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根据小清河流域黄台桥水文站1965~2013年径流序列资料以及黄台桥雨量站的降水量数据,采用5a滑动平均法和Mann-Kendall非参数检验法,分析了小清河上游径流量和降水量的变化特征;在此基础上,利用径流量与降水量的双累积曲线对降水-径流序列进行了突变点分析,并对突变点前后径流量与降水量的Pearson相关系数进行了分析与检验。结果表明:小清河上游径流量与降水量均呈现增加趋势,但径流量较降水量的增加趋势显著。将小清河上游径流演变过程分为1965~1974年,1975~2003年和2004~2013年3个阶段,1965~1974年为天然径流阶段,1975-2013年为受人类活动影响显著阶段。在径流变化过程中,径流量与降水量的Peason相关系数逐渐减小,而人类通过排污、引水等活动加大了对径流量的影响程度,成为影响径流变化的决定性因素。科学地区分降水与人类活动对径流变化的影响,可以为研究流域水文循环过程提供借鉴,对实现水资源可持续利用也具有现实意义。  相似文献   

大清河流域是京津冀地区自太行山向海洋的最重要生态廊道,白洋淀为该生态廊道的咽喉。白洋淀及其组成水系和大中型水库共同起行洪和调蓄洪水之作用,不仅对保定市、雄安新区等城乡防灾减灾具有重要保障作用,而且承担和保障大清河流域"生产、生活、生态"供水之任务,因此,研究和探索流域国土空间规划,实施山水林田湖草综合治理,恢复流域调蓄水功能,对保障雄安新区规划与建设目标的实现具有重要意义。为此,运用文献研究、经验分析、工程类比等方法,在大清河流域自然与社会基础主要要素分析基础上,从流域的生态廊道地位和作用、水资源涵养功能及其产水能力、防洪减灾地位与作用3个方面分析大清河流域生态环境对雄安新区的保障作用,指出流域水资源问题是影响和制约雄安新区建设和发展的关键之一。概略地测算出大清河流域总降水量为264.11亿m3,其中,流域水资源(包括地表水和地下水)只有64.65亿m3,仅占总降水量的24.5%;其余大部分蒸发进入大气或通过地表径流而流入海洋或渗入地下转化为包气带水,说明大清河流域水源涵养功能很差。人类强烈活动对流域下垫面进行了过度改造,影响和破坏了流域的汇水、径流、渗水、含水等功能,是造成流域水源涵养功能下降的重要原因之一。针对流域水资源问题及其成因,提出了缓解雄安新区水资源供需矛盾和确保大清河流域生态安全的山水林田湖草综合治理措施构想,包括大清河流域国土空间治理体系宏观调控、地表水调蓄与地下水开采布局联合调整、结合土地整治的地表水治理等6项措施。  相似文献   

对北方土石山区临朐县辛庄小流域不同时段治理效果的流域径流量和流域输沙量的观测,分别在不同时段治理效果条件下分析小流域的年降雨量、年径流量和输沙量的变化规律。结果表明:降雨量与输沙量的增减变化趋势基本一致,随着流域综合治理程度的提高输沙量呈下降趋势;径流量和输沙量总体上呈下降趋势,依据降雨量的大小变化,径流量和输沙量也有小幅度的起伏变化;在流域不同综合治理效果下,降雨量和径流量与输沙量呈极显著性相关,年降雨量和径流量与输沙量呈良好的Y=a+bX1+cX2线性关系。  相似文献   

为更好地模拟与控制衡阳盆地的水资源管理,本文选用SWAT模型模拟衡阳盆地径流量。通过广泛收集衡阳盆地区域河流水系、土壤、土地利用/覆盖类型、自然地理、水文气象等详细数据资料,运用Arcgis10.2.2平台及SWAT2012模型在衡阳盆地流域开展地表径流模拟研究,采用Variable Storage方法进行参数敏感性分析,验证SWAT模拟对衡阳盆地的适用性,选取Nash-Sutcliff标准(E)对模型有效性误差进行判定。结果表明:2003—2013年间,E值均大于0.7,属于乙等,SWAT模型适用于衡阳盆地区域径流模拟。2014—2023年,衡阳盆地2014—2023年间地表径流量平均值由2014年的8 688.3×108 m~3下降至2023年的5 807.1×108 m~3,整体呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

正河北农业大学城乡建设学院有一支由老教师、青年教师、博士研究生和硕士研究生组成的团队。他们从城市到乡村、从山区到平原、从河流到洼淀,近20年来走遍了大清河的每一个角落,并与河北省大清河河务管理处、河北省保定水文水资源局、保定市水利局、河北省水利科学研究院等单位密切配合,对以白洋淀为核心的大清河流域从地理到工程、从环境到生  相似文献   

