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山茶物种收集及其育种和园林应用的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从山茶分类、种质资源保护、培育新种、交流合作四个方面讨论了山茶物种收集的意义。同时对利用这些物种在培育特殊花期的茶花品种、培育开黄花的茶花品种、培育具有香味的品种、培育抗寒性强的品种、培育各种特殊形态的品种、选育新的绿化树种等六个方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

对油茶芽苗砧嫁接容器苗培育方法进行了试验,实践证明:采用芽苗砧嫁接、容器培育油茶苗,苗木培育周期短、质量高,利于实现油茶规模化造林。从砧木培育、嫁接、装袋培育技术等方面探讨了南方山区油茶嫁接苗的容器培育方法,为油茶产业化经营提高科学依据。  相似文献   

介绍了水城县森林培育的基本情况。从生物的多样性、林分质量、生态环境、可持续发展等方面分析了森林培育的必要性。针对水城县森林培育存在的问题进行分析,并从造林力度、森林更新、森林培育的目标等方面探讨了水城县发展森林培育的对策。  相似文献   

张德林 《绿色科技》2014,(3):299-300
指出了为充分发挥森林培育学科对我国森林培育事业的指导作用,实现我国森林培育事业持续、健康发展,将近自然林业理念引入森林培育学科势在必行,是变革传统人工森林培育模式,推动森林培育学科发展的必要举措。分析了近自然林业理论内涵及我国森林培育现状,探讨了调整我国森林培育学科的建设目标和理念。  相似文献   

从采种、地苗小苗培育、营养袋小苗培育、独干直干型大苗培育、苗木出圃等方面详细介绍了独干直干型紫薇实生大苗培育技术,以期为紫薇育苗生产提供参考。  相似文献   

王国良 《绿色科技》2019,(3):178-179
指出了现阶段我国所面临的环境问题比较严重,为改善生态环境,推动我国可持续战略发展,森林培育工作得到了越来越多的重视。基于此,阐述了森林培育及生态环境建设的重要性,对森林培育两种主要方式即人工造林、封山育林等予以分析,针对森林培育提出了几点建议,包括科学选取树种、加强城乡绿化、选用合理培育方式、健全森林培育措施等,以期提供参考。  相似文献   

结合自身多年的核桃苗培育管理工作经验,研究分析核桃苗木培育技术,论述从选地、选种、种子处理、播种、砧木选择、嫁接方法等培育过程中的注意事项,为相关技术人员在培育核桃苗时提供参考依据。  相似文献   

核桃良种苗木培育是采用无性繁殖进行的一项技术,从砧木苗培育、接穗繁殖和采集、嫁接等方面介绍了核桃良种苗木在原平市的培育技术,适合山西北部地区进行良种苗木培育。  相似文献   

华润楠绿化大苗培育技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章详细介绍了华润楠绿化大苗培育技术,包括圃地选择与整理、培育模式、培育方法、修剪定型、移栽起苗等全过程。  相似文献   

总结了杉木大径材培育的经验,总结融合集良种及立地选择、间伐时间及强度、目标树培育及施肥等关键技术的杉木大径材培育技术体系,建立了杉木大径材综合培育技术模式,以期为浙南山区杉木大径材的培育提供相应的技术保障。  相似文献   

