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在东莞大岭山实验场对12年生的尾叶桉(Eucalyptus urophylla)人工林进行间伐和套种改造,设3种间伐强度(30%、70%、100%)处理,间伐后均套种阔叶树种,以不间伐纯林为对照;改造7 a后,比较不同间伐强度套种改造模式对群落物种组成、物种多样性和林分生长状况的影响。结果表明:与对照林分相比,乔木层的物种数明显增加,灌草层物种数差异不大,但其优势种有所变化;改造后各处理乔木层物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener指数和草本层Pielous指数均高于对照,灌木层Shannon-Wiener指数和Pielous指数有所下降。整体来看,以间伐100%处理组的物种多样性指数最高,间伐70%处理组次之。林分套种树种的平均树高、胸径和胸高断面积均随着间伐强度的增大而增大;高强度改造(间伐100%)的尾叶桉人工林适合套种米老排和亮叶猴耳环等树种,该间伐套种模式能促进套种树种生长和林分天然更新能力。  相似文献   

人工林在保护香港自然环境起着重要作用,但绝大多数人工林为纯林,生态系统较为脆弱。人工林的改造对于增加林地生物多样性、提升人工林的生态服务功能具有重要意义。研究选取20 a 生的尾叶桉(Eucalyptus urophylla)林和马占相思(Acacia mangium)林进行间伐套种处理,套种密度为1665株/hm2;以不间伐林分为对照,比较间伐套种后林分的物种多样性及套种树种的生长表现。结果表明,间伐+套种3 a后,与未间伐林分相比,尾叶桉间伐林分植物的科、属和种数分别增加了78.6%、116.7%和100%,马占相思间伐林分相反。DCA 分析结果显示,群落中灌木层和草本层物种主要聚集在尾叶桉间伐林分,马占相思未间伐林分物种数次之。与未间伐相比,间伐+套种措施显著提高了尾叶桉林乔木层 Shannon-Wiener 指数和均匀度指数、灌木层的物种丰富度指数和均匀度指数及草本层的丰富度和 Shannon-Wiener 指数(P <0.05);但马占相思间伐+套种林分的乔木层、灌木层和草本层的 Shannon-Wiener 指数均显著低于未间伐林分(P <0.05);物种多样性指标总体表现为尾叶桉间伐林>未间伐林,马占相思未间伐林>间伐林。套种树种在尾叶桉和马占相思林分中的早期生长表现良好,树种间生长量没有明显差异。  相似文献   

人工林在保护香港自然环境起着重要作用,但绝大多数人工林为纯林,生态系统较为脆弱。人工林的改造对于增加林地生物多样性、提升人工林的生态服务功能具有重要意义。研究选取20 a生的尾叶桉(Eucalyptus urophylla)林和马占相思(Acacia mangium)林进行间伐套种处理,套种密度为1 665株/hm~2;以不间伐林分为对照,比较间伐套种后林分的物种多样性及套种树种的生长表现。结果表明,间伐+套种3 a后,与未间伐林分相比,尾叶桉间伐林分植物的科、属和种数分别增加了78.6%、116.7%和100%,马占相思间伐林分相反。DCA分析结果显示,群落中灌木层和草本层物种主要聚集在尾叶桉间伐林分,马占相思未间伐林分物种数次之。与未间伐相比,间伐+套种措施显著提高了尾叶桉林乔木层Shannon-Wiener指数和均匀度指数、灌木层的物种丰富度指数和均匀度指数及草本层的丰富度和Shannon-Wiener指数(P0.05);但马占相思间伐+套种林分的乔木层、灌木层和草本层的Shannon-Wiener指数均显著低于未间伐林分(P0.05);物种多样性指标总体表现为尾叶桉间伐林未间伐林,马占相思未间伐林间伐林。套种树种在尾叶桉和马占相思林分中的早期生长表现良好,树种间生长量没有明显差异。  相似文献   

