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对甘肃连城国家级自然保护区白青杆、青海云杉等4种类型云杉属植物种子长、针叶长等10个表型性状采用方差分析、相关分析和聚类分析等方法,分析这4种类型植物的表型多样性,以便对该保护区内分类地位不明确的麻衣松进行分类地位的确定.结果表明,白青杆和黑青杆的表型多样性比较丰富,4种类型的平均变异系数由大到小依次为黑青杆、白青扦、麻衣松和青海云杉.白青杆和黑青杆的表型性状间大多数呈极显著或显著相关,麻衣松和青海云杉的大多数表型性状间相关性不显著.用分层聚类的方法分别对4种类型的表型性状进行聚类分析,结果表明,白青杆和黑青杆的表型性状可分为4类,麻衣松和青海云杉的表型性状可分为3类;麻衣松与白青杆、黑青杆不属于同一类,而与青海云杉比较相近.  相似文献   

应用ISSR分子标记技术,对沙地云杉与近缘种的种间遗传多样性进行研究,进而分析种间的亲缘关系。试验筛选出18个引物对红皮云杉、嫩江云杉、长叶云杉、粗枝云杉、白杄云杉和沙地云杉6个种进行扩增,获得171条清晰谱带,其中多态性谱带131条,多态位点百分率(PPB)为77.78%。通过POPGENE32分析表明:观察等位基因数(Na)为1.7778、有效等位基因数(Ne)为1.4803、Nei's基因多样度(He)为0.2853、Shannon多态性信息指数(I)为0.4269。采用UPGAM法聚类分析表明,6种云杉中,沙地云杉与白杄云杉亲缘关系最近,红皮云杉与嫩江云杉亲缘关系相对较近。研究结果可为云杉属的遗传评价、系统进化、物种鉴定和种间杂交育种提供参考。  相似文献   

记述采自中国青海危害青海云杉的松叶蜂科新松叶蜂属一新种:青海新松叶蜂Neodiprion qinghaiicus Wei,WangWu,sp. nov.。本种的锯腹片和阳茎瓣与青杄新松叶蜂很相近,主要形态区别有:触角黄色,栉齿黑色,鞭节Ⅰ—Ⅱ腹缘在侧面观等长(青杄新松叶蜂触角黑色,鞭节Ⅱ腹缘在侧面观略长于鞭节Ⅰ);后翅1 M室腹缘被cu-a截断的部分,内侧长于外侧(青杄新松叶蜂中这2部分翅脉长度相等);虫体瘦削(青杄新松叶蜂虫体粗壮)。体色与同属成员差别较大,可通过头部黑色且腹部黄色无黑斑等特征与中国其他新松叶蜂相区分。提供了中国新松叶蜂属分种检索表。  相似文献   

甘肃连城国家级自然保护区青海云杉种内种间竞争的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用Hegyi提出的单木竞争指数模型对甘肃连城国家级自然保护区的青海云杉种内、种间的竞争指数进行定量分析。结果表明:青海云杉种内竞争指数随着林木径级的增大而逐渐减小,种内竞争远远大于种间竞争,种内种间竞争指数的大小顺序为青海云杉>青杄>桦叶四蕊槭>山杨>红桦>柳树;竞争指数与对象木的胸径之间服从幂函数关系CI=AD~B,当青海云杉胸径达到45cm以上时,竞争指数变化很小;青海云杉的竞争指数与海拔和郁闭度呈显著正相关性。  相似文献   

丰宜新松叶蜂(Neodipron fening-ensis Xiaoefzhou)隶属于膜翅目、广腰亚目、松叶蜂科,是1979年首次在河北丰宜县发现危害青杄(Picea wilsonii)的一种新松叶蜂新种。我省分布于礼县境内的洮坪林场,危害青海云杉(Picea crassifo-lia Kom)。属甘肃新记录。  相似文献   

本文采用种子萌发法,通过青海云杉枝、叶和伴生树种浸提物对青海云杉种子萌发影响的研究,以揭示青海云杉自然更新不良的根本原因。结果表明:青海云杉的枝、叶浸提物对其种子萌发均存在自毒作用,且随着浸提物浓度增高自毒效应加强,相对而言,叶浸提物的自毒效应更大,说明其自毒物质主要存在于叶中,经凋落并释放自毒物质从而影响其种子的萌发,造成自然更新不良;自然伴生树种山杨、白桦,青杄枝叶浸提液对青海云杉种子萌发同样也存在一定的他感抑制作用,而圆柏在中高浓度时表现微弱的促进作用。  相似文献   

川西云杉分布于四川西部,西藏东部及南部,青海南部,是重要的速生用材树种。本文对引种的6年生川西云杉和乡土树种青海云杉、青杄年生幼林的生长及形态性状进行连续6a的综合研究,以进一步验证川西云杉的生长优势的进行早期评价,研究表明,6年生川西云杉与青海云杉、青杄的树高、地径、新梢长、分枝角度、一级侧枝、顶轮侧枝、顶轮侧枝总长、针叶干鲜重大都存在极显著的差异,苗高达到73.6cm,比青海云杉、青杄的生长量分别提高了36.9%和23.3%,在我国甘肃天水地区生长表现良好,适应性强,稳定性高的优良云杉种。  相似文献   