【目的】泡桐轻基质容器苗的是利用泡桐良种脱毒组培苗移栽至轻基质容器中培育形成的苗木,在其工厂化培育过程中,由于培育水肥和光照微生境的异质性,使同批泡桐组培苗生长形成为生长势不同的轻基质容器苗,为明确不同等级泡桐轻基质容器苗移栽至大田后苗木间生长和质量的差异;【方法】在河南省通许县建立生长对比试验林,对泡桐轻基质容器苗壮苗和弱苗的大田移栽苗木的苗高、地径、根幅、根茎叶器官组织中全氮、全磷、全钾和有机碳浓度、单位面积产苗数和优质苗产出率进行了测定分析。【结果】1个生长季后,泡桐轻基质容器苗壮苗培育的大田苗苗高、地径、根幅和大田保存率为3.96m、5.77cm、1.34m和92.22%,分别比弱苗提高了40.43%、19.21%、103.03%和18.41%。方差分析表明,各生长指标均极显著高于弱苗培育的大田苗;泡桐壮苗培育的大田苗茎组织内各矿质元素浓度均高于弱苗大田苗,组织内全磷、全钾浓度分别为0.49 g·kg-1和2.56 g·kg-1,均极显著高于弱苗培育的大田苗;而壮苗根、叶组织中全氮、全磷、全钾和有机碳浓度与弱苗差异不显著;壮苗单位面积大苗产出数6403株·hm-2和优质苗产出率达58.24%,分别比弱苗提高了1.17倍和8.73倍。【结论】利用泡桐轻基质容器苗壮苗培育的大田苗的优质苗产出数、苗木质量均优于利用弱苗培育大田轻基质容器苗,应在生产中推广应用。  相似文献   

不同类型薄壳山核桃苗木栽植效果研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以淮安地区种植园的1年生和泰州地区种植园的2年生‘波尼’薄壳山核桃苗为试材,研究裸根苗、土球苗、无纺布容器苗等3种不同类型薄壳山核桃苗栽植后生长发育的差异。结果表明:3种类型苗木栽植后新梢和根系生长差异较为显著。两处均以无纺布容器苗成活率最高,达到100%;新梢生长量最大,1年生和2年生苗木的生长量分别为110.77 cm和53.44 cm;根系也最为发达。土球苗次之,裸根苗的新梢、根系生长量最小。分析表明,在江苏淮安和泰州这两个地区,无纺布容器苗的成活率、平均新梢生长量、分枝数、总的新梢生长量、主根长度、粗度、侧根数量等均优于土球苗和裸根苗的。此外,3种类型苗木栽植后,2年生苗木的地上、地下部分生长均优于1年生苗木的。  相似文献   

以赤松幼苗接种松茸菌进行盆栽和圃地栽培试验,研究菌根菌感染数量和菌根菌对苗木生长效应的影响。结果表明:在盆栽条件下,三种处理根系菌根真菌的感染指数分别为80、50、3,截根接种和不截根接种分别为对照的26.7倍和16.7倍,且截根处理是不截根的1.6倍;幼苗苗高、地径生长量显著提高,干重比对照分别增加33.3%和18.5%。在圃地条件下,截根接种与不截根接种的幼苗苗高、地径生长量比对照分别提高5.4%、4.2%和14.9%、6.9%。  相似文献   

黑果枸杞移植育苗试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简单分析了黑果枸杞原床苗、大棚移植苗和露天移植苗之间的当年高、地径和出圃率等生长指标之间的差异.结果显示,大棚移植苗各生长指标最高,其次为露天移植苗,原床苗效果最差.同时对三种菌木的栽植成活率也进行了对比分析,原床苗、大棚移植苗和露天移植苗的成活率分别为55%、63.9%和86.1%,采用露天移植苗栽植效果最佳.  相似文献   

比较黎蒴扦插苗与实生苗苗期和造林后7个月及31个月的生长情况,发现黎蒴扦插苗多个性状优于实生苗;造林初期,实生苗生长较快,生长明显优于扦插苗,扦插苗蹲苗期较长,但后期扦插苗生长可以超过实生苗。从目前情况来看,黎蒴扦插苗造林值得推广。  相似文献   

