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  • ? It is essential to understand how characteristics are related to each other in breeding programmes to select wood properties, in order to avoid that, in selecting for one trait, we are negatively affecting another. Moreover, measuring wood properties is time consuming and expensive.
  • ? This study assesses genetic and phenotypic correlations between wood density components and spiral grain of 46 half-sib families of Pinus pinaster in seventeen-year-old trees.
  • ? Results showed that genetic correlations for all wood density components were higher than corresponding phenotypic correlations. Furthermore, all wood density components were highly genetically correlated with ring density, and also closely associated among themselves. Results showed a higher genetic correlation of ring density with earlywood density (r g = 0.96) than with latewood density r g = 0.79). A moderate to high positive genetic correlation was found between spiral grain and wood density characteristics (0.29–0.61).
  • ? We conclude that ring density (overall wood density) can be improved by increasing either earlywood density, latewood percent, or both of these traits, and spiral grain can be modify in future plantations.


Key message

Pinus radiata trees showed significantly reduced basal area increments and increased latewood/earlywood ratios, when their stem was charred by surface fires even if no needle damage occurred. An interaction of fire damage and precipitation on growth was observed.


Heat from forest fires is able to penetrate beyond the bark layer and damage or completely kill a tree’s cambium. Short-term growth reductions following surface fires have been reported for some species. However, most studies have in common that they describe a compound effect of stem and foliage damage.


This study investigated the impact of surface fires on the radial growth of Pinus radiata, where only the stem of trees was charred, while no needle damage was recorded.


Tree ring measurements were performed on cores obtained at breast height. Analysis of variance and tests, based on annual basal area increment values were calculated to quantify pre- and post-fire growth differences of tree ring width and latewood/earlywood ratios.


The analysis revealed significant growth reductions following a surface fire on P. radiata in the year on which the fire occurred as well as in the following year. As a consequence of the fire, basal area increment and latewood/earlywood ratios were significantly reduced. An interaction of fire damage and precipitation on growth was observed.


The obtained results show how fires without crown damage can affect growth and tree ring structure of P. radiata trees and indicate that stem char could be associated with a significant decrease in ring width and latewood/earlywood ratio.

This study quantified variations within tree stems in tangential shrinkage (αT), radial shrinkage (αR), and tangential/radial shrinkage ratio (αT/αR) of Melia azedarach grown in two different sites in northern Vietnam. The overall values of αT, αR, and αT/αR were 7.05%, 4.38%, and 1.64, respectively. The variation pattern in αT and αR was found to increase gradually from pith to bark and this trend was similar on both sites. In radial direction, the αT/αR decreased significantly from 10 to 50% of the radial length from pith before approaching a constant value toward the outside. The transverse shrinkage variation with height was very small and without statistical significance. There were strong positive relationships between transverse shrinkage and basic density (BD). This implies that the selection for high wood density may lead to increase wood transverse shrinkage. In addition, the αT and αR had significant positive linear relationships with both acoustic wave velocity (VL) and dynamic modulus of elasticity of log (DMOElog). This result suggests that it might be possible to sort lumber with large transverse shrinkage by stress wave method for M. azedarach planted in northern Vietnam.  相似文献   

The amount of photosynthetic radiation intercepted by a crop is a function of the incident solar radiation on the plants, the leaf area index (L AI), and the light extinction coefficient (k). We quantified L AI and k in stands of black wattle (Acacia mearnsii De Wild.) over a 7-year growth cycle at two locations in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Our study was conducted in commercial stands in agroecological regions with high densities of black wattle plantations. L AI was calculated as the ratio between the leaf area of a tree and its planting space, and k was derived from Beer’s law. L AI depends on the planting site and stand age. Between the two sites, the L AI was similar over time, the amount of variation differed. Values of k depended only on stand age, with the highest average observed for stands up to 5 years old. The trend of k during the plantation cycle was inversely proportional to L AI and was correlated with L AI, leaf area, leaf dry mass, canopy volume, height, branches dry mass, total dry mass, and crown diameter.  相似文献   


Key message

In Europe, P. nigra wood presents a density pattern of longitudinal variation with an increase from east to west. However, no latitudinal tendencies were detected. Compared to other Portuguese resinous species, P. nigra revealed higher density, identical radial growth and intra-ring heterogeneity, which presents advantages for industry purposes. The environmental factors (Sites effect) manifest more strongly in the latewood components while the Trees/Sites effect is more strongly expressed in the earlywood components.


