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应用变参数Maxwell模型拟合中密度纤维板蠕变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邵卓平 《木材工业》2002,16(3):9-11,18
在研究木质材料的流变性质时,广泛采用多个弹簧和阻尼单元的各种组合形式的力学模型。但其多个常流变参数不易求解,本文提出一种变参数流变模型的概念,并以两单元的变参数Maxwell模型拟合了MDF的蠕变性质。结果表明,上述作法是可行的,采用变参数Maxwell模型不仅能以较少的弹,粘单元组合代替常参数的多个弹,粘单元组合模型。使流变参数便于求解,而且该模型还可方便地应用Boltzmann叠加原理拟合MDF在变荷下的蠕变变形。  相似文献   

木质层合板的动力蠕变:Ⅰ动力蠕变模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
史贵荣  孙立谔 《林业科学》1989,25(4):354-359
在非对称循环载荷作用下,木质层合板的动力蠕变行为和大多数木质材料的静力蠕变行为基本一致。截止循环加载10万次,四单元粘弹性模型对三种试件在不同应力水平下的17组实验数据,拟合效果良好,相关系数R~2均在0.99以上。三单元模型的均方拟合误差随承载周次的增加约比四单元模型大1—5倍。一般而言,三单元模型只适应于描述蠕变实验的初始阶段。  相似文献   

人造板弯曲蠕变的变参对数模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了中密度板、刨花板的弯曲蠕变,提出一种可以同时反映时间、载荷两因素的变参数对数模型,并应用Boltz-mann叠加原理对试样在变载荷下的弯曲蠕变进行了预测。结果表明。模型的理论值与实验值相吻合。  相似文献   

杨木高温干燥过程中表层流变特性的研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
本文讨论了干燥温度分别为85℃、105℃、115℃和125℃时板材表层厚度为3mm处的木材横纹流变特性。结果表明:干燥过程中的总应变为干缩应变、弹性应变、粘弹性蠕变应变和机械吸附蠕变应变的代数和。木材在长时间、高温高湿的联合作用下,不仅表现出弹性、塑性,而且还表现出粘弹性。作者根据木材干燥应力模型理论,提出了在同一块板方材上能同时测定所建模型各应变参数的试验方法。  相似文献   

在采用生物图像软件(IPP 6.0)表征环孔材栎木横切面管孔组织比量与分布特性的基础上,探究不同温度条件下早材管孔分布对环孔材栎木板材弯曲蠕变行为的影响,利用Burger模型和五参数模型对其蠕变特性进行模拟预测,为木材弯曲加工成型、木质材料热压成型和木结构设计提供参考。利用动态热机械分析仪测试不同温度条件下环孔材栎木试样(试样A为早材管孔带位于试样中部的木材试样、试样B为对照组-无早材管孔带木材试样)的应变曲线,并采用Burger模型和五参数模型对环孔材栎木蠕变应变曲线进行预测模拟,分析温度作用下早材管孔带对环孔材栎木试样蠕变特性的影响。结果表明:所有试样的应变均随温度的升高而增大,且试样A的应变大于试样B,说明早材管孔带的存在一定程度上增大了环孔材栎木的蠕变应变。此外,在20~50℃温度范围内,试样A相对于试样B的应变增量随着温度的升高而增大;而在50~80℃温度范围内,对应的应变增量随着温度继续升高而减小。Burger模型和五参数模型对于模拟预测环孔材栎木的蠕变行为都具有较好的效果,并且Burger模型拟合的决定系数(R~2)均大于0.96;而由于非线性拟合的引入,五参数模型可以更好地预测模拟环孔材栎木蠕变行为,其R~2均大于0.98。  相似文献   

木材横纹压缩流变参数的测定   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为了解木材横纹压缩的流变性能,例如在刨花板生产过程中热压时的行为,首先需要找出一种测定流变参数的方法。木材横纹压缩的流变性能相当复杂。在流变范围内,瞬间变形主要包含弹性变形和塑性变形;蠕变往往是由粘弹性函数和依赖于时间的塑性变形函数叠加而成。然而叠加的各流变参数可以用一种简单的方法将其——分离。由于各种流变参数和函数的叠加,在广泛的压缩应力范围内存在着五种不同形式的蠕变-回复曲线。  相似文献   

