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森林凋落物分解与酶的相互关系研究进展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
森林凋落物分解是森林生态系统物质循环和能量流动的重要环节,凋落物通过分解向土壤释放有机物和养分元素,对林地肥力的维持具有重要意义。凋落物分解受到一系列物理和化学因素的影响,主要包括气候、凋落物自身性质和土壤生物等。凋落物和土壤中的酶是凋落物分解过程的重要参与者,其在森林生态系统物质循环和能量流动过程中扮演着重要角色。文中评述了酶的种类和酶活性与凋落物分解的关系及凋落物层次、多样性和分解产物与酶的关系,简要概述了酶活性的测定方法,为深入研究凋落物分解机理及其在森林可持续经营中的作用提供参考。  相似文献   

我国森林凋落物分解研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
森林凋落物是指森林生态系统中,由地上植物部分产生并归还到地表面,作为分解者的物质和能量来源,借以维持生态系统功能的全部有机质的总称。文章综述了森林凋落物的概念、构成、分解的研究方法和模型、影响分解因素以及全球变化对凋落物分解的影响。凋落物分解是森林生态系统重要过程之一,受气候、凋落物性质、微生物等生物和非生物因子的影响。森林生态系统是陆地上最大的碳储库和最经济的吸碳器,而森林凋落物的分解对大气二氧化碳浓度增高、气候变暖和降水变化的反应,对深入理解森林生态系统土壤有机物形成和固氮能力十分重要。  相似文献   

森林土壤酶的研究进展   总被引:79,自引:4,他引:79  
杨万勤  王开运 《林业科学》2004,40(2):152-159
土壤酶在土壤生态系统的物质循环和能量流动方面扮演重要的角色。目前 ,在几乎所有的森林生态系统研究中 ,土壤酶活性的监测似乎成为必不可少的研究内容。森林凋落物分解过程中的酶活性动态 ,植被特征与土壤酶活性的关系 ,土壤微生物与土壤酶的关系 ,植物 -土壤界面的土壤酶 ,森林土壤质量评价指标的土壤酶及人类活动干扰对森林土壤酶活性的影响等是当前森林土壤酶学的研究重点。由于土壤酶的功能和生态重要性 ,森林土壤酶研究可能包括 :(1 )土壤酶系统分异 ;(2 )作为森林土壤质量综合评价指标的土壤酶活性 ;(3)植被动态与土壤酶的关系 ;(4 )退化森林生态系统的土壤酶活性特征 ;(5 )人工林土壤酶活性特征 ;(6 )人类活动对森林土壤酶系统的影响。本文从土壤酶系统分异和生态系统的角度对土壤酶在森林生态系统中的作用和地位进行了综述 ,这对于加深理解森林生态系统中的物质循环、土壤酶的生态重要性以及森林生态系统退化机理有重要作用  相似文献   

落叶松人工林土壤腐殖质特征和土壤酶活性的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
落叶松人工林土壤腐殖质特征和土壤酶活性的研究阎德仁(内蒙古自治区林科院010010)森林凋落物的蓄积与分解是土壤有机质的主要来源,也是土壤养分归还的主要途径,因此,有机枯落物的转化是人工林养分循环过程的重要组成部分。由于有机凋落物在土壤酶及微生物作用...  相似文献   

森林凋落物的分解与森林生态系统的物质循环有着密切的联系.凋落物的分解在很大程度上受制于凋落物自身基质质量这一内在因素,而树种、生长阶段以及养分再吸收率的差异使得凋落物的基质质量会有所不同,且森林病虫害也能影响凋落物的基质质量,从而间接影响凋落物的分解.此外,一些外在因素,包括气候条件(温度、光照、降雨)、立地条件(土壤肥力、海拔、坡向)和生物条件(土壤微生物、土壤动物)等也会改变凋落物的分解程度和向土壤释放养分的速率.本文论述了以上这些因素和凋落物分解的关系,为森林生态系统养分平衡研究提供依据.  相似文献   

