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性信息素诱杀山地果园梨小食心虫效果比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在浙南云和县重河湾山地果园,采用不同类型诱捕器、不同药剂和不同浓度性信息素比较了梨小食心虫的田间诱捕效果。结果显示,不同类型诱捕器中,以粘胶型诱蛾效果最好,其次是水盆型,其它诱捕器不适合诱捕梨小食心虫;纯梨小食心虫性信息素诱蛾效果最好,加入梨酯后,诱蛾效果显著下降,梨果中提取出的梨酯诱蛾效果最差;同一性引诱剂诱捕效果随浓度的增加显著提高,但浓度增加到一定程度后,会显著下降。  相似文献   

以毛竹为试验材料,采用有机硅系季铵盐防霉剂对其进行防腐防霉处理,分析药剂浓度、浸渍处理时间、浸渍压力对防霉处理效果的影响,比较各工艺条件载药量的差别,并分析防霉处理工艺对竹材力学性能的影响。结果表明,药剂浓度是影响毛竹防霉处理效果的主要因素;毛竹最佳防霉处理工艺为药剂浓度1.5%、加压时间60 min、浸渍压力0.1 MPa;防霉处理使毛竹主要力学性能略微下降,但处理前后差异不显著。  相似文献   

该文以油松松梢螟为防治对象,采用40%氰戊马拉硫磷、灭幼脲3号两种混合药剂再加有机硅助剂进行飞机防治试验,从中筛选出防治不同虫龄害虫的最佳药剂混合比例及配制浓度。亦即,松梢螟幼虫1~2龄可用"第3种浓度",松梢螟死亡率可达到90%以上;3~4龄可用"第2种浓度",松梢螟死亡率可达到89%以上;5龄以上可用"第1种浓度",松梢螟死亡率可达到85%以上。飞防高度为距树冠15 m左右,杀虫效果皆在85%以上,能有效地控制其危害和扩散蔓延,而且成本低、效果好。  相似文献   

诱捕器形状及颜色对松墨天牛诱捕效果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过柱形和棱形2款不同形状和红、黄、绿、褐、银5种不同颜色的诱捕器林间诱捕效果试验,比较了形状及颜色对松墨天牛成虫诱捕效果的影响。结果表明,形状和颜色都能显著影响松墨天牛成虫的诱捕效果,甚至还直接影响诱雌或诱雄能力。柱形诱捕器诱捕效果(10.47±1.01头)显著优于棱形诱捕器(7.07±0.85头);但棱形诱捕器诱雌能力更强,雌性比高达0.70±0.03。褐色诱捕器诱得松墨天牛成虫(20.67±5.46)头,显著高于红色诱捕器诱虫量(7.67±2.91)头及黄色诱捕器诱虫量(8.33±1.76)头;仅银色诱捕器诱得成虫雌性比为0.41±0.04,其他颜色诱捕器诱得成虫雌性比均达0.60左右,存在显著差异(P=0.05)。  相似文献   

为筛选防治沙棘溃疡病的有效药剂,分别采用室内抑菌实验和田间防治试验研究了5种杀菌剂对沙棘溃疡病原菌的抑菌作用和田间防效,结果表明:5种药剂中戊唑醇和寡雄腐霉药效优于乙蒜素、石硫·矿物油微乳剂和甲硫·福美双。药剂浓度处理上,药剂浓度为60μg/mL优于30、6、3μg/mL。抑菌效果较好的药剂80%戊唑醇水分散粒剂,其次为寡雄腐霉,效果较差的是70%甲硫·福美双可湿性粉剂;田间试验结果表明,80%乙蒜素乳油0.13%浓度药液及80%戊唑醇水分散粒剂0.10%浓度药液对沙棘溃疡病防治效果较好,涂药后3个月防效分别达82.14%和79.65%,而微生物杀菌剂寡雄腐霉防效较差,防效低于60%。  相似文献   

为探究思茅松毛虫最佳诱集波长及种群动态,本研究使用10种不同光谱范围和峰值光波的诱虫灯,选择思茅松毛虫虫口密度较高的湖南省岳阳市进行野外诱集试验,分析了思茅松毛虫最佳诱集波长、种群动态及雌雄性比。研究结果显示:10盏诱虫灯中5#诱虫灯(光谱范围408.87~433.49 nm,峰值光波422.55 nm)效果最好,13#(光谱范围439.87~543.92 nm,峰值光波494.93 nm、498.57 nm)诱集效果最差;思茅松毛虫雄虫先于雌虫羽化,在雌虫羽化位点等待雌虫羽化后与之交尾;后期,诱集的思茅松毛虫雌雄性比偏向于雌性。总体上,诱集的思茅松毛虫雌性较多,表明思茅松毛虫在林间雌虫占多数。本研究结果为利用频振式诱虫灯监测思茅松毛虫,同时为利用诱虫灯的最佳诱集波长及种群动态进行思茅松毛虫的防治提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

