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龚如心,一个谜一样的名字,一个身价逾千亿的女人。她离开这个世界已经整整一年了,但关于她的传说仍然在各界传播。作为与龚如心交往十几年的朋友,每次回忆都是一次心灵的忧伤,每一次回忆也都充满甜蜜,因为与她交往的点滴都在笔者心中留下了难忘的印记。清明将至,窗外飘荡着雨丝,在无声的细雨中,我仿佛又看到了那个扎着小辫,脸带微笑的龚如心小姐。我生活在城市,无法听到牧童的短笛,但哀婉的雨滴像一声声睡梦中的呜咽,将我拉到与她相识的时刻和一个个共同经历的日子里。  相似文献   

<正>时光是一条永恒的河流,每一个浪涛的涌起都闪现出人类的智慧和灵光。2009年已经成为历史,回首过去我们发现,每一个绿色事件都伴随着相应的标志性人物,他们在各自的坐标中扮演着不同的角色,发挥着不同的作用。在春光明媚的4月,以年度绿色人物为评选内容的2009绿色中国年度  相似文献   

应用中草药预防蛇病虽然刚刚开始,在南方诸省(区)甚至全国各地的蛇场还未得到大面积的推广应用,但只是时间早晚的问题.其实,用中草药预防蛇病是一个全新的概念和途径,是生产绿色食品(蛇肉)的重要手段,也是减少蛇肉、蛇胆等抗生素残留超标的好措施.所以,用中草药预防蛇病是今后的必然趋势.  相似文献   

无线营销浅谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无线营销是高科技时代的产物,移动环境下使营销变得无处不在了.在即将到来的时代,超过10亿个可上网的手机和个人数字助理将在世界范围内使用.通过无线接入因特网的消费者数量,将首次超过今天仍使用电线或局域网进行连接的消费者数量.而且国内的无线互联网行业市场发展逐步成熟,拥有着超过4.5亿的手机用户将成为潜在的用户市场.根据最新一期《中国无线互联行业分析报告》显示,国内各类的WAP的网站超过8万多个,同时国内的风险投资市场对这个领域也异常关注,在过去的半年时间里面,许多不同类型的无线营销的企业,都分别获得风险投资公司的关注;今年来,越来越多行业的精英加入到无线营销这个领域中.可以预计,无线营销的时代迟早都会到来.  相似文献   

20世纪30年代以来,混凝土的需求量增加,混凝土的耐久性问题也随之而来,而高性能混凝土所具有的特性也不一定能保证在严酷的环境中长期的耐久性.本文回顾了高性能混凝土的发展历程,在现有的混凝土耐久性研究基础上分析影响高性能混凝土耐久性的因素,以及提出增强其耐久性的设计要点,以期引起混凝土行业的重视,使高性能混凝土的发展有新的突破.  相似文献   

走过播种的春天,踏着成长的夏天,我们迎来了收获的季节——灿烂的金秋!沉甸甸的种子,经过勤奋者春天的播种、夏天的耕耘,在秋天来临的时候,变成了金灿灿的果实,展示了劳动者的智慧和心血。秋的甘甜,秋的色彩,秋的芬芳,像亮亮的雨丝,洒在收获者的心上。走进果园,百果飘香,到处洋溢着收获的喜悦。红  相似文献   

在今天的娱乐圈,有太多人因为一首歌或一个角色而一炮走红。当年的小燕子赵薇和今年春晚上的旭日阳刚都属于这个范畴,不同的是赵薇是影视专业的科班出身,而旭日阳刚是草根的农民。  相似文献   

我国电力工业改革面对的一个重要挑战是如何维持足够的发电容量,以满足当前和将来的负荷需求.本文从风险管理理论与公共物品理论的角度对电力市场的装机问题进行了再认识,指出电力市场的装机实质是个风险性质的问题,可以用风险管理的方法来管理电力市场的装机容量问题,同时电力市场的装机容量问题还具有公共物品的性质,可以用类似社会保险的方式来统一负责提供电力市场的装机容量问题,并基于安全性与经济性的优化平衡来确定最优的价格(保费).  相似文献   

凭借各自独有的象征符号,每个民族、每个群落都能成为时装的设计源泉,并随着时尚的长河慢慢流淌。从北非风格的地毯花纹、图腾,到亚马逊部落的植物繁花;从中东的缠绕垂坠感觉,到印度神话图案及香料颜色,再到日本的宽腰封、旗袍领、和风袖……这些视觉冲击力极强的异域风情让人过目不忘。饱揽T台风光后,你是否惊喜地发现时装已不单单是服装,更是族群文化的载体,从设计细节中追寻、捕捉、领悟设计师的灵感,你将享受到除穿衣打扮和引领潮流之外的更多乐趣!  相似文献   

史建忠 《中国林业》2011,(23):F0002-F0002,I0002-I0008
曾几何时,电影《英雄》中那漫天飞舞的黄叶和至纯至净的绚烂金色中,国际影星张曼玉和章子怡饰演的两个红衣女子飘逸的打斗场景是那样的令人过目难忘、心醉神迷,也同样让深藏闺中的额济纳胡杨林与之比翼扬名。黑水河畔,弱水三千的古居延城的秋天,以其超凡脱俗的独特秀美又一次吸引了世人的目光。我禁不住不远千里追寻而来,当第一次踏上额济纳这片神奇的土地,  相似文献   


Three popular terms-leadership, sustainable and development-are examined. The paper argues that these three terms must be separated rather than combined if they are to aid our understanding and management of human and natural resources to meet challenges of an increasing human population with rising expectations for ever rising material gains. The contrasting theories and practices of Chairman Mao and Taoism ‘test’ these ideas and suggest the sideboards of alternatives in applying the three concepts to social ecological challenges of the 21st century. A modern theory of diffusion of innovation suggests how leaders might establish a ‘sustainability science’ whose findings could encourage the acceptance by humanity of a covenant of constraint on material consumption in conjunction with an ark of technical opportunity for more effective and efficient systems of material management.  相似文献   