Although P. nigra Arnold is one of the most important conifers in Europe, little is known about the wood’s characteristics in the southwest European region.


Our aims are to outline a first approach to study the growth and wood quality in P. nigra in Portugal comparing to other European natural stands and other resinous species.


Inter- and intra-wood density variation of P. nigra from six Portuguese sites was studied using microdensitometry. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed in three subsets: 50 common rings, core (juvenile wood) and peripheral analysis (mature wood).


The average ring density was 0.588 g cm?3, with maximum values in the north and low altitudes. Regarding growth traits, no latitudinal and altitudinal tendencies were detected. Compared to the main timber species in Portugal (P. pinaster Aiton), P. nigra showed similar radial growth, higher density but lower intra-ring density homogeneity. The Sites effect mainly influenced latewood density components, while the Trees/Sites effect primarily influenced earlywood components. The Rings effect was found to be relatively low, with a density decrease in the tree’s first years followed by an increase in the periphery. Growth traits showed a reduction from pith to bark.


Considering the quality (density) and growth features of the Black pine, this species could be useful for the reforestation of mountainous Southern Europe areas that are not favourable for other species.


? Key message

Intensive measurements of basic specific gravity and relative water content of lumens show that within-stem variations strongly depend on species and cannot be summarised through the typical patterns reported in the literature; breast height measurements are not always representative of the whole stem.

? Context

Knowledge of the distribution of wood properties within the tree is essential for understanding tree physiology as well as for biomass estimations and for assessing the quality of wood products.

? Aims

The radial and vertical variations of basic specific gravity (BSG) and relative water content of lumens (RWC L ) were studied for five species: Quercus petraea/robur, Fagus sylvatica, Acer pseudoplatanus, Abies alba and Pseudotsuga menziesii. The observations were compared with typical patterns of variations reported in the literature.

? Methods

Wood discs were sampled regularly along tree stems and X-rayed in their fresh and oven-dry states.

? Results

At breast height, BSG was found to clearly increase radially (pith to bark) for two species and to decrease for one species. For F. sylvatica and A. alba, the radial variations of BSG were rather U-shaped, with in particular inner wood areas showing respectively lower and higher BSG than the corresponding mature wood. RWC L increased generally from inner to outer area but wet sapwood was clearly distinguishable only for the coniferous species. Vertical variations of BSG and RWC L were strongly dependant on the species with usually non-linear patterns.

? Conclusion

The observed variations of BSG were only partially in agreement with the reported typical radial patterns. Despite the vertical variations, the mean BSG of a cross-section at breast height appeared to be a good estimator of the mean BSG of the whole stem (although the difference was statistically significant for coniferous species), whereas breast height measurement of RWC L was not representative of the whole stem.

