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福建山樱花种子发育观察与育苗技术研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
对福建山樱花花期、种子发育过程进行多年的定点不定期观察,开展了福建山樱花种子的不同催芽条件和不同播种方法的育苗试验。研究结果表明:在福建省南平市,福建山樱花4月20日左右胚珠发育成熟,采种期为4月25日左右;冷藏至翌年春播种,种子发芽率达96.8%;撒播芽苗移栽的播种方法最好,1年生苗木平均高1.72 m、平均地径1.03 cm;福建山樱花生长较迅速,3年生平均高可达3.6 m、平均地径可达3.8 cm。  相似文献   

湖南优良乡土樱花的育苗技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
樱花是著名的春季观花乔木,湖南的山地有大量的乡土樱花分布。这些丰富的资源为合理利用和开发湖南优良的乡土樱花创造了条件。本文根据樱花生物性状,在种子繁育、播种、芽苗移栽、大苗培育等方面进行育苗技术试验,积累了一定经验,以期为开发乡土樱花资源提供技术参考。  相似文献   

简述了包括接穗采集与处理、砧木播种育苗、嫁接、嫁接苗管理等在内的云南樱花育苗技术。  相似文献   

介绍山樱花的种子采集、处理、千粒重,圃地选择与作床、种子播种育苗、管理,1年生苗(高、径)生长规律、生物量空间分布,2~3年生苗生长规律,以及它在园林中的应用方式等.  相似文献   

不同温度和湿度处理对福建山樱花种子发芽率的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用低温冷藏和不同温度+相对湿度等对福建山樱花种子进行催芽处理,结果表明,在低温(2℃)冷藏30d后,置常温下浸种12h,连续2次后采用温度39℃+相对湿度60%进行种子催芽处理25d的方法最优,平均发芽率达93.8%,比不处理(即采即播)的种子发芽率提高194.0%,该技术措施可为福建山樱花的播种育苗提供技术参考。  相似文献   

樱花嫁接育苗技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
樱花属蔷薇科 ,为落叶乔木 ,品种较多 ,花色异彩纷呈 ,花期较长 ,是著名的春季观赏花木。樱花的繁殖方法主要是嫁接 ,其次是扦插和播种。现将樱花的嫁接育苗技术介绍如下 :1 砧木的选择砧木选用 1年生的樱桃树。该树在各地有很强的适应性 ,生长快 ,通过种子繁殖 ,可获得丰富的种苗资源。2 嫁接时间嫁接的最佳时间宜在每年“立春”后至“雨水”前结束。这样能大大提高嫁接的成活率。3 接穗的选择和准备接穗选用 1年生健壮无病虫害的樱花枝条。每个接穗保留 2个芽 ,但接穗少时 ,保留 1个芽也可以。在接穗下芽的背面 1cm处斜削一刀 ,削掉 …  相似文献   

介绍了福建山樱花种子采集和处理方法,并研究了不同催芽方法和播种期对种子发芽率与幼苗生长的影响。结果表明,变温沙藏或冷藏的种子次年春播种的发芽率分别达94.5%和90.03%,变温沙藏的种子当年夏季播种的发芽率达83.8%,均能获得较高的发芽率;采种当年播种的苗木,以变温沙藏的地径和苗高为最大,分别达0.49 cm和24.47 cm,即采即播的地径和苗高为最小;采种次年播种的,以常温沙藏的地径和苗高最大,分别达0.90 cm和77.65 cm。  相似文献   

正樱花开时,姑姑常打电话过来,让我去她那儿看樱花。姑姑说,美丽的樱花正开成一片海。我从没看过樱花,经常想象着樱花开放的样子,虚拟地陶醉一番,日子久了,樱花就在我心里扎了根,看樱花便成了我美好生活的一部分。  相似文献   

樱花适生于雨量充沛、温差较小的海洋性气候条件下,喜排水透气性良好、疏松肥沃的微酸性土壤。而北京属于亚热带半湿润大陆性季风性气候,生境条件与樱花适生环境需求有一定的差距。对比北京及国内外栽培樱花具有代表性城市的生境条件,分析气候和土壤因子,找到北京地区管理樱花的主要限制因子和关键时期。结合樱花生态习性和北京生境差异的特点,论述樱花在北京地区应采取的管理技术措施。  相似文献   

