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俄罗斯出口的林产品主要是针叶材原木、锯材和阔叶材胶合板,分别占到出口额的46%、32%和9%。2002年俄罗斯出口的林产品总价值达28.9亿美元,略高于2001年的25亿美元。中国是俄罗斯木材产品最主要的进口国,约占其出口总量的25%。2001年俄出口中国的主要是针叶材原木,总量为1302万m^3,价值约7亿美元。  相似文献   

涵虚 《国际木业》2012,(6):53-53
加拿大:2011年,加拿大取代了俄罗斯成为世界上向中国出口木材最多的国家,这种趋势一直延续到了2012年。根据中国海关最新的统计,今年第1季度,加拿大向中国出口了145万m^3的针叶材,占据了中国针叶材市场份额的47%,俄罗斯位居第2,为37%。  相似文献   

自俄乌冲突爆发以来,以美欧为首的西方国家与俄罗斯的相互制裁对俄罗斯以及世界木质林产品的进出口贸易产生了显著影响,全球木质林产品贸易格局面临重塑。基于全球木质林产品供需版图深度调整,以及林产品产业链布局方式、路径与逻辑的可能性变化,研究中国与俄罗斯木质林产品贸易发展所受的影响,以便做出适应性调整,具有紧迫性与现实意义。文中阐述俄乌冲突对中俄木质林产品贸易已产生的负面影响,基于地缘政治冲突对贸易的影响机制探讨俄乌冲突对中俄木质林产品贸易产生的潜在的贸易转移效应与未来发展趋势,进而从发展重心、战略调整、政策对接、体系共建、多元合作等方面提出推动中俄木质林产品贸易稳健发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

据牡丹江商务部门的信息,2011年1—8月,牡丹江原木进口320万m3,进口额5.06亿美元,同比分别增长13%和38%;锯材进口67.8万m3,进口额1.67亿美元,同比分别增长25%和31%。牡丹江口岸是我国从俄罗斯进口木材的主渠道,约占我国从俄进口木材的60%以上。2011年我国从俄罗斯进口木材的价格上涨了至少40%。为抑制原木出口,鼓励发展本国的木材加工业,俄罗斯数次上  相似文献   

世界自然基金根据 WWF俄罗斯分部的两位专家署名发表的公开报告认为 ,俄远东原始森林受盗伐侵袭面积年年扩大 ,已处于危险之中。报告估计 ,远东森林的年盗伐木材走私为 1 50万 m3。远东森林处在中国、日本、韩国大量需要木材的压力下。近 1 0年里 ,远东向中国出口木材已从只占5%上升到 50 %。2 0 0 2年 5月 2 9日德国“木材总览报”透露 ,世界自然基金要求 6月召开的八国首脑会议与中国、韩国商谈如何结束俄罗斯远东森林非法采伐木材的走私贸易WWF要求八国首脑会议干与俄远东森林盗伐  相似文献   

郭居才 《国际木业》2007,37(10):34-34
今年1-7月份,我国进口锯材总量已达364.01万m^3,价值金额为99594.98万美元。如果说原木进口是俄罗斯的北洋材一枝独秀的话,那么进口锯材可说是俄美两个木材生产和出口大国彼此争风,不相上下。  相似文献   

去年前3个季度美国向中东和北非地区出口的阔叶材木材和单板的出口总值为6 695万美元,与上年同期相比增长了21%。美国阔叶木外销委员会(AHEC)在一份声明中说,出口大幅度增长的原因是阿联酋、土耳其和巴基斯坦对美国木材的需求量明显增加。美国阔叶材木材的出口量为7.027万m~3,总值达到4 887万美元,与2011年1月和9月相比分别增加了24%和20%。在此期间美国直接输出到中东和北非地区的阔叶材木材总值为  相似文献   

由于中美木材贸易对于两国木材行业的发展均至关重要,为了促进中美木材贸易,增进双方的了解,中国木业国际网总编辑李洪帆先生于3月15日采访了美国大使馆农业贸易处主任龙峰先生及美国针叶材出口联盟国际市场部经理Ms.NatalieMacias,就中美林产品贸易特别是针叶材贸易相关问题展开探讨,希望能进一步推动中美木材贸易的发展。  相似文献   

琴言 《国际木业》2010,(1):39-39
加拿大:中国对加拿大针叶材的强劲需求一直在给加拿大的木材出口商带来收益,并抵消了向其他国家出口萧条产生的影响。据报道,2009年上半年加拿大向中国出口的木材达到4.4亿板英尺,与上年同期相比几乎翻了一番。贸易人士说由于中国拓宽进口渠道,不单一依靠俄罗斯木材,使加拿大获益不少。  相似文献   

加拿大:为了遵守伦敦法院2月份做出的关于针叶材木材税的半4决,加拿大准备向美国支付4670万美元。伦敦国际仲裁法庭2月份裁定加拿大应当为针叶材出口支付10%的关税,伦敦法院说加拿大违反了2006年与美国签订的针叶材协议,必须为超过配额出口销售到美国的木材付税。加拿大国际贸易部部长斯托克威尔·戴说加拿大正在为此筹款,并称,维护针叶材协议是加拿大政府和木材工业界的首要任务。  相似文献   