森林凋落物分解研究进展   总被引:70,自引:4,他引:70  
系统评述森林凋落物的分解过程、凋落物分解及养分释放的影响因素、分解研究的方法等.森林凋落物的分解既有物理过程,又有生物化学过程,一般由淋溶、自然粉碎、代谢作用等共同完成.凋落物分解过程先后出现分解速率较快和较慢2个阶段,元素迁移一般呈现淋溶-富集-释放的模式.凋落物分解主要受气候、凋落物性质、微生物和土壤动物的影响,气候是最基本的影响因素,常用实际蒸散(actual evapotranspiration简称AET)作为指标.凋落物分解速率呈明显的气候地带性,与温度、湿度等紧密相关.从全球尺度来讲,凋落物质量对分解速率的影响处于次要地位,但在同一气候带内因AET变化较小,则起了主导作用.N、P和木质素浓度、C/N、C/P、木质素与养分比值是常见的凋落物质量指标,其中C/N和木质素/N最能反映凋落物分解速率.凋落物化学性质对其分解的影响作用又与分解阶段有关.凋落叶中N、P、K初始浓度高使得初期分解较快,而后期分解放慢.土壤理化性质及微生物区系也将不同程度地影响凋落物分解.尼龙网袋法(litter bag method)操作简单,是野外测定森林凋落物分解速率最常用的方法.除此之外,缩微试验也得到了广泛应用.目前普遍采用的衡量凋落物分解速率大小的指标主要有CO2释放速率、凋落物分解系数(k值)及质量损失率.在此基础上提出了指数衰减、线性回归等模型来模拟凋落物分解过程.尽管对凋落物分解在森林生态系统C、N、P循环、土壤肥力维持等方面已进行了较深入的研究,但未来研究应侧重以下方向:长期的定位观测;采用相对统一的研究方法,获得可比性强的数据进行综合;深化凋落物分解机理研究;探讨全球气候变化对森林凋落物分解的影响;评价营林措施(如林分皆伐、造林、施石灰和肥料等)对凋落物分解与养分释放的调节作用.  相似文献   

森林凋落物生产及分解研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林凋落物的归还量及分解对森林生态系统影响极大。森林凋落物归还量受自然因素和人为因素共同影响,自然因素主要包括环境因子和林分因子。影响森林凋落物分解的因素主要分为内在因素和外在因素,内在因素指凋落物的理化性质,如凋落物的C/N比、木质素/N比和C/P比等重要的分解指标,而外部因素中的温度和湿度是影响凋落物分解主要的气候因子,土壤动物及微生物物也是影响凋落物分解的关键因子,人类活动及人为导致的CO2浓度升高、N沉降等全球气候变化也直接或间接的影响凋落物的分解速率。  相似文献   

凋落物对维持森林生态系统功能、物质循环和能量流动方面起着重要作用。特别是在陆地生态系统中,90%以上的地上部分净生产量是通过凋落物的方式返回地表。本文在介绍森林凋落物作用和意义的基础上,阐述了凋落物分解过程及机理,主要介绍了影响凋落物分解的主要因子:气候(温度、湿度)、基质(C/N、C/P、木质素等)、土壤(土壤水分、地表温度和土壤pH等)和生物因子(土壤动物、土壤微生物)等,在此基础上对凋落物研究方法、手段及内容进行了展望。  相似文献   

森林凋落物分解研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林凋落物是森林生态系统内地上植物组分产生并归还于地表,作为分解者的物质和能量来源,来维持生态系统功能的有机质总称。凋落物分解包含凋落物粉碎、淋溶和有机物的分解代谢3个过程。C/N、木质素含量等是影响凋落物分解的主要指标因素,凋落物的质量等内部因素与气候等外部因素共同影响着凋落物分解。凋落物分解是森林生态系统中养分归还的主要途径,是森林生态系统物质循环、能量流动的重要环节。对凋落物分解动态过程的研究可以帮助当地合理的、因地制宜的种植相关树种,有效的调节并提高林木的生长效率,并为维持土壤肥力,增强土壤的养分可利用性提供保障。  相似文献   

[目的]揭示土壤动物在喀斯特森林凋落物分解中的作用,深入认识喀斯特生态脆弱区植物-土壤系统养分的循环过程。[方法]采用凋落物袋法,以贵州中部地区喀斯特森林优势木本和草本植物凋落物(白茅、圆果化香树和翅荚香槐)为研究对象,进行持续1年的原位分解,通过排序分析、随机森林模型等多元统计分析方法,探究不同体型土壤动物群落对森林凋落物分解的影响。[结果]不同处理间凋落物质量损失率差异显著,草本植物凋落物白茅质量损失率最高,木本植物凋落物翅荚香槐损失率最低。一定范围内,凋落物质量损失率与碳氮比成反比。土壤动物平均增加了24.89%的凋落物分解,中小型土壤动物作用(15.34%)大于大型土壤动物作用(9.55%);土壤动物对凋落物分解的贡献率在分解前期较后期大。从凋落物袋中共捕获土壤动物13 733头,分属21个类群,优势类群为蜱螨目和弹尾目;随机森林模型结果显示,前气门亚目、长角(虫兆)目、短角(虫兆)目、伪蝎目、中气门亚目、蚁甲科在凋落物分解中起到关键性作用。[结论]除草本植物外,黔中喀斯特森林凋落物分解速率与碳氮比成反比。土壤动物在凋落物的分解中具有重要作用,且在分解前期贡献较大。  相似文献   

