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人工林伐区木材运输作业模式选优   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
对南方人工林伐区的常用4种木材运输作业模式进行综合效益分析与评价.结果表明:在相同的作业条件下,不同木材运输作业模式,其经济效益、生态效益和社会效益以及综合效益均不同.建议林业生产决策部门在选择人工林伐区运材作业模式时应综合考虑其经济、生态和社会效益,在有水路运输条件的伐区,应优先选择船运木材或排运木材;在无水路运输条件的伐区,则应优先选择农用车运材.  相似文献   

以福建省将乐国有林场为例分析木材采伐运输过程中木材检尺和运输证办理等业务流程管理,设计开发一个B/S和C/S架构相结合的、基于云计算的木材采伐运输物联网管理系统。该系统能够实时采集处理伐区现场的木材检尺数据,提高林业站点运输证办理效率,并提供数据检验、对账、分析等功能,从而达到信息化处理国有林场伐区作业数据,提高伐区生产作业效率等目的。  相似文献   

多年来,东北、内蒙古林业企业为了降低木材生产成本,提高原木产品质量,增加企业的经济效益,都在进行木材生产工艺改革的探讨和实践。自从原条贮备工艺被应用进到木材生产作业中来,已引起人们的普遍关注。它不仅改变了以往单一的季节性木材生产的工艺模式,还为木材运输和贮木场作业的均衡生产创造了有利条件,在经济效益方面已取得了明显地成果。但是原条贮备在伐区还是在贮木场,要根据伐区条件、运材  相似文献   

木材生产的整个过程可分为三个阶段,即伐区生产阶段,木材运输阶段和贮木场作业阶段,一般通称三大流水作业。伐区生产是整个木材生产过程的第一阶段,它包括采伐,串坡、集材、归装和清林等工序。伐区生产是三大流水作业的一个重要阶段,而伐区布局又是伐区生产的先导,伐区布局的是否合理,伐区作业质量的好坏,直接关  相似文献   

综述岑溪市中林林业发展有限公司伐区招标管理技术措施,分析了伐区调查方法与林木伐区招标工作程序,对提高本公司的管理水平和木材经营效益,促进林业生产健康发展具有现实意义。  相似文献   

伐区调查设计是林业生产的先行工序。伐区调查设计成果是编制企业计划、科学组织及指挥木材生产和合理经营森林的基础和依据。为了准确地反映伐区森林资源情况和合理的组织木材生产,伐区调查设计成果必须真实,同时必须符合技术上先进,经济上合理的原则。为此就伐区设计谈几点看法。  相似文献   

森林抚育监督工作,要全面贯彻落实好《森林法》和国家、自治区林业主管部门和上级主管部门制定的法律法规、规章制度、办法等,推动被监督单位依法管理、保护、利用和培育好森林资源。森林抚育监督工作,坚持以调查为基础,主要监督内容包括:监督森林抚育生产计划和采伐限额指标落实情况;监督森林抚育调查设计质量审核、伐区审批、伐区拨交工作;监督森林抚育林木采伐作业、集材、装车、运输、木材缴库、木材销售等生产经营过程;监督检查木材生产各项报表、统计台账、相关账目等;监督核查生产经营单位采伐限额制度执行情况等,目的是实现森林资源质量的提升,优化森林结构,提高林地生产力。  相似文献   

①生产有季节性.东北林区运材汽车使用的季节一般是从当年的10月初至来年的4月底,这是由木材采伐作业特点决定的.木材及伐区剩余物的运输是在林业企业内部进行的,与其他部门不发生经济业务关系,在企业内部自成运输体系,其采伐、集材、运输设备的利用率较低.  相似文献   

我国东北林区木材生产工艺流程基本可分为伐区木材生产、运输、贮木场生产三个阶段。从木材生产成本看:伐区木材生产成本占整个生产成本的50~60%,而在伐区生产成本中,集材成本又占伐区木材生产成本的60%以上。所以对于集材机械选择的合理与否将直接影响到木材生产成本。从我省情况来看,集材作业主要是以拖拉机为主,占整个伐区的75%以上。我省现有集材拖拉机大部分是集材—50拖拉机。黑龙江省部分林业局运用了集材—80拖拉机集材和接运。对  相似文献   

木材生产中的主要工作是木材运输。从运输范围来分,基本分为两个阶段:在伐区内部的运输是集材,与集材相衔接的是运材。由伐区至贮木场这段木材运输中,如何正确的制定集运材方案,是提高生产效率降低成本的关键,是值得研究的一个问题。根据带岭林业局几年来的生产实践,对如何提高集材效率的问题,有如下体会。  相似文献   

福建永安市林权制度改革前后林木采伐情况的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
福建永安市是我国南方重点集体林区,2003年全面深化集体林权制度改革。通过林改前后林木采伐总出材量、平均每份采伐证面积、单位面积采伐出材量、出材树种和材种等变化情况进行分析,以期为永安市等南方集体林区林改后林木采伐管理和资源培育提供参考。  相似文献   

林改后永安市森林采伐管理制度的探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
集体林权制度改革后,为探索完善森林资源采伐限额管理新机制,永安市开展商品林按面积控制采伐试点。通过对改革试点中存在问题的研究与分析,提出了进一步完善森林采伐管理制度的对策和建议。  相似文献   

