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造林、绿化种子(元/500 g),量大可优惠5%~20%红豆杉60、柳杉28、雪松200、三角枫18、重阳木40、青冈栎20、桂花25、猴欢喜60、紫楠28、泡桐45、杜鹃40、黄山栾18、香椿20、刺槐10、枸桔15、山茶花25、落羽杉30、四照花35、黄栌30、大叶女贞10、深山含笑60、红叶乌桕35、三尖杉25、杉木20、马褂木35、鸡爪槭40、黄连木25、红椎20、香樟10、红楠30、喜树10、枫香100、灯台18、爬山虎30、樱花40、枫杨8、酸枣8、  相似文献   

长白山草药多。多到什么程度呢?山里人常说:见草就是药。老百姓常用的草药就有100多种,如老牛乾、木灵芝、褐桦菌、松花粉、冬青、马尿噪、柳树包、榆耳、银耳、木耳、榆黄、猴头、冻蘑、树鸡子、扫帚蘑、天麻、猪嘴蘑、蒲公英、葱花芽、小根菜、剌嫩芽、贝母、板蓝根、天南星、龙胆草、细辛、刺五加、柴胡、淫羊藿、黄芷、山芋头等等。采中草药,是长白山重要的生活内容,也衍生出大量的长自山中草药文化。  相似文献   

<正>1号生根粉主要用于促进珍贵植物及难生根植物插条不定根的诱导,如金花茶、玉兰、玫瑰、米兰、香木兰、苹果、黑加仑、山葡萄、山楂、柑桔、海棠、枣、梨、李、铅笔柏、落叶松、榆树、桉树、泡桐、刺槐、国槐、红松、银杏等。价格:每克20元。2号生根粉用于一般苗木及花灌木扦插育苗,如月季、茶花、杜鹃、木槿、  相似文献   

本苗圃现低价供应下列1~2年生小苗:香樟、大叶樟、池杉、水杉、国外松、杉苗、杜鹃、红檵木、桂花、马尾松等。长期求购胸径15~80厘米的下列绿化苗木:香樟、大叶樟、桂花、栾树、玉兰、重阳木、银杏、腊树(大叶女贞)、合欢、红果  相似文献   

蓝天碧水七彩云南,白云绿树引领绿色发展。11月28日,参加大型系列主题公益活动绿色中国行的中外媒体多方位考察云南普洱的生态之美,感受彩云之南的风土人情和美丽生活。来自人民日报、新华社、中央电视台、光明日报、经济日报、农民日报、中国青年报、科技日报、中国绿色时报、人民网、中新网、凤凰网、网易、山东齐鲁网、香港卫视、北京卫视、东方卫视、浙江卫视、广东卫视、山东卫视、云南卫视、江苏卫视、福建卫视、四川卫视、安徽卫视、深圳卫视、  相似文献   

2015年是农历乙未年,民间称为羊年,也有人叫金羊年。这种纪年法始于我国古代夏历,采用"干支纪年法"。按照天干地支组合排列顺序纪年,即"旧历"或"农历",区别于今天的"公历"。天干分为:甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、己、庚、辛、壬、癸共十个,地支分为子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥共十二个,十二个地支相配子鼠、丑牛、寅虎、卯兔、辰龙、巳蛇、午马、未羊、申猴、酉鸡、戌狗、亥猪十二生肖。  相似文献   

芦荟、吊兰、虎尾兰、一叶兰、龟背竹是天然的清道夫,可以清除空气中的有害物质。有研究表明,虎尾兰和吊兰可吸收室内80%以上的有害气体,吸收甲醛的能力超强。芦荟也是吸收甲醛的好手。此外,具净化空气作用的植物还包括:肾蕨、贯众、月季、玫瑰、紫薇、丁香、玉兰、桂花、金绿萝、芦荟、鸭跖草、耳蕨、仙人掌、虎皮兰、虎尾兰、龙舌兰、凤梨、仙人球、令箭荷花、昙花、宝石花、肥厚景天、紫花景天、常青藤、铁树、菊花、红鹳花、石榴花、米兰、龙血树、白芷花等。  相似文献   

