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日本《热带林业》第67期(2006年9月)对斐济林业进行了综合报道,现将部分内容翻译如下: 一、森林资源斐济森林面积为95.686万hm^2,森林覆盖率为52.3%。森林资源中天然林占89.6%,人工林占10.4%(表1)。[第一段]  相似文献   

周密 《国际木业》2006,36(12):41-42
巴布亚新几内亚:莫尔兹比港10月12口消息:在一个关于森林执法和管理的地区会议上认为,林业执法力度的不足使太平洋岛国政府失去了信誉。澳大利亚森林工业负责人托尼说,太平洋各岛国政府虽有打击非法采伐的法律,但执法不严是一个问题。世界各国政府每年因非法采伐而减少的收入大约有50亿美元。澳大利亚政府对各太平洋岛国的落后的森林管理和非可持续陛的林业活动表示关注。  相似文献   

巴布亚新几内亚林业概况   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
巴布亚新几内亚具有丰富的自然资源, 森林在国家社会经济发展中占有重要地位。长期以来由于管理不善及采伐不当, 森林覆盖率逐渐降低。文中主要阐述了巴布亚新几内亚林业在国家社会经济发展中的重要地位和作用, 介绍了森林资源、森林政策法规的现状及森林经营管理方式, 探讨了林产品贸易形势, 并指出林业发展中存在的问题及林业的未来走向。  相似文献   

陈建军 《安徽林业》2009,(6):37-37,38
森林资源连续清查(俗称"一类清查")作为林业和生态建设的基础工作,是发展现代林业,建设生态文明的支撑和保障,其目的是掌握宏观森林资源现状与消长变化动态,准确把握森林生态系统的变化趋势和规律,综合评价森林资源质量与生态状况,为掌握宏观森林资源现状与动态提供依据,对于科学把握林业发展形势、适时调整林业建设政策和措施、促进林业可持续发展发挥重要作用.  相似文献   

辽宁省森林资源现状与经营对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过对辽宁省森林资源现状的分析与评价,发现辽宁省森林资源总量和蓄积量偏低、林种结构需不断优化、中幼龄林比例偏大、林分质量和林地生产力有待提高等问题,并针对现状和问题提出森林经营对策。辽宁省应以森林可持续经营思想为指导,进一步作好森林经营工作;提高林分质量和森林生态系统的稳定性,努力完成由传统林业向现代林业的转变;加快全省数字林业工程建设,充分利用森林资源调查数据,深入推进全省森林资源数据库和全省森林资源管理信息系统建设;切实提高营造林质量,强化林业建设质量管理,全面提高造林育林的成活率、保存率,对营造林的全过程进行严格监管,建立完善的林业动态监测体系和责任追究制度。  相似文献   

森林是陆地生态系统的主体,而森林覆盖率、森林蓄积量及森林生物量是森林资源重要的特征参数,亦是林业调查的主要指标。合成孔径雷达(SAR)以其独特的成像机制、全天候全天时的成像特点以及较强的穿透能力,在森林资源调查发挥着巨大的作用。文章主要概述了合成孔径雷达技术特点及其在森林覆盖率、森林蓄积量及森林生物量等林业调查中的应用现状,并探讨了目前存在问题及未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

森林生态系统服务及产生这些服务的自然资本存量直接和间接地为国民经济和人类福利作出了重要贡献。以江西省安福县为例,通过包括森林自然资本价值、森林产品与服务价值评估的森林资源环境与经济综合核算,客观地评价林业对国民经济发展的重要贡献,以有利于森林资源经营、保护和生态建设。  相似文献   

国家森林资源连续清查是以掌握宏观森林资源现状与动态为目的,通过定期复查,及时准确地查清森林资源的数量质量及其消长动态,分析研究间隔期内森林生态系统现状和变化状况,摸索变化规律,预估森林资源发展趋势,并对森林资源与生态状况进行综合评价,为制定和调整林业方针、政策、规划、  相似文献   

李意德 《热带林业》2002,30(1):13-20
综述了目前热带森林资源的现状和变化,分析了热带毁林的成因,并根据国家重点野外科学观测试验——海南尖峰岭热带林生态系统定位研究站及其他热带地区的研究成果,从热带毁林的角度探讨了热带森林生态系统的生态环境保护功能。热带毁林不仅导致林地蓄水、调洪补枯、保护森林生态系统的营养循环、调节气候等生态功能失效,而且对生物多样性保护、大气温室气体含量增加等全球性的生态环境问题产生巨大的影响,说明了保护热带森林的重要性。  相似文献   