指出了水文比拟法在水文资料缺乏地区进行径流量计算时应用较广。对受水利工程控制的流域,月降水量与月径流关系不相应时,提出了通过采用年降水和年径流为单位来比拟计算的方法,再以月降水量为权重进行分配进行了探讨,最大限度地减小了水库调节对径流量带来的影响,并通过汉江上游丹江口兰滩监测断面的计算实例进一步论证了方法的实用性和合理性。  相似文献   

根据全国主要流域重点断面水质自动监测周报公布的沱江流域水环境现状,分析了该流域水环境现状,并确定了4个水体评价标准,运用PSO-PPE模型对沱江流域水质进行了评价,为沱河流域水环境的宏观规划管理提供依据。  相似文献   

从历史发展中研究了影响桂林漓江流域发展演变的堤坝渠堰,探析了桂林漓江流域主要水系演变对城市规划发展造成的影响,探讨了漓江流域堤坝渠堰的营建智慧,并提出了相应的规划策略,以期为相关规划建设提供参考。  相似文献   

森林对河流水文情势的影响有巨大国民经济意义。西南林区的采伐与长江水文情势的变化引起了人民的争论。本文利用历年水文站的资料和综合因素分析探讨了上述关系,结果西南林区五条主要江河水系没有反应出某一种简单关系,而是一种复杂的关系。这种复杂关系是当前西南林区河流现状的正常反应;同时告诉我们研究森林与河流水文情势关系的方法不宜采用大流域(有经济活动在内)观测对比。  相似文献   

指出了随着人口增长和工农业发展,污水排放逐年增加,白洋淀水生态安全受到严重威胁。作为白洋淀上游最重要的入淀河流,科学合理地评价府河水质,对掌握其水质变化规律有着重要意义。以大清河流域府河段水质中溶解氧(DO)、高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)、五日生化需氧量(BOD5)、氨氮(NH3-N)、总磷(TP)5项水质监测指标为对象,运用单因子水质标识指数法进行了水质分析。研究结果表明:各断面中焦庄断面污染最严重,随河流流动方向,水质污染程度逐渐降低,水体中氨氮污染最重,总磷次之,溶解氧影响最小。  相似文献   

Based on meteorological,hydrological, forest,and grassland data collected by location observation,remote sensing,field surveys and relevant literature during 1956 to 2009,the ecological environment change in northern slope of the Qilianshan Mountains was analyzed synthetically using regression and correlation analyses.The results showed that the temperature had an annual variation rate of 0.033 4℃·a-1 in northern slope of the Qilianshan Mountains since 1960,and exhibited a raising trend,especially since 1987.The annual variation rate of annual precipitation was 0.570 2 mm·a-1,indicating that the precipitation tended to increase.The climate had changed from arid to humid in this region since 1976.From 1956 to 2006,the glacier area of six inland river basin(Shiyanghe river,Heihe river, Beidahe river,Shulehe river,Danghe river and Halternhe river) and Datonghe river basin in northern slope of Qilianshan mountains decreased by 17.7%. Thickness of the glacier reduced about 5-20 m,and the snow line rose about 100-140 m.The Glacier ice reserves in inland river basin of Hexi decreased by 11.4%.From 1972 to 2007,27 glaciers in the eastern section of the Qilianshan Mountains disappeared.From 1956 to 2009,the runoff change in the northern slope of the Qilianshan Mountains was different in different regions.The runoff was reduced significantly in Shiyanghe river basin, increased slightly in Heihe river basin,and increased obviously in Shulehe river basin.From 1958 to 1988, the area of deforestation and farming was more than 10.0 million ha,and the forest area was reduced 0.6 million ha.Since the Qilianshan Mountain Nature Reserve was established in 1989, the forest was restoring gradually because of continual protection and cultivating,and the forest area was increased 9.4 million ha from 1989 to 2008. Due to human interference,especially over-grazing impact,the quality of the wood-land,shrub-land and grass-land in northern slope of the Qilianshan Mountains were in a degraded condition,which re  相似文献   

本文通过对嫩江流域中下游地区土地利用现状的调查,并通过区域性试验表明,合理调整农业、林业、牧业等产业结构,是提高嫩江流域中下游地区经济发展水平的有效措施;通过测定,林木对地表径流、土壤水分、空气湿度有很大影响,均比无林地及耕地的影响效果显著。  相似文献   