2008年3月24日下午,湖南省委、省人大、省政府、省政协和省军区等五大家领导张春贤、周强、胡彪、梅克保、黄建同、许云昭、蒋建国、李微微、戚和平、谢康生、唐之享、甘霖、陈肇雄、刘力伟、石玉珍、何报翔、李兰田、刘新刚等来到湖南省林科院杜家冲试验林场参加义务植树活动。  相似文献   

贾达明 《中国林业》2010,(18):I0006-I0007
<正>9月3日中国绿化基金会艺术家生态文化工作委员会陈翰彬、陈孟康、刘云龙、邹德忠、朱猷德、董正贺、彭世强、高伯龙、汤传杰、朱培尔、张振华、胡琦、于曙光、冯大彪、孙剑、李同安、易峰、郭保同、李立祥、徐晨光  相似文献   

云南珍竹农业科技有限公司,坐落于云南省昆明市嵩明县,为中国重要的竹子种子苗木基地。是一家出口竹种子、竹亩、克隆技术以及机械化育苗、栽培及采伐技术的大型企业。有职工120余人,其中专业技术人员42人,教授、副教授9名,中级技术人员16名。竹子选种、育种、育苗、克隆、高产栽培技术及机械化育苗、栽培、采伐技术,公司完全拥有自主知识产权。公司的技术和产品畅销100多个国家,包括意大利、法国、西班牙、德国、葡萄牙、奥地利、俄萝斯、英国、美国、加拿大、巴西、墨西哥、秘鲁、阿根廷、厄瓜多尔、澳大利亚、新西兰、肯尼亚、埃塞俄比亚、马拉维、乌干达、南非、加纳、刚果金、坦桑尼亚、马达加斯加、安哥拉、埃及、以色列、伊朗、阿联酋、泰国、印度、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、菲律宾、緬甸、老挝、越南等。  相似文献   

作者描述了笼养鹩哥(Gracula religiosa)的营巢、配对、产卵、孵化、育雏等繁殖行为,并对个人本配置、饲养环境、巢材、产卵日期、孵化、人工育雏等几个关键问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

为科学规划森林公园和促进生态旅游,科学保护和可持续利用旅游资源,作者于2001年7月中旬~8月上旬、2006年12月中旬,对武功山森林公园进行了为期20多天的陆生野生脊椎动物资源野外调查。调查得知:武功山森林公园现已知野生动物246种,录属4纲30目75科。其中两栖纲、爬行纲、鸟纲和哺乳纲分别有2目7科25种、2目10科37种、18目40科139种和8目18科45种。其动物地理区划属东洋界华中区东部丘陵平原亚区。动物区系组成以东洋界种类明显占优势,占总物种数的60.57%,而古北界种类占9.76%,广布种占29.67%。两栖纲和爬行纲的东洋界种类分别占92.00%和75.68%。整个动物区系表现为以东洋界华中区与华南区共有物种及东洋界华中区物种为主、南北成分混杂的区系特征。公园内有国家重点保护动物35种,其中黄腹角雉、白颈长尾雉、云豹、金钱豹属国家Ⅰ级保护动物;草鸮等31种属国家Ⅱ级保护动物。公园内野生动物及其生境受人类干扰破坏大,当地群众保护意识有待增强,故需加强野生动物保护、执法管理工作。  相似文献   

The levels of susceptibility of adult female European red mite, Panonychus ulmi (Koch) populations collected from apple orchards in Bursa region of Turkey, to acaricides, dicofol, bromopropylate and fenpyroximate belong to two different groups and an acaricide–insecticide, amitraz, were determined by a petri leaf disk-Potter spray tower method. When compared with the susceptible population, resistance ratios, as indicated by LC50 values, ranged from 2.2 to 11.9, 0.8 to 3.6, 1.0 to 22.5 and 0.9 to 7.9, while LC90 values varied from 1.6 to 9.8, 1.0 to 5.4, 1.0 to 47.4, 1.4 to 36.6, respectively, for amitraz, dicofol, bromopropylate and fenpyroximate. An examination of bioassay responses showed that susceptibility was lower for fenpyroximate and bromopropylate than for the other two compounds in the order of amitraz < dicofol. In conclusion, P. ulmi susceptibility to tested compounds varied widely from location to location.  相似文献   