家具行业的发展为行业标准化提供了现实条件,家具企业标准化体系的建立是家具行业标准化工作的基础。家具企业标准化体系包括家具产品标准化、家具生产工艺技术标准化和家具企业管理标准化三个重要组成部分。笔者论述了家具食业标准化体系建设工作的原则、目的、具体内容和方法。  相似文献   

在当前碳达峰、碳中和的目标下,开发制备高附加值的半纤维素化学品具有广阔的应用前景,而且对人类社会可持续发展具有重要意义。但半纤维素由于其复杂和不均一的结构致使研究和利用受到限制,存在着易降解、收率低、纯化困难、成本高等问题。因此,如何提高木质纤维原料中半纤维素及其解聚产物的提取率成为研究的热点与重点。文章对近年来提取半纤维素及其解聚产物的研究进行了综述,简述了提取半纤维素的不同预处理方法,并分析了一定的降解方法得到半纤维素的解聚产物——木寡糖和木糖;在此基础上,为研究竹材半纤维素提取技术与工业应用提出了建议;最后,结合发展趋势,特别是针对竹材应用领域,指出了未来半纤维素及其解聚产物的发展方向。  相似文献   

我国湿地概况与发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
湿地是内部过程长期为水所控制的水-陆过渡的复合生态系统。综述我国湿地资源的概况,指出我国湿地资源丰富、生物多样性较高,但存在较为严重的湿地退化现象。从湿地功能和效益开发、湿地保护区建设、湿地恢复与重建三方面总结了国内湿地研究的重点,并对未来湿地研究的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

Arid lands in the Mediterranean Basin harbour populations of saltbushes over substantial areas. These have been grazed for centuries and often cleared. There are also some 100,000 hectares of artificially established saltbushes, both native and exotic; they include no more than half a dozen species, when large scale plantations are concerned. Another dozen of exotic species, introduced from Australia, Southern and Northern America, have successfully undergone field trials and could be used on a large scale in a near future. The present paper attempts to review the current state of knowledge on Atriplex spp. in the Mediterranean Basin as a means of Arid Land rehabilitation at a time where huge areas in the region have undergone processes of severe degradation or have been subjected to desertization, particularly over the past four decades. In spite of a number of constraints in their establishment, management and utilization, the plantation of Atriplex spp. appears as one of the best way, if not the best one, to rehabilitate desertized areas and restore them to production, under the present state of knowledge on arid land rehabilitation. They, in particular, are amenable to inclusion into new, man-made agro-sylvo-pastoral systems of production well adapted to arid lands and to the needs of their populations.  相似文献   

广元是我国少有的油橄榄适生区之一,具有较大的油橄榄产业发展潜力。文章介绍了广元市油橄榄发展现状,分析了存在的问题,提出了相应的发展对策。  相似文献   

Six neotropical traditional fallow systems are described: 1) enriched fallows of the Amazon, 2) Babassu palm (Orbignya phalerata Mart.) forests of central and northern Brazil, 3) bracatinga (Mimosa scabrella Benth) improved fallow of southeastern Brazil, 4) carbon negro (Mimosa tenuiflora Willd.) fallow of the wet-dry zone of Mesoamerica, 5) frijolillo (Senna guatemalensis Donn. Smith) of high-elevation zones in southern Honduras, and 6) caragra (Lippia torresii) fallow of humid zones of Costa Rica.These systems include both biologically and economically enriched fallows. Some (e.g., the enriched fallows of the Amazon) require a considerable degree of human intervention, while others (e.g., the bracatinga and carbon negro fallows) seem to form with little human encouragement, following the burn in shifting cultivation systems. Some of the systems (e.g., frijolillo and caragra) are quite site-specific and have a limited distribution; others (e.g., babassu, bracatinga, and carbon negro) occur over large areas and could be adapted to considerable areas in the Americas. As economic analyses are generally lacking, it is unclear what benefits would be achieved from a wider use of these systems. Most of the biologically enriched fallows seem able to maintain low yields of food crops at low input levels. Some of the economically enriched fallows seem able to produce higher economic returns.  相似文献   


The opinions of 207 respondents on the visual effects of seven different cutting types were asked using a nine-point verbal scale ranging from ''worsens very much'' to ''improves very much''. Other estimates were obtained by letting the same respondents evaluate photographs of stands which had been treated with different cuttings. The direct questions gave results quite similar to the evaluations of photographs for all but young respondents, indicating that most respondents were able to imagine the effect of the treatment correctly. The results based on the evaluation of photographs indicated that the effect of regenerative cuttings is negative while the impact of thinnings is positive. After a few years of cutting the stand is already regarded as clearly more pleasant than immediately after the cutting. Natural regeneration with seed trees seems to be a way to avoid the very negative immediate impact of clear-felling, especially in the case of Scots pine. Women, young, urban people and those who do not own forest or have work related to forests tended to experience thinnings less positively and saw regenerative cuttings as more harmful than the other test groups did.  相似文献   

瓜州绿洲植被退化原因及保护对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
瓜洲县近年来人口数量增长和土地开发规模过大,成为水资源紧张、植被退化、生态环境质量下降的重要原因之一,对绿洲农业生产和人居环境影响很大,因此,严格控制人口数量的增长和土地开发规模,大力发展节水农业,保障生态供水,加强对现有植被的保护,维护生态平衡,是瓜洲县实现可持续发展必须认真考虑的问题。  相似文献   

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