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大兴安岭地区森林火险变化及FWI适用性评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据研究区内及附件气象站每日气温、相对湿度、24小时降水和风速计算1987—2006年大兴安岭每日的加拿大林火天气指数系统(FWI)各组分值。利用空间插值方法,获得1987—2006年所有森林火灾发生日的FWI系统各组分值。大兴安岭林区森林火灾主要发生在落叶针叶林(61.3%)、草地(23.9%)和落叶阔叶林(8.0%),主要火源是雷击火(占57.1%)。4—6月份森林火灾发生时的FWI、FFMC和ISI平均值高。根据1987—2006年FWI组分指数的分布和火发生情况,对森林火险指数进行了分级,低、中、高、很高和极高火险的FWI取值范围分别为0~2.5,2.6~10.0,10.1~18.0,18.1~31.0,≥31.1。FWI对大兴安岭地区森林火险有显著的指示意义,FFMC和ISI对预测火灾的发生与蔓延有较好的指示作用。1987—2001年每年明显有春季和秋季2个火险期,但2002—2006年火险期显著延长。春季火险严重度指数(SSR)波动幅度比较大,夏季SSR和春季SSR有相反的波动趋势,2000—2006年秋季火险严重度明显升高。  相似文献   

雷击火形成、分布和监测研究综述   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
从与引发雷击火密切相关的雷暴和闪电的形成机理,干旱状况、雷暴天气、可燃物状况和地形所构成的雷击火发生的火环境,雷击火以及由雷击火引起森林火灾的地理分布、时间分布,采用气象雷达和雷电单站定位相结合、用闪电计数器结合火险天气指标、雷电探测系统、多站闪电定位系统、利用气象卫星遥感技术等方法进行雷击火的监测预报诸多方面综述了国内外的研究成果。  相似文献   

大兴安岭雷击火时空分布及预报模型   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
雷击火是中国大兴安岭地区重要火源.根据1990-2006年研究区内10个气象站日观测数据包括最高气温、最小湿度、24 h降水、平均风速等指标计算每日FWI系统各指标,分析雷击火的发生与火险指数的关系.根据各气象站与研究区质心的距离确定各气象站的权重,计算研究区火险指数平均值.1990-2006年大兴安岭林区共发生森林火灾591起,其中雷击火359起,占60.7%.70%的雷击火分布在121°~125°E,51°~53°N,平均每起雷击火过火面积为797.37hm2,森林受害面积为581.67 hm2.71.9%、2.5%和17.3%的雷击火分别发生在落叶针叶林、落叶阔叶林和草地.雷击火发生在4-9月,5-8月是雷击火多发月份.1990-2006年雷击火发生时间段整体上有延长趋势.8月和9月发生的雷击火都发生在1998-2005年.雷击火的发生受气温与降水的影响,月均气温高、降水量少,雷击火次数明显多.发生雷击火日的平均可燃物湿度码FFMC、DMC、DC和FWI分别为90.3,69,6,287.4和24.7.雷击火发生日各火险成分指数平均值均高于1990-2006年4-9月总体平均值.根据雷击火发生概率和每日火险指数建立了雷击火发生概率预测模型.  相似文献   

雷击火是大兴安岭林区主要火源之一,约占全区总林火的38%,在大兴安岭伊勒呼里山的岭北地区约占总林火的56%。雷击火多发生在人烟稀少及交通不便的偏远林区,一旦发生火灾很难及时发现,在扑救不及时的情况下,造成的危害要比人为火严重得多。塔河林区1968—1979年共发生林火59起,其中雷击火占41起,雷击火过火面积约占总火灾面积的67%。所以预测预报  相似文献   

实践告诉我们,在有利于森林燃烧的条件下,火源是发生林火的主导因素。就火源而言,有人为火源和自然火源(主要是雷击火)之分。根据朗乡林业局1986、1987年统计共发生雷击火10起。1986年雷击火次数占同期火警总次数的50%;1987年的6次火警是由雷击所引起,为了彻底杜绝森林火灾的发生,就必须在对人为火源严格控制管理的同时,加强对雷击火出现的时间、天气、部位和特点等规律的研究,以利于及时发现、报告和扑救,做到打早、打小、打了。  相似文献   