Ponderosa pine, Jeffrey pine, and Douglas-fir seedlings were planted in container or bareroot form at three elevations in northern California. At the lowest elevation (762 m), container seedlings of ponderosa pine were significantly taller than bareroot seedlings at ages 4 and 10, and had breast-height diameters that were significantly larger than bareroot counterparts at age 10. Survival of Douglas-fir container seedlings was significantly greater than that of barefoot seedlings for all ages tested. At the mid-elevation site (1220 m), container seedlings of ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir were significantly larger in breast-height diameter than bareroot seedlings at age 10. Douglas-fir container seedlings survived significantly better at all ages than barefoot seedlings. At the highest elevation (1662 m), seedling height and diameter did not differ significantly, but survival of container seedlings was significantly higher than barefoot seedlings for both pine species at all ages tested.  相似文献   

本试验为了河井灌区科学合理选择葡萄苗木,对比分析了红地球葡萄扦插苗和嫁接苗的生长和结果特性。结果表明:嫁接苗的产量、品质高于扦插苗。扦插苗的生长量高于嫁接苗,死亡率低于嫁接苗。  相似文献   

刘生权 《防护林科技》2011,(6):38-39,55
通过对3年生樟子松容器苗与裸根苗定植后的成活率、保存率、生长量、生产管理和投资费用对比分析,提出了定植容器苗大大优于裸根苗,定植成活率和保存率分别达到96.3%和99%。与裸根苗相比,容器苗造林每667 m2可节约投资764元。特别是在风沙、干旱、瘠薄的榆林沙区,由于风沙侵蚀严重,立地条件低劣,更应提倡并推广使用容器苗...  相似文献   

The flow of labeled carbon in ectomycorrhizal and non-ectomycorrhizal seedlings of Japanese larch (Larix kaempferi Sarg.) and its F1 hybrid (Larix gmelinii Rupr. x L. kaempferi) was studied. Larch seedlings were grown in a greenhouse for 110 days with larch forest soil (FM) or Suillus grevillei (SM) inoculum, or in the absence of ectomycorrhizal fungi (NM). Shoots of colonized and NM seedlings were exposed to a pulse of 14CO2 for 1 h under natural light. Seedlings were harvested following 0, 6 and 24 h of exposure to 14CO2. At the final harvest, SM seedlings of Japanese larch and hybrid larch allocated 2.6 and 2.5% more 14C, respectively, to roots than NM seedlings. In contrast, FM seedlings of Japanese larch and hybrid larch allocated 6.5 and 18.0% more 14C, respectively, to the stem than NM seedlings. Of the total 14C detected in needle, stem and root fractions, FM and SM seedlings allocated a greater proportion than NM seedlings, perhaps because FM and SM seedlings had significantly (P < 0.05) higher photosynthetic rates than NM seedlings. As a result, FM and SM seedlings had greater dry masses than NM seedlings. Concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in FM and SM seedlings were significantly (P < 0.05) higher than in NM seedlings, as was stomatal conductance.  相似文献   

Ponderosa pine seedlings were inoculated with Hebeloma crustuliniforme either in growth pouches before they were transplanted to root-mycocosms (P seedlings), or at the time of transfer to root-mycocosms (V seedlings). Uninoculated seedlings served as controls (U seedlings). The use of root-mycocosms allowed examination of portions of hyphae separate from roots and rooting substrate but still in symbiosis with the host. The results thus provided a quantitative basis for estimating hyphal mass and carbon allocation to extramatrical hyphae. The amount of (14)CO(2) fixed after a 2-h exposure was greatest for P seedlings and least for uninoculated seedlings. Four and nine days after exposure, (14)C content was greatest in uninoculated seedlings and least in inoculated seedlings. In isotope distribution and dry mass accumulation, V seedlings were more similar to U than to P seedlings. Calculated on a dry weight basis, the allocation of isotope to mycelium suggested that extramatrical hyphae of P seedlings were a stronger sink for carbon than extramatrical hyphae of V seedlings. Differences in inoculation methods resulted in differences in carbon allocation and physiology of extramatrical hyphae that could affect seedling establishment and survival. Seedlings inoculated by one method cannot serve as surrogates for mycorrhizal seedlings produced by other inoculation techniques.  相似文献   

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