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通过国家对黑龙江省林木种苗建设的投入,极大地改善了种苗基地的基础设施现状,完善了生产设备,改变了生产条件,提高了经营管理水平,增强了种子的繁、采、调、控、贮,苗木的育、管、起、运、栽等作业机械化程度,加快了实现种苗生产基地化、质量标准化、造林良种化步伐。  相似文献   

2006年底至2007年年初,轮台县发生了大面积的冻害,2007年底至2008年年初再次导致杏大面积的冻害,轮台县最低气温达到了-26.5℃,对花、果、产量、品质等造成了相当大的影响。我们对杏树的冻害状况进行了跟踪调查,对杏树的花芽、坐果率、树体、枝条的冻害状况进行了设点观察,详细了解了杏树花芽、树体、枝条的冻害状况,并制定了防治措施。  相似文献   

春天到了,春天到了,冬转身走了。声音是清脆的,气息是甜纯的,眼花缭乱的绿,印在了大地的每一个角落。田野、山川、小河、树木,乍现在这早春的温暖里,渐渐地、渐渐地复苏。融化了的雪山,又一次开  相似文献   

该文以考古和文献记载为依据,总结了怀来葡萄的发展历史,对葡萄种植、分布、产业规模、酒庄发展、品牌建设和产业贡献的现状进行了系统分析,并对光、温、湿气候条件进行了认真梳理,对土壤环境进行了评价。在此基础上,分析了气候、土壤环境对葡萄外观及内在理化性状的影响,为怀来葡萄产区生产优质鲜食和酿酒葡萄生产提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

该文提出了生态公墓的概念,从公墓环境、殡葬活动、殡葬经济三方面阐述了生态公墓的内涵,分析了生态公墓的技术、经济、文化的生态思想特征以及整体、和谐、持续、高效的本质特征,提出了生态公墓建设的标准,划分了生态公墓必经的生态卫生、生态安全、生态景观和生态文化的基本阶段,从生态规划设计、环境建设与生态修复等方面阐述了生态公墓建设与管理的主要对策,对促进当前绿色殡葬的研究和发展具有积极意义。  相似文献   

许冉 《国土绿化》2018,(5):56-56
4月17日上午,春风和煦,阳光灿烂,天津市武清区林业局、农发行武清支行联合举办了"银政携手同行、播种绿色希望"的党员志愿植绿护绿活动。两个单位的主要负责同志、党员志愿者、入党积极分子、共青团员相约于郊外,一同参加了植树活动,植下了一片"友谊林"。活动现场,志愿者们在专业人员的指导下进行了树木涂白、培土、苗木扶正、浇水等工作,宣传并学习了植绿护绿知识。  相似文献   

补乐平  曾娟  时瑛 《绿色科技》2015,(1):203-204
分析了南岭民爆公司芷江分公司的清洁生产环境监测验收工作,从清洁生产的工艺、废水、废气、固废、噪声排放等方面出发,论述了污染物产生、治理、排放、监测等情况,得出了监测分析结论,提出了对该公司清洁生产验收的对策建议。  相似文献   

壶瓶山国家级自然保护区初步评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对保护区进行了初步评价,介绍了保护区的资源状况,选取自然性、多样性、稀有性、脆弱性、典型性、面积适宜性、科研价值等指标评价了保护区自然生态质量,阐述了保护区的生态、社会、经济效益,讨论了保护区的管理现状以及存在问题,提出了加快壶瓶山保护区建设的重要意义。  相似文献   

林权管理信息系统在我省林权管理工作中的应用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河北省林权管理信息系统作为全国首创的网络版林权管理软件,解除了林权管理手工操作对工作效率和管理效率的制约,实现林权证的登记、发证、建档、查询等电子化管理。创建了全省统一的数据中心,搭建了省市县三级互联互通的管理平台,达到了分级管理、服务社会、面向群众、方便查询、实用高效的目的。目前,此系统已在全省172个县市区正式启用,运行状况稳定,发证数据逾45万条,在我省林权管理工作中发挥了重要作用,也为我省林业数字化建设奠定了基础。  相似文献   