本文通过对嫩江流域中下游地区土地利用现状的调查 ,并通过区域性试验表明 ,合理调整农业、林业、牧业等产业结构 ,是提高嫩江流域中下游地区经济发展水平的有效措施 ;通过测定 ,林木对地表径流、土壤水分、空气湿度有很大影响 ,均比无林地及耕地的影响效果显著。  相似文献   

祁连山北坡的生态环境变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用1956—2009年祁连山北坡定位观测、遥感监测和实地调查的气象、水文、森林、草原资料及相关文献,采用回归与对比分析相结合的方法,综合分析祁连山北坡生态环境变化。结果表明:1960年以来,祁连山北坡年气温的年际变化率为0.0334℃·a-1,气温呈上升趋势,特别是1987年以后气候明显变暖;年降水量的年际变化率为0.5702mm·a-1,降水量呈增加趋势,但增加趋势不太明显,在1976年气候由干旱向湿润转变;1956—2006年,祁连山北坡石羊河、黑河、北大河、疏勒河、党河和哈尔腾6个内流区河流域及大通河流域冰川面积减少17.7%,冰川厚度减薄5~20m,雪线上升100~140m,河西内流区冰川冰储量减少11.4%;东段冷龙岭有27条冰川在1972—2007年的35年间消失;1956—2009年,祁连山北坡出山径流变化存在一定的区域差异,石羊河流域出山径流呈明显减少趋势,黑河流域略有增加,疏勒河流域增加趋势明显;1958—1988年间,祁连山北坡毁林草开荒面积达10.0万多hm2;1958—1980年,森林面积减少0.6万hm2;1989年祁连山自然保护区建立以来,不断加强保护培育,森林逐步恢复,至2008年有林地面积较1989年增加9.4万hm2;因受人为干扰特别是超载放牧影响,1958年以来,祁连山北坡有林地、灌木林及草原的质量一直处于退化状态,致使森林病虫危害严重,灌木林积雪和保水能力下降,草地产草量降低,水土流失加剧。祁连山北坡生态环境仍处于局部改善、总体恶化状况,亟待加强保护与治理。  相似文献   

Because of long-term drying of the lower reaches of the Tarim River, oasis ecosystems are facing serious threats and have started to degenerate. An ecological water conveyance project has been started in the lower reaches of the Tarim River to save the degenerated ecosystem. The effects of ecological water conveyance on the ring width increments of Populus euphratica were studied by use of the trend analysis method, the moving t test technique, and a regression equation based on ring increment data from the past 40?years in the lower reaches of the Tarim River. Results showed that the ring increments of Populus euphratica in four monitoring transects along the river can be divided into two parts, 1970–2001 and 2002–2008. This division implies that ecological water conveyance had a positive effect on the increase of ring increments. The ring increments of Populus euphratica in Yinsu, Kardayii, Alagan, and Yiganbjma increased by 79.37, 174.5, 75.61, and 71.81% after ecological water conveyance. The years 2002, 2001, 2001, and 2002 were the transition years in the Yinsu, Alagan, Kardayi, and Yiganbjma transects, respectively. The ring width increments in Yinsu, Kardayi, Alagan, and Yiganbjma as a result of ecological water conveyance were 1.41, 0.987, 0.265, and 0.671?mm, respectively. The main cause of the changes in ring width increments was the rise of groundwater level. The results from this study should contribute to improved management of the ecosystems in the lower reaches of the Tarim River, and can also provide a scientific basis for implementing similar projects in other arid and semiarid areas.  相似文献   