Different forest fires causing different degrees of effects occur in fire-sensitive forests due to various reasons such as climate change.Useful as well as harmful aspects of forest fires are a multi-disciplinary research topic.Geographical information systems(GIS) and remote sensing(RS) methods offer a number of benefits for researchers and operators in the field of forest fire research.The present study analyses timber pricing based on forest contractor demands of post-salvage logging processes.The effect of timber obtained from compartment units on producers' pricing policy was modelled.Sapadere forest fire area(2500 ha)located in Antalya in Turkey was selected as the main study area.Topography parameters(aspect,slope and slope position),stand types(diameter class and crown closure),and burn severity were analyzed together using GIS and R software packages.A multi-linear regression model(R~2=0.752)demonstrated that factors that had the most impact on pricing were slope position,aspect,stand age,crown closure and burn severity.This model can be used to estimate salvage logging prices in Calabrian pine(Pinus brutia Ten.) stands with similar parameters.Forest administrators and contractors may readily address the unit price of timber by estimating approximate costs in a given forest area for which they are going to bid.This will help reduce operational planning times of harvesting procedures in burned stands.  相似文献   

分析了龄组划分流程,并将每个龄组采用公式化来表达,据此推导出龄组结构比例测算公式、理想采伐面积比例测算公式、理想用材林龄组结构面积比例和蓄积比例测算方法,这对于森林可持续经营中龄组结构的优化分析将有重要意义。  相似文献   

Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a mathematical tech-nique to assess relative efficiencies of decision making units (DMUs). The efficiency of 14 Iranian forest companies and forest management units w...  相似文献   

河北省平原地区林木采伐管理政策改革探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据河北省平原地区林木采伐利用的主要特点,提出将其森林资源分成经济林木、防护用材兼用林木和用材林木三大类,每类分别采取不同的采伐管理改革政策。  相似文献   

基于最优轮伐期模型的超限额采伐现象及其约束机制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文中将最优轮伐期模型应用于对超限额采伐现象的研究,认为由于国有森工企业的利润大多来自于木材销售收入,而企业领导的任期是有限的,他们只关心自己任期内的业绩,导致企业经营的目标实际上是短期木材收益的最大化,而不是我们所期待的可持续木材与生态综合收益最大化,甚至也不是私人拥有森林时所追求的长期木材收益的最大化。他们会设法突破政府设定的采伐限额,增加采伐量,造成森林资源加速衰退的不良后果,不仅生态功能迅速萎缩,木材产量也无法长期维持下去。同样的情形在国有林场短期租赁给私人经营时也极易发生。为尽量杜绝这种现象,有必要通过建立有效的监督和惩罚机制使超采所带来的额外收益小于被发现时上缴罚款的数学期望值,以此从根本上遏制住企业超限额采伐的动机。  相似文献   

集体林权制度改革对农户采伐行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张英  宋维明 《林业科学》2012,48(7):161-169
使用2005和2010年江西省集体林区调查数据,运用Probit模型研究集体林权制度改革对农户采伐决策的影响,运用FE和RE研究林改对木材和竹材采伐量的影响。结果表明:集体林权制度改革可显著增加木材和竹材的采伐量,其中林下资源的使用权可以延迟农户对木材的采伐,农户倾向于在产权明确的林地上进行采伐,同时家庭经营林业的方式不利于木材供给的增加。基于本文的实证,建议在勘界发证的工作中应首先确保用材林地,提倡以林地流转的方式实现林地的规模经营。  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(4):195-200
At least 200 000 m3 of timber is harvested annually using semi-mechanised harvesting systems on the Viphya forest plantations in Malawi. Although these systems have long been used on the Viphya, no investigation on their productivity has so far been reported. Additionally, the absence of localised productivity analyses in Malawi has created a paucity of information on appropriate timber harvesting systems for production maximisation and cost minimisation. The objective of this study was to compare the production rates and operational costs of chainsaw/grapple skidder (semi-mechanised) and feller-buncher/grapple skidder (mechanised) harvesting systems in order to determine the economic feasibility of mechanised systems in the Viphya forest plantations. The study was conducted in Pinus kesiya compartments at the Kalungulu and Champhoyo forest stations of the Viphya forest plantations. A work study approach was followed to capture harvesting time and volume data for the semi-mechanised system. Secondary work study data were used to simulate productivity of the mechanised system on similar compartment conditions. A timber-harvesting costing model was used to analyse the results. The study showed that the simulated mechanised system was associated with lower operating costs and inventories with higher production rates than the semi-mechanised system. The cost marginal difference was US$0.89 m–3. It was therefore established that migration to mechanised systems could optimise timber harvesting productivity on the Viphya in future, if optimal volumes are available to ensure the efficient application of the mechanised harvesting system.  相似文献   

Tropical forests could satisfy multiple demands for goods and services both for present and future generations. Yet integrated approaches to natural forest management remain elusive across the tropics. In this paper we examine one combination of uses: selective harvesting of timber and non-timber forest product (NTFP) extraction. We analyze the current status of this combination and speculate on prospects and challenges regarding: (i) resource inventory, (ii) ecology and silviculture, (iii) conflict in the use of multipurpose tree species, (iv) wildlife conservation and use, (v) tenure, and (vi) product certification. Our conclusions remain preliminary due to the relative paucity of published studies and lessons learned on what has worked and what has not in the context of integrated management for timber and NTFPs. We propose at least three ways where further research is merited. One, in improving ‘opportunistic’ situations driven by selective timber harvesting that also enhance NTFP values. Two, to explicitly enhance both timber and NTFP values through targeted management interventions. Three, to explicitly assess biophysical, social, regulatory and institutional aspects so that combined benefits are maximized. Interventions for enhancing the compatibility of timber and NTFP extraction must be scaled in relation to the size of the area being managed, applied timber harvesting intensities, and the dynamics of multi-actor, forest partnerships (e.g., between the private sector and local communities). In addition, training and education issues may have to be re-crafted with multiple-use management approaches inserted into tropical forestry curricula.  相似文献   

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