Tree planting for dryland salinity control in Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dryland salinity is emerging as a major form of land and water degradation in southern Australia, particularly in Western Australia, South Australia and Victoria, and to a lesser extent in New South Wales, Tasmania and Queensland.Tree planting, in combination with other vegetation treatments, is regarded as a leading solution to dryland salinity. Research has now shown that planting trees can significantly lower groundwater tables, and thereby reverse the causal process of salinisation. Substantial progress has been made towards answering the basic questions of which species to grow, how to plant, where to plant, at what density and configuration to plant, and how much area to plant. The economic potential for commercial tree planting has given impetus to partial reforestation in higher rainfall (> 600 mm yr–1) areas. Even so, serious constraints are apparent, relating primarily to cost, uncertainty and attitude. The future should bring increasing community input and control, technical refinement and gradual adoption, provided all aspects of the issue are well researched, relevant information is well communicated and programmes are well administered. Some specific requirements for future research are identified in this review.  相似文献   

研究了中林、鲁光、京试、扎343、香玲、辽核、阿九等7个早实核桃新品种在翼城县的生长状况及生物学特性。结果认为,中林、鲁光、扎343、辽核4个品种适宜在翼城县生长,京试、香玲、阿九不适宜在翼城县生长。  相似文献   

C、N、P元素的养分循环过程是影响森林生态系统结构与功能的关键因素。以广西不同林龄桉树人工林为研究对象,分析桉树幼龄林(1a)、中龄林(2a)、近熟林(3a)、成熟林(5a)、过熟林(8a)叶—凋落物—土壤的C、N、P化学计量特征及其内在联系,探讨林龄对桉树人工林生态化学计量的影响,为桉树人工林可持续经营提供参考。结果表明:1)桉树人工林叶、土壤呈现高C低N、P的元素格局,凋落物呈现高C、P低N的元素格局;叶的C、N、P含量从幼龄林到近熟林呈先增后减趋势,反映桉树人工林早期对养分需求旺盛,随年龄增大需求减小。2)不同林龄叶C、N、P差异显著(P<0.05),凋落物与土壤的N、P、C∶N、C∶P、N∶P均差异显著(P<0.05),凋落物C∶P与叶N∶P、C∶P显著正相关(P<0.05),凋落物N∶P与叶的C∶P、N∶P之间呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),说明凋落物养分源自叶,土壤与叶的C、N、P均不相关。3)与叶相比,凋落物中N、P含量偏低,C∶N、C∶P偏高;土壤C∶P、N∶P偏低,说明土壤P素分解较快,可适时施以磷肥来弥补土壤速效磷的不足;土壤C∶N偏高表明土壤有机质具有较慢的矿化作用。中龄林、近熟林和成熟林叶N∶P<14,生长过程受N限制;中龄林、近熟林和成熟林凋落物分解的主要限制性元素是N,而幼龄林凋落物分解的主要限制性元素是P。  相似文献   

The ecophysiological, morphological, and growth characteristics of 14 poplar clones were studied during 37 days of flooding and a 13-day recovery period. Cuttings were subjected to three soil water regimes, viz. drained (control), shallow flooding to 10 cm above the soil, and deep flooding to a depth of 120 cm. All hybrids modified their ecophysiological and morphological patterns to decrease carbon loss and maintain water balance. In response to flooding, all 14 hybrids reduced their expansion and initiation of new leaves, reduced height and root collar growth, and reduced the number of leaves. For shallowly flooded plants, adventitious roots developed by day 14, and their number increased with flooding duration; net photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, and growth decreased significantly compared with the control; dry weights of roots, leaves, and total biomass decreased and the allocation of growth to shoots and roots changed. After flooding ended, net photosynthesis recovered, but stomatal conductance recovered before net CO2 assimilation since photosynthesis was limited by stomatal factor at the initial stage of stress and it was limited by non-stomatal factors over relatively long periods of stress. Transpiration and the amount of water obtained from the roots both decreased. In the deeply flooded plants, similar but often more severe changes were observed. Based on our results, we classified the hybrids into three types using hierarchical cluster analysis. Clones 15-29, 196-522, 184-411, 306-45, 59-289, DN-2, DN-182, DN-17, DN-14274, NE-222, DTAC-7, and R-270 were flood-tolerant, clone NM-6 was flood-susceptible, and clone 328-162 was moderately flood-tolerant.  相似文献   