Sediment discharge from the Yellow River originates mainly from the drainage area between Hekouzhen and Longmen, i.e., the Helong area. Spatial-temporal variations of the vegetation cover in this area during the 1981–2007 period have been investigated using GIMMS and SPOT VGT NDVI data. We have also analyzed the interannual variations in vegetation cover and changes in annual runoff and sediment discharge, the consequences from precipitation change and the Grain for Green Project (GGP). The results show that vegetation cover of the Helong area has increased during the 1981–2007 period. The northwestern part the Helong area, where the flat sandy lands are covered by grass, has experienced the largest increase. The region where the vegetation cover has declined is largely found in the southern and southeastern Helong area, which is a gullied hilly area or forested. Although precipita-tion was relatively low during the 1999–2007 period, the vegetation cover showed a significant increase in the Helong area, due to the implementation of the GGP. During this period, the most significant improvement in the vegetation cover occurred mainly in the gullied hilly areas of the Loess Plateau, such as the drainage basins of the Kuyehe and Tuweihe rivers and the middle and lower reaches of the Wudinghe and Yanhe rivers. A comparison of the average annual maximum NDVI between the earlier (1998–2002) stage and the next five years (2003–2007) of the GGP indicates that the areas with increases of 10% and 20% in NDVI account for 72.5% and 36.4% of the total area, respectively. Interannual variation of annual runoff and sediment discharge shows a declining trend, especially since the 1980s, when the decrease became very obvious. Compared with the 1950–1969 period, the average runoff during the 1980–2007 period was reduced by 34.8×108 m3 and the sediment discharge by 6.4×108 t, accounting for 49.4% and 64.9% of that in the 1950–1969 period, respectively. There is a positive correlation between the annual maximum NDVI and annual runoff and sediment discharge. This correlation was reversed since the implementation of the GGP in 1999 and vegetation cover in the He-long area has increased, associated with the decrease in runoff and sediment discharge. Less precipitation has been an important fac-tor driving the decrease in runoff and sediment discharge during 1999–2007. However, restoration and improvement of the vegetation cover may also have played a significant role in accelerating the decrease in annual runoff and sediment discharge by enhancing evapotranspiration and alleviating soil erosion.  相似文献   

通过对中国历史资料的分析,结合已有研究成果,对我国历史上由于森林的大幅度减少所造成的黄河、长江等流域的洪水和西北地区的气候干旱、沙漠化,进行了系统的分析研究。结果表明:4000年间,由于人口的增长和人为不合理的活动,我国森林覆盖率约由60%下降到10%左右,毁林先是在黄河流域,后来扩展到长江流域等几乎全国所有的林区。黄河、长江上中游地区大规模的森林破坏,导致了中下游地区发生严重而频繁的洪水灾害,而且越到后来就愈加严重。中国东南方地区的森林减少,导致了我国西北地区的气候干旱、降雨减少,使得400mm等雨量线向东南偏移,进而这些地区湖泊干涸、沙漠不断扩张。据此,一方面,为了减轻中下游地区的洪水,我国必须狠抓江河上中游地区的植被建设;另一方面,为了扼制西北地区沙漠化的扩张,必须在东南地区大力培育森林,且要遵循“自东南而西北”的战略方向逐步推进。  相似文献   

Using the runoff experiment method in a large basin combined with the contrast experiment in a small watershed, and based on the runoff and forest resources data for the past 35 years, this paper studied the serial changes of river runoff in the Xiaoxing’an Mountains after forest harvesting. The results showed that the river flow increased in the initial ten years after forest harvesting, but decreased gradually with the growth and crown closure of the Larix gmelini plantations. The river flow tended to be the same or even lower than the level before harvesting. The river runoff had a close correlation with annual rainfall, the size of forest harvesting and regeneration. A significant positive correlation was observed between the annual flow and the size of forest harvesting, which resulted in the increase of river runoff after forest harvesting. Forest harvesting could also significantly increase the peak flood and snowmelt runoff. There was a negative correlation between the regenerated forest area and annual flow, and thus, forest regeneration would decrease annual flow. __________ Translated from Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2005, 16(12): 2,259–2,262 [译自: 应用生态学报]  相似文献   

森林流域水文过程研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
温林生  邹芹  万媛媛  白天军 《绿色科技》2021,(6):153-156,161
指出了森林水文循环是森林联系气候对森林生态系统产生时空变化影响的重要因子。森林水文过程的研究以流域尺度为大多学者研究所接受,但如何正确地描述或者评价森林生态水文过程对于准确理解流域生态系统水循环及其对全球气候变化响应机制是其基础性关键。基于此,总结归纳了前人成果,以流域尺度森林水文过程的几个关键过程(林冠截留、蒸散、土壤蓄渗及径流)为基点,梳理了4个过程的衡量理论及方法,并提出了建立模型、水文过程的参数修正、结合GIS等技术进行流域尺度的模拟以及结合氢氧同位素技术对森林水文过程的溯源刻画将是正确理解森林流域水文过程机制的发展趋势,但现今仍存在如何将流域尺度外推于区域尺度乃至全球尺度这一科学问题。  相似文献   

甘肃省白龙江流域蕨类植物的多样性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
白龙江流域位于甘肃南部,青藏高原东北边缘,地形复杂,气候条件多样,蕨类植物种类繁多。据调查蕨类植物有263种,隶属于34科,76属,分别占甘肃省蕨类总科数的100%,总属数的97.4%,总种烤的87.69%。本区地还发现有16个特有种和36个新纪录种。  相似文献   

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