不同药剂对切花菊的保鲜效果江西农业大学林学院张露等用不同药剂对切花菊进行保鲜试验。试验配制5种药剂,各配250mi:①自来水(对照),②5%白糖水溶液;③硝酸银25mg/L+8羟基喹琳100mg/L+白糖5%;④硝酸银25mg/L+柠檬酸75mg/L...  相似文献   

硝酸银和生根粉在弗吉尼亚栎扦插繁殖中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用氧化物硝酸银解决弗吉尼亚栎扦插难生根,成活率低的问题,用不同浓度的硝酸银配合不同浓度的生根剂进行促根对比试验.结果表明:0.2%硝酸银 200mg/kg生根剂对穗条进行处理促根效果优于单用生根剂处理,成活率在70%左右,明显优于其他对比处理,且根系较多,是目前快速繁育弗吉尼亚栎的理想措施.  相似文献   

为掌握云南松毛虫种群动态及其最佳诱集波长,利用8种不同波长范围的诱虫灯,在云南松毛虫虫口密度较高的湖南省武冈市开展了诱集试验,分析了云南松毛虫最佳诱集波长和种群动态及雌雄性比。研究结果显示:1)试验诱虫灯中5#效果较好,8#诱集效果较差;2)羽化初期(10月8日之前),诱集的云南松毛虫雄虫数量高于雌虫;3)10月9日开始,每日诱集云南松毛虫雌虫数量均高于雄虫(雌虫占总数量的50%以上,高峰时达到77.78%);4)试验所用诱虫灯除8#外,其余诱虫灯诱集数量与总量均呈极显著相关,每种诱虫灯诱虫量都能够反映云南松毛虫种群动态变化。5)总体上,诱集的云南松毛虫雌性较多,从侧面表明云南松毛虫在林间雌虫占多数。本研究为利用频振式诱虫灯监测和防治云南松毛虫提供了理论参考依据。  相似文献   

不同药剂对平欧杂种榛苗木生根的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
以辽榛3号(84-226)、平欧110(82-11)和达维(84-254)3个平欧杂种榛品系为试验材料,研究不同浓度的IBA、ABT1和GGR药剂对平欧杂种榛生根率、生根数量、生根粗度以及生根长度的影响。结果显示:辽榛3号繁苗时用这3种药剂处理均可;平欧110和达维用这3种药剂不同浓度处理,生根率和生根长度与对照相比差异均不显著;在浓度为1 200mg·L-1的IBA处理下的生根基径效果均最佳;在浓度为800mg·L-1的IBA处理下平欧110的生根数量效果最佳,在浓度为1 000mg·L-1的IBA处理下的生根数量效果最佳。  相似文献   

【目的】以雌雄异株山鸡椒为研究材料,分析雌雄植株在生殖生长过程中水分及氮素利用策略的性别特异性动态变化规律,以期为雌雄异株植物资源分配动态变化机制提供理论依据。【方法】测定雌雄植株在开花后105~165天共5个时期叶片养分含量(碳含量、氮含量、碳氮比)、稳定碳同位素组成(δ13C)、稳定氮同位素组成(δ15N),并分析其动态变化规律。【结果】1)雌雄株叶片δ13C平均值分别为-29. 38‰和-28. 08‰。性别和发育时期对雌雄株叶片δ13C值影响均显著,5个时期雌株δ13C值均显著低于雄株;且随发育进程雌雄植株δ13C值均不断下降。2)雌雄株叶片δ15N平均值分别为1. 90‰和2. 95‰。性别和发育时期对雌雄株叶片δ15N值均有极显著影响,开花后105~150天(即雌株果实中精油及柠檬醛含量快速积累期)雌株δ15N值显著低于雄株;随着发育进程,雌雄株叶片δ15N值均表现出双峰变化趋势,双峰出现在开花后105天和135天,雌株叶片δ15N在开花后120天达到最低值,雄株叶片在开花后165天时达到最低值。3)雌雄株叶片碳含量平均值分别为49. 44%和49. 28%。开花后105天和120天,雌株叶片C含量高于雄株叶片C含量,开花后135~165天(果实精油快速积累期到稳定期),雌株叶片C含量低于雄株。雄株叶片C含量随发育进程显著升高,而雌株叶片C含量在不同时期无显著差异。4)雌雄株叶片N含量平均值分别为1. 71%和1. 51%。性别对N含量影响显著,雄株叶片N含量均低于雌株(除开花后135天)。5)雌雄株叶片C/N平均值分别为29. 15和33. 72。性别对叶片碳氮比影响显著,雌株C/N值在不同发育时期均小于雄株,但发育时期对其无显著影响;随着发育时期推进,雄株C/N值下降程度高于雌株。6)雌雄植株叶片δ13C与N含量以及δ13C与δ15N之间均无显著相关性。【结论】山鸡椒雌雄植株在养分含量、水分及氮素利用策略存在差异,且在开花后105~165天表现出动态变化规律。雌株水分利用效率低于雄株,从果实精油及柠檬醛含量快速积累期到稳定期,雌株水分利用效率不断下降;雌株氮利用低于雄株,且随着植株发育,雌雄株叶片氮素利用效率均表现出双峰变化趋势;雄株叶片氮含量低于雌株,分配更多的氮素至花芽以保证花粉形成;果实精油快速积累期到稳定期,雌株叶片碳含量低于雄株,为果实及种子的形成提供更多的碳元素。  相似文献   