沥青混合料分数导数粘弹性本构关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
银花  王大明  赵尘  陈宁 《森林工程》2010,26(2):77-82
从分数阶导数的定义出发,提出采用分数阶微积分来描述沥青混合料的分数阶导数型粘弹性本构关系这一独特的新思路。通过对沥青混合料进行SPT动态模量试验测出沥青混合料的动态模量和相位角,并对试验结果分别采用经典Kelvin模型、Maxwell模型和三元件固体模型进行拟合。结果表明,经典粘弹性本构模型的拟合效果较差,不适宜用来模拟沥青混合料的动态粘弹性能。鉴于目前的本构关系不能很好的表证沥青混合料的动态粘弹性能,采用分数导数三元件固体模型对沥青混合料动态粘弹性进行研究,并对拟合效果进行分析。分数导数三元件固体模型的拟合效果较好,且确定模型实验参数少,得到的拟合参数具有一定的物理意义.分数导数的阶数α与相位角的相关性较好,很好的体现沥青混合料的粘弹比例,从而能够精确地描述沥青混合料的动态粘弹性能、  相似文献   

为解决木材变湿蠕变测试普遍存在的环境参数(温湿度和风速)控制方式和控制精度不足、蠕变变形量测试灵敏度和精度不足、数据智能采集和处理以及系统安全防护不足等问题,在集成现有技术的基础上研发出一套木材蠕变测试系统。该系统包括环境气候箱、蠕变测试机架、木材蠕变变形量及干缩湿胀测试单元、荷载同时装卸单元、数据采集和处理单元、系统保障和防护单元6个部分。该系统可在温度为0~70℃、相对湿度为10%~98%、风速为0.3~5.6 m/s时对木材或木基材料的普通蠕变和机械吸附蠕变进行长时间稳定的测试、记录,蠕变变形量及木材厚度方向的干缩湿胀检测精度为±0.01 mm,数据采样间隔在1 s~24 h范围内可调。与现有木材蠕变测试系统相比,本系统在多参数自动同步获取、数据采样精度、运行稳定性、安全性和环境风速可调性等方面有独特优势。通过前期对木材112 d循环变湿蠕变量、干缩湿胀量及环境温湿度参数的观测和测试结果分析,证实该套检测系统可对木材的蠕变挠度、干缩湿胀量、环境温湿度等参数进行长期连续稳定的检测、记录和显示,所有测试指标均能达到设计预期。同时,由于该系统具有多参数协同检测和精度较高等特性,使得实测木材变湿蠕变比采用喷蒸变湿处理试件所获蠕变测试结果在局部地方存在明显差异,如吸湿过程中的木材静曲挠度并不都是反向减小,而是取决于吸湿速率和外荷载的竞争关系,从而为木材静曲变湿蠕变机理的揭示提供了有力证据。该系统的研制为精确可控变温变湿环境下木材蠕变机理的研究提供了新的平台。  相似文献   

