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18世纪初,俄国沙皇彼得大帝将源于西方的法国规则式园林设计手法,移植到了俄罗斯,产生了别具俄罗斯风情的城市园林、私家花园和修道院庭院。透过艺术家的作品,我们看到一幅幅城市森林的迷人景象,凉亭小桥、园林雕像混为一体,森林与人和谐共处,互为映衬,相得益彰,堪称城市森林规划中的精品。    相似文献   

俄罗斯城市森林采风   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
踏着四月的春光,我们走进俄罗斯,来到向往已久的十月革命的故乡。从莫斯科到圣彼得堡,从喧嚣的闹市到寂静的校园,20天紧张而愉快的培训生活,使我们不仅亲身感受到中俄两国人民的深厚友谊,而且领略了俄罗斯城市森林迷人的风采,至今难以忘怀。    相似文献   

城市森林规划的现状与发展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
分析了城市森林规划在中国发展的背景,通过案例分析,总结比较了英美两国城市森林规划的特点以及中国城市森林规划的特点,从城市森林规划的范围、与城市绿地系统规划的关系、规划对象、内容、方法、城市森林的多功能问题、协调问题、规划实施和规划立法九个方面探讨了中国城市森林规划的发展。    相似文献   

城市森林经营方案编制提纲   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对国内外城市森林建设和理论研究实践的分析,论述了城市森林经营方案编制的重要性和必要性,提出城市森林经营方案编制的指导思想、基本原则和重要内容,着重介绍了城市森林经营方案编制的几个关键技术和对策措施。    相似文献   

文章分析宁波市自然概况、城市森林现状及其城市特色,应用景观生态学的原理,结合"核、环、轴、楔、园、链"结构模式,提出了宁波市城市森林系统结构;建议加强城市绿心和生态保护带建设,改善城区森林绿地质量,提供城市生态资源氧库,保持森林生态系统的连续性和多样性,演绎城市文脉,引导城市环境与郊区自然环境共生与交融,建设具有山水特色的森林城市。    相似文献   

论城市森林生态研究框架   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
城市森林的发展是人类的需要和历史的必然。为使城市林业建设建立在高科技含量水平上,作者讨论了城市森林生态研究在城市林业建设中的地位、研究的对象及任务,初步提出了城市森林生态研究的框架及特点,以期引起讨论并推动城市森林生态研究的发展。    相似文献   

以无锡市城市森林总体规划为例,探讨因地制宜的特色城市森林规划建设战略;以创建特色森林城市为目标,以无锡市自然、文化和城市发展3方面为重要内容,提出依水建林、森林生态建设、森林生态网络建设和森林生态文化景观区建设4大规划战略。    相似文献   

森林是人类的摇篮,是文明的发祥地。森林文化是人类文化的重要组成部分。弘扬森林文化可以丰富人类保护自然、向往自然和回归自然的认识,有效的促进生态环境和社会经济的可特续发展。大连以其特殊的历史背景和自然环境构成了今天具有包容性、外向性的朝气蓬勃的森林文化。    相似文献   

广州森林旅游发展战略思考   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
文章运用SWOT战略分析方法,对广州市森林旅游业的内部优势和劣势、外部机遇和挑战进行了分析,探讨了广州市森林旅游发展战略。    相似文献   

论城市森林规划的实证性与规范性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
从城市森林规划实证性与规范性的概念入手,回顾总结了景观规划设计中的实证性与规范性传统,揭示了二者并重的发展趋势,讨论了基于实证性与规范性的城市森林规划方法;在对城市森林理性过程规划程序及改进方法论述的基础上,提出了兼顾实证性与规范性的城市森林规划双循环结构过程。    相似文献   

文中介绍了我国2000—2012年森林火灾发生的整体情况,分析了我国夏季森林火灾的时空分布规律。2000一2012年我国森林火灾发生次数年际间大体保持平稳,2003—2005年达到一个较高的峰值,2008年达到最高峰,近几年来则呈下降趋势。夏季森林火灾的发生次数在2000—2007年处于较高水平,尤其是2003年和2006年火灾发生次数最多,而近5年来则处于较低水平并有下降的趋势。我国华中地区和西南地区发生夏季森林火灾次数最多,而东北地区重、特大森林火灾发生最多。我国夏季森林火灾具有等级高、破坏性大、火场面积和受害森林面积较大等特点。  相似文献   

Southeast Tibet forest is in east subtropical zone. This region natural environment is unique, influenced by the southwest monsoon, so forest fires are very easy to occur in the dry season. Forest in this region is over mature forest, and accounts for much proportion. Fire season in this area is winter and spring. But in the special year, forest fires can also occur in the hot summer. Fire season lasts from October to next February,but to April in an individual arid year. Most of the fires in this area are surface fires, crown fire, can occur after long time drought. Ground fires do not occur in the region.  相似文献   