High temperature dried and green wood of Swedish pine was impregnated with glycerate and silver nitrate. TEM and STEM/EDS on ultramicrotomed specimens was used to reveal the location of silver in the cell wall. The silver was precipitated by a new method using silver nitrate impregnated after which the wood had been impregnated with potassium glycerate. A significant difference in the distribution of the silver was observed. In the green wood, there was a homogenous distribution of the impregnant compared to the dried specimens. The inhomogenous distribution in the dried specimens is believed to be the result of damage inside the wood cell walls which in turn will have a negative effect on dimensional stabilizing results. The darker compound middle lamella observed is believed to be an artefact. Received 19 November 1998  相似文献   

用百合的O/A系列间杂种为实验材料,通过组织培养,比较不同浓度的秋水仙素及不同处理时间长度的诱导效果的差异。结果表明,用浓度为0.05%的秋水仙素处理24 h的效果最佳,突变率高达38.5%。与正常植株相比,变异植株的叶片肥厚,叶面变宽,叶色深绿,气孔显著增大。通过显微镜观察根尖细胞,发现其染色体数目为2n=4x=48。  相似文献   

红椿是中国珍贵乡土速生用材树种。为了研究红椿不同种源在武汉地区的适应性和生长差异,对4个红椿地理种源苗期、6 a生幼林树叶片及其生长量性状进行了观测与分析。结果表明,同一种源红椿叶片的复叶长、复叶宽、小叶长、小叶宽、小叶数这5个指标性状,6 a生幼林树的观测值皆大于苗期的观测值。苗期时不同种源间复叶长、复叶宽、小叶长、小叶宽、小叶数、复叶长宽比、小叶长宽比这7个叶片性状皆存在极显著差异;除小叶长外,红椿6 a生幼林树不同种源其他性状指标之间存在显著或极显著差异;不同种源间不同林龄红椿生长量指标之间也均存在极显著差异,且随着林龄的增加红椿不同种源生长量之间差异也随之增大。4个种源6 a生红椿生长量排序为福建来舟(LZ)>福建武夷山(WY)>江西井冈山(GS)>江西官山(JG)。相关性分析结果表明,苗期的叶片性状间相关显著性较高,6 a生幼林树的叶片性状间除极个别性状表现出显著相关外,大部分性状间相关不显著。  相似文献   

非洲菊切花保鲜剂的研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文研究由蔗糖、硝酸银、8-HQ(8-羟基喹啉)配制的不同保鲜剂对非洲菊切花插瓶寿命、水分平衡、鲜重变化及观赏值等指标的影响。结果表明:4%蔗糖 200mg/L硝酸银 200mg/L硫酸铝 320mg/L8-HQ的保鲜效果最好。  相似文献   

银杏雄花芽生理分化期间花芽中赤霉素 (GA1 3)、脱落酸 (ABA)含量下降 ,玉米素 (ZRs)、异戊烯基腺嘌呤类 (iPAs)的含量以及ZRs GA1 3、iPAs GA1 3、ZRs ABA、iPAs ABA上升且高于叶芽 ;形态分化开始后 ,花芽内ZRs、iPAs的含量以及ZRs GA1 3、iPAs GA1 3、ZRs ABA、iPAs ABA下降且维持低水平 ,花芽内ABA含量和ABA GA1 3在高于叶芽的水平上波动。在银杏雄花芽分化过程中 ,雄花芽叶中钾和总糖含量均高于同期雄叶芽叶 ,而全氮的含量基本低于同期雄叶芽叶 ;生理分化期雄花芽叶内磷含量高于同期雄叶芽叶。  相似文献   