莫桑比克森林资源丰富,是中国在非洲的主要热带木材及原木来源地。在利于两国共同发展的基础上,中莫两国林业建立了广泛的合作。由于莫桑比克毁林和森林质量下降的问题,中国企业林业投资又面临国际上的质疑和批评,迫切需要改进两国林业合作与发展方式和策略。文中介绍了莫桑比克森林资源、林业管理体系、森林采伐、木材加工、流通与贸易等发展现状,提出了促进中莫两国林业国际合作可持续发展的建议。  相似文献   

中国热带次生林分布、类型与面积研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
热带林的保护问题已受到世界各国的高度重视,由于占世界热带林面积约三分之一的热带次生林,其经济和生态效益通常较差,处于相对被忽视的状态,因此也往往被进一步破坏。将次生林经营纳入可持续经营的轨道,是实现热带林可持续经营目标的重要战略。通过对中国热带森林研究、经营和统计资料的分析,结合本项目实施过程的实地调研取得的结果,文章对中国热带地区次生林分布、面积和类型作了阐述。热带森林主要分布在海南、广东、广西、云南、台湾,以及福建和西藏的部分地区,包括124个县市的全部和50个县市的部分地区。据可认可的资料统计,中国热带林地面积(不含台湾省)约1125.66万hm^2。其中有林地面积1074.49万hm^2,次生林面积544万hm^2。次生林占热带地区林地面积的48.33%,占有林地总面积的50.63%。中国热带林地和次生林的实际数字估计要比这一数值大6%以上,因为中国这几年高度重视林业建设,森林植被特别是热带森林植被恢复得很快,林地和次生林一直在不断增加。热带森林类型主要有:热带雨林(包括湿润雨林、山地雨林);热带季雨林(包括半常绿季雨林、落叶季雨林、石灰岩季雨林);南海珊瑚岛植被;海岸红树林等。从森林经理的角度,中国热带次生林的类型可分为:(1)次生阔叶林,包括次生常绿阔叶雨林、次生季雨林和次生季风常绿阔叶林;(2)次生灌木林;(3)次生针叶林;(4)次生红树林及次生珊瑚岛林等四大类型。  相似文献   

中国热带天然次生林和退化林地约有1000万hm2,约占热带国土总面积的1/3。在这里,涉及森林资源可持续经营和经济社会可持续发展的基本课题尚未解决。文中建议利用“激励相容”的原理,针对中国的3种次生林和退化林地大类型,选择典型地区,按照尽可能接近当地社区及居民的原则,建立一个由分散化、微型化和多样化示范的小区组成的示范体系,高效率地推进热带次生林和退化林地的可持续经营,增强热带经济社会发展的弱可持续性并进一步向强可持续性转化。  相似文献   

Forest managers and policy makers increasingly demand to have access to estimates of forest fragmentation,human accessibility to forest areas and levels of anthropogenic pressure on the remaining forests to integrate them into monitoring systems,management and conservation plans.Forest fragmentation is defined as the breaking up of a forest unit,where the number of patches and the amount of expose edge increase while the amount of core area decreases.Forest fragmentation studies in Mexico have been limited to local or regional levels and have concentrated only on specific forest types.This paper presents an assessment of the fragmentation of all forest types at the national level,their effective proximity to anthropogenic influences,and the development of an indicator of anthropogenic pressure on the forests areas.Broadleaf forests,tropical evergreen forests and tropical dry deciduous forests show the greatest fragmentation.Almost half(47%) of the tropical forests are in close effective proximity to anthropogenic influences and only 12% of their area can be considered isolated from anthropogenic influences.The values for the temperate forests are 23% and 29% respectively.Anthropogenic pressure in the immediate vicinity of anthropogenic activities is much higher in the tropical forests(75 in a scale 0-100) than in the temperate forests(30).When considering these results jointly,the tropical forests,and more specifically,the tropical evergreen forests and tropical dry deciduous forests are under the greatest pressure and risks of degradation.  相似文献   

利用TM影像对滇西南7个地(州)27个县(市)开展了调查,并按2级分类的要求进行目视解译,其结果为研究区热带林覆盖率为46.09%,郁闭林面积占研究区总面积的10.46%,破坏林面积占总面积的35.63%,常绿阔叶林面积占总面积的32.61%,热带雨林和季雨林面积占总面积的0.20%,判读精度81.53%。表明TM影像能满足热带林宏观林地资源调查的需求,既快速,又省力、省钱,具有一定的实用性。  相似文献   