福建山樱花是我国乡土珍贵木本花卉树种,与举世闻名的日本樱花相比,福建山樱花的观赏价值尚没有得到有效的开发应用,多数仍处于野生状态,关于其在园林中的应用,尚无人进行论述或总结。笔者通过对福州植物园福建山樱花的观赏特性进行调查和研究,以实景再现的形式对福建山樱花孤植、列植、丛植、群植和福建山樱花专类园等几种园林应用模式进行了分析和总结。结果表明,无论采用哪一种配置模式,都能营造出不俗的园林景观效果,衍生出独特的意境。  相似文献   

Single and multiple linear regression techniques were used to explain the capacity of initial seedling root volume (Rv) and first-order lateral roots (FOLR) relative to shoot height, diameter, and fresh mass to serve as important indicators of stock quality and predictors of first- and second-year height and diameter on an afforestation site in southern Indiana, USA. This was accomplished for northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.), white oak (Quercus alba L.), and black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh) seedlings graded into four Rv categories at establishment. Field survival was high (85–97%) for all species. Initial diameter, height, fresh mass, and Rv provided similar predictive ability of second-year field response for absolute height (R2 = 0.59–0.77) and diameter (R2 = 0.50–0.73) for both oak species. Initial seedling Rv was a better predictor of field response than FOLR for both oak species, though not for cherry. Multiple-variable models accounted for a greater proportion of the total variation in seedling field height and diameter than did single-variable equations. The high R2 (up to 0.95) of regression models suggests field performance of these species can be reliably predicted and confirms the importance of initial seedling morphology in dictating early plantation performance.  相似文献   

  • ? The sensitivity of dormant seeds of mazzard cherry (Prunus avium L.) of Polish provenances to extreme desiccation and/or the ultra-low temperature of liquid nitrogen, LN (?196 °C), was investigated to identify the optimum seed water content (w.c.) at this temperature.
  • ? Germination and seedling emergence tests in this study showed that there is no critical seed w.c. for deeply desiccated seeds (stone w.c. 1.6%), although such desiccated seeds were sensitive to the temperature of LN in the seedling emergence test. For seeds frozen in LN, the highest germinability was observed at w.c. of 9.0–16.9%, but seedling emergence was then significantly lower than in nonfrozen seeds. The 2-year of storage in LN of seeds desiccated to 7.8% w.c. did not decrease germinability after thawing, in comparison with 2-year of storage at ?3 °C. Storage in LN showed that if seeds were stored after breaking of their dormancy, germinability after storage was lower because of the necessity of seed desiccation to the lower level (~ 8%) of w.c. after stratification (before storage). Secondary dormancy was induced in seeds desiccated after stratification.
  • ? The results of this study demonstrate the potential for long-term cryopreservation of mazzard cherry seeds in forest gene banks.
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    自1987年以来,先后收集欧洲樱桃品种10个,中国樱桃资源6个,从品种适应性,丰产性以及鲜食果品品质几方面选出适宜武汉地区发展的中国樱桃品种2个。并在栽培技术方面进行了探索。  相似文献   

    大樱桃壮旺幼树不同修剪方法和促花技术试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    为了研究整形修剪对大樱桃早期丰产的影响,通过稀植园和密植园大樱桃壮旺幼树的修剪试验,明确长放修剪方法可节省用工,有利于树体生育,成花早、株产高,尤其适用于密植园的大樱桃栽培。开始采用长放修剪的树龄,密植园大樱桃树宜在2~3年生,稀植园樱桃树宜在株问粗距1.5~2m时进行,截放修剪方法适用于即需扩冠又要较早结果的大樱桃壮旺幼树。短截修剪方法修剪量大,不利于大樱桃壮旺幼树的生长发育,结果晚,株产低,且费工,但对栽后缓苗期树或衰弱树还是适用的。刻芽枝条上叶丛皲数量明显增加,花束状果枝增加。摘心的长枝花枝率和后下部叶丛枝的花枝率明显增加。  相似文献   

    欧洲樱桃是喜温不耐寒的果树。为了正确指导欧洲樱桃的引种工作.通过对欧洲樱桃适宜的气象条件和宝鸡市的气象条件进行对比分析,指出了宝鸡市栽培欧洲樱桃的有利因素和不利因素。有利因素主要包括温度、光照、降水;不利因素主要是无霜期短,霜期不确定。  相似文献   