In the present experiment, the single and combined effects of elevated temperature and ozone (O(3)) on four silver birch genotypes (gt12, gt14, gt15 and gt25) were studied in an open-air field exposure design. Above- and below-ground biomass accumulation, stem growth and soil respiration were measured in 2008. In addition, a (13)C-labelling experiment was conducted with gt15 trees. After the second exposure season, elevated temperature increased silver birch above- and below-ground growth and soil respiration rates. However, some of these variables showed that the temperature effect was modified by tree genotype and prevailing O(3) level. For instance, in gt14 soil respiration was increased in elevated temperature alone (T) and in elevated O(3) and elevated temperature in combination (O(3) + T) treatments, but in other genotypes O(3) either partly (gt12) or totally nullified (gt25) temperature effects on soil respiration, or acted synergistically with temperature (gt15). Before leaf abscission, all genotypes had the largest leaf biomass in T and O(3) + T treatments, whereas at the end of the season temperature effects on leaf biomass depended on the prevailing O(3) level. Temperature increase thus delayed and O(3) accelerated leaf senescence, and in combination treatment O(3) reduced the temperature effect. Photosynthetic : non-photosynthetic tissue ratios (P : nP ratios) showed that elevated temperature increased foliage biomass relative to woody mass, particularly in gt14 and gt12, whereas O(3) and O(3) + T decreased it most clearly in gt25. O(3)-caused stem growth reductions were clearest in the fastest-growing gt14 and gt25, whereas mycorrhizal root growth and sporocarp production increased under O(3) in all genotypes. A labelling experiment showed that temperature increased tree total biomass and hence (13)C fixation in the foliage and roots and also label return was highest under elevated temperature. Ozone seemed to change tree (13)C allocation, as it decreased foliar (13)C excess amount, simultaneously increasing (13)C excess obtained from the soil. The present results suggest that warming has potential to increase silver birch growth and hence carbon (C) accumulation in tree biomass, but the final magnitude of this C sink strength is partly counteracted by temperature-induced increase in soil respiration rates and simultaneous O(3) stress. Silver birch populations' response to climate change will also largely depend on their genotype composition.  相似文献   

Deposition of protons, nitrate and sulphate have caused a decrease in soil pH and base saturation in southern Scandinavia. Floral changes have been suggested to be due to this deposition. This study was made to test if differences in nitrate assimilation capability between plants could be one of the reasons behind reported changes in the flora. Current and maximally induced nitrate reductase activity (C‐NRA and MI‐NRA, respectively) were measured in four beech forest field‐layer species, which have been reported to behave differently with respect to acid rain. The study was conducted at four sites of different soil quality (pH). There were considerable differences between the species as regards both C‐NRA and MI‐NRA. For two of the studied species, Galium odoratum and Stellaria nemorum, the gap between C‐ and MI‐NRA was relatively small but for Mercurialis perennis and Oxalis acetosella, this gap was larger. A small difference between C‐ and MI‐NRA should indicate that a larger portion of the available resources for nitrate reduction is already used. The concentrations of soluble carbohydrates were correlated with the MI‐NRA after leafing of beech, while before leafing no such effect could be detected. It can be concluded that the light environment has a considerable effect on the nitrate nutrition of field‐layer plants. Apparently, some species receive as much nitrate as they can reduce. Fertiliser experiments are needed to test if higher addition rates are harmful to them.  相似文献   

为了制备具有防霉抗菌功能的环保型软木地板,在水性涂料面漆中加入纳米银抗菌剂和二氧化钛载银抗菌剂,分析抗菌剂类型和添加量对地板性能的影响。结果表明:抗菌剂的加入对软木地板的物理性能无明显影响,但可以有效提高其抗菌性能,且对金黄色葡萄球菌的抑制效果显著优于大肠杆菌;软木本身具有一定的防霉作用,纳米银抗菌剂和二氧化钛载银抗菌剂防霉作用较弱,可通过加入少量防霉剂提高软木地板防霉性。  相似文献   

The influence of forest ageing on fine-root morphology and relations between fine-root and leaf characteristics is poorly studied. The aim of this study was to analyse age-driven changes in ectomycorrhizal roots (EcM roots) and leaf morphology in a chronosequence of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.), which would provide a better understanding of adaptation responses and acclimation capacity of tree roots and leaves. The chronosequence included six age classes (3, 6, 14, 32, 45, and 60 years.). All stands had regenerated naturally and grew in a highly productive Oxalis forest site type in Estonia. Most changes in the morphology of EcM roots and leaves of silver birch occur faster at a young age. The functional parameters—mean specific area of EcM root (SRA) and leaf specific area (SLA) as well as leaf N—decreased with age. EcM root SRA and specific root length (SRL) decreased with stand age as a result of increased mean diameter and tissue density. In age classes of 6, 14, and 32 years, the total number of dominating EcM taxa was 34, and the distribution of four different dominating EcM exploration types (contact-, short-, medium-, long-distance) was similar. We conclude that high values of SRA, SLA, and leaf N measured in young silver birch stands indicate high activity of physiological processes necessary for fast-growing young trees. A decrease of SLA and SRA and N in the chronosequence of fertile stands of silver birch is most probably caused by down-regulation of growth, affecting simultaneously leaves and fine roots.  相似文献   

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