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石竹密度效应研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文运用石竹产区内30块固定标准地的调查材料,配制竹林密度效应模型W=0.04192347N^1.206841D^1.833925复相关指数R=0.96,F检验值为141。偏相关系数R1=0.86,R2=0.98。检验结果达到极显著相关,对该模型进行生产弹性分析,边际产量分析,为调整竹林密度提供科学依据。  相似文献   

浙北马尾松人工林鸟类群落结构和多样性指数的季节变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
楚国忠 《林业科学》1995,31(5):427-435
浙江省北部马尾松人工林春季鸟各丰富度最高(47种),秋季最少(31种),冬、夏季分别为35种和36种。留留种类秋季最多是(677%),春季的迁徙鸟种类最多(57.4%)。冬、春、夏、秋,鸟类平均密度分别为56.87、56.81、47.25及49.35只/10hm^2。春季留鸟的平均密度最高(43.10只10/hm^2),依次是夏、秋、冬季,分别为41.47、39.05和36.76只/10hm^2。  相似文献   

雷竹造林经济效益分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在常规培育管理条件下,造林密度为420~630株/hm2的雷竹,造林后第4年郁闭并形成经济产量,第6年进入盛产(笋)期,第7年平均产笋19.7t/hm2,产值可达5.11万元/hm2,当年投产比1:4.7。造林7年中,投资年平均效益系数K=0.30(元),年平均投产比R为1:1.73,投资回收期T=4.93(a)。  相似文献   

本文采用聚集度指标,频次比较及回归分析方法对粗鞘双条杉天牛在杉木人工要的为害分布进行了研究。结果表明,粗鞘双条杉天牛在人工杉木林中为害分布属受密度制的聚集型分布, 临界密度为mo=2.5961株样方;受害株的分布以植株群为基本单元,其形成是由于该天放散活动能力弱,产卵范围比较集中所致。根据回归式m=0.6280+0.7905m,可确定随机抽样的理论抽样数θ,θ=t^2/D^2(a+1/X+β+21  相似文献   

通过频次分布χ2检验和9种分布型指数的测定,白杨透翅蛾幼虫的空间分布型为一般负二项分布,空间分布的基本成分是疏松的个体群,个体群的分布为聚集型。当t=1,D=0.25时的理论抽样数为:n=20.8064/X+10.904,在防治指标为0.10头/株时,最大抽样数为220株。序贯抽样的累积虫量界限为:To(N)=:0.10N±0.3695N。该幼虫的田间简单随机抽样以平行线法为最佳。  相似文献   

塞罕坝人工针叶林中鸟类调查研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为了解塞罕坝的鸟类资源状况,1992-1995年在塞罕坝人工针叶林中用条带统计法,对各季节鸟类密度进行估计,共记录鸟类8目20科73种,其中留鸟17种,占总数的23.29%,各季节平均密度13.11只/10hm^2;夏候鸟40种,占54.79%,平均密度为21.50只/10hm^2;冬候鸟6种,占8.22%,平均密度2.29只/10hm^2,旅鸟10种,占13.70%,平均密谋2.68只/10hm  相似文献   

农牧防护林网区域性防风效应及评价模型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
朱廷曜  周广胜 《林业科学》1993,29(6):509-514
提出了农牧防护林网区域防风效应的新概念,同时,根据风洞实验资料和野外系留气球观测资料提出了新的防风效应评价方法和评价模型,并给出了应用实例。农牧防护林体系区域性防风效应E的模式为:E=1-U*/U*0{1-1nA/ 1n(z/z0)}; A=z0/z0=3.341(u*/u*0)^4-2.341  相似文献   