1989年就西双版纳普文林区采集到的槭果黄杞、思茅栲、多穗石栎、柴桂、披针叶楠、勐海山胡椒6个材种的木材标本,对滇产这些树种木材的宏观构造、微观构造、物理力学性质和利用进行了研究。其结果供开发利用云南的阔叶材作依据。  相似文献   

Streams and drains in blanket-peatland forest in western Ireland were sampled weekly over 5 years, 1996–2000, using continuous, depth-proportional passive sampling. Analysis was for pH, alkalinity by Gran titration, anions by IC, metals by ICP, aluminium speciation by loaded-resin exchange, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) by absorbance at 320 nm.

Effects of felling are identified graphically from two forest drains whose catchments (both about 1 ha) were clearfelled, and partial clearfelling of one larger catchment (somewhat over 1 km2), in summer 1999. Calcium concentrations and alkalinity were increased in the drain- and streamwater from the felled areas. The pH was increased in drains, while in the larger stream, pH range decreased while the mean increased. Phosphorus increased markedly with clearfell, in the absence of recent fertilising, and also increased with fertilising; these results are reported in an accompanying paper. Ammonium-nitrogen concentrations were increased in the two drains with felling, and temporarily decreased in the larger stream. Nitrate increased in some cases. Potassium and manganese concentrations also increased. Concentrations of DOC and organic monomeric aluminium increased gradually, subject to a continuing strong annual cycle. There were no clearfelling effects on concentrations of solphate, suspended solids or inorganic monomeric aluminium. In the two drains (fully clearfelled), concentrations of sodium, chloride and magnesium, and conductivity, were all reduced after felling. Fertilising effects other than for phosphorus were indistinct.

Effects of the combined clearfell–reforestation treatment were testable statistically, using randomised intervention analysis, between two larger streams (1 km2) as a treatment–control comparison. There were statistically significant positive responses in streamwater concentrations of nitrate, potassium, calcium, DOC and aluminium fractions. The implications for management practice depend on whether the loss of nutrients is sustainable for future crop productivity, and whether critical limits and loads of receiving ecosystems are exceeded.  相似文献   

文章记述了内蒙古大兴安岭林区鳞翅目粉蝶科已知19种,包括斑缘豆粉蝶Colias erate Esper、北黎豆粉蝶Colias viluiensis Men、黑缘豆粉蝶Colias palaeno Linnaeus、黎明豆粉蝶Colias aurora Esp、北方豆粉蝶Colias melinos Ev、兴安豆粉蝶Colias tychede Boeber、橙黄豆粉蝶Colias fieldii Menetries、镏金豆粉蝶Colias chrysoheme Esper、绢粉蝶Aporia crataegiL、菜粉蝶Pieris rapaeL、东方菜粉蝶Pieris canidia Sparrman、暗脉粉蝶Pieris napiL、黑纹粉蝶Pieris melete Menetries、云粉蝶Pontia daplidiceL、绿云粉蝶Pontia chloridice Hubner、钩粉蝶Gonepteryx rhamniL、尖钩粉蝶Gonepteryx aspsiaMen、莫氏小粉蝶Leptidea morsei Fenton和突角小粉蝶Leptidea amurensis Mentries。并对其形态特征、习性、寄主和分布进行了简要介绍。  相似文献   

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