  • ? Each annual ring in pines consists of earlywood and latewood with considerable difference in density and width. To get a better determination of the genetic regulation of total wood density in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), density and width of those ring sections were measured in annual ring numbers 12 to 21 of Scots pines in a full-sib progeny test. Tree height and stem diameter were also measured.
  • ? Heritabilities for the annual ring sections increased with age for earlywood density from 0.08 to approximately 0.25; latewood density showed similar reductions. Heritability over all 10 annual rings was 0.25 for earlywood density, 0.22 for latewood density, 0.29 for height and 0.10 for stem diameter. Genetic correlations between earlywood and latewood density and growth traits were negative, while they were strongly positive between densities of adjacent annual rings (0.70–1.0).
  • ? Despite the higher heritability of earlywood density, the strong positive genetic correlation between those traits indicates little benefit from focusing solely on earlywood density when selecting for wood density. Analysing earlywood and latewood separately does not benefit from including the width of the corresponding ring section as a covariate. Juvenile wood may possibly turn into mature wood 15–20 y from the pith.
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  • ? The anatomical differences of mature black spruces and balsam firs were examined at stem and root level in order to characterize their wood properties at cellular level and link these differences to climate.
  • ? Anatomical variability of these species was evaluated in relation to climate data gathered from 2001 to 2004 during the cell enlargement (CE) and wall thickening and lignification (WTL) phases. Lumen area, single cell wall thickness and total tracheid radial diameter were analyzed and regrouped into earlywood and latewood.
  • ? Results from a principal component analysis (PCA) indicated that both first eigenvectors account for 82% and 90% of total variance for CE and WTL respectively. These component factors revealed that precipitation, humidity and number of days with precipitation significantly influence the lumen area (p = 0.0168) and radial cell diameter (p = 0.0222) in earlywood. Significant differences were registered between species and tree parts (stem and root) for the lumen area, radial cell diameter and cell wall thickness in both earlywood and latewood.
  • ? In our study, black spruce exhibited smaller tracheid size in both stem and roots compared to balsam fir. Furthermore, the lower amount of tracheids produced during the growing season and higher proportion of latewood ensure a higher wood density of black spruce. The influence of temperature on earlywood formation is significant, whereas no influence was observed on latewood.
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    Soil moisture is a major limiting factor for plant growth on shell ridge islands in the Yellow River Delta. However, it is difficult to carry out situ experiment to study dominant plant photosynthesis physiological on the shell ridge islands under extreme soil water stress. To evaluate the adaptability of plants to light and moisture variations under extreme soil moisture conditions present on these islands, we measured photosynthetic gas exchange process, chlorophyll fluorescence, and stem sap flow variables for 3-year-old trees of Tamarix chinensis Lour, a restoration species on these islands, subjected to three types of soil water levels: waterlogging stress (WS), alternating dry–wet (WD), and severe drought stress (SS) to inform decisions on its planting and management on shell ridge islands. Gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, and stem sap flow in T. chinensis were then measured. Net photosynthetic rate (P N), transpiration rate (E), and water use efficiency (W UE) were similar under WS and alternating dry–wet conditions, but their mean E and W UE differed significantly (P < 0.05). Under SS, the P N, E and W UE of T. chinensis leaves varied slightly, and mean P N, E and W UE were all low. Apparent quantum efficiency (A QY), light compensation point (L CP), light saturation point (L SP), and maximum net photosynthetic rate (P Nmax) of leaves were not significantly different (P > 0.05) under WS and dry–wet conditions; however, under extreme drought stress, compared with the dry–wet conditions, L CP was higher, L SP was lower, and A QY and P Nmax were both at the lowest level. Therefore, drought stress weakened light adaptability of leaves, and the efficiency of light transformation was poorer. (3) Maximum photochemical efficiency (F v/F m) and the actual photochemical efficiency (Φ PSII) were similar under waterlogged stress and dry–wet conditions, indicating a similar healthy photosynthetic apparatus and photosynthetic reaction center activity, respectively. Under SS, F v/F m was 0.631, and the coefficient of non-photochemical quenching (N PQ) was 0.814, which indicated that while the photosynthetic mechanism was damaged, the absorbed light energy was mainly dissipated in the form of heat, and the potential photosynthetic productivity was significantly reduced. The daily cumulants of sap flow of T. chinensis under dry–wet alternation and severe drought stress were 22.25 and 63.97% higher, respectively, than under waterlogging stress. Daily changes in sap flow velocity for T. chinensis differed under the three soil water levels. Stem sap flow was weak at night under severe drought stress. Under dry–wet alternation, daytime average stem sap flow velocity was the highest, and night stem flow accounted for 10.26% of the day cumulants, while under waterlogged stress, the average nightly stem flow velocity was the highest, accounting for 31.82% of the day cumulants. These results provide important information for regional vegetation restoration and ecological reconstruction.  相似文献   