We used a litterbag method to investigate litter decomposition and related soil degradative enzyme activities across four seasons in a broad-leaved forest and a coniferous forest on Zijin Mountain in s...  相似文献   

Do rates of litter decomposition tell us anything we really need to know?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Results of several long-term studies of non-woody litter decomposition in forests indicate that we need to rethink why and how we measure rates of litter decomposition. Effects on litter decomposition rates were postulated to explain some of the nutritional effects of factors such as tree species, forest harvesting and fertilization. However, the accumulated experimental evidence indicates that litter decomposition rates do not mediate these responses. Many studies have reported litter mass loss becoming extremely slow at values considerably below 100%, indicating that early decay rates may not accurately foreshadow the entire decay process. Exclusion of soil faunal activities from current measurements of decomposition rates seriously reduces the likelihood that we are properly modeling decomposition. Finally, the use of regression and correlation analyses to determine which climate or initial litter quality factors control decay rate has led to many unwarranted and potentially misleading conclusions. These concerns are illustrated with examples from a suite of litter decomposition studies in British Columbia, Canada. Insights into nutrient cycling and carbon storage in ecosystems are more likely to arise from measuring the mass and nutrient content of annual litter input and determining the maximum decomposition limit and nutrient content at that stage, than by measuring early rates of decay. Improved predictions of relative decay rates of plant litters are likely to arise from a holistic approach based on plant life attributes rather than correlations based on individual initial litter chemistry parameters. Finally, a better understanding of the fate of faecal material of soil fauna is necessary before we can accurately predict and model litter decomposition.  相似文献   

自然因子对中国森林土壤碳储量的影响分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文中分析了森林植被、土壤属性、立地条件、气候条件以及凋落物和根系输入等自然因素对中国森林土壤碳储量的影响。森林植物种类组成决定了进入土壤的植物残体量和分解速率,导致土壤有机碳的含量及分布有很大差异。随着林龄的增加,土壤碳储量会呈现增加或产生波动2种情况。土壤理化性质影响土壤有机碳的含量,而土壤碳储量又影响着土壤结构、根系深度、土层特性、有效水分保持能力、土壤生物多样性等; 海拔、坡度、坡向、坡位等立地条件对森林土壤有机碳储量的影响各不相同; 温度、水分、CO2浓度等气候因子在森林土壤有机碳的蓄积过程中起着至关重要的作用; 凋落物和根系对土壤的输入也可以改变土壤碳库。  相似文献   

Understory plants are important components of forest ecosystems and play a crucial role in regulating community structures, function realization, and community succession. However, little is known about how abiotic and biotic drivers affect the diversity of understory species in cold temperate coniferous forests in the semiarid climate region of North China. We hypothesized that(1) topographic factors are important environmental factors affecting the distribution and variation of understory strata,and(2) different understory strata respond differently to environmental factors; shrubs may be significantly affected by the overstory stratum, and herbs may be more affected by surface soil conditions. To test these hypotheses, we used the boosted regression tree method to analyze abiotic and biotic environmental factors that influence understory species diversity, using data from 280 subplots across 56 sites in cold temperate coniferous forests of North China.Elevation and slope aspect were the dominant and indirect abiotic drivers affecting understory species diversity, and individual tree size inequality(DBH variation) was the dominant biotic driver of understory species diversity; soil water content was the main edaphic factors affecting herb layers. Elevation, slope aspect, and DBH variation accounted for 36.4, 14.5, and 12.1%, respectively, of shrub stratum diversity. Shrub diversity decreased with elevation within the range of altitude of this study, but increased with DBH variation; shrub diversity was highest on north-oriented slopes. The strongest factor affecting herb stratum species diversity was slope aspect, accounting for 25.9% of the diversity, followed by elevation(15.7%), slope(12.2%), and soil water content(10.3%). The highest herb diversity was found on southeast-oriented slopes and the lowest on northeast-oriented slopes; herb diversity decreased with elevation and soil water content, but increased with slope. The results of the study provide a reference for scientific management and biodiversity protection in cold temperate coniferous forests of North China.  相似文献   