The watershed services provided by tropical natural and planted forests are critical to human well-being. An increasing number of valuation studies and experiences with payment for ecosystem services have dealt with the role of ecosystems in regulating the flow of water. However, several studies and experiences have been based on misconceptions about the role of forests and plantations in the hydrological cycle, despite the publication of many reviews by hydrologists. The objective of this paper is to evaluate whether meta-analyses applied to studies comparing water flows in tropical watersheds under natural or planted forests and non-forest lands can provide useful results for valuing watershed ecosystem services and making decisions. The meta-analyses show significantly lower total flows or base flows under planted forests than non-forest land uses. Meta-analyses conducted with subsamples of the data also show lower total flow and higher base flow under natural forests than non-forest land uses. However, the available studies were restricted to humid climates and particular forest types (Pinus and Eucalyptus planted forests and lowland natural forests). The small number of available studies with sufficient original data is a major constraint in the application of meta-analyses. This represents a major technical challenge for valuation studies or payment for ecosystem services, especially in countries where financial resources for implementing field research are scarce.  相似文献   

日本森林体验的发展及启示   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
森林多功能利用是目前国内外研究与开发利用的热点.日本以其丰富的森林资源为平台, 以康体、教育体验为纽带, 开发利用森林体验, 取得了丰硕的成果, 为其他国家及地区提供了经验与启示.文中介绍了日本森林体验开发利用现状, 详细分析了其森林体验指导者培训与考核机制、森林体验基地建设、森林体验推广营销等策略, 提出了我国开展森林体验的相关建议, 可为我国的森林多功能利用提供借鉴.  相似文献   

Various contrasts may be observed in the way three Pacific island countries — Papua New Guinea (PNG), Solomon Islands and Vanuatu — exploit their natural forest endowments. The modes of exploitation, the efficiency of forest revenue systems and the sustainability of forest allocation mechanisms are analysed. It is argued that equity issues are also important in forest policy given that forests in all three countries are under customary tenure. The forest revenue system in PNG is criticised for being inefficient and inequitable. In the Solomons the rate of logging is found to be unsustainable, being linked to the country’s economic crisis. In Vanuatu a logging ban has stimulated timber processing, but probably at a cost to the economy, and has failed to confer sustainability on the industry. Changes to forest revenue systems and forest allocation procedures that would enhance efficiency, equity, sustainability and conservation are identified, along with impediments to these changes.  相似文献   

This paper investigates forest ownership objectives and the need for information among Estonian and Finnish private forest owners based on two surveys. The motivation for the analysis is the fragmenting private forest ownership in Europe. The broad lines of ownership objectives are found to be similar in both countries, and can be described under the dimensions of economic objectives, intangible values, and products and activities provided by forests. In both countries, economic and intangible objectives are considered important at the same time. Thus forest owners can be described as multi-objective. The economic objectives are ranked as somewhat more important than non-economic objectives in Estonia, but not in Finland. Estonian forest owners most strongly emphasise information about legal and economic matters, including forest taxation and forest health issues, while Finnish forest owners emphasise information about wood markets and forest taxation. Differences between the two countries may be related to private ownership being relatively new in Estonia. Some generalisations may be drawn for European forest policy. Overall, private forest owners need both information about economic issues and personal advice on how to manage forests with regard to their individual and multiple objectives. Generally, personal advice may be concentrated on the complicated and most important themes, while information can mostly be provided via written or electronic channels. Particularly in countries where private forestry is new, there is a need for personal advice on legislative and economic matters. As a conclusion, it is suggested that efficient allocation of resources and development of information services require regular analysis of private forest ownership, and segmenting private forest owners according to their objectives and information needs.  相似文献   

世界热带林现状及发展战略(续篇)   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
作者认为世界工业人工林发展的基本战略趋势是:布局基地化、林工一体化、培育定向化、经营集约化、效益综合化和市场国际化。  相似文献   

巴布亚新几内亚(简称巴新)是我国“一带一路”倡议在南太平洋地区的重要参与国家之一。该国具有丰富的森林资源,其中热带雨林面积超过30万km2,占国土面积70%以上。但限于经营理念、技术等原因,该国长期以来对森林资源的开发利用方式较为粗放,迫切希望中资企业赴巴新投资农林综合开发项目,以促进当地森林资源可持续利用,同时增加当地就业和税收,并减少贫困。文中以巴新西北部西塞皮克省伊当西亚羽区的“中(国)巴(新)农林综合开发项目”为例,介绍了项目在巴新的投资环境与投资政策、森林资源与热带农作物开发利用潜力以及中巴合作开发模式等,并针对具体实施过程中的问题,提出了相关对策和建议,以期为今后中国企业积极参与境外投资和融入“一带一路”国际合作提供参考。  相似文献   

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