    The naturally occurring Verticillium nonalfalfae shows promise for biocontrol of the highly invasive Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima), but might also bear a risk for non-target tree species. In this study, we conducted inoculations on potted seedlings of A. altissima as well as on eight indigenous and two invasive tree species associated with Tree of Heaven in Austria. Although vascular discolourations developed in all inoculated tree species, V. nonalfalfae was reisolated from Ailanthus and eight of the ten non-target-species, whereas typical disease symptoms and mortality only occurred on A. altissima. Results confirmed high susceptibility (S) of A. altissima to V. nonalfalfae but indicated tolerance (T) of Acer campestre, Acer pseudoplatanus and Quercus robur, possible resistance (PR) of Fraxinus excelsior, Populus nigra, Tilia cordata, Ulmus laevis and Ulmus minor and resistance (R) of Fraxinus pennsylvanica and Robinia pseudoacacia to this potential biocontrol agent. Results from seedling inoculations were confirmed by cursory field observations in Ailanthus-inoculated forest stands, where admixed A. campestre, A. pseudoplatanus, F. excelsior, Populus alba, R. pseudoacacia and U. laevis canopy trees remained asymptomatic, while mortality was induced in Ailanthus.  相似文献   

    Knowledge regarding the interactive effects of elevated [CO2], warming and drought on dry mass production, allocation and water use efficiency (WUE) of tree seedlings is limited, particularly in trees exhibiting different stomatal regulation strategies. Seedlings of Callitris rhomboidea (relatively anisohydric) and Pinus radiata (relatively isohydric) were grown in two [CO2] (Ca (400 μmol mol?1) and Ce (640 μmol mol?1)) and two temperature (Ta (ambient) and Te (ambient?+?4 °C)) treatments in a sun-lit glasshouse under well-watered conditions prior to imposition of the drought. Ce increased mass production in C. rhomboidea (but not in P. radiata), while drought limited mass production in both species. Mass production was greatest in the combination of Ce, Te and well-watered conditions. Pinus radiata allocated relatively more dry mass into roots and had higher plant WUE than C. rhomboidea. Noticeably, mass allocation patterns in C. rhomboidea varied as a function of the treatments, but those of P. radiata were constant. Ce enhanced leaf WUE of both species, but to a greater degree under drought stress than well-watered conditions. Moderate drought stress increased both leaf and plant WUE compared to well-watered conditions. C. rhomboidea exhibited plasticity to variable climate conditions through morphological adjustments, while P. radiata exhibited a highly conservative strategy. Collectively, these findings indicate that the two species have different strategies in resource acquisition and utilisation under changing environmental conditions. Future studies on tree response to climate change need to fully consider the integration of species traits, including stomatal behaviour and hydraulic strategies.  相似文献   

    The Asian spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii, has recently become a serious pest of soft fruits in Europe. Classical biological control through the introduction of larval parasitoids from its native range in Asia is presently being considered. However, host specificity of potential biological control agents has to be determined to avoid releasing species that may have unintended non-target impacts. Larvae of six different European non-target fly species and the target D. suzukii were exposed either on diet or blueberries to three Asian larval parasitoids, Asobara japonica, Leptopilina japonica, and Ganaspis cf. brasiliensis, and one European species, Leptopilina heterotoma. Asobara japonica showed the lowest specificity, attacking and developing in all Drosophilidae. Leptopilina japonica successfully parasitized two non-target Drosophilidae, D. melanogaster and D. subobscura, with one singly progeny emerging from D. immigrans. Ganaspis cf. brasiliensis had the highest level of specificity but variations occurred between two geographical populations tested. A Japanese population was strictly specific to D. suzukii, whereas another population from China parasitized D. suzukii, D. melanogaster and sporadically D. subobscura. The European L. heterotoma successfully developed in D. melanogaster, D. subobscura and occasionally in D. immigrans, but nearly all eggs and larvae in D. suzukii were encapsulated. These results show that Ganaspis cf. brasiliensis is the species with the highest potential for biological control, but more studies are needed on its taxonomic status and the existence of biotypes or cryptic species varying in their specificity before field releases can be conducted in Europe.  相似文献   