在辽宁清原县选择25年生落叶松人工林进行近自然化改造,以不间伐林分作为对照,研究近自然化改造对林分生长和林下草本层植物多样性的影响。结果表明:间伐1年后,间伐林分平均胸径和林分材积生长量及生长率均高于对照,差异显著(p0.05)。在间伐林分中,目标树的胸径生长量显著高于一般林木的胸径生长量。近自然化改造显著地提高了林下草本层植物多样性,间伐林分林下草本层丰富度指数和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数高于对照。因此,近自然化改造促进了人工落叶松林的林分生长,提高了林下草本层植物多样性,有利于目标树的持续快速生长。今后经营落叶松中龄人工林时,应多关注目标树的生长。  相似文献   

以将乐国有林场杉木人工林为研究对象,开展不同强度的抚育间伐,并在间伐后的林窗、林隙下套种阔叶树种木荷。对试验地杉木和木荷生长情况进行4 a的持续调查,结果表明:抚育间伐对杉木林分的生长有较大的促进作用,可显著提高了杉木的平均胸径、树高、冠幅和单株材积,且随着间伐强度的增加而上述生长指标也不断增大。试验还表明,随着杉木林分间伐强度的增加,林内套种的木荷植株胸径、树高、冠幅呈上升趋势,同时间伐后3a内各处理植株的胸径、树高和冠幅较套种时相关指标均有增加。试验说明合理抚育间伐和林下套种,有利于保留杉木和林下套种木荷的生长。  相似文献   

桉树林分改造模式对林下植被物种多样性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对山美水库周边8年生桉树水源涵养人工林进行间伐和套种阔叶树种改造试验,以纯林作对照,3 a后比较不同改造模式对群落物种组成、物种多样性和林分生长状况的影响。结果表明:(1)与对照林分相比,不同改造模式林下不同层次物种的科、属、种类和数量总体上有所增加,但优势种有所变化;(2)各模式林分不同层次的Margalef丰富度指数虽然较原有纯林的有一定的提高,但Hurlbert均匀度指数和Simpson、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数总体上差异不显著;(3)皆伐桉树林后改种阔叶树的林分地上部分生物量现存量与枝叶生物量现存量显著高于择伐桉树后套种阔叶树的林分;(4)不同阔叶树种套种后生长适宜性依次为马占相思枫香台湾相思火力楠。  相似文献   

2002年来广东省佛山市云勇林场陆续对杉木人工林采伐迹地进行了阔叶树混交造林改造。选取3个林龄为10 a的杉木人工林采伐迹地作为样地,包括1个未改造的对照林分和2个已改造的林分,比较其植物多样性差异。无论是物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener、Simpson物种多样性和均匀性指数,还是秩多度曲线都表明,已改造林分植物多样性远高于未改造林分;人工引入的本地树种藜蒴、阴香能自我更新。采用乡土阔叶树种及其合理混交模式,对针叶人工纯林进行改造,有利于形成稳定的近自然林。  相似文献   

间伐强度对柏木人工林生长及林下植物的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
【目的】针对川中丘陵区普遍存在的柏木人工林密度过大、木材生产力低、林下灌草盖度低和天然更新不良等问题,开展生态疏伐试验,探讨间伐强度对林分生长和林下植物的影响,为开展柏木生态经济型防护林的营林活动提供参考。【方法】以25年生柏木人工林为研究对象,采用随机区组方法,设置4种间伐强度(20%~25%,15%~20%,10%~15%和对照)的处理,观察林分胸径、树高、蓄积量、生物多样性和天然更新幼苗数量,探讨间伐强度对其影响。【结果】不同强度间伐5年后林分平均胸径和胸径连年生长量在各处理之间均存在显著差异,胸径生长量随间伐强度加大而增加;平均树高以20%~25%间伐强度最大,达10.7 m,但20%~25%间伐强度与15%~20%间伐强度和10%~15%间伐强度之间无显著差异,而树高连年生长量在不同处理之间差异显著;20%~25%,15%~20%和10%~15%不同强度间伐5年后林分蓄积量分别为97.35,93.43和93.19 m3·hm -2,均比对照小,但蓄积连年生长量随间伐强度由高到低分别为6.11,4.58和3.66 m3·hm -2 a -1,均高于对照;20%~25%间伐强度林分的灌木和草本 Simpson 指数分别为0.7695和0.4446,Shannon-Wiener 指数分别为1.7025和0.7690,都比其他处理高;不同间伐强度天然更新幼苗株数仅在苗高5~30 cm 等级存在显著差异,30~50和50~150 cm 的幼苗在不同处理之间差异不明显;评价结果表明,综合得分以20%~25%间伐强度最大,且随间伐强度降低而减小。【结论】间伐后保留木的生长空间和营养空间得到有效改善,林分胸径和树高生长量随间伐强度增大而增加,但不同间伐强度蓄积量差异不显著;适度间伐可提高林下灌木和草本生物多样性指数;林分更新幼苗数量也随着间伐强度的增大而增加;就本研究的4种间伐强度而言,中龄阶段柏木人工林的适宜间伐强度为20%~25%。  相似文献   

