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白桦是呼伦贝尔地区的乡土树种,极适应高纬度地区严寒、干旱等恶劣的自然条件,具有生长快,抗逆性及观赏性强等特点。文章基于呼伦贝尔本地苗圃实际育苗及抚育管理经验,总结了白桦育苗的过程及后期田间的抚育管理技术措施,为提高白桦苗木质量提供借鉴。  相似文献   

康保县位于典型的干旱草原区,由于过去过度放牧与开垦农田,造成严重沙化。这里气候严寒,风大,干旱,造林十分困难,造林成败的关键问题是适地适树。为此,该研究通过立地条件调查,划分了17个立地类型,并选择了适生的6个乔木树种与多个灌木树种,例如樟子松、榆树、云杉、白桦、落叶松、柠条以及果树型的灌木种沙棘、花红、欧李、枸杞、刺梨等。  相似文献   

以金岗库林场4种主要乔木树种为研究对象,运用隶属函数法,对影响树种抗火性的3项理化性指标(绝对含水率、热值、灰分含量)和5项生物生态学特性指标(树冠结构、萌芽力、自然整枝、环境适应性、物候特征)进行分析,对4种树种的抗火性进行了综合评价。结果表明:4种树种中,抗火性强弱排序依次是山杨>白桦>油松>华北落叶松。其中,抗火性强的树种为山杨,抗火性一般的树种为白桦,抗火性差的树种为油松和华北落叶松。通过对金岗库林场4种树种的抗火性进行研究,能够有效对金岗库林场及相似林分区域的护林防火和造林抗火树种的选择提供科学依据。  相似文献   

正确选择造林树种是造林成败的关键,选择造林树种时要注意以下五项原则: 一、实现目的原则 实现造林目的是实施造林的主题和目标。在选择树种时,应首先考虑到要实现什么目的,实现这些目的对树种特性有什么要求,用什么树种进行组合搭配才能达到最佳效果。不同的林  相似文献   

白桦属于常见造林树种,速生,生命力极强。介绍了山西白桦分布与生态特征,对白桦的种子处理、育苗、苗木管理和幼苗移植技术进行了探讨,对今后山西白桦育苗造林具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

2003年7月在石林林场紫云林区选择15种1~2年生乡土树种的苗木进行荒山造林,通过5年的造林效果对比分析,对参试树种进行生长量、抗旱性、抗寒性、抗病虫害能力等的综合评价,筛选出适宜滇中地区荒山造林的优良树种。结果表明:适应性最强的树种是云南松、麻栎、滇青冈、旱冬瓜、冬樱花、川滇桤木、球花石楠7个树种,各项指标综合表现相对较好,可以作为滇中地区荒山造林优选树种。在持续干旱连年发生的情况下,以第3年的保存率来评价造林成效较为可靠。  相似文献   

高发兴 《绿色科技》2014,(4):176-177
对开远市用材林造林树种的适生性、生长情况和经济效益进行了调查和分析,提出了一些可供造林的树种选择。  相似文献   

针对冀北山地造林树种短缺的问题,选择黄檗(Phellodendron amurense)、华山松(Pinus armandii)、毛棶(Cornus walteri)、花楸(Sorbus pohuashanensis)、胡桃楸(Juglans mandshurica)、黄栌(Cotinus coggygria)6个树种进行造林试验,结果表明黄檗、胡桃楸、毛梾、华山松和花楸5个树种均适宜在阴坡宜林荒山造林,黄栌适宜在阳坡宜林荒山造林,可作为本区宜林荒山人工造林树种。黄檗在半阳坡宜林地造林虽然成活率与保存率较高,但生长量与健壮程度显著低于阴坡造林地,因此水肥条件差的半阳坡宜林地不宜营造黄檗林。胡桃楸在石质沟谷地造林虽然生长量与保存率低于阴坡造林地,但保存率在85%以上且生长较好,为该立地条件较佳的造林树种和造林模式。  相似文献   