    Many reports have been published about designing the strength of glulam using simulation methods. In simulation methods, one of the most important problems is how to deal with correlations among strength factors, i.e., modulus of elasticity (MOE), modulus of rupture (MOR), tensile strength (σT), and compression strength (σC). For example, in the case that the MOR criteria of glulam is σ ni /f ni + σ bi /f bi ≥ 1 (where σ ni and σ bi are the axial stress and the bending stress of the i-th lamina respectively, and f ni and f bi are the axial strength and the bending strength of the i-th lamina respectively), a correlation between f ni and f bi exists. How can we account for this correlation when calculating the strength of glulam, bearing in mind that it is very difficult to measure the correlation coefficients among MOR, σT, and σC? We developed a method by which these problems could be solved, and, using random variables generated by this method, the strengths of glulam were simulated. The simulated values were almost the same as the experimental values. The results indicated the usefulness of the method.  相似文献   

    Germination tests are currently the most widely used method to evaluate seed quality of Ginkgo biloba L., but they are time-consuming and labor intensive. Oxygen-sensing technology, based on the principle of fluorescence quenching to detect oxygen and assess seed quality was used to rapidly evaluate seed quality of two varieties (Shandong Tancheng 202 and Zhejiang Dafoshou) of G. biloba from five mother plants. Fifteen samples of three vigor levels were produced by accelerated aging treatments. This process was applied in duplicate. A portable oxygen-sensing detector was employed to measure oxygen content during seed germination in a closed system at 25 °C each day until day 14. Four oxygen metabolism indices were calculated: oxygen consumption index, oxygen consumption rate, critical oxygen concentration, and theoretical germination time (T GT). Additionally, we tested laboratory germination and field emergence. The results of a one-way analysis of variance and correlation analysis showed that T GT was the candidate index to evaluate seed quality of G. biloba. Therefore, the T GT value was used to validate the reliability of oxygen-sensing evaluation for Zhejiang Dafoshou seeds kept under four storage conditions. The trend in the change in oxygen metabolism agreed completely agreement with that of seed germination under all storage conditions. The oxygen-sensing test reliably and rapidly assessed seed quality of G. biloba. The germination rate of Zhejiang Dafoshou was accurately predicted by T GT.  相似文献   

    Snow/wind damage is one of the important natural disturbances in forest ecosystems, especially in a montane secondary forest. However, the effects of snow/wind damage remain unclear which affects the management of these forests. Therefore, we investigated the responses of species, individual tree traits and stand structure to snow/wind damage in a montane secondary forest. Results show that, amongst the canopy trees, Betula costata exhibited the most uprooting, bending and overall damage ratio (the number of damaged stems to the total number of stems in a plot); Quercus mongolica showed the highest breakage ratio and Fraxinus mandshurica and Juglans mandshurica the least overall damage ratios. Among the subcanopy trees, Carpinus cordata, Acer mono, Acer tegmentosum and Acer pseudo-sieboldianum showed the least uprooting and breakage, and the most bending damage. A. pseudo-sieboldianum demonstrated the lowest breakage and highest bending damage ratios. These findings indicate that different species have various sensitivities to snow/wind damage. Larger trees (taller, wider crowns) tend to break and become uprooted, while smaller trees are bent or remain undamaged, suggesting that tree characteristics significantly influence the types of damage from snow and wind. Stands of Q. mongolica and B. costata had the highest damage ratios, whereas A. pseudo-sieboldianum had the lowest snapping ratio. In summary, the severity and type of snow/wind damage are related to individual tree attributes and stand-level characteristics. Therefore, selection of suitable species (e.g., shorter, smaller with deep root systems, hard wood, bending resistance and compression resistance) and appropriate thinning are recommended for planting in the montane secondary forests.  相似文献   

