan's initial experience of forest management by user group is promising, but merits further study on how community forests have experienced with harvesting and income generation consistent with national forest policy. This study quantifies whether community forestry contribute to household income with equitable products and income distribution and gender inclusive participation; and community forests are managed applying the principles of sustainable harvest without compromising regeneration and productivity. We applied a combination of social and ecological methods using household interview and forest sampling plots. Our findings revealed that community forestry contributes to household income through harvesting and marketing of large trees, and non-wood forest products where markets are accessible. Household income, however, vary widely between rich and poor households with former capitalizing on commercial and latter on subsistence products. Timber harvesting is consistent with the principles of sustainable harvest without altering species composition, regeneration and productivity. To narrow income inequality, pro-poor approach to community forestry needs to target poor households with income diversification activities and market accessibility. The promising results are context-driven and warrant consolidation from other community forests experiencing harvest in Bhutan.  相似文献   

在自然保护区发展森林旅游为社区提供了一种更具可持续性的生计方式,改变了农户传统的收入组合模式,不仅带来收入和支出整体增加,也使传统的单一生计方式趋于多样化,但是也在一定程度上影响了农户的收入分配结构,可能带来农户收入分配不平等现象。文中以高黎贡山等5个国家级自然保护区及周边社区为研究区域,拟合洛伦兹曲线并计算基尼系数,分析在自然保护区开展森林旅游背景下农户收入分配结构的变化。研究结果显示:森林旅游为农户收入带来显著提高,森林旅游收入已经成为经营农户的主要家庭收入;经营农户收入分配差距大,非经营农户收入分配差距小,森林旅游在一定程度上加大了农户之间的收入分配不平等。  相似文献   

集体林权制度改革对农民林业收入的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从农户林木产品销售收入变动角度,探讨集体林权制度改革对农户林业收入的影响.对福建省10县(区)2006年调查数据进行分析,结果并不支持集体林权制度改革将增加农民的林业收入进而增加农民收入这个命题.集体林权制度改革使农民获得产权明晰的林地或林木资源,但集体林权制度改革对农民林木资产销售收入的影响并不显著,而产权明晰对农民经营林业的劳动与资本等要素投入产生的激励也不显著.  相似文献   

This paper examines variation in dependence on forest resources among rural households in Chilimo, Ethiopia, and the income-equalizing effects of such resources. Data were collected through a systematic questionnaire survey of 102 households, randomly selected from two peasant associations in the area. Forest income contributed 39% of the average household income, roughly equal to agriculture, which contributed 40%. Forest income was more important than all other income sources combined for the poorest 40% of households and contributed more to household income than agriculture for 65% of households. While forest income represents 59% of the total household income for the poorest quintile, the contribution drops to 34% for the wealthiest quintile. On the other hand, the rich households derive a larger absolute income from forest resources than the poor households. Forest resources have an important income-equalizing potential among the rural households. Reduced access to forest resources would greatly affect the welfare of the rural population and increase wealth differentiation among rural households in the study area.  相似文献   

The success of the PES programme in developing countries depends on the active participation and contribution of rural households. This paper investigates the factors influencing rural households' decision to participate in the PES programme in the N'hambita Community in Sofala Province, Mozambique, based on data collected through a survey of 115 households, using factor analysis and multiple regressions. Factor analysis has shown that the main factors influencing the household decision to participate in the programme are latent variables labelled as economic benefits, followed by social inclusion and forest conservation accounting, with 31%, 19% and 14% of the total variance respectively. Multinomial logistic regression demonstrates that the gender, marital status, household age, the educational level of the head, land area, distance from the project centre and source of income are important variables in explaining the level of participation of the three factors.  相似文献   

The study examines the effects of declining forest resources on income inequality and poverty among indigenous people and the impact of forest-related income supplements. We conducted surveys and used the Gini index to compute the contribution of income earned from (1) agriculture, (2) forest-related resources, and (3) self-employment and wages, and to assess the income inequality of households in the study sites. The Gini index of the total income from three clusters of income generating activities was 0.45. Cluster 1: agricultural production was the largest source of income (Gini = 0.30). The share of income from Cluster 2 (Gini index = 0.49), from community forestry and sustainable resource management, including hunting, NTFP collection, selling low quality timber, and plantation farming, contributed an important supplement to reduce income inequality and poverty. Income from Cluster 3 (Gini = 0.93) was highly unequal across the study sites. The indigenous poor remain dependent on forest products for daily food consumption and for additional income. The study suggests that policy makers should urgently consider supporting community forestry and community protected areas by integrating them with payment for ecosystem services. This would help to halt deforestation, promote the welfare of indigenous people, and reduce income inequality in rural communities.  相似文献   

There is a growing interest to take into account dry forests in planning sustainable development in arid and semi-arid sub-Saharan Africa. A mixed quantitative and qualitative research design involving various data collection tools was employed to examine the significance of dry forest income and associated conditioning factors in the context of pastoral and agro-pastoral production systems of southeastern Ethiopia. Income from livestock and dry forests were the first and second most important components of the total household income. Dry forest income accounts 34.8% and 35.2% of the total household income and 38% and 46% of the total household cash income in the Liben and Afdher Administrative Zones of Somali National Regional State, respectively. It was the largest income compared to all other incomes added together for 45% of the respondents. Most notably, for very poor households, dry forest income contributes up to 63% of their total income. Dry forest income levels varied significantly with occupation (P < 0.05), pastoralists generating more income than agro-pastoralists. Dry forest income enables 24% of households to remain above the poverty line, and it reduces income disparity by 13.7%. Moreover, dry forest income has become increasingly important for households' ex-ante risk and ex-post drought coping strategies. The number of youths per household (P < 0.001), access to extension services (P < 0.001), and being member of a cooperative (P < 0.05) significantly affected dry forest income levels in both Zones. Findings of this study could apply to similar dryland eco-regions in the Horn of Africa and contribute to enhance promotion of sustainable management of dry forests for integrated livelihood adaptation, biodiversity conservation and combating desertification. Further research is needed to quantify the contribution dry forests make to livelihoods through livestock production and to develop options that will guide policy making process to generate additional economic incentives for communities and countries to be engaged in sustainable management and use of dry forests.  相似文献   

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