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生态采伐在未来林业发展中的意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在目前森林资源减少,环境恶化,森林保护与森林资源利用方式相互矛盾的情况下,本文主要论述了生态采代的内涵和它与传统森林采伐的关系,探讨了生态采伐在未来林业发展中存在的必要性,技术基础,运用于森林管理实践的可能性以及在未来林业发展的意义,为森林资源的管理,保护和可持续利用提供参考。  相似文献   

森林生态采伐理论   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
系统论述森林生态采伐的概念、原则和森林生态采伐理论的内涵.森林生态采伐是在森林生态理论指导下进行森林采伐作业,使采伐和更新达到既高效利用森林又促进森林生态系统的健康与稳定,达到森林可持续利用的目的.森林生态采伐的内涵涉及3个层次:林分、景观和模仿自然干扰.在林分水平上,要系统地考虑林木及其产量、树种、树种组成和搭配、树木径级、生物多样性的最佳组合、林地生产力、物质和能量交换过程,使采伐后仍能维持森林生态系统的结构和功能,确保生态系统的稳定性和可持续性.在景观水平上,要考虑原生植被和顶级群落,进行景观规划设计,实现不同森林景观类型的合理配置.模仿自然干扰就是模仿自然选择采伐木、培养木和其他保留木;同时,在采伐作业过程中保留一定的枯立木、倒木和枯枝落叶等,以满足野生动物和微生物生存的需要.文章指出,森林生态采伐是对近代森林经营理论的继承和发展,是实现森林可持续经营的一个重要途径,在森林保护和合理利用中,必将扮演一个重要角色.最后,提出了今后森林生态采伐研究的主要方向.  相似文献   

重新讨论了森林经济的含义,认为森林经营包括森林采伐与更新,森林保护、森林再造、森林抚育、林中非木质林产品的经营与利用、城市森林的建立与抚育管理等一系列林事活动。由于多方面原因,我国在宏观层次狠抓森林管理的同时,在微观层次却放松或忽视了森林经营。针对当前我国森林经营的现状与存在的问题,提出了加强森林经营的3项建议。  相似文献   

育林费是国家从采伐部门征收来用以抵偿营林费用和更新采伐迹地等费用,以保证不断扩大森林资源再生产的。每年从采伐木材中征收的育林费总额,应该相当于森林经营支出的总额(其中包括护林防火、森林保护、森林经理、采伐迹地更新、宜林地造林、森林抚育、  相似文献   

比较三明市各个时期森林采伐限额的变化情况和近年来限额具体执行情况,总结采伐管理中采取的主要措施。造成三明市森林采伐量变化的主要原因有木材生产利润下降、本地木材产品缺乏市场竞争力、林分质量下降可采资源减少、采伐政策调整影响等。目前限额管理中存在的问题主要有森林保护与林农利益矛盾突显、采伐政策复杂多变影响林业投资积极性、林改后林权分散管理难度增加等。对此,有针对性地提出了推进森林分类经营管理、探索限伐林多种形式的经营管理方式、营造良好的市场营商环境等建议,以期为完善森林采伐限额管理制度和提高林政资源管理水平提供参考。  相似文献   

在分析我省森林生态环境问题的基础上,提出了在林业生产中采取营造混交林和确定合理的林地清理、整地、幼林抚育、采伐利用方式及森林保护等方面的措施对策,旨在保护和改善森林的生态环境,以促进我省森林生态环境的良性循环。  相似文献   

浅析森林经营方案编制的技术方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过森林经营方案编制程序的叙述,阐述采伐设计、经营和更新造林设计、森林保护设计编制的技术方法。  相似文献   

阐述实行森林采伐限额制度管理的必要性,分析曲靖市森林采伐管理的现状及存在的问题,对存在问题的原因进行分析,提出完善森林采伐限额管理制度的建议:调整森林采伐限额结构,进一步理顺保护、发展与合理利用的关系,改革和完善森林采伐管理政策,合理下达国有林采伐计划等.  相似文献   

《办法》的主要内容《办法》共七章四十六条,从政府和有关部门职责、森林经营管理、森林保护、植树造林、森林采伐、法律责任等方面对全区林业工作进行了  相似文献   

由于天保工程的实施及国家生态建设的需要,黑龙江省林区森林采伐与林业生态发展的矛盾日益突出,如何处理好森林采伐和生态保护的关系,是现代林业发展的一个重要课题。在总结了森林采伐存在的问题的基础上,提出了森林采伐和林业生态建设的一些措施和建议。  相似文献   

The New Forest     
PERRY  D. J. 《Forestry》1990,63(3):209-221
The modern history of the New Forest commences in 1851 withthe first major act of enclosure since the New Forest Act of1698. This step resolved the commoners determination to retaintheir common rights of grazing, resulting in the New ForestAct of 1877 limiting the exercise of the right of enclosureby the Crown. The dual activities of foresters and commonersin the intervening period up to the present have contributedto the present physical character of this intriguing area ofwoodland and heath in one of the most rapidly developing anddensely populated areas of southern England.  相似文献   