The Russian forest is the last big wood basket of the international timber market and the conservation of the Russian forest is critical to protect global environment. There is a strong need to analyze present situation of forest policy and forest industry in Russia. The basic direction of forest policy reform of Russia is decentralization and introduction of market principles. However, the lack of specialists in forest policy in the regions and the conflict between central and regional governments has accelerated the confusion of forest policy. Forest management organizations cannot spare enough money for forest management because of the financial crisis of Russian government. Forest industry has also deteriorated. Although privatization of the forest industry was completed, it did not improve the management of enterprises and they could not survive the economic crisis. Output of the forest industry has decreased and most enterprises came close to bankruptcy. Under these circumstances, the former regional amalgamation of forest industry, which has accumulated hard currency earned by timber export, re-took control of the industry and tried to increase timber exports even more. However, logging enterprises, facing economic crises, cannot observe forest regulations and forest management organization cannot control these violations. A recovery of forest industry may accelerate the degradation of forest resources in Russia.  相似文献   

This paper analyses industrial round wood flows into, within, and out of Northwest regions of Russia. We examine sawlogs, pulpwood, and fuelwood used for industrial purposes obtained from logging, and chips obtained from the wood-processing industry. We attempt to clarify different recent trends in wood harvesting, industrial round wood export, and forest industries development that have an influence on unreported wood in Russia. Our method, which uses wood balance diagrams, provides an interpretation of data from different Russian sources in order to offer better transparency regarding wood flows from forests to mills. It also helps to explain the apparent imbalance between round wood supply and demand and it helps one to assess the possible share of unreported industrial round wood production in Northwest Russia. Based on annual forest-related statistical data available from the Ministry of Natural Resources, the State Committee of Statistics, and the Russian Federation’s Customs Department, unreported round wood flows can be estimated to be 23% of the total industrial round wood production, or approximately 9 million m3 u.b. per year. Unreported round wood flows are more common in export oriented regions that have poorly developed forest industries.
Yuri GerasimovEmail: Phone: +358-102-113253Fax: +358-102-113251

中俄林产品贸易互补性及潜力分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对中俄林产品比较优势指数、互补性指数的测算,指出中国具有比较优势的产品以劳动密集型产品为主,俄罗斯具有比较优势的产品以资源密集型产品为主,且两国具有比较优势产品的互补性很强,因此双方都能在国际贸易中获利。引入经常市场份额模型,分析了俄罗斯对中国原木、锯材的出口量不断增长的原因及未来趋势。  相似文献   

Understanding the state of market for modified wood as well as the forces that affect its future development will be essential for those seeking to enter the Russian market. Information on modified wood from websites of companies, research and development organisations, woodworking-oriented magazines and forums, and official Russian statistics were explored, and finally verified by personal contacts with experts. A number of modification methods have been either researched, developed or pre-commercialised during the past 15 years, but only few of them have been adopted by users. Mostly, the modification methods have been copied, further developed and commercialised from variations of thermal modification originally introduced in Western Europe. Modified wood products are still considered premium goods among Russian consumers. Political initiatives aim at increasing the share of wood in construction and renovation but also at import minimisation, which reduces the penetration of foreign producers into the markets. There are approximately 20 producers of thermally modified timber (TMT) with an overall annual capacity of 60,000–65,000 m3. The current annual market for TMT is estimated to be approximately €35–40 million. In contrast to the European mainstream end uses of TMT, there is also a market for massive and glued thermally modified logs in Russia.  相似文献   

The shortfall of timber resource in China constantly keeps about 150 million m3, which mainly relies on import to fill in the gap. However, Russia, the key timber supply state of China, has encouraged the development of its national intensive timber processing and therefore the Russian Far East Region started to gradually restrict log export. To this end, this paper analyzes the situation of forest industry and timber production in Russian Far East and discusses the current status and existing problems in timber trade between Russian Far East and China. At the end, the paper presents policy recommendation for future timber trade between Russian Far East and China and views their forestry cooperation prospect.  相似文献   

满洲里市地处中俄蒙三国交界点上,作为中国最大的内陆口岸城市,满洲里在我国进口俄罗斯原木中起着重要作用。但由于过分依赖俄罗斯原木,满洲里市的木材业比较脆弱。近年来,俄罗斯连续上调原木出口关税导致原木价格高涨,加之全球经济低迷致使国内外木材产品需求萎缩,满洲里木材业困难重重。很多人建议满洲里木材企业"走出去",到俄罗斯原木产地就地建厂规避俄贸易壁垒。文章即在通过调查研究得到,转战俄罗斯的"走出去"对策不能挽救满洲里市的中小型木材企业,"对内挖潜"才是帮助它们走出困境的办法。  相似文献   

作者曾在1998年访问加蓬,就在该国设立木材加工厂项目进行市场调研。本文通过对所考察的项目进行可行性分析后认为。项目是可行的。项目总投资178万美元。按5年分析期计算,年投资收益率可达89%:正常投产后,每年可创纯利润131万美元。  相似文献   

刘晶  艾沐野 《林业科技》2003,28(2):44-46
根据目前国内干燥俄罗斯产木材出现的问题,阐述了其木材的特性,论述了三阶段干燥基准与国内干燥俄罗斯产木材的关系,并提出了供企业参考使用的6种俄罗斯产木材三阶段的干燥基准,为确保干燥质量和生产效益提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

目前,中国木材资源缺口基本保持在1.5亿m3左右,这部分主要靠进口木材来补充.中国木材的主要供应国俄罗斯鼓励发展国内木材深加工,特别是中国进口木材的主要供应地区俄远东已开始逐步限制原木出口.对此,本文分析了俄远东地区森林资源与木材生产状况,探讨了中俄远东木材贸易现状及其存在的主要问题,提出了未来中俄远东木材贸易的对策建议.  相似文献   

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