木材是一种具有不同细胞类型的天然纤维复合材料,其细胞壁的壁层结构与化学组分具有多样性。在静态恒定应力作用下,木材形变随时间延长而逐渐增大,即产生蠕变。木材蠕变是影响木制品和工程构件质量以及结构设计安全性的一个关键特性。根据木材中的水分状态,木材蠕变可以划分为"含水率平衡态时的普通蠕变"和"含水率非平衡态时的机械吸湿蠕变"。本文分别阐述了木材普通蠕变和木材机械吸湿蠕变的现象和特点;围绕木材的普通蠕变,归纳了木材组织结构、含水率、温度和应力水平等因素的影响;针对木材的机械吸湿蠕变,重点从分子水平、细胞壁层结构、物理老化等方面解释其发生机制,并论述微纤丝角、化学组分、含水率和温度等因素对机械吸湿蠕变的影响。此外,本文还总结了应力/应变本构方程和Kelvin-Voigt模型模拟木材蠕变的研究进展,分别概述了普通蠕变和机械吸湿蠕变的数值模拟过程及其应用。木材蠕变特性受其自身复杂的组织构造和环境条件的影响,且各因素之间又存在一定程度的交互作用,使得木材蠕变的研究仍有较多方面尚未涉及。建议今后的研究重点从以下4个方面展开:1)针对木材正交各向异性的构造特点,采用不同的载荷类型和形变模式进行组合测试,系统表征木材的正交异向蠕变特性;2)解明湿热条件下,水分、温度以及二者的交互作用对木材组分以及蠕变行为的影响,探索温湿度场中蠕变柔量与泊松比的同步实时测定;3)明确单根纤维(管胞、木纤维细胞)的机械吸湿蠕变行为规律,并确定木材组分,尤其是半纤维素在木材机械吸湿蠕变中的作用机制,从分子水平上解释氢键作用对木材机械吸湿蠕变的影响机制;4)构建能够充分解释木材蠕变特性内在机制和外在影响的蠕变模型。  相似文献   

木材蠕变模拟研究概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述树种和材性变异、应力水平、温度、含水率等因素对木材蠕变的影响,介绍分析含水率稳定和变化条件下木材蠕变模拟预测等方面的研究进展情况.我国木材蠕变特别是木材的机械吸附蠕变研究尚缺乏系统性,应综合考虑不同的影响因素对木材蠕变进行充分研究,以建立不同条件下木材蠕变预测的模型,为国内木材蠕变研究及木结构建筑的安全和可靠性设计提供基础.  相似文献   

The variable parameter rheological model of wood   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
How to establish the rheological model to simulate creep behavior of wood and wood-based composites under change-load has not been solved in research of wood rheology. This paper presents a new model—variable parameter rheological model. The bending creep behavior of small clear poplar specimens under different constant load levels were examined. The load levels within 50% of rupture load of the specimens, and the experimental creep behavior were simulated by the variable parameter Maxwell model. The results show that using only one model of variable parameters may simulate the creep behavior of wood under different constant load levels very well. Applying the generalized Boltzmanns superposition principle, the variable parameter rheological model can be used to simulate the creep behavior of wood under change-loads conveniently and accurately.  相似文献   

In the process of wood drying inevitable stresses are induced. This often leads to checking and undesired deformations that may greatly affect the quality of the dried product. The purpose of this study was to propose a new rheological model representation capable to predict the evolution of stresses and deformations in wood cantilever as applied to wood drying. The rheological model considers wood shrinkage, instantaneous stress–strain relationships, time induced creep, and mechano-sorptive creep. The constitutive law is based on an elasto–viscoplastic model that takes into account the moisture content gradient in wood, the effect of external load, and a threshold viscoplastic (permanent) strain which is dependent on stress level and time. The model was implemented into a numerical program that computes stresses and strains of wood cantilever under constant load for various moisture content conditions. The results indicate that linear and nonlinear creep behavior of wood cantilever under various load levels can be simulated using only one Kelvin element model in combination with a threshold-type viscoplastic element. The proposed rheological model was first developed for the identification of model parameters from cantilever creep tests, but it can be easily used to simulate drying stresses of a piece of wood subjected to no external load. It can therefore predict the stress reversal phenomenon, residual stresses and maximum stress through thickness during a typical drying process.  相似文献   

Summary Applying modern methods of analyzing floor, wall, and connection subsystems in light-frame wood buildings requires information on the stiffness of nailed joints under long-term loads. Because this information can best be derived by testing nail-joint specimens under constant loads, theoretical procedures were developed that use test data for constant loads to predict stiffness under variable in-service loads; five nonlinear, viscous-viscoelastic models were develpoed on the basis of existing formulations of creep and mechanisms of load transfer between nails and wood. The models incorporated the modified superposition and strain-hardening principles in describing responses to discrete or continuous loading functions. Tests have shown that the models closely predict creep slip of typical nailed joints.This research was jointly supported by the Forest Research Laboratory, Oregon State University, and the Cooperative State Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Special Grant 85-CRSR-2-2553. This is Paper 2288 of the Forest Research LaboratoryFormerly Graduate Research Assistant Forest Research Laboratory  相似文献   