肉桂经济产量分析   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
从75个样地产量分析,肉桂有3种经营类型:一种以收获枝叶、提炼桂油要经营目的,第一次收获期为5年生,其后的萌芽林2-3年收获一次,达到同产的收获密度为1.05-1.20万株/km^2,一类立地类型组枝叶产量9474kg/hm^2以上;一种以收获桂皮药材主要经营目的,种植10年后方可达到高产,收获密度0.60-0.75万株/hm^2,一类立地类型组桂皮产量1961kg/hm^2以上;另一种是枝叶、桂  相似文献   

据抽样调查:在造林密度420-630株/hm^2及常规培育管理条件下,雷竹造林第4年郁闭成林并形成经济产量,第6年转入盛产笋期,第7年每公顷平均产笋19.7t,产值5.11万元,当年投产比1:4.7。造林7年中,投资年平均效益数K=0.30元,年平均投产比R为1:1.73,投资回收期T=4.93(年)。  相似文献   

对参试的35.6hm^2天然阔叶林伐后迹地进行菇耳专用林定向培育,通过树种选择,清杂,去高桩,补植,抚育,施肥等措施,4年后,幼树密度由2250株/hm^2增加到7500株/hm^2以上;活立木蓄积由1.5m^3/hm^2增加到42m^3/hm^2,平均生长量达10.1m^3/hm^2.a。  相似文献   

1997~1998年间全国鸟类环志中心承担国家林业局下达的黑嘴鸥专项调查。北起辽宁省,向南到达海南省,分别调查冬季和夏季的黑嘴鸥数量、分布及栖息地状况。“江苏盐城沿海地区繁殖季节几种水鸟的数量及分布研究(1)”主要讨论黑嘴鸥的数量和分布,本文主要讨论黑嘴鸥调查区内其它几种繁殖水鸟的数量。盐城国家级自然保护区是我国重要的湿地类型保护区,已经列入国际性重要湿地和东亚鹤类地点保护网络。保护区范围内不仅有大量黑嘴鸥(Larussaundersi)繁殖,还有普通燕鸥(Sternahirundo)、白额燕鸥(S.albifron…  相似文献   

114 nests, in which 100 nests filled with eggs, of common tern(Sterna hirund), little tern (S.albifrons), kentish plover(Charad rius alexamdrinus) and redshank (Tringa totanus) were found in the breeding co lony of saunder's gull(Larus Saundersi) when the special survey of saunder's gull was proceeding in June of 1998 around the coast of Yancheng, Jiangsu Pr o vince. It was estimated that there were about 1,633 pairs of common tern, 414 of little tern, 146 of kentish plover and 139 of redshank in the breeding colony o f saunder's gull based on the egg-filled nest density of them and the colonial area of saunder's gull.  相似文献   

历山自然保护区30种鸟类繁殖特性及成效的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1993年—1997年的4月—9月,对山西省沁水县中村地区,30种鸟类的自然繁殖特性及成效进行了观测研究。5年共观测到营巢成功巢150窝,产卵成功巢107窝,离巢成功巢86窝,巢外育幼成功巢56窝,成功率分别为83.80%,71.33%,80.30%和65.11%。影响鸟类繁殖成效的主要因素是人为活动的干扰。  相似文献   

The broods of singing birds often are reduced by fleas particularly poultry-fleas. The fleas are easily transferred by the birds and are very resistant to cold winter. They reach maximal density in second bird's nests built by the second generation on the top of the first nest. Up to 2576 individuals of fleas per nest box have been counted. Therefore it is necessary to clean the box immediately after the young birds have left the nest. In forests the density of fleas decreased considerable in last years as firstly the old wooden nest boxes (with their hiding-places favourable to flea larvae) were substituted by boxes consisting of wooden concrete, and secondly the boxes are sprayed with insecticides regularly.  相似文献   

长青保护区血雉分布的中心区域是兴隆岭地区,分布面积约4 000 hm^2。分布区的最高海拔3 000 m、最低海拔2 300 m。为了掌握血雉种群和人为干扰现状,提高保护管理水平。利用样带法、跟踪调查法,调查血雉的种群密度与巢穴利用情况。得出血雉平均密度0.2171只/hm^2,种群数量为868只。血雉不利用旧巢穴,当年选择巢址,产卵数最大为8枚,有弃巢现象,但是能适应一些自然因素的干扰。血雉种群分布区和密度稳定,处于稳定期。  相似文献   