钉连接是木结构中重要的连接节点,在剪力墙中起到重要的承载作用。笔者针对轻型木结构建筑剪力墙关键的连接节点,对花旗松、云杉与不同厚度结构胶合板、定向刨花板用不同结构单钉连接的30种连接节点的侧向抗拉力学性能和破坏位移进行了比较研究。研究结果表明,钉子的尺寸、覆板种类与花旗松和云杉木材形成的连接节点侧向抗拉力学性能和破坏位移影响显著。6D钉连接花旗松侧向抗拉力值大于云杉;8D钉连接云杉侧向抗拉力值大于花旗松;10D钉连接两种木材节点力值趋势一致;花旗松和云杉与不同钉尺度连接节点破坏位移趋势相似,随着钉尺度的增加,破坏位移差异显著;10D钉连接两种木材节点破坏位移趋势一致,云杉与22 mm厚定向刨花板用10D钉连接,节点破坏位移最大。  相似文献   

青海云杉(Piceakoraiensis Nakai)常绿针叶乔木,原生长于青海境内丘岭地区。上世纪70年代起引进新疆山区,在苗圃利用青海云杉种子繁殖培育获得成功,培育的幼苗大量供山区人工更新造林用,并且适合新疆山区的环境,生长状况良好。该树种喜阴耐寒,树干通直,无主根,侧根发达,属浅根系,侧枝轮生,层次不明显,其外形呈宝塔形;该树种与新疆雪岭云杉同属同种,但冠形比雪岭云杉更饱满,颜色与其他针叶树种有明显的差异。青海云杉比雪岭云杉颜色较深,呈灰绿色,针叶要短些,其生物学特性(经实际验证)较雪岭云杉更具抗旱性,非常适合新疆山区造林和北部平原、城镇绿化的行道树、观赏树。  相似文献   

四种沙棘种子可溶性蛋白谱带分析研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
马瑞君  李常宝 《沙棘》1997,10(3):4-9
利用SDS聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法对中国沙棘、肋果沙棘、西藏沙棘和棱果沙棘的三个种下类型进行了种子蛋白谱带分析,结果表明:中国沙棘、肋果沙棘和棱果沙棘的三个种下类型之间谱带相似性很高,为近缘类群;而西藏沙棘则亲缘关系较远。棱果沙棘的三个种下类型之间,虽尚无种的特有带,但其不相似值最低,而且整个谱带颜色较浅谈,细小谱带数目较多,其二维排序的结果显示棱果沙棘三个种下类型正好位于中国沙棘和肋果沙棘之间,表明其进化水平比较一致,也充分说明棱果沙棘是一个独立的种。棱果沙棘中虽有许多谱带与中国沙棘和肋果沙棘谱带互补,但中国沙棘和肋果沙棘的种子蛋白质谱带中各有一条带不出现在棱果沙棘的带谱之中,另外,还有6条带不具有或不完全具有叠加性质,这似乎表明棱果沙棘由杂交起源的可能性是很小的。  相似文献   

Differentiation of adventitious buds and somatic embryos from mature zygotic embryos of Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr. is described. Adventitious buds were formed on embryos pulse-treated with 250 microM benzyladenine for 2 h and cultured on medium lacking growth regulators. Buds were initiated at different frequencies and sites depending on when the BA-pulsed embryos were transferred to fresh culture medium. Embryogenic callus was formed when the zygotic embryos were cultured on medium containing 10 microM 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 5 microM benzyladenine. Although 50% of the embryos gave rise to embryogenic callus, only 20% of the callus continued to proliferate after subculture. Proliferation of new somatic embryos occurred from both the embryonic region and the suspensor region on previously formed somatic embryos. The pattern for development of adventitious buds and somatic embryos in Picea sitchensis is compared to that in Picea abies under similar culture conditions.  相似文献   

粗枝云杉天然林优树的性状变异特征与选择标准划分   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用天然林内75株初选优树的22个性状资料,分析了性状随树龄变异的特征。对目的性状的选择潜力给予了评价。确定出评价优树的14个性状。按表型复选标准,筛选出47株优树,初选优树准确率77.4%。提出粗枝云杉纸浆用材良种选育应按数量性状和材性性状两个不同层次进行分步改良。  相似文献   

本文对引进的10个种源北美白云杉、3个种源的内陆红皮云杉3个年龄段苗木生长状况进行了分析,结果表明:各种源的苗木高生长差异显著,自云杉种源间、红皮云杉种源间及各种源之间3a生苗木地径生长差异达极显著水平;白云杉3a生苗高和地径生长表现最佳的种源是3^#、9^#和7^#,红皮云杉种源为CK2的地径及苗高生长量最大,其次是CK3和CK1,而且白云杉3^#种源苗高生长略超过红皮云杉CK3。  相似文献   