In recent years, especially in the summer of 2002, the most serious forest fires occurred in the Daxingan Mountain of Heilongjiang province and Inner Mongolia. There has been long time serious forest fire environment in summer in Daxingan Mountain. The grass in the forest is scorched for long time drought and the moisture content of litter and turf layer decrease rapidly. The accumulation and dryness of fuel build the summer forest fire environment, which are major caused by Meteorological environment. Human are lack of the right recognition of summer fires, and can not achieve the goal of detecting and fighting in time. Also summer fires have the tendency to increase in some areas of the world and human have to pay much more attention to how to prevent and control summer fires.  相似文献   

With the influence of the world scope human being to the forest and climatic anomalies, forest fires in the world show the trend of escalation. US, Australia, Russia and Indonesia one after another had forest fires that were above 1 million hectares (ha). Impacted by the whole world forest fires situation, forest fires in China are very serious in the recent years. Forest fires in northeast and southwest China are unceasing, and the distribution of forest fires has the tendency to move south…  相似文献   

This paper analyses the situation with forest roads in Russia in the context of harvesting, transportation, forest management and forest fire prevention. Russia harvests less than 30% of its allowable harvest potential. Forest fires burn volumes which are equal to half of the annual harvest. One reason is the insufficient density and quality of forest roads. The average density of roads is less than 1.5 m/ha, which is one-tenth of that in Nordic countries. We argue that better access to the forests, utilizing the technology transfer of the proven Nordic forest road solutions (NFRS) under local conditions, might have important effects on the strategy-making processes in forest infrastructure development in northwest Russia. For this purpose, A'WOT analysis is proposed to identify the related strategies and assign priorities to those strategies. According to this study undertaken in Karelia, where NFRS were introduced over 10 years ago, the top priorities regarding the relevant threats are the lack of legal framework under forest land leasing and the low profitability of forestry. The results indicate that the NFRS are viewed positively for the Russian conditions. The forest road market has virtually unlimited opportunities for growth. Together with a favourable policy in terms of national and regional development programmes it can support forest infrastructure development. Forest fire prevention, multiple uses of woodlands, and different environmental service markets are seen as potential opportunities for NFRS. However, the results also indicate that there is substantial uncertainty and scepticism concerning how such markets would be of benefit to leaseholders who would like to adopt intensive forestry.  相似文献   

2000年全球森林火灾评述   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
2000年受气候异常、高温、干旱的影响,世界范围内森林火灾频繁发生。美国、欧洲环地中海国家、俄罗斯、蒙古、南非、韩国、印度尼西亚等国家都发生了大的森林火灾,造成重大经济损失和环境破坏,严重威胁居民的生命和财产安全。其中美国西部、俄罗斯远东发生的森林火灾最为严重,引起世界各国的广泛关注。  相似文献   

森林火灾损害生态环境,造成巨大的财产损失和人员伤亡,因而对森林火灾的管理是各级政府的重要职责。根据森林火灾的发生特点,指出在政府承担责任认定中存在的问题;以森林火灾与其他自然灾害不同的致灾原因为基础,提出政府责任的归责原则及免责事由。  相似文献   

Remote sensing as the measure to monitor disasters has the advantage of temporal resolution and large scale. Since "5.6 catastrophe" in 1987, China began to monitor forest fires broadly. In the summer of 2002, many forest/grass fires occurred in the Daxing'anling Mountains, and the damage was very heavy. In the forest fires fighting, the meteorological satellites play an important role in monitoring the fires. Especially the FY serial meteorological satellites have the advantage of large scale monitoring and characteristics of being in time and exact, and get good results. Remote sensing techniques have been used in many aspects of forest/grass fires research, including burned area and fireline intensity evaluation, post fire environment monitoring etc.  相似文献   

崔向雨  高岚  宗萍 《林业调查规划》2007,32(5):109-112,118
介绍了中俄森林资源概况.随着中俄经贸关系的发展,中俄林产品贸易一直呈上升势态.文章分析了中俄经贸中的障碍因素:俄罗斯尚未加入世贸组织存在制度差异;环境障碍方面俄方市场意识淡薄、通关手续繁杂、社会治安环境堪忧;观念障碍方面对中国存有疑虑、我国赴俄投资企业内部存在诸多不足.提出了今后加强中俄森林资源贸易、开展与合作的建议.  相似文献   

对浙江省松阳县2000~2011年森林火灾发生情况进行了调查与分析,结果表明:松阳县森林火灾以人为活动引起为主,非生产性引起的火灾比例有逐年上升趋势,森林防火形势非常严峻。为有效预防、减少森林火灾发生,通过分析森林火灾发生与月际变化、日间变化、火源因素、植被因素的关系,揭示了森林火灾发生的一般规律,有针对性提出了相应的对策,旨在提高当地森林防火工作的整体水平。  相似文献   

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