以"十二五"期间江苏省及各地主要造林树种现状为研究重点,通过省营造林信息管理系统软件对江苏近十年的造林树种进行统计,结果显示,全省营造的乔木树种中以用材为主的杨树造林比重逐年降低,以生态景观功能为主的杂阔树种造林比重不断增加,营造的经济树种中各造林树种呈动态变化的总体趋势。造林树种动态变化趋势与江苏林业生态建设实际相符,根据动态变化结果,并对用材树种减少与木材需求缺口矛盾、生态公益林比例和优化调整树种结构等方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

崔涵 《绿色科技》2012,(4):35-36
指出了造林的树种选择是符合自然规律及经济要求的综合体现,是发展林业生产最重要的一步,也是造林目的和达到这一目的所用手段的有机结合。分析了造林树种选择的意义与原则,从适应性、目标性、乡土树种等方面探讨了造林树种的选择。  相似文献   

The growth, technical quality and nutritional status of pure and mixed silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) and downy birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) plantations were studied 21 and 22 years after planting on afforested organic soil arable land and on upland forest soil. In mixtures, 50% of both birch species was planted. Silver birch trees grew better, but had higher mortality than downy birch trees on both sites. Mortality of both species was highest, and the difference in their growth smallest, on organic soil. In pure stands on organic soil, downy birch dominant height, diameter and mean volume were 96%, 92% and 82% of those of silver birch and on mineral soil 87%, 84% and 60%, correspondingly. On mineral soil, silver birch had a higher mean annual increment (MAI) (5.8 m3 ha?1a?1) than downy birch (3.9 m3 ha?1a?1), but on organic soil the MAI of both species was similar (3.3–3.4 m3 ha?1 a?1). Planting birches in mixture did not affect the growth of the trees on organic soil. On mineral soil, the mean diameter and mean volume of silver birch trees were higher in mixed than in pure plantations. The technical stem quality of both tree species was low. On mineral soils, pure silver birch is more productive than mixture, but on peat soil the higher growth of silver birch could contribute to increased productivity and downy birch would ensure sufficient survival for future timber production.  相似文献   

The effects of different climatic conditions on growth and chemical composition of Betula pendula in geographically different European regions,Lithuania and Romania,were compared.Birch species in the entire area have a wide natural distribution,but B.pendula is commercially more important in Lithuania than in Romania.Here we evaluated tree ring width,wood density and foliar chemical composition of mature birch trees in two European regions.Trees at the Lithuanian sites had greater radial growth and wood density with no clear changes in foliar chemistry than those at the Romanian sites.Mean wood density was 600-700 kg m~(-3) at Lithuanian and 350-450 kg m~(-3) at Romanian sites.Mean width of wood ring,earlywood and latewood for Lithuanian birch trees were several times higher than the means for Romanian birch trees.We hypothesized that the main differences in birch radial growth and wood density were due to the different climatic conditions in the studied regions.Ca,K and Mg concentrations were significantly higher and Fe and Mn were lower in the birch foliage at the Lithuanian sites compared those at the Romanian sites.Overall assessment of growth showed that silver birch cultivation is more appropriate for colder climate regions and that birch growth may change in the context of a warming climate.  相似文献   

Sunström  Erik  Hånell  Björn 《New Forests》1999,18(2):113-129
In 1971, a series of five afforestation trials were established along a north-south gradient on open peatlands in Sweden. All areas were drained, fertilized and planted with Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). Survival and height of the planted trees as well as the amount of natural establishment, i.e. downy birch (Betula pubescens), silver birch (Betula pendula), Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), and other deciduous species: (e.g. Salix sp., Sorbus aucuparia), by seeding from nearby forests were measured 18–22 years later. The amount of naturally established trees exceeded the number of living planted trees in all five areas. Next to downy birch, Scots pine was the most common naturally established species. Large variations in both amount and height of natural establishment were found along the climatic gradient. Planted trees were taller than naturally established trees, except for the northernmost area. Number and height of naturally established trees correlated positively to closeness to nearest forest and to nearest ditch. These trees also responded positively to PK fertilization in the three southernmost areas. In the two northernmost areas no such response was found. It was concluded that natural seeding from neighbouring forests can be counted on and recommended in afforestation of low-productive peatlands in Sweden, provided that downy birch is accepted as a dominant tree species.  相似文献   