森林雷击火的预报监测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由雷电引发的林火通称“雷击火”,它是森林火灾中危险的自然火源。科学家一直把雷击火作为森林自然生态系统的一个重要因子。据统计,在内蒙古大兴安岭,由雷击引起的森林火灾约占该区火灾总数的24%。特别是近几年来,尽管雷击火次数不多,但多发生在4~8月份,且是交通不便、人烟稀少的北部原始林区,很难及时发现,容易造成特大森林火灾,从而蒙受很大的损失。  相似文献   

西南林区卫星监测热点及森林火险天气指数分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
根据国家林业局林火监测中心提供的2005—2007年卫星监测到的热点数据及相关信息和研究区及其周边2004—2007年34个气象站的每日定时观测数据,计算森林火险天气指数(FWI)系统各组分指数,分析西南地区森林火险和热点的分布规律。结果表明:2005—2007年西南地区热点主要分布在云南、广西和贵州西南部,44.6%的热点可能是野外植被燃烧引起的,这些热点包括草原、灌丛、森林和荒地上的火烧以及计划烧除、炼山等,云南西南和南部有大量的农业用火(占所有热点的30.1%)。西南地区的火烧主要发生在11月—翌年5月,1—5月份发生的火烧占全部热点的77.6%。森林火灾集中分布在云南东部和西北部、贵州东南部和广西大部分地区。热点数与相应区域的腐殖质湿度码(DMC)和干旱码(DC)的变化密切相关,森林火险期内DMC和DC值较高,热点和森林火灾多。热点数与FWI值存在显著的相关关系,FWI系统可以应用于西南地区,并且对森林火险有很好的指示作用。根据重点研究区的FWI各组分指数情况,定义低、中、高、很高和极高森林火险分别对应的FWI阈值为0 - 1.2、1.3 - 5.0、5.1 - 12.0、12.1 - 25.0和25.1+,对应火险等级日数分别占41.0%、23.6%、21.8%、11.2%和2.4%。研究区内人为火源和农业用火较多,加强研究区内高火险天气的火源管理是减少森林火灾的重要有效措施。  相似文献   

2005—2007年西南地区卫星监测热点分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西南是我国受森林火灾危害严重的主要区域,分析我国西南地区森林火灾发生规律对改进这一地区的林火管理有重要现实意义.根据国家林业局林火监测中心提供的2005-2007年卫星监测到的热点数据及相关信息,发现2005-2007年西南地区热点主要分布在云南、广西和贵州西南部,所有监测到的热点中30.1%是农业用火,主要分布在云南西南和南部;44.6%的热点可能是野外植被燃烧引起的,这些热点包括草原、灌丛、森林和荒地上的火烧以及计划烧除、炼山等.西南地区的火烧主要发生在11月-翌年5月,1-5月份发生的火烧占全部野火热点的77.6%.森林火灾集中分布在云南东部和西北部、贵州东南部和广西大部分地区.由于这一地区人为火源和农业用火较多,加强研究区内高火险天气的火源管理是减少森林火灾的重要有效措施.  相似文献   

林火研究综述(Ⅰ)——研究热点与进展*   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
在危害森林的诸因子中火灾是一种最具破坏性的灾害。各林业先进国家都非常重视林火研究工作。森林防火是一门综合性的科学,其研究热点包括基础研究和应用研究。近些年林火研究涉及国家森林火险等级预报、林火控制技术、雷击火自动定位系统、遥测自动林火天气站网、火发生与火行为规律、计划烧除、火生态、可燃物燃烧过程、灭火喷洒技术、烟尘特征和扩散等。  相似文献   

黑龙江大兴安岭雷击火概率预测模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合黑龙江大兴安岭雷击火发生特点及该地区的气象条件,引用加拿大天气指标(FWI)系统,使用2005年至2010年每日的闪电定位数据、天气数据、雷击引发的火灾数据,利用二元Logistic回归模型,采用全部进入法建立回归模型,最后检验分析显示:模型拟合效果较为理想,为预测黑龙江大兴安岭地区雷击火发生概率提供依据。  相似文献   