    To clarify the changes in plant photosynthesis and mechanisms underlying those responses to gradually increasing soil drought stress and reveal quantitative relationships between photosynthesis and soil moisture, soil water conditions were controlled in greenhouse pot experiments using 2-year-old seedlings of Forsythia suspensa (Thunb.) Vahl. Photosynthetic gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence variables were measured and analyzed under 13 gradients of soil water content. Net photosynthetic rate (P N), stomatal conductance (g s), and water-use efficiency (W UE) in the seedlings exhibited a clear threshold response to the relative soil water content (R SWC). The highest P N and W UE occurred at R SWC of 51.84 and 64.10%, respectively. Both P N and W UE were higher than the average levels at 39.79% ≤ R SWC ≤ 73.04%. When R SWC decreased from 51.84 to 37.52%, P N, g s, and the intercellular CO2 concentration (C i) markedly decreased with increasing drought stress; the corresponding stomatal limitation (L s) substantially increased, and nonphotochemical quenching (N PQ) also tended to increase, indicating that within this range of soil water content, excessive excitation energy was dispersed from photosystem II (PSII) in the form of heat, and the reduction in P N was primarily due to stomatal limitation. While R SWC decreased below 37.52%, there were significant decreases in the maximal quantum yield of PSII photochemistry (F v/F m) and the effective quantum yield of PSII photochemistry (ΦPSII), photochemical quenching (q P), and N PQ; in contrast, minimal fluorescence yield of the dark-adapted state (F 0) increased markedly. Thus, the major limiting factor for the P N reduction changed to a nonstomatal limitation due to PSII damage. Therefore, an R SWC of 37.52% is the maximum allowable water deficit for the normal growth of seedlings of F. suspensa, and a water content lower than this level should be avoided in field soil water management. Water contents should be maintained in the range of 39.79% ≤ R SWC ≤ 73.04% to ensure normal function of the photosynthetic apparatus and high levels of photosynthesis and efficiency in F. suspensa.  相似文献   

    Thermoplastic processing of lignin is restricted by its high glass transition temperature (T g). In this study, lignin was modified with polyethylene glycol (PEG) during steam explosion to improve its thermoplastic properties, and the effects of steam explosion and PEG on the chemical structure and thermal properties of lignin were investigated. Structure characterization using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy showed that hydroxyl and ether functional groups increased and the activity of lignin was improved by steam explosion. In addition, steam explosion treatment was more effective than heat treatment for promoting the reaction of PEG with lignin. Solid-state 13C NMR revealed that PEG was grafted onto lignin. The T g of raw lignin was 164.1 °C; after steam explosion, lignin exhibited more than one T gs. The T g of lignin was reduced when the steam explosion temperature increased and decreased further, to around 60 °C, when PEG was used to modify lignin. Therefore, this work provides an effective approach to reducing the high T g of lignin.  相似文献   

    The rhizosphere, distinct from bulk soil, is defined as the volume of soil around living roots and influenced by root activities. We investigated protease, invertase, cellulase, urease, and acid phosphatase activities in rhizosphere and bulk soils of six Nothotsuga longibracteata forest communities within Tianbaoyan National Nature Reserve, including N. longibracteata + either Phyllostachys pubescens, Schima superba, Rhododendron simiarum, Cunninghamia lanceolata, or Cyclobalanopsis glauca, and N. longibracteata pure forest. Rhizosphere soils possessed higher protease, invertase, cellulase, urease, and acid phosphatase activities than bulk soils. The highest invertase, urease, and acid phosphatase activities were observed in rhizosphere samples of N. longibracteata + S. superba. Protease was highest in the N. longibracteata + R. simiarum rhizosphere, while cellulase was highest in the pure N. longibracteata forest rhizosphere. All samples exhibited obvious rhizosphere effects on enzyme activities with a significant linear correlation between acid phosphatase and cellulase activities (p < 0.05) in rhizosphere soils and between protease and acid phosphatase activities (p < 0.05) in bulk soils. A principal component analysis, correlating 13 soil chemical properties indices relevant to enzyme activities, showed that protease, invertase, acid phosphatase, total N, and cellulase were the most important variables impacting rhizosphere soil quality.  相似文献   