Wood exhibits a pronounced time dependent deformation behavior which is usually split into ‘viscoelastic’ creep at constant moisture content (MC) and ‘mechano-sorptive’ creep in varying MC conditions. Experimental determination of model rheological parameters on a material level remains a serious challenge, and diversity of experimental methods makes published results difficult to compare. In this study, a cantilever experimental setup is proposed for creep tests because of its close analogy with the mechanical behavior of wood during drying. Creep measurements were conducted at different load levels (LL) under controlled temperature and humidity conditions. Radial specimens of white spruce wood [Picea glauca (Moench.) Voss.] with dimensions of 110 mm in length (R), 25 mm in width (T), and 7 mm in thickness (L) were used. The influence of LL and MC on creep behavior of wood was exhibited. In constant MC conditions, no significant difference was observed between creep of tensile and compressive faces of wood cantilever. For load not greater than 50% of the ultimate load, the material exhibited a linear viscoelastic creep behavior at the three equilibrium moisture contents considered in the study. The mechano-sorptive creep after the first sorption phase was several times greater than creep at constant moisture conditions. Experimental data were fitted with numerical simulation of the global rheological model developed by authors for rheological parameter identification.  相似文献   

Summary A new general rheological model for the calculation of the creep of wood is presented. The flow equation derived in the theory of molecular deformation kinetics is adjusted to account for creep flow, moisture content change induced swelling/shrinkage and their combined effect by making an assumption that both of these processes activate the same bond breaking and reforming process. The rheological model is built by making the dashpots in a generalised Maxwell material model to obey the adjusted flow equation and by placing an additional swelling/shrinkage component to each parallel Maxwell element. Two calculated examples of the performance of the model with comparisons to experiment results are given. It seems that an explanation for the mechano-sorptive effect can be found at the coupling of the creep deformation process and moisture swelling/shrinkage and the non-linearity of the phenomena.This work has been financed by the Academy of Finland and VTT (Technical Research Centre of Finland)  相似文献   

以轻型木结构建筑常用的SPF规格材为研究对象,采用简支梁中部集中加载的方式进行短期弯曲蠕变试验。结果表明:在不同试验条件下蠕变经过瞬态蠕变阶段、相对稳定蠕变阶段。试件在不同持续负载水平下的蠕变应变-时间曲线具有几何相似性,其曲线的形状和走向趋势大致相同。蠕变变形量和曲线上的跳跃点随着应力水平的增加有增大的趋势。相比于侧弯受力,平弯蠕变速率更大,承载强度损耗较大。  相似文献   

刨花板垂直平面压缩流变性能研究Ⅰ   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就基材而言,刨花板的贴面过程可看作是一压缩流变过程。本文采用压缩流变方法,研究刨花板垂直平面压缩时的行为,为控制贴面刨花板的厚度偏差提供理论依据。由于各流变参数在不同应力阶段有着不同的表现形式,在压缩应力范围内(1—12N/mm~2),会出现四种不同的蠕变-回复曲线。统计分析表明:瞬间弹性变形的偏差较小,且较稳定,而瞬间塑性变形的偏差较大,并随压力的增高而增大;依赖于时间的塑性变形的偏差随压缩应力增加而增加,并和推迟弹性变形偏差一样,随蠕变时间的延长而增加;由瞬间塑性变形和依赖于时间的塑性变形所决定的厚度损失,其偏差的变化规律和它们各自的变化规律一致。由于刨花板在制造过程中,木材刨花中的细胞腔和其它空隙多少已被压缩或压实,故各压缩流变参数值均小于对应的木材压缩流变参数值。  相似文献   

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