Lightning fire is one of natural fires; its mechanism is very complex and difficult to control. Daxing'an Mountain is the main region that lightning fires occur in China. Research on lightning fires indicates that special fuel, dry-storm weather and high altitude form the lightning fire environment. Lightning fires have close relation with lights. When lightning occurs, especially dry-lightning which brings little precipitation with surface temperature growing and fuel dehydrating, these often lead to lightning fires. Lightning fires have characteristics of geography, time and topography. The higher altitude forest region in Daxing'an Mountain, the more lightning fires occur. Valley with altitude above 800 m in the north of 51.N and Larix gmelinii-Pinus pumila, Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica -Pinus pumila forests on the top of mountain are the most concentrating region where lightning fires occur. One serial dry-storming can ignites many lightning fires, the furthest between them is as long as 150 km.  相似文献   

武夷山森林火灾发生规律的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
根据1997~2007年武夷山市森林火灾统计数据,从年、月、日3个时间尺度分析了森林火灾发生的规律。结果表明,武夷山市森林火灾年际间波动较大,具有4年周期性;3月份为森林火灾高发月,其次为7~8月份;一天当中,中午为森林火灾高发时段。引起森林火灾的火源主要是由农业生产用火(35%)和非生产性用火(占33%,主要为吸烟和扫墓)引起的。  相似文献   

我国大兴安岭呼中林区雷击火发生火环境研究   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
雷击火作为天然火源是一种难以控制的自然现象 ,其形成机理极为复杂。我国大兴安岭林区是雷击火主要发生区 ,对雷击火的研究表明特殊可燃物、干雷暴的天气和较高的地形构成了雷击火发生的火环境。长期干旱 ,可燃物失水严重 ,森林中积累丰富的可燃物 ,雷暴发生后干燥的植被容易引火燃烧 ,起火之后 ,遇上盛行的大风将使火灾迅速蔓延。雷暴 ,特别是干雷暴出现时 ,遇到降水少、地面温度增加 ,相对湿度降低 ,可燃物干燥的情况 ,就很容易引起火灾。森林火灾多发地区 ,雷击火常常也多。大兴安岭纬度越高 ,雷击火越多 ,5 1°N以北海拔 80 0m以上山脉的腹部或山顶的落叶松 -偃松林、樟子松 -偃松林林区为该林区雷击火发生最集中区域。一次干雷暴天气过程 ,可以同时引起多起雷击火 ,它们之间的距离最远可达 1 5 0km。雷击火多发生在 6— 8月 ,雷击火的发生时段主要集中在下午的 1 4时到 1 7时。雷电作为一个随机干扰因子引发森林火灾 ,使得雷击火的预防与扑救变得更加困难。  相似文献   

The paper described the natural conditions and forest types in Northwestern Region of China. Most forests in the region are distributed in subalpine areas. It is important to protect the existent forests in the region for maintaining ecological balance. According to the statistics results of 1991~2000, the paper analyzes the forest fires distribution and fire severity. Annually the numbers of forest fires range from 52 to 240. The incidence rate of forest fires in Northwestern Region is under 0.33 per ten thousand ha. There are 0.67-64.4 ha burned area per ten thousand ha forest. The main reasons for forest fires lie in the dry weather conditions, many firebrands, and high fuel loading. The strategies of fire management in the region are to stress the fire education in forest regions, strength the firebrands' management, emphasize the fuel management, and improve the fire monitoring and fire control ability.  相似文献   

长沙县森林火灾发生规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据长沙县"十一五"期间森林火灾发生的统计数据,从地域、时间、火因和肇事者等分析森林火灾发生的规律.结果表明:森林火灾发生存在明显的地域差异,据此可分为重灾区、较重灾区、较轻灾区、轻灾区和无灾区;森林火灾主要发生在防火期内,其中春防期明显多于冬防期,2月或3月为高发期,一天中的起火高峰在10:00—18:00;森林火灾发生主要由人为因素引起,森林火灾的肇事者老人最多,占30.6%。通过对森林火灾发生规律的调查分析,为长沙县"十二五"期间的森林火灾防控对策提出了建议。  相似文献   