高瑞东 《山西林业科技》2012,41(1):29-30,33
2008年至2010年,笔者对山西省芦芽山保护区普通翠鸟的生态习性进行了观察。结果表明:普通翠鸟在芦芽山地区为夏候鸟,每年4月上旬迁来,9月下旬迁离,种群密度为0.25只/km.5月初开始营巢,年产卵5枚~7枚。孵化期19 d~20 d,孵化率83.33%.雏鸟晚成性,26 d~28 d方可离巢活动。主要以小鱼、小虾等动物性食物为食。  相似文献   

山鹡鸰繁殖生态及雏鸟生长发育观察初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于1999—2001年、2006—2008年的4—9月,对吉林省左家自然保护区内的山鹡鸰的繁殖生态及雏鸟生长发育进行观察和分析。结果表明,仅由雌鸟筑巢,筑巢期5~6 d,每窝产卵4~5枚,孵化期9~10 d,雏巢期10 d。体重呈"S"型增长,其逻辑斯谛方程为:m=10.83/〔1+e-0.8355(t-2.4689)〕。  相似文献   

Studies on the distribution, bionomy and settlement of singing birds in breeding cages in the forests of Geisenfeld, South Bavaria Studies made in 1976 at 16 localities of the Geisenfeld- Forest comparing 7 types of breeding cages for birds showed the Titmice,Parus major (71.1%) to be the predominant species, followed byParus ater (15.0),Sitta europaea (4.5),Certha macrodactyla (3.1),Parus cristatus (2.4) andPhoenicurus phoenicurus (1.5), The maximal brood density was reached in localities smaller than 5 ha, probably in the consequence of the edge-effect. But in some more spacious woods a better settlement of birds was found in the middle than at the edge. Also by help of using more cages the number of broods could be raised.Comparing different types of cages the following types showed the best settlement of birds: Schwegler cage with round hole (75%), Bavarian cage with pointed gable root and oval hole (72.9) and Thüring cage with oval hole (63.2). The Trunk Looper(Certhia macrodactyla) settled nearly only the special Trunk Looper-cages. In nest boxes hanging in normal hight of about 3 m the Great Tit showed the greatest density, whereas in boxes hanging deeper, at eye level, the Coal Tit predominated.In most cases the number of eggs of the first brood was greater than such of the second. But also the mortality of broods and the number of unfinished nests were greater in the first brood.  相似文献   

鸳鸯(Aix galericulata)为雁形目、鸭科的中型鸭类,属国家二级重点保护野生动物,其国内主要繁殖地在东北地区。2018年12月—2019年6月,在四川省广元市剑阁县观察到一鸳鸯种群留居及繁殖情况。此鸳鸯种群共23只(12♂,11♀)。分别对两个洞穴巢和1号巢中的4枚卵行了测量。卵为椭圆形,色白,平均重量37.92 g,平均长、短径为52×38 mm。由于鸮类的入侵,导致1号巢鸳鸯卵失孵而繁殖失败。此前在四川省还未有对野外环境下鸳鸯繁殖的研究报道,这为鸳鸯种群在南方省份的留居与繁殖地增加了新的纪录。  相似文献   

A previously unknown association of ants with birds breeding in tree holes is described. Ants Lasius brunneus Latreille (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) were found in c. 15% of nests of Parus major L. and Poecile palustris L. (Paridae) breeding in tree holes in the primeval deciduous forest located in the Bia?owie?a National Park (Poland). The ants preferably used holes located higher above the ground. As such holes are warmer than the unused holes or other nest sites, it is suggested that the ants cohabit holes utilized by the tits to gain thermal benefits.  相似文献   

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