简要介绍了木工机械发展现状及趋势,分析了数据库系统建立的依据及意义,重点叙述了数据库系统的设计过程.该系统收录了常用木工机床、刀具及相关辅助设备的基本信息、技术参数、功能说明和图片展示,实现了录入、浏览、修改、查询、打印数据信息、数据备份和恢复等功能.  相似文献   

This paper investigates if and how the establishment of private commercial forest plantations in degraded forest reserves can conserve natural forests in Uganda. It uses difference-in-difference and decomposition analyses on household data collected from intervention and control villages in the neighborhood of forest reserves. We find that commercial forest plantations are weakly effective in conserving natural forests. The reduction in forest use is unevenly distributed across households depending on location and resource endowments such as farmland and livestock. The results suggest that the conservation effectiveness can be enhanced by complementary interventions that change characteristics that reduce forest use, such as more education for forest users.  相似文献   

Natural forest in Sri Lanka has been decreased significantly in the last few decades. The remaining natural forests especially in floristic region seven have undergone less conservation efforts in the past. Considering the capacity of the government and dependence on forest resources by local villagers, the only way for conservation of these forests in the Southwest lowland is forest management through local participation. Management plans for community-based resource management have been completed. However promotion of such management requires integrated measures, which are beyond jurisdiction of Forest Department. A holistic approach with political commitment concerning buffer zone villages and economic incentives with income generation opportunities supported by external inputs are expected to be implemented as a matter of urgency.  相似文献   

我国黄竹天然竹林资源现状和保护策略分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄竹在我国生长于热带北缘湿热地区,在澜沧江中下游河谷地区形成大面积的天然林分,是我国面积最大、最具代表性的天然热带性大型丛生竹林。由于我国绝大部分天然黄竹林不属于自然保护区和天然林保护范围,其资源的开发和利用没有科学的规划,近年来天然黄竹林群落和以黄竹林为基础的植被环境破坏严重,亟需对其资源进行保护研究。本文对黄竹的资源现状和面临的问题进行了调查和分析,提出了黄竹种质资源的保护建议。  相似文献   

Regional differences of water conservation in Beijing’s forest ecosystem   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The water conservation capacities of main forests in Beijing,China were estimated through the quantitative analysis.Various methods developed in published papers on forest hydrology were employed.The forests in Huairou,Yanqing,Miyun,Mentougou and Fangshan districts are the main contributors to water conservation(the cumulative ratio reaches 65%),and the forests in Tongzhou,Chaoyang,Shunyi and Daxing districts have the highest water conservation capacity(3000 m3/ha).Altitude and slope are the key factors to affect the water conservation capacity.The forests located in Plain Area,Hilly Area,Low Mountain,and Middle Mountain contributes 27%,28%,24% and 21% of the conserved water,respectively.The water conservation capacity of forests in Plain Area(2 948 m3/ha),is superior to the forests in other regions.And the forests situated on Flat Slope,Moderate Slope and Gentle Slope constitute the largest proportion(nearly 93%) of water conservation,while the forests on Flat Slope has the highest water conservation capacity(2 797 m3/ha),and the forest on Steep slope has the lowest water conservation capacity(948 m3/ha).  相似文献   

We apply a recently developed conservation prioritization method (Zonation algorithm) to a national-scale conservation planning task. The Finnish Forest and Park Service (Metsähallitus) was given the mandate to expand the current protected areas in southern Finland by 10 000 ha. The question is which areas should be selected out of the total area of 1 760 000 ha. The data available include a nation-wide GIS data set describing general features of forests at the resolution of 25 m × 25 m for entire Finland and another data set about biodiversity features within the current state-managed conservation areas. Ecologically, the key information includes forest age and the volume of growing stock for 20 forest types representing different productivity classes and dominant tree species. Our analysis employs four different connectivity components to identify forest areas that are (i) locally of high quality and internally well connected, (ii) well connected to surrounding high-quality forests, (iii) well connected to existing conservation areas, and (iv) large enough to allow efficient implementation. Expert evaluation of the results suggested that the present quantitative analysis was helpful in identifying areas with high conservation value systematically across southern Finland. Our analysis also showed that the highest forest conservation potential in Finland is located on privately owned land. The present techniques can be applied to many large-scale planning and management projects.  相似文献   