2016年11月,在福建省南平市顺昌县洋口国有林场对14年生的杉木人工纯林进行间伐,设置2个保留密度(900、1200株·hm(-2)),并于2017年3月在杉木人工林林下混合套种闽楠、火力楠、木荷、观光木4种乡土阔叶树种,分析不同间伐保留密度下杉木和4种阔叶树树高、胸径、冠幅生长动态。经连续3 a的调查与分析结果表明:火力楠和观光木地径增长量、苗高增长量及冠幅增长量显著高于木荷和闽楠。杉木间伐保留密度900株·hm(-2)),并于2017年3月在杉木人工林林下混合套种闽楠、火力楠、木荷、观光木4种乡土阔叶树种,分析不同间伐保留密度下杉木和4种阔叶树树高、胸径、冠幅生长动态。经连续3 a的调查与分析结果表明:火力楠和观光木地径增长量、苗高增长量及冠幅增长量显著高于木荷和闽楠。杉木间伐保留密度900株·hm(-2)处理下套种的4种阔叶树地径生长增量、苗高生长增量、冠幅生长增量明显大于间伐保留密度1200株·hm(-2)处理下套种的4种阔叶树地径生长增量、苗高生长增量、冠幅生长增量明显大于间伐保留密度1200株·hm(-2)处理,表明间伐保留密度900株·hm(-2)处理,表明间伐保留密度900株·hm(-2)对杉木中龄林林下阔叶树的生长更为有利。间伐保留密度900株·hm(-2)对杉木中龄林林下阔叶树的生长更为有利。间伐保留密度900株·hm(-2)下杉木平均胸径和树高增量较大,但蓄积量增量较小。研究结果可为杉木中龄林近自然经营下的异龄复层混交林培育提供参考。  相似文献   

抚育间伐对落叶松云冷杉混交林的影响   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
以15块人工落叶松纯林演化后形成的落叶松云冷杉混交林为对象,间伐后12年观测结果,研究间伐对林分和树木生长、树种组成、物种多样性及土壤等因子的影响。间伐强度分为2级:中度(平均为20%)和强度(平均为30%)。结果表明:间伐促进了保留木生长的显著增加,但不同间伐强度间无显著差异。林分及单木的直径、断面积和蓄积生长率均表现相同的趋势即随间伐强度的增加而增加。但间伐没有显著地增加12年间的总收获量。伐后对照样地表现为较高的枯损,枯死木主要是落叶松和阔叶树。林分进界株数严重不足,进界的主要树种是云冷杉、阔叶树和红松,以耐荫树种为主。从枯损和进界看,如果能对红松和阔叶树进行保护,这种林分很可能逐渐演化为阔叶红松林。建议对红松和阔叶树进行保护,使林分向阔叶红松林方向发展。各林分的树种组成在12年间基本没有发生变化,即间伐没有显著地改变林分的树种组成,目前的树种组成即落叶松、其他针叶树(云杉、冷杉和红松)和阔叶树组成比约为6∶3∶1可能是相对稳定的群落。20%和30%的间伐强度没有显著地改变林分的物种多样性、灌草生物量和土壤物理性质,间伐样地的物种多样性略有提高;间伐样地的土壤物理性质有所改善,总孔隙度和毛管孔隙度都大于对照;林下灌草生物量有所增加。  相似文献   