We analyzed the probability that Betula maximowicziana Regel (monarch birch) would suffer crown dieback (crown-dieback probability) and the basal area growth rate (GB), which was found to be a predisposing stress factor making birch trees susceptible to crown dieback. First, we analyzed the relationship between the probability that birch trees would suffer from crown dieback in 1999 and GB from a period prior to the occurrence of crown dieback (1985–1987), using a data set of repeated measurements on 217 trees. Logistic regression analysis revealed that monarch birch had a larger crown-dieback probability when GB was low in the preceding period. Hence, there were predisposing stress factors that reduced GB and continued to affect trees for at least a decade. Next, we analyzed GB in the same period in relation to symmetrical and asymmetrical competition between trees and found that GB was reduced by symmetrical competition, suggesting that this was one of the predisposing factors for crown dieback. Based on these results, we used selected models for crown-dieback probability and GB to calculate crown-dieback probabilities for individuals with different initial basal areas and experiencing different intensities of symmetrical competition. The predicted crown-dieback probability decreased with decreasing symmetrical competition between trees. We discuss a possible process of crown dieback to death for monarch birch and the use of thinning as a method to reduce the risk of crown dieback.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTlONThemixcdbroad-leaved/Pinuskor`IiensiSforestwhichisoneofthemainforestsofNortheastChina,isintlleCllangbaiMountail1s(JilinProvince)a11dtheXiaoxing'anMotu1-tains(inHeilonroIangProvince).Thisistl1empicalmixcddeciduous/co11iferforestvegcta-tionofthcarca.But,duetocuttingandanunbalancebctWeenharvesti11gandanntlalin-crement,themixedbroad-leaved/PinuSko-raiensIjforestsha1,ebeenreplacedwithsec-ondaryforests(includingthelargearPaofsecondaryforestleftfrol11thepast)sinceltsclearcutti…  相似文献   


There is a growing interest in the effects of deciduous trees on biodiversity, soil processes and long-term productivity in boreal, conifer-dominated forests. This study investigated whether individual birch trees allowed to grow to maturity in the coniferous forest can have a local effect on floristic richness and regeneration of tree saplings. The ground vegetation was compared in 2?m radius plots around the stem under the canopies of matched conifer–deciduous trees in a mature, conifer-dominated forest, and included in the analysis variables that could potentially mediate the tree effect (soil pH, cover of lichens, bryophytes, leaf and needle litter). The field layer vegetation was more species rich under birch (Betula pendula and B. pubescens) than under conifers (Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris), and several vascular plant species (including saplings of tree species) occurred more often under birch than under conifers. However, when the effect of the number of subordinate trees was taken into account the difference between birch and pine was not significant. The number of tree regenerations (saplings) was lowest under pines, but did not differ between spruce and birch. There were no effects of the canopy species on soil pH or on cover of lichens and bryophytes. The difference in diversity may be caused by the different effects of leaf and needle litter, and it is also likely that canopy structure has an influence via interception and throughfall and by affecting the light and microclimate.  相似文献   

The occurrence of Heterobasidion annosum in stumps and growing trees was investigated on 15 forest sites in southern Finland where the previous tree stand had been Norway spruce (Picea abies) infected by H. annosum, and the present stand was either Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta), Siberian larch (Larix siberica), silver birch (Betula pendula) or Norway spruce 8–53 years old. Out of 712 spruce stumps investigated of the previous tree stand, 26.3% were infected by the S group and 0.3% by the P group of H. annosum. The fungus was alive and the fruit bodies were active even in stumps cut 46 years ago. In the subsequent stand, the proportion of trees with root rot increased in spruce stands and decreased in stands of other tree species. On average, one S type genet spreading from an old spruce stump had infected 3.0 trees in the following spruce stand, 0.5 trees in lodgepole pine, 0.3 trees in Siberian larch, 0.05 trees in Scots pine and 0.03 trees in silver birch stand. Although silver birch generally was highly resistant to the S type of H. annosum, infected trees were found on one site that was planted with birch of a very northern provenance.  相似文献   

