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造林、绿化种子(元/500 g),量大可优惠5%~20%红豆杉60、柳杉28、雪松200、三角枫18、重阳木40、青冈栎20、桂花25、猴欢喜60、紫楠28、泡桐45、杜鹃40、黄山栾18、香椿20、刺槐10、枸桔15、山茶花25、落羽杉30、四照花35、黄栌30、大叶女贞10、深山含笑60、红叶乌桕35、三尖杉25、杉木20、马褂木35、鸡爪槭40、黄连木25、红椎20、香樟10、红楠30、喜树10、枫香100、灯台18、爬山虎30、樱花40、枫杨8、酸枣8、  相似文献   

造林、绿化种子(元/500 g),量大可优惠5%~20%红豆杉60、柳杉28、雪松200、三角枫18、重阳木40、青冈栎20、桂花25、猴欢喜60、紫楠28、泡桐45、杜鹃40、黄山栾18、香椿20、刺槐10、枸桔15、山茶花25、落羽杉30、四照花35、黄栌30、大叶女贞10、深山含笑60、红叶乌桕35、三尖杉25、杉木20、马褂木35、鸡爪槭40、黄连木25、红椎20、香樟10、红楠30、喜树10、枫香100、灯台18、爬山虎30、樱花40、枫杨8、酸枣8、苦楝8、花榈木100、海桐40、乌桕10、常春藤20、乐昌含笑100、闽楠40、水杉100、马尾松35、观光木80、红枫80、青钱柳80、  相似文献   

今年顺义区苗圃绿化、美化苗木达1120多种、1.12亿株。其中油松、白皮松、华山松、雪松、桧柏、侧柏等常绿树13157亩,1650万株,占育苗总面积的23%;连翘、碧桃、榆叶梅、紫叶李、紫蔽、紫荆、月季、玫瑰、黄刺梅、黄杨、女贞等花灌木5468亩,1455万株,占育苗总面积的10%;白腊、元宝枫、栾树、国槐、银杏、合欢、龙爪槐、杜仲、千头椿、金丝柳、各种品种杨等落叶乔木37375亩,8095万株,占育苗总面积的67%。  相似文献   

长白山草药多。多到什么程度呢?山里人常说:见草就是药。老百姓常用的草药就有100多种,如老牛乾、木灵芝、褐桦菌、松花粉、冬青、马尿噪、柳树包、榆耳、银耳、木耳、榆黄、猴头、冻蘑、树鸡子、扫帚蘑、天麻、猪嘴蘑、蒲公英、葱花芽、小根菜、剌嫩芽、贝母、板蓝根、天南星、龙胆草、细辛、刺五加、柴胡、淫羊藿、黄芷、山芋头等等。采中草药,是长白山重要的生活内容,也衍生出大量的长自山中草药文化。  相似文献   

本苗圃现低价供应下列1~2年生小苗:香樟、大叶樟、池杉、水杉、国外松、杉苗、杜鹃、红檵木、桂花、马尾松等。长期求购胸径15~80厘米的下列绿化苗木:香樟、大叶樟、桂花、栾树、玉兰、重阳木、银杏、腊树(大叶女贞)、合欢、红果  相似文献   

蓝天碧水七彩云南,白云绿树引领绿色发展。11月28日,参加大型系列主题公益活动绿色中国行的中外媒体多方位考察云南普洱的生态之美,感受彩云之南的风土人情和美丽生活。来自人民日报、新华社、中央电视台、光明日报、经济日报、农民日报、中国青年报、科技日报、中国绿色时报、人民网、中新网、凤凰网、网易、山东齐鲁网、香港卫视、北京卫视、东方卫视、浙江卫视、广东卫视、山东卫视、云南卫视、江苏卫视、福建卫视、四川卫视、安徽卫视、深圳卫视、  相似文献   

2008年3月24日下午,湖南省委、省人大、省政府、省政协和省军区等五大家领导张春贤、周强、胡彪、梅克保、黄建同、许云昭、蒋建国、李微微、戚和平、谢康生、唐之享、甘霖、陈肇雄、刘力伟、石玉珍、何报翔、李兰田、刘新刚等来到湖南省林科院杜家冲试验林场参加义务植树活动。  相似文献   

云南珍竹农业科技有限公司,坐落于云南省昆明市嵩明县,为中国重要的竹子种子苗木基地。是一家出口竹种子、竹亩、克隆技术以及机械化育苗、栽培及采伐技术的大型企业。有职工120余人,其中专业技术人员42人,教授、副教授9名,中级技术人员16名。竹子选种、育种、育苗、克隆、高产栽培技术及机械化育苗、栽培、采伐技术,公司完全拥有自主知识产权。公司的技术和产品畅销100多个国家,包括意大利、法国、西班牙、德国、葡萄牙、奥地利、俄萝斯、英国、美国、加拿大、巴西、墨西哥、秘鲁、阿根廷、厄瓜多尔、澳大利亚、新西兰、肯尼亚、埃塞俄比亚、马拉维、乌干达、南非、加纳、刚果金、坦桑尼亚、马达加斯加、安哥拉、埃及、以色列、伊朗、阿联酋、泰国、印度、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、菲律宾、緬甸、老挝、越南等。  相似文献   