We tested the dynamics of nine enzymes during leaf litter decomposition in Xishuangbanna tropical rain-forest both in the field and laboratory to explore the response of enzyme dynamics to decomposition under different food-web structures. We used coarse and fine (1 mm and 100 μm mesh size, respectively) litterbags in the field to create different food-web structures during litter decomposition. Most soil macrofauna such as nematodes could access only the coarse mesh litterbags, leaving only microbiota, such as mites, in the fine mesh litterbags. In the laboratory, sterilization and inoculation were adopted to investigate different enzyme dynamics with nematodes or only microbiota participating in litter decomposition. Invertase and amylase increased more for shorter food webs at the early stages of decomposition, while activities of endocellulase, β-glucosidase, xylanase and polyphenoloxydase increased to their maxima at the later stages, but greater increase occurred with extended food webs. Invertase and amylase had negative relationships and endocellulase, β-glucosidase, xylanase and polyphenoloxydase had positive relationships with litter decomposition (mass loss). The activities of enzymes responded to the process of litter decomposition. Invertase and amylase played key roles for microbiota utilizing the substrates at early stages of decomposition, while endocellulase, β-glucosidase, xylanase and polyphenoloxydase worked on the further decay of recalcitrant compounds at later stages. All enzymes related to carbon decay acted as effective indicators of litter decomposition. The decomposition of plant organic matter was essentially an enzymatic process. __________ Translated from Journal of Plant Ecology (Chinese Version), 2008, 32(3): 622–631 [译自: 植物生态学报]  相似文献   

大熊猫栖息地评价指标体系初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物的生境是指生物生活繁衍的场所,由生物与非生物环境构成.近几个世纪以来,物种绝灭的速度加快,生物多样性丧失的最重要的原因是生物生境被人为破坏.对保护生物的生境评价,是分析这些物种种群减少和濒危原因的重要手段,同时其能为制定合理的保护对策提供依据.根据大熊猫生境分布特点,将影响大熊猫生境质量的因素分为非生物环境因子、生物环境因子和干扰因子,探讨大熊猫生境评价的指标体系,为大熊猫栖息地评价提供参考.  相似文献   

Trees are able to respond to their local biotic and abiotic environment with morphological adjustments which improve resource acquisition and, thus, growth. In forests, light is broadly recognised as one of the major factors determining growth, and morphological responses comprise changes in crown architecture and stem stature. On sloping terrain, the interplay of phototropism and gravitropism may further affect morphological growth characteristics. However, different tree species are expected to show species-specific responses. In this study, we analysed three growth characteristics of tree individuals belonging to four species of two functional groups (evergreen: Schima superba, Castanopsis eyrei, deciduous: Quercus serrata var. brevipetiolata, Castanea henryi) in a species-rich Chinese subtropical forest. Crown projection area, relative crown displacement and stem inclination were related to biotic (local species richness, functional richness, competition, stand age) and abiotic (slope aspect and inclination, soil depth) variables in the local neighbourhood of the tree individuals. We hypothesised that (i) there are species-specific differences in the morphological response of crown architecture and stem stature and (ii) that crown size and asymmetry as well as stem inclination are influenced by both, biotic and abiotic factors. In contrast to our expectations we were unable to reveal any species-specific differences in any of the three growth characteristics. The results of mixed effects models showed that crown area was mainly affected by the target tree's dbh and biotic variables related to neighbours (competition, functional diversity), whereas stem inclination was mainly influenced by slope. Relative crown displacement was influenced by both, biotic and abiotic variables. We conclude that growth responses resulting in crown displacement and stem inclination seem to be an important mechanism to ameliorate foraging for light in our study area, but that these responses appear to be species-independent. The interplay of stem inclination and crown displacement allows for a plastic response of tree individuals in biotically and abiotically heterogeneous environments. Our results indicate that forest management in this region should focus on functionally diverse stands which are promoting crown area positively resulting in increased growth rates of individual trees.  相似文献   

Trunk phloem necrosis (TPN) is currently one of the most economically important diseases of the rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis). Investigations of the aetiology of the disorder have failed to identify any biotic causal agents but a multidisciplinary study has recently suggested that the disease may be caused by a combination of exogenous and endogenous stresses. These stresses can affect plant physiology and may also have an impact on soil biology and soil biochemistry. In this study, macrofauna diversity and soil enzyme activities were compared for the soils under trees affected by TPN and under healthy trees. Principal component analysis revealed associations between TPN and macrofauna diversity and soil enzyme activities. Groups of ants and termites were associated with the soil under healthy and trees affected by TPN respectively. Polysaccharidase (cellulase, xylanase and, particularly, amylase) activities were lower in the soil under trees affected by TPN whereas N‐acetylglucosaminidase activity was higher. These findings suggested that termite density and N‐acetylglucosaminidase activity are useful indicators of TPN, while lower values of polysaccharidases activities are the consequence of this disease. The impact of TPN on soil ecosystem was discussed.  相似文献   

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