STEVEN  H. M. 《Forestry》1964,37(1):2-12
In earlier times most of our land was covered with some kindof woodland. Today the forest land percentage in Britain isonly 7?1, hence if the forest is beneficent we are claiminglittle of its benefits. Recent work shows that forest is relativelyefficient in utilizing solar energy. Because of the nature ofthe nitrogen and mineral cycles in the forest it tends to buildup soil fertility. Conversely grazing depletes it. Past deforestationhas almost completely destroyed an earlier forest fauna, butsome rare and interesting animals and plants are increasingwith an expanding forest area. A discussion of the influenceof forest cover on water supplies leads to the conclusion thatif there is a somewhat lower yield compared with some typesof grassland this is offset by other benefits such as a reductionin erosion. Forest products are amongst the most important ofthe world's primary products, and we spend about ?450,000,000per annum on timber and products derived from it. An appealis made for a still more determined effort to solve the problemsof the integration of pastoral agriculture and forestry leadingto an extension of the woodland area and a greater claim onthe beneficence of the forest.  相似文献   

The New Forest     
CADMAN  W. A. 《Forestry》1962,33(1):27-34
Traces briefly history and legislation down to the 1949 Actand defines the four categories of land use that emerge therefrom.Administration, soils and vegetation, silviculture, and wildlife are all discussed and a picture given of control at thepresent day.  相似文献   

林分密度在营林生产中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了林分密度的作用及对营林生产的指导意义,着重分析了密度在森林生长过程中所发挥的实际效能。  相似文献   

在新形势下,传统的森林经理已经不能满足需要,而面临着一些新的问题:因缺乏监督机制,森林经营方案不能付诸实施;因执法力度不够,森林经理目标无法实现;因为没有注入新的内容,森林生态系统经营管理力度不够;森林资源资产化管理和分类经营管理尚待加强。因此必须强化森林资源监测工作,除了已正常开展的如一类、二类、三类调查、人工造林、更新实绩核查、采伐限额执行情况核查,征占用林地调查等外,还有尚未开展的工作,如:封山育林核查、义务植树该查、森林经营方案执行情况核查、野生动物资源监测、森林生态环境监测、生态工程林监测等应尽快开展起来。详细论述了森林资源监测的重要作用并对今后工作提出了要求。  相似文献   

The Lintula Larch Forest, also called the Raivola Larch Forest, is one of the most magnificent cultivated forests in northern Europe. It has had a major impact on the cultivation of larch throughout the world, and it became part of the Unesco's World Heritage list in 1991. This article summarizes for the first time to an international audience the establishment, administration and management, stand development and research carried out in Lintula Park. It is based on Russian and Finnish papers and earlier unpublished results. The forest is located 63 km north-west of St Petersburg in the Karelian Isthmus. It was established by order of Peter the Great to supply the Russian fleet with timber for shipbuilding. Ferdinand Gabriel Fockel, a German forest expert, established the oldest stands in 1738–1750 with seed from the Province of Arkhangelsk. Since then the area of the forest has expanded and now the total area of larch stands is 55.9 ha; 23.5 ha of the “old stands” established in 1738–1851 still remain. The Lintula larch stands were famous for their high yield, but part of the reputation was based on small sample plots that were not representative of the stands. However, the high volumes of different tree stands are impressive. For example, in a 255-year-old stand with 339 trees ha?1 the volume of growing stock was 1284 m3 ha?1. In small sample plots much higher volumes are found. The average annual growth of the oldest larch stands has never exceeded 6.2–7.2 m3 ha?1. The volume increment was, however, long-lasting, and annual growth started to decrease only after 148–166 years. Some plots had an increase in yield even at the age of 257 years. The yield of the larches clearly surpassed that of Norway spruce and Scots pine in nearby stands. The Lintula Larch Forest has provided valuable experience on the cultivation of larch. The root system of larch is relatively weak, and it is therefore susceptible to wind damage and rot fungi. An important conclusion drawn from the development of the Lintula Larch Forest is that the cultivation of larch is worthwhile only when grown as pure stands using intensive growing techniques.  相似文献   

林火对森林演替动态的影响及其应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
森林火灾是危害森林的一个重要的自然因子,但中等强度的林火干扰又是森林生态系统的一个建设因子,林火与森林演替动态的关系密切相关.通过查阅国内外有关林火与森林演替之间相互关系的资料,阐述了林火对森林演替动态的影响,分析了林火与原生演替、次生演替、进展演替和逆行演替的相互关系,列举了林火在维持偏途演替顶极群落和火顶极群落中的作用.  相似文献   

阐述了大兴安岭地区概况。分析了大兴安岭地区森林火灾特点及应急处置森林火灾现状。介绍了武警大兴安岭森林支队基本情况,根据大兴安岭地区森林支队工作实际,提出了建立科学影响机制,警地联合作战,密切协同,共同处置好森林火灾的建议。  相似文献   

介绍了澳大利亚的林业政策、森林可持续经营的进程以及澳大利亚森林认证标准, 提出了我国应借鉴澳大利亚森林可持续经营与森林认证的经验, 尽快与森林认证认可计划互认的可行性和建议。  相似文献   

根据大兴安岭东部林区森林资源现状及存在的问题,结合森林分类经营区划和林业发展区划,本文提出了该林区在森林资源调整恢复阶段,应以抚育采伐为主,实现优化森林资源结构的目的。  相似文献   

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