南亚热带不同树种人工林生物量及其分配格局   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
通过收获法和建立的单木相对生长方程研究了南亚热带5种树种人工林乔、灌、草不同组分的生物量及其分配。结果表明:在立地条件相似,林龄和经营管理措施相同的情况下,不同树种人工林生物量有较大差异,表现为米老排林(404.95 t·hm-2)火力楠林(376.61 t·hm-2)马尾松林(239.94 t·hm-2)红椎林(231.01 t·hm-2)铁力木林(181.06 t·hm-2)。林分生物量空间分布格局以乔木层为主,占总生物量的87.71%97.86%;其次为地表凋落物层,占1.96%10.90%;灌木层和草本层最低,仅占0.02%1.09%。林分乔木层各器官的生物量分配格局总体呈树干生物量所占比例最大,根或枝所占比例次之,再其次是干皮,叶生物量最低。林下灌木层、草本层和地表凋落物层生物量在不同林分间的差异均较大,其中,灌木层生物量以红椎林和马尾松林较高,火力楠林和米老排林较低,铁力木林最低;草本层和地表凋落物层表现出相似的规律,即马尾松林最高,红椎林其次,米老排林、火力楠林和铁力木林较低。  相似文献   

抚育间伐对杉木人工林生长及出材量的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
间伐对人工林生长及木材质量具有重要影响。在浙江开化开展了间伐强度(强度、中度和对照)和间伐方式(间伐1次,间伐2次)对杉木人工林生长及出材量等的影响研究,第1试验区大径材培育林分在第7年和第14年进行了2次间伐,第2试验区中径材培育林分仅在第12年时进行1次间伐。结果表明:22年生大径材培育林分和19年生中径材培育林分不同间伐处理之间树高、总断面积的差异均不显著。间伐显著增加了林木胸径的生长,大径材培育林分强度和中度间伐处理的平均胸径分别比对照增加13.78%和9.69%,中径材培育林分强度和中度间伐处理的平均胸径分别比对照增加12.28%和7.02%。间伐显著促进了林木单株材积的增加,2组试验林分活立木材积随着间伐强度的增加而降低,第1试验区22年生林分不同间伐强度之间活立木材积的差异不显著(P>0.05),第2试验区强度间伐活立木材积显著低于对照(P<0.05),中度间伐林分活立木材积与对照和强度间伐之间的差异不显著(P>0.05)。2组试验林分总蓄积和出材量也随着间伐强度的增加而降低,二者在3种间伐处理之间均没有显著差异(P>0.05)。间伐强度不能有效增加林分活立木材积和林分出材量,间伐次数对林分出材量及出材规格有重要影响。试验区杉木大径材培育以2次间伐,总间伐强度50%左右较为适宜,而中径材培育则以1次中度间伐(约25%)为宜。  相似文献   

Direct seeding is a less expensive practice than planting and has the potential to become a viable alternative to transplanting for afforestation and regeneration purposes. As an effective and a less costly regeneration method, aerial seeding has been applied with several tree species. As early as 1956, Chinese people engaged in aerial seeding and stands with a total of 2.97×107 hm2 have been developed up to 2004. Our study tested whether the growth of planted Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.) seedlings and its undergrowth development in northwest aspects differ from that of aerially sown seedlings on the northern and northwestern aspects of slopes. In 2007, we collected data such as height, diameter at breast height (DBH), clear bole height and canopy widths of trees, abundance, coverage, and frequency of shrubs and herbs from 21-year-old planted Chinese pine stands on a northwestern aspect (PNW), aerially sown stands in a northwest aspect (ANW) and aerially sown stands in a northern aspect (AN). Results showed that the relation of crown area and mean DBH was best fitted by a double inverse model for the ANW and AN forests and by a quadratic model for the PNW forest. There was no difference in the growth between ANW and AN forests, while growth was significantly higher in the PNW forest than in the ANW and AN forests. That was consistent with the Sorenson diversity indices in the shrub and herb layers, indicating that there was a large number of the same species in both aerially seeded stands, although their locations were different. Both the number of species in the undergrowth and the Shannon-Wiener index in the shrub layer were higher in the PNW stands than in the ANW and AN stands. Dominant families for all three stands were Rosaceae and Compositae in the shrub and herb layer, respectively. The dominant species for all three stands was Spiraea pubescens in the shrub layer, while the dominant species was different from each other in the three stands. The discrepancy in diversity and composition of species in the herb layer show that herbs are sensitive to shrubs in the three forests. High mortality and skewed diameter distributions reflect severe competition and too high a density in the aerially seeded forests. Thus, aerial seeding is a viable and effective regeneration technique, but management practices, such as thinning, should be applied to these forests.  相似文献   