1、谷类:高粱米、荞麦、小麦胚、薏米、大麦等。2、豆类:黑豆、黄豆、白扁豆、赤小豆、青豆等。3、蔬菜类:苋菜、韭菜、茄子、萝卜、荠菜、小葱、香菜等。  相似文献   

1号生根粉 主要用于促进珍贵植物及难生根植物插条不定根的诱导,如金花茶、玉兰、玫瑰、米兰、香木兰、苹果、黑加仑、山葡萄、山楂、柑桔、海棠、枣、梨、李、铅笔柏、落叶松、榆树、按树、泡桐、刺槐、国槐、红松、银杏等0。  相似文献   

Assessing the characteristics of seed supply will be vital to better understand the dynamics of forest regeneration. In this study, we surveyed the aboveground vegetation, the seed rain, the seed bank, and natural seedling emergence in four typical 24-year-old plantations (eucalyptus, mixed-native, mixed-legume, and mixed-conifer) and a naturally successioned shrubland in southern China. The dominant species in the understory were similar among the five plant communities. The seed rain and the seed bank were dominated by shrubs and herbs but indigenous tree species were rare. Species that were common to all five-plant communities represented a great proportion of the seeds in the seed rain and seed bank. The seed rain consisted mostly of seeds derived from the local plant community. Seed abundance was greater in the seed bank than in the seed rain, and species richness was greater in the seed bank and in the corresponding plant community than in the seed rain. Species composition similarity between the seed rain, the seed bank, and the aboveground vegetation was low, because the seed rain contained much fewer species, and the seed bank and aboveground vegetation contained many different species, respectively. These findings indicate that both the seed rain and the seed bank play important roles in providing seeds for plant recruitment in the understory, but the seed bank contributes more than the current seed rain to the diversity of recruited plants. The current plant community has little impact on the qualitative composition of the seed rain and seed bank. Based on these data, it appears that succession to the desired zonal, mature forest community is unlikely to result from seeds in the seed rain or seed bank. Lack of seed availability of desired zonal mature forest species is the main bottleneck currently limiting succession in the plantations. Reintroduction of late-successional species could facilitate the desired succession.  相似文献   

杉木种子园球果病虫害监测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经调查统计,杉木种子园健康果、发育不良果、病害果、虫害果、病虫兼有果比例分别为55.1%、3.4%、8.4%、9.0%、24.1%,各无性系之间球果产量、不健康果比例,百果重、千粒重、出粒率、发芽率都达到极显著差异水平。球果病虫危害率与球果产量、球果出籽率、种子发芽率之间存在极显著负相关,病虫危害是种子园种子产量下降的主要原因之一。用1%波尔多液或500倍敌克松溶液喷洒种子园接株,效果十分理想,病虫危害可以控制在10.0%以内。  相似文献   

柏木种子活力探讨   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
通过对柏木种子活力生化指标的测定,用相关分析、逐步回归和主要成分分析方法,探讨了不同采种期、地形部位、球果大小和种子大小各批种子活力之间的关系。结果表明,种子活力指数可表达种子迅速、整齐萌发的发芽潜力和幼苗生长势,是柏木种子较常规发芽率和其它各生理指标更可靠有效的质量指标。柏木种子生理成熟期较其球果形态成熟期提前10—20天,其后活力显著下降。不同坡位对种子活力影响显著,从坡下部到坡顶,活力显著下降。种子活力与脱氢酶活性和过氧化物酶活性呈显著正相关,与电导率成显著负相关,后者同种子成熟度密切相关。种子4种内含物(蛋白质、还原糖、蔗糖和淀粉)对种子活力,千粒重和幼苗干重影响显著,其中还原糖含量与种子成熟度紧密相关。球果或种子越大,活力越高,二者极显著相关。  相似文献   

We analyzed 17 seed sources (seed stands) of Pinus wallichiana for variations present in cone and seed characters, scattered over natural distribution in north-west Himalayan states (Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh) of India. The significant variations were observed in cone weight, cone length, cone width, seed length, seed width, seed weight, seed germination, radicle length, and plumule length among different seed sources of the species. Significant positive correlation between seed weight, cone weight and cone width showed that seed weight in the species depend more on the cone size. Seed germination was also positively correlated with seed weight, cone weight and radicle length in the study. The estimates of variability with regard to genetic parameters for seed weight, seed germination, cone length, cone width, cone weight showed wide range of variation in the study. Seed weight showed high heritability values coupled with maximum genetic gain. Traits with such values indicate presence of good amount of heritable additive components and are under strong genetic control. The findings of the study revealed that seed sources expressed both phenotypic and genotypic differences in the seed and cone traits which might be due to the differences in genetic make up of various seed sources and environmental factors i.e. genotypic and environmental interaction. The study suggests that the seed weight should be given the top priority for the further improvement of this species.  相似文献   