    We applied under pot-culture conditions and the double-casing pot method to study the characteristics of photosynthetic gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence in the leaves of Physocarpus amurensis Maxim (PA) and Physocarpus opulifolius under flooding stress. Our results indicate a significantly higher flooding tolerance of P. opulifolius compared to P. amurensis. Especially in P. amurensis, the limitation of non-stomatal factors played a major role in the advanced stages of flooding stress, observed as a rapid increase of the intercellular CO2 concentration (C i) and a decrease of the stomatal limitation value (L s). The maximal PSII photochemical efficiencies (F v/F m) and actual photochemical efficiency (Ф PSII) in the leaves of P. opulifolius were significantly higher, and the extent of decrease during the flooding process was smaller than in P. amurensis. In addition, the non-chemical quenching (NPQ) in the leaves of P. opulifolius significantly increased from the 10th day under flooding stress, while the variation of NPQ in the leaves of P. amurensis was much smaller. This indicates that the leaves of P. opulifolius had not only higher PSII photochemical activity, but also improved tolerance to flooding stress, which may be caused by its ability to dissipate excess excitation energy by starting NPQ. At the 16th day under flooding stress, the P IABS significantly decreased with greater extent of decrease than F v/F m in the leaves of both Physocarpus, but the decreasing extent of P IABS in P. opulifolius was significantly smaller than in P. amurensis. In the 16th day under flooding stress, the fluorescence at J and I point (V J and V I) in P. amurensis were significantly higher, and the extent of increase in V J was greater than V I. However, the variations of V J and V I in the leaves of P. opulifolius were smaller, suggesting that the damage sites of flooding stress to PSII in the leaves of P. amurensis were mainly located in the electron transport process from QA at the PSII receptor side to QB. Flooding stress reduced the proportion (φE o ) of luminous energy absorbed by the PSII reaction center for the electron transport following Q A ? , while the maximum quantum yield (φD o) of non-photochemical quenching increased. However, the TRo/RC and ETo/RC in the leaves of P. amurensis decreased accompanied by a dramatic increase of energy (DIo/RC) from the dissipation in the reaction center. This further indicated that the function of the PSII reaction center in the leaves of P. amurensis was significantly lower than in P. opulifolius.  相似文献   

    Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released from Chamaecyparis formosensis, Cryptomeria japonica, Cunninghamia lanceolata, Chamaecyparis obtusa var. formosana, and Taiwania cryptomerioides five major building and interior decoration timbers and their essential oil components were analyzed using GC–MS and TD/GC–MS/FID. Results showed that C. obtusa var. formosana had the highest yield of essential oil (3.42%), followed by C. formosensis (3.14%), while C. japonica had the lowest yield (0.95%). Moreover, oxygenated sesquiterpene was the highest relative content in all five essential oils and their main constituents were trans-myrtanol (18.04%), 1-epi-cubenol (15.99%), cedrol (62.26%), α-cadinol (26.42%), and α-cadinol (27.98%), respectively. In terms of emission quantity of top VOC, the results showed the decreasing order of C. formosensis (myrtenal, 74.21 mg/m2)?>?T. cryptomerioides (thujopsene, 12.00 mg/m2)?>?C. lanceolata (α-cedrene, 10.27 mg/m2)?>?C. obtusa var. formosana (α-pinene, 8.05 mg/m2)?>?C. japonica (α-cedrene, 4.25 mg/m2). C. formosensis had a greater amount of VOCs emitted and hence gave off more fragrance than C. obtusa var. formosana initially. However, after indoor exposure of 24 weeks, the VOC emission quantity of C. obtusa var. formosana exceeded that of C. formosensis. α-Cedrene and thujopsene were the top two major VOCs of both C. lanceolata and T. cryptomerioides. However, they both showed a trend of decrease in emission with prolonged exposure. All five plantation timbers showed good antifungal, antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antitermitic properties, making them ideal materials for interior decoration. Not only do they have strong bioactivities, they can also provide a fragrant and healthy living environment.  相似文献   

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