We compared vertical gradients in leaf gas exchange, CO(2) concentrations, and refixation of respired CO(2) in stands of Populus tremuloides Michx., Pinus banksiana Lamb. and Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P. at the northern and southern boundaries of the central Canadian boreal forest. Midsummer gas exchange rates in Populus tremuloides were over twice those of the two conifer species, and Pinus banksiana rates were greater than Picea mariana rates. Gas exchange differences among the species were attributed to variation in leaf nitrogen concentration. Despite these differences, ratios of intercellular CO(2) to ambient CO(2) (c(i)/c(a)) were similar among species, indicating a common balance between photosynthesis and stomatal conductance in boreal trees. At night, CO(2) concentrations were high and vertically stratified within the canopy, with maximum concentrations near the soil surface. Daytime CO(2) gradients were reduced and concentrations throughout the canopy were similar to the CO(2) concentration in the well-mixed atmosphere above the canopy space. Photosynthesis had a diurnal pattern opposite to the CO(2) profile, with the highest rates of photosynthesis occurring when CO(2) concentrations and gradients were lowest. After accounting for this diurnal interaction, we determined that photosynthesizing leaves in the understory experienced greater daily CO(2) concentrations than leaves at the top of the canopy. These elevated CO(2) concentrations were the result of plant and soil respiration. We estimated that understory leaves in the Picea mariana and Pinus banksiana stands gained approximately 5 to 6% of their carbon from respired CO(2).  相似文献   

通过对横断山区的自然地理状况,我国云杉属和冷杉属植物的分布状况调查,分析了两属植物的分化、生境和种间差异。结果如下,横断山区具有极高的生物多样性,是世界上云杉属和冷杉属种数最多的地区;但该两属存在较大的差异,云杉属的分布范围比冷杉属植物宽,分布的海拔高度低于冷杉属植物,从而为确定横断山区是云杉属和冷杉属的地理分布和分化中心提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Necrotic spots on needles of Picea abies-a symptom of Norway spruce decline? On needles of Picea abies and other conifers necrotic spots were observed. Preliminary experiments showed that similar symptoms could be caused by photooxidants.  相似文献   

Picea mongolica is a conifer with a limited distribution in China and its taxonomic status is controversial.In order to explore genetic differences between P.mongolica and other nearby Picea species and to investigate its taxonomic status,phylogenetic relationships were analyzed between P.mongolica and Picea koraiensis,Picea meyeri and Picea wilsonii by three chloroplast gene sequences matK,chIB and atpA.The length of joint chloroplast sequence is 2379 bp.The fifteen haplotypes were identified by haplotype network analysis,among which two were major haplotypes and nine were unique.In addition,the genetic diversity of the sample collection species was inferred.Based on the haplotype network and Neighbor Joining phylogenetic tree analysis,P.mongolica was located on the basal clade of the phylogenetic tree which had more primitive taxa,and the genetic diversity of P.mongolica was highest.The significant differences between P.mongolica and these other Picea species were identified by this research.  相似文献   

选择欧洲云杉3个种源、黑云杉3个种源、白云杉3个种源、青海云杉1个种源进行了不同种、种源的苗期生长性状变异试验。结果表明:云杉不同种、种源间苗期性状差异显著。4个种的1年生苗以苗高进行排序:欧洲云杉〉黑云杉〉白云杉〉青海云杉。欧洲云杉、黑云杉、白云杉各个种的不同种源间有很大的变异及选择潜力。因此在进行云杉引种时,应选择不同的种、种源,才能取得更好的效果。  相似文献   

Eight populations of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) and interior spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss x Picea engelmannii Parry ex. Engelm.) seedlings were sampled from a zone of Sitka-interior spruce introgression in British Columbia, Canada. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms of the nuclear ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA) were used to define species-specific hybridization patterns for the Sitka spruce and interior spruce populations. Hybridization was estimated from an index based on the relative abundance of polymorphic rDNA combining bands for each population. Sitka x interior hybrid seedlings had an index value for the relative abundance of interior spruce rDNA (Si-rDNA) ranging from 0.07 (Lower Nass; the most westerly collected source) to 0.95 (Bulkley Valley low-elevation seed orchard). During shoot elongation, osmotic potential at saturation (Psi(sat)) and turgor loss point (Psi(tlp)) increased, whereas total turgor (Psi(PTotal)) decreased. After bud set in the summer and throughout the fall, Psi(sat) and Psi(tlp) decreased, whereas Psi(PTotal) increased. At all times of year, populations with a higher Si-rDNA index had lower Psi(tlp) and Psi(sat) and higher Psi(PTotal) than populations with a lower Si-rDNA index. During the fall, Sitka x interior hybrid seedlings exhibited a seasonal decline in the temperature causing 50% needle electrolyte leakage (LT(50)) and in the critical temperature indicating the initial point of freezing injury. Seedlings with a higher Si-rDNA index had lower LT(50) and critical temperature values indicating greater freezing tolerance in the fall. Throughout most of the year, seedling population Si-rDNA index was related to the degree of drought and freezing tolerance.  相似文献   

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