湖南省杉木种子园结实现状及发展对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从分析湖南现有杉木初级、1.5代、2代种子园结实量现状入手,分析了不同世代的种子园结实量低的原因.初级种子园主要是林龄大,树体高大,本身结实量少,加上树体大,可采种子非常少;1.5代种子园,都闭度大,树枝枯死,造成结实量少;2代种子园管理粗放,种子产量不高.根据多年对种子园结实量研究,提出了提高种子园结实量的主要技术措...  相似文献   

Natural variation in seed characteristics of eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.) trees and its relationship with the size, form, and crown class of parent trees was examined in second-growth, white pine mixedwood stands in Ontario. Cones were collected prior to and following partial harvesting of two stands during 2 years of above-average seed production. Fully enlarged seed extracted from mature cones was X-rayed to determine seed yield per cone, the percentage of sound, partially filled, and empty seed, and the sound seed mass for each tree. Variation in seed yield per cone, the proportion of sound, partially filled, and empty seed, and seed mass was much greater among individuals than between stands or seed years. The strength and significance of the relationship of seed mass with sound seed yield differed with stand and seed year. In uncut stands, seed mass was higher for trees with dominant crown class, larger live crown ratios, and smaller height to diameter ratios, suggesting tree vigour and microsite quality influence seed mass. Proportion of partially filled seeds was significantly reduced in both stands in the second year likely due to increased growing degree days during female gametophyte development. The implications of these results to natural and artificial regeneration of white pine are discussed.  相似文献   

兴安落叶松母树林丰产型结构的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对兴安落叶松母树林丰产型结构、林木级结构与种子产量、偏雌偏雄母树性状及标准、母树林结构与种子产量和质量相关问题的研究,结果表明,30-40a兴安落叶松母树林丰产型结构是:Ⅰ级木占75%;Ⅱ级木占25%;偏雌母树占50%-60%。偏雄母树占10%,中间类型占40%左右。  相似文献   

苦槠种子形态性状的地理变异分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
苦槠(Castanopsis sclerophylla (Lindl.) Schott.)为壳斗科(Fagaceae)栲属(Castanopsis (D. Don.) Spach.)植物[1],是亚热带地区常绿阔叶林的重要建群树种,也是亚热带常绿阔叶林次生演替阶段重要的先锋树种,对群落的组成、外貌、功能等都有一定控制作用[2].苦槠作为优良多用途树种,其生态效益、经济价值、食品保健功用及其在园林绿化中的地位已逐渐得到认可[3-4].目前,国内对苦槠的研究已有了一定基础,但对苦槠种群遗传学研究较少.种子是物种遗传变异的重要特征之一,在分类和遗传上具有重要的价值[5],种子形态不仅决定其扩散能力,也影响到种子的萌发和幼苗定植,进而影响到种群的分布格局[6].研究苦槠种子性状变异及其地理分化,对了解苦槠种群遗传分布格局具有重要意义,进而也可为苦槠天然林的保护和人工林的营建提供理论参考.  相似文献   

种子产业现代化的发展很快,做好种子贮藏工作的一个关键因素是建立环境条件良好的贮藏种子的场所--种子库.本文介绍了国内种子库建设的现状及种子储藏环境,分析了我国种子库房的发展趋势.  相似文献   

Forty-two percent of the land area in the neighbouring districts (kapubatens) of Wonogiri, Central Java and Ponorogo in East Java is covered with secondary forests of naturalized exotic tree species that are common components of governmental land rehabilitation programs. The seed suppliers operating in the Wonogiri–Ponorogo area represent only 9% of the suppliers in Indonesia yet they account for 80–90% of the national tree seed supply capacity. Wonogiri–Ponorogo suppliers procure and sell 1,510 tons of seed annually. About 24% of this (362 tons) is exchanged between suppliers, 1,148 tons are sold to customers across Indonesia, and less than 1 ton is exported. About 72% of the seed sold (826 tons) is collected in the Wonogiri–Ponorogo area, the remainder originating in Sumatra, Madura and Nusa Tenggara. In Wonogiri–Ponorogo, tree seeds are collected by farmers on contract with seed assemblers or seed companies. Assemblers link farmer collectors with seed companies and middlemen, who sell seed to customers. Government agencies purchase 75% of the seed. Cover crop species, Gmelina arborea, Tectona grandis and Leucaena leucocephala account for the 85% of the total seed sold. The sheer volume of seed collected in Wonogiri–Ponorogo assures that it comes from a large number of unrelated trees over widely dispersed locations. However, research results indicate individual farmers collect seed from a limited number of adjacent trees. Experience indicates simple seed collection guidelines help farmers improve their seed collection practices and the genetic quality of seed collected. A commitment to seed quality by all agents involved in the seed trade and customers is required to make such guidelines functional and acceptable. Seed procurement and diffusion generate significant income for all seed agents. As the dominant agents who facilitate most of the activities and inputs required to move seed through the pathway from forests to customers, seed companies receive the most financial benefits. Farmer seed collectors are the most numerous agents in the seed pathway, with an estimated 22,500 farmers involved in seed collection activities annually. Farmer families living near seed companies earn additional income by processing seed.  相似文献   

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