Development of understory vegetation has been influenced by the many densely stocked second-growth forest stands in North America, which have an extended stem exclusion successional stage. Understory composition and structure is important for ecosystem functioning, while also having social and economic value through the harvest of certain herb and shrub species. The potential for co-management of young and mature, managed and unmanaged stands for timber and non-timber forest products (NTFPs) was assessed in two separate replicated experiments. Experiment A examined pole-sized lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) stands that had been pre-commercially thinned (PCT) to target densities of 250, 500, 1000, and 2000 stems/ha. Half of each of these four thinning units was repeatedly fertilized, resulting in eight experimental units. Experiment B examined six different stand types: young plantations, pole-sized lodgepole pine stands either PCT, PCT plus repeated fertilization, or unthinned, mature, and old growth. Fifty-four herb and shrub species were identified as potential NTFPs, with the responses of individual species, as well as mean total herb, shrub, berry-producing and overall total NTFPs being assessed. In Experiment A, mean total abundance (crown volume index) of NTFPs, as well as mean total herb NTFPs were significantly greater in fertilized than in unfertilized stands. Thinning treatments did not significantly affect NTFP volume, however, fertilization treatments produced five significant responses by individual species (Achillea millefolium, Epilobium angustifolium, Taraxacum officinale, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Rubus idaeus). In Experiment B, four of the six species responses that were significant had greater abundance in young, managed stands (young plantation, thinned, or thinned-fertilized) than in the unmanaged stands. Mean total NTFP volume and mean total herb NTFP volume also followed this pattern. A. uva-ursi, E. angustifolium, Lonicera involucrata, Sorbus sitchensis and Thalictrum occidentale all had significantly higher abundance in young, managed stands than in all other treatments. Results suggest that co-management for timber and NTFPs is possible in this ecosystem, with further research needed to evaluate livelihood values of these crops.  相似文献   

The effects of thinning on plant species diversity and composition of understory herbs in a larch plantation were investigated. The relationships between plant species diversity and composition of understory herbs and light conditions were established. Twenty-five 1 m × 1 m plots and fifteen 13 m × 1 m transects were set up in unthinned and thinned stands, respectively. All the transects in the thinned stands were set across the thinned rows and unthinned rows, and each of them was divided into nine 1 m × 1 m sub-plots. The herb diversity and light conditions were observed in each plot and sub-plot. The results show that there was a significant difference in herb diversity between the thinned and unthinned stands. All biodiversity indices except for evenness index in the thinned stand were higher than those of the unthinned stand, i.e., the herb diversity increased after thinning. According to the changes in herb densities and whether one species could be found in a stand or not before and after thinning, all herb species were classed into three types: positive, neutral and negative species, which referred to a species newly appeared and having an obviously increased density after thinning, with no obvious changes in its appearance and density after thinning, and disappeared and having an obviously decreased density after thinning, respectively. Many new species were found in the thinned stand like Corydalis pallida, Prenanthes tatarinowii, Vicia unijuga and Sonchus brachyotus etc. However, most species found in both the thinned and unthinned stands were negative species. In all nine subplots, only 11 and 10 species were found in spring and in autumn respectively, accounting for 17.74% and 15.15% of all the species in the thinned stand, respectively. All biodiversity indices were the highest in the center sub-plots and most of them tended to reduce from middle to side sub-plots. There was a close correlation between most of the three types of species and light conditions which was similar to each other in the thinned and unthinned stands. __________ Translated from Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2006, 25(10): 1201–1207 [译自: 生态学杂志]  相似文献   