Li Yuwen  Wang Yeju 《林业研究》1995,6(3):100-104
Chemical and biochemical analysis methods were used to monitor the variations of nitrogen nutrient among the dominance trees species in secondary succession process of the mixed broad -leaved/Korean pine forest on Changbai Mountains, Northeast China. Amounts of total nitrogen, ammonium and NRA in soils of virgin broad-leaved/Korean pine forest which is in climax were higher than those ofsecondary birch forests those are in succession stage. The amount of nitrate was in the other hand. In climax, dominance trees species are tolerant mesophytic trees such asPinus Koraiensis, Tilia amurensis, Acer mono and alsoFraxinus mandshurica, they are all ammonium + nitrate adapted species, but they show a preference for the ammonium rather than those of the pioneer trees species in secondary birch forest, such asPopulus davidiava andBetula platyphylla. Because they have more ammonium in their leaves and roots, especiallyPinus koraiensis. Populus davidvana andBetula platyphlla are intolerant trees, amounts of nitrate and total nitrogen is higher in their leaves and roots and also NRA in their leaves, so they preference for the nitrate rather than the others. In secondary birch forest, the regeneration trees species adapt their nitrogen nutrient to the variation of nitrogen nutrient situation in soil, finally they could survival well and the secondary birch forest would succession to climax. In climax, dominance trees species adapt their Nitrogen nutrient to the situation in soil and there are not strong competition in nitrogen nutrient among them, so they can coexist well and keep the climax as stable vegetation.  相似文献   

白桦木材中总酚含量与抗木材腐朽菌的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
腐朽是木材最严重的生物破坏,它能引起木材结构损坏,造成经济上的巨大损失.白桦(Betula platyphylla)是极易腐朽的树种(李坚,2002).本文利用5种木材腐朽菌对白桦进行生物降解,根据质量损失率筛选出易腐和抗腐植株,进一步研究易腐和抗腐白桦总酚含量的差异与木材腐朽抗性的关系.为今后在林木遗传改良中筛选适宜的天然抗腐朽植株提供理论基础,同时也为森林培育、木材利用等方面的研究提供相关信息,减少防腐剂的使用,降低防腐剂对环境的污染.  相似文献   


Foliar responses of subalpine fir [Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt.] to thinning were studied in a 35-yr-old mixed stand of paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) and conifers. The stand regenerated naturally after a wildfire with a canopy dominated by paper birch (average height 9.8 m) and an understorey dominated by subalpine fir (average height 1.6 m). The stand was thinned to four densities of birch: 0, 600 and 1200 stems ha-1 and control (unthinned at 2300-6400 stems ha-1) in the autumn of 1995. The understorey conifers, mainly subalpine fir, were thinned to 1200 stems ha-1. The study used a completely randomized split-plot design. Three sample trees were systematically selected from each treatment replicate and each tree stratum (upper, intermediate and lower understorey). One-year-old and older age class needles were collected from one south-facing branch within the fifth whorl from the tree top. Thinning of paper birch significantly (p <0.001) increased leaf area and dry weight per 100 needles for intermediate and short trees except in the 0 birch treatment. Understorey subalpine fir trees in 600 stems ha1 birch (T3) had the largest leaf area and leaf dry weight per 100 1-yr-old needles. Specific leaf area (SLA) decreased from unthinned (T1) to 0 birch (T4). Lower understorey trees had the largest SLA. One-year-old needles had significantly higher N, P and K concentrations in all the thinning treatments. These responses are consistent with the shade tolerance of subalpine fir. The results suggest that when managing a paper birch-conifers mixed-wood forest it may be of benefit to understorey conifers to leave a birch canopy as a nursing crop.  相似文献   

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