    Himalayan wild cherry (Prunus cerasoides), widely distributed in the Himalayas, was examined for viroid infection. Two of 15 samples collected from various regions of district Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, India gave positive amplification with primers specific for three fruit tree viroids. Sequencing of these two amplicons confirmed the presence of ASSVd in Himalayan wild cherry and share 99% identity. The isolates share 91–98% sequence identity with reported sequences from Greece of sweet cherry, Prunus avium, cv. Tragana Edissis (acc. no. FN376408 , FN376409 , FJ974069 ) and wild cherry, Pavium, originated from seedlings (acc. no. FJ974062 , FJ974063 and GQ249350 ). They also share 98% sequence identity with an Indian isolate of ASSVd (acc. no. FN547407 ). The present study reports the presence of ASSVd in Himalayan wild cherry.  相似文献   

    Arasbaran forests are located in East Azerbaijan (northwest Iran). Increasing of socio-economic problems in this area causes destruction of biodiversity and structure of these forests. Using multipurpose trees such as cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L) to encourage villagers to produce forest by-products is a basic approach for preserving these forests. This species grows naturally in Arasbaran forests and the fruit is annually exploited using traditional harvest methods. This study aims to assess the ecological requirements of cornelian cherry and the important factors affecting its distribution. For this purpose, 40 circular sampling plots (300 m 2 ) on various slope aspects were demarcated for sampling the occurrence of cornelian cherry in forest stands. DBH and crown cover percentage on north aspects were significantly greater than on other aspects and 4.5% of all trees were cornelian cherry in mature forest stands. North aspects had more seed-origin trees (standards) of cornelian cherry than coppiced trees, while west facing aspects had more coppiced than standard trees. This species had the highest regeneration rate in the sapling stage of 0 2.5 cm DBH. Thus, I recommend cultivation and development of cornelian cherry as a multi-purpose tree in the Arasbaran region on degraded forest lands on north and west aspects.  相似文献   

    密枝红叶李在西北干旱地区景观绿化中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
    通过介绍密枝红叶李的形态特征及生物学特性,从栽培技术以及养护与管理等方面探讨密枝红叶李在西北地区园林景观中的应用,以期指导实际生产。    相似文献   

    利用芳香植物驱虫的特性,选择普列薄荷作为地被植物进行樱桃园地面覆盖,研究普列薄荷驱虫对樱桃叶片保存效果的影响,发现樱桃秋季存叶率高、叶片受病虫侵害程度轻,不需使用农药防治叶部病虫害,防止了农药污染,为樱桃的有机生产建立了新模式。  相似文献   

    Foliar nutrient imbalances, including the hyperaccumulation of manganese (Mn), are correlated with symptoms of declining health in sensitive tree species growing on acidic forest soils. The objectives of this study were to: (1) compare foliar nutrient accumulation patterns of six deciduous (sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.), red maple (Acer rubrum L.), red oak (Quercus rubra L.), white oak (Quercus alba L.), black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.) and white ash (Fraxinus americana L.)) and three evergreen (eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis L.), white pine (Pinus strobus L.) and white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss.)) tree species growing on acidic forest soils; and (2) examine how leaf phenology and other traits that distinguish evergreen and deciduous tree species influence foliar Mn accumulation rates and sensitivity to excess Mn. For the first objective, leaf samples of seedlings from five acidic, non-glaciated field sites on Pennsylvania's Allegheny Plateau were collected and analyzed for leaf element concentrations. In a second study, we examined growth and photosynthetic responses of seedlings exposed to excess Mn in sand culture. In field samples, Mn in deciduous foliage hyperaccumulated to concentrations more than twice as high as those found in evergreen needles. Among species, sugar maple was the most sensitive to excess Mn based on growth and photosynthetic measurements. Photosynthesis in red maple and red oak was also sensitive to excess Mn, whereas white oak, black cherry, white ash and the three evergreen species were tolerant of excess Mn. Among the nine species, relative rates of photosynthesis were negatively correlated with foliar Mn concentrations, suggesting that photosynthetic sensitivity to Mn is a function of its rate of accumulation in seedling foliage.  相似文献   

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