以2008年冰雪灾害对森林生态系统的破坏为背景,通过人工去除林冠层保留树干模拟森林的机械损伤,研究粤北小坑流域藜蒴栲群落林下植被的变化.结果表明:(1)试验1.5年后,去除林冠层、林下添加枯枝落叶的处理,林下灌木、草本科、种及乔木幼苗种的数量显著增加(P<0.05);去除林冠层且地表枯落物层保持不变的处理,林下草本科、种数量增加显著,乔木幼苗及灌木科、种差异不显著(P>0.05);林下添加枯枝落叶,林冠层不做处理,林下植被各生活型物种数有所减少,但差异不显著.(2)去除林冠层后,一些阳生种如野桐、山乌桕、山苍子、红紫珠、蕨状苔草、广东蛇葡萄等大量入侵并占据优势地位,林下植被盖度显著提高.(3)去除林冠层在短期内可显著增加林下植被生物多样性,添加枯落物对林下植被生物多样性影响不显著.  相似文献   

以红锥(Castanopsis hystrix)、米老排(Mytilaria laosensis)2种广西乡土阔叶树种为混交树种,对不同混交模式下桉树与红锥、米老排的林木生长情况进行了分析。研究结果表明:在桉树与米老排(3∶1)混交模式下,桉树树高、胸径生长量明显高于桉树纯林。而混交模式下,红锥生长量增加,而米老排生长量降低。初步认为,混交能促进桉树生长,但最佳混交造林模式因混交树种而异。  相似文献   

Leaf litter decomposition of Castanopsis fissa, Cinnamomum camphora, Michelia macclurei and Mytilaria laosensis in mixed broad-leaved plantation and pine plantation was studied by the litterbag method for 1 year. Leaf litter decomposition rates of the four species were highest in Cinnamomum camphora, followed by Mytilaria laosensis, Michelia macclurei, and Castanopsis fissa. The decomposition rates of all four species were higher in the mixed than in pine plantation. The decomposition processes of all species followed Olson’s exponential model. The decomposition coefficients (k) of all species were also higher in the mixed plantation and had the same order as the decomposition rates. The nitrogen contents of leaf litter of the different species studied increased initially and then decreased with time. Net release of N only occurred in pine plantation. Potassium contents appeared to decrease first but later increase, and net release was only found in mixed plantation. Calcium, magnesium and boron all showed similar pattern of initial increase followed by later decrease. They all had net release in both mixed and pine plantations. The release of phosphorus varied greatly between species and showed no clear trend.  相似文献   

分析了阔叶树种马占相思、木荷、红锥和针叶树种杉木、加勒比松5种纯林的土壤物理和化学性质。结果表明:木荷林的土壤容重较小,土壤保水性特别好,但通气性较差。加勒比松林的土壤容重大,土壤毛管孔隙少,但非毛管孔隙多,因而土壤保水性差而通气性好。马占相思、红锥和杉木林的土壤容重较小,土壤的毛管孔隙和非毛管孔隙比例协调,故土壤保水性和通气性都比较好。各林分土壤呈强酸性,有机质含量中等,全P和有效养分缺乏。  相似文献   

We analyzed basal area (BA) growth using growth data obtained from permanent plots over 4 years for five major tree species in Anhui Province, eastern China. The studied species were dominant conifers (Pinus massoniana and Cunninghamia lanceolata) and co-dominant broad-leaved species (Castanopsis eyrei, Castanopsis sclerophylla, and Loropetalum chinense). A hierarchical Bayesian approach was used to estimate species-specific parameters and to quantify a spatially autocorrelated random effect. We selected a model that included only the following relevant predictor variables: initial size, asymmetric competition, spatially autocorrelated random effect, and random effect associated with plots. For all species analyzed, the model accounted for significant proportions of the variation (R 2 = 70–98 %) in BA growth rates. The initial slope of the relationship between BA growth rate and the initial BA tended to be steeper for P. massoniana than for C. lanceolata. The BA growth rate increased from an initial low value and then leveled off, with a lower maximum BA growth rate for C. lanceolata than for P. massoniana. The BA growth rate of P. massoniana was significantly affected by asymmetric competition with neighbors. The results of our analyses were used to predict to what extent thinning neighboring trees at different intensities would reduce competition impacts on BA growth of P. massoniana and C. lanceolata. Our results also helped to clarify the ecological characteristics of the species analyzed, as well as the spatial distribution of unknown factors influencing tree growth.  相似文献   

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