It has been suggested that during the past several decades, the frequency and the intensity of wildfires have markedly increased in the Mediterranean basin. We came to assess this postulation in the forested region of Mount Carmel, Israel. This region is characterized by Quercus spp. and Pistacia spp. maquis and has been intensely afforested with Pinus spp. stands since the 1920s. We compiled a GIS-based database of the fires recorded in the region since 1983, in addition to archiving data beginning from the 1940s. The data were collected from land stewardship agencies’ archives, fire departments and aerial photographs. Prior to the early 1980s, no systematic documentation of the fires was available, rather just sporadic qualitative documentation of the large forest fires that occurred. Between 1944 and 1982, only 6 large fires were documented, while after that 11 large fires occurred. Analysis indicated that the spatial distribution of the fires does not occur at random, and their locations are significantly closer to roadsides compared to an expected random distribution. The annual number of fires and the areas burned during the last two decades were not correlated with annual precipitation in any manner. Accordingly, we suggest that the increased number of large forest fires during the last decades is associated with the maturation and senescence of the planted forest coupled with increased human activities.  相似文献   

We evaluated the spatial and temporal patterns of forest fires in two fire seasons (March to June and September to November) from 1996 to 2010 in Jilin Province, China, using the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System. Fire data were obtained from the Provincial Fire Agency, and historical climate records of daily weather observations were collected from 36 weather stations in Jilin and its neighboring provinces. A linear regression model was used to analyze linear trends between climate and fire weather indices with time treated as an independent variable. Correlation analysis was used to detect correlations between fire frequency, areas burned, and fire weather indices. A thin-plate smooth spline model was used to interpolate the point data of 36 weather stations to generate a surface covering the whole province. Our analyses indicated fire frequency and areas burned were significantly correlated with fire weather indices. Overall, the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System appeared to be work well for determining the fire danger rating in Jilin Province. Also, our analyses indicated that in the forthcoming decades, the overall fire danger in March and April should decrease across the province, but the chance of a large fire in these months would increase. The fire danger in the fall fire season would increase in the future, and the chance of large fire would also increase. Historically, because most fires have occurred in the spring in Jilin Province, such a shift in the future fire danger between the two fire seasons would be beneficial for the province’s fire management.  相似文献   

野火是植物生态系统中最严重的自然灾害。野火的重要组成部分——雷击火是一种复杂且难以控制的自然现象,给人类和生态环境造成了巨大损失,人类活动已在全球范围内显著影响了雷击火的发生与分布。由于雷电的随机性,其观测实验和理论研究非常困难。因此雷击火成为全球变化及其环境影响研究的关键议题之一,各国对雷击火的预测研究给予了高度重视。结合相关研究文献发现,在雷击火形成因素、雷电预测预报模型、人工干预3个方面形成了较为系统的研究结果。文中在基于对其评述的基础上,总结雷击火的研究现状,展望未来的研究方向,以期为深入研究雷击火中能量来源——雷电和更高效地建立预测模型提供启发和参考。  相似文献   

黑龙江省1980—2005年森林火灾时空特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
森林火灾是林火失去人为控制,在森林内自然蔓延和扩展,对生态系统和人类带来一定危害和损失的森林起火。森林火灾属世界性、跨国性的重大自然灾害,进入20世纪80—90年代以来,全球气候变暖导致森林火灾有上升的趋势,虽然各国的森林防火费用不断增加,但森林火灾发生的面积并未相  相似文献   

Fire danger rating systems commonly ignore fine scale, topographically-induced weather variations. These variations will likely create heterogeneous, landscape-scale fire danger conditions that have never been examined in detail. We modeled the evolution of fuel moistures and the Energy Release Component (ERC) from the US National Fire Danger Rating System across the 2009 fire season using very high resolution (30 m) surface air temperature, humidity and snow ablation date models developed from a network of inexpensive weather sensors. Snow ablation date occurred as much as 28 days later on North-facing slopes than on South-facing slopes at upper elevations. South-facing slopes were hotter and drier than North-facing slopes but slope position, in addition to aspect, was also important because nocturnal air temperatures were coolest and humidity was highest in valley bottoms. These factors created heterogeneous fuel moistures and fire danger across the study area. In the late season (August and September), nocturnal cold air drainage and high relative humidity fostered fuel moisture recovery in valley bottoms, where fuel moistures and ERC values were 30% and 45% higher and lower, respectively at peak fire danger (September 29th). Dry fuel moistures and relatively high ERC values persisted on low elevation, South-facing slopes. The driest conditions were observed 100-200 m above the valley floor where mid-slope thermal belts frequently developed above areas of cold air pooling. We suggest that a complete understanding of these variations may help improve fire management decision making.  相似文献   

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