本文从生产实际出发,对天保工程给森工企业带来的影响进行了细致的剖析,并提出了相应的对策,即实施天保工程应紧紧抓住森林分类经营、森工企业主营转向、职工转岗分流、强化资源和林地的监管、建立必要的政策保障体系等5个环节。  相似文献   


In northern Europe, the biologically rich European aspen (Populus tremula) tends to disappear both from intensively managed and strictly protected forests, thus representing a biodiversity conservation challenge. This study describes the distribution of Aphyllophoroid fungi inhabiting aspen in a hemiboreal mixed-forest landscape where clear-cutting was usually followed by natural regeneration. In a 4-km2 area in Estonia, 181 individual forest stands and cut areas were surveyed. Sixty-one percent of the 2831 live aspen trees found were concentrated in 11% of the area. Thirty-six polypore species were recorded on aspen, with old stands and naturally created deadwood hosting most species. Among the records of 14 pre-defined aspen-specific basidiomycetes, Phellinus tremulae comprised about 95%. Six species (Ceriporiopsis aneirina, Clavicorona pyxidata, Funalia trogii, Phellinus populicola, Rigidoporus corticola, Steccherinum pseudozilingianum) were infrequent to rare, but widely distributed, inhabiting various stand-age classes, and mostly occurring outside “key habitats”. All the seven species absent are of conservation concern and frequent in Estonian old-growth forests. Thus, rotational management with natural aspen regeneration only provided habitat for some aspen-specific species. For sustaining all species, such landscapes should probably be complemented with stands managed using modified thinning and partial harvesting techniques in aspen-containing mixed stands.  相似文献   

Forest structure and function are both closely interconnected and interdependent. It is important to understand forests’ structural characteristics to utilize their functions effectively. In this study, we quantified and compared 112 water conservation forests in the mountainous areas of Beijing, which included 18 different forest types. We performed a holistic analysis, summarizing the forests’ structural characteristics in terms of water conservation and examining aspects of horizontal and vertical structures. The results showed that natural conservation forests had mostly unevenly aged, multilayered, mixed structure, while most artificial conservation forests exhibited even-age, single-story, and homogeneous structures with relatively low biomass. Understanding structural features may provide better insight into how forests affect water conservation and thus improve the sustainable management of forests for water conservation in Beijing.  相似文献   

The species composition of wood-inhabiting fungi (polypores and corticoids) was investigated on 1138 spruce logs and 992 pine logs in 90 managed and 34 natural or near-natural spruce and pine forests in SE Norway.Altogether, the study included 290 species of wood-inhabiting fungi. Comparisons of logs with similar properties (standardized tree species, decay class, dimension class) in natural and managed forests showed a significant reduction in species number per log in managed spruce forests, but not in managed pine forests. The species number per log in managed spruce forests was 10-55% lower than on logs from natural spruce forests. The reduction was strongest on logs of large dimensions. A comparison of 200-400 spruce logs from natural and managed forests showed a 25% reduction in species richness corresponding to a conservative loss of ca. 40 species on a regional scale.A closer inspection revealed that species confined to medium and very decayed spruce logs were disfavored in managed forests, whereas species on early decay classes and decay generalists were unaffected. Similarly, species preferring large spruce logs were disfavored in managed forests. Forest management had strongest impact on low-frequent species in the spruce forests (more than 50% reduction), whereas common species were modestly affected. Corticoid fungi were more adversely affected than polypore fungi.These results indicate that wood-decaying fungi in pine forests are more adapted to forest disturbances than spruce-associated species. Management measures securing a continuous supply of dead wood are more important in spruce forests than in pine forests.  相似文献   

易门县2005、2009年先后启动实施国家级和省级公益林生态项目建设,针对项目实施以来公益林管护中存在的问题进行分析,藉此提出相应对策、建议。  相似文献   

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