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木材是绿色环保可再生材料,固碳、降碳优势明显;但部分木材渗透性差,极大制约了木材的干燥、改性、浸渍处理等后续加工。改善木材渗透性可以节省加工成本,降低加工难度,有效提高木材的性能和功能。木材渗透性的物理改性方法是指通过外力破坏木材的薄弱结构,因其属于环境友好型且效率较高,近些年的研究也相对较多。文中总结了木材渗透性的影响因素(木材结构、加工工艺、流体性质)及改性方法,重点阐述了近几年研究较多的微波处理、超临界CO2处理、超声波处理等物理改性方法的机理及研究进展,分析比较了不同物理改性方法之间的差异和研究中存在的问题,最后指出未来关于木材渗透性物理改性方法研究的潜在领域及发展方向,以期为木材渗透性改善技术的后续研究和应用提供参考。  相似文献   

木材-SiO2醇凝胶复合材的超临界干燥工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用超临界CO2流体对木材-SiO2醇凝胶复合材的干燥工艺进行研究.结果表明:由于受到木材的包围,木材-SiO2醇凝胶复合材的超临界干燥工艺条件最终确定为动态和静态干燥温度为50℃,动态和静态压力为25 MPa,动态干燥时间为180 min.经扫描电镜观察,木材-SiO2气凝胶在微观上有良好的网络结构,SiO2气凝胶与木材有良好的结合并保持木材的孔隙结构.通过透射电镜观测,所制备的木材-SiO2气凝胶复合材料中的SiO2气凝胶是由直径约13~300 nm的SiO2颗粒构成的连续网络结构.超临界c02流体干燥的木材-SiO2气凝胶复合材表现突出的增容现象,由于紫椴与西南桤木结构不同,两者的增容率有较大的差异,西南桤木的增容率约为紫椴木材的1/2左右.  相似文献   

微波干燥木材的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对木材进行干燥处理,使其含水率达到一定的使用要求是保证木制品质量的重要手段,因此在使用前都要进行干燥。当前,一般是采用热空气加热木材的传统干燥方法,这种方法,不管其热源方式如何,都是用热空气从外部加热木材,使其表面水分蒸发,形成表面和内部含水率梯度,促使水分由内向外扩散达到干燥木材的目的。若使表面蒸发速度与内部扩散速度相平衡,木材加热均匀、温湿度适当,木材就能快速干燥。因此,在干燥木材时,为抑制初期表面水分扩散,应采用高温高湿的方法增加导热系数,但因木材本身导热性能差,这种方法很难实现。1微波干…  相似文献   

利用干热气流干燥木材,是一种新型的干燥技术。本文介绍了干热气流干燥木村的原理、使用方法以及其它常见的几种木材干燥技术。  相似文献   

木材干燥是在热力作用下以蒸发或沸腾的汽化方式排除木材水分的处理过程。木材干燥是保存木材的优良特性、增强材质、合理利用木材的重要措施之一。 目前国内外普遍应用的木材干燥设备是蒸汽干燥和除湿干燥设备,拥有量占整个干燥设备的80%以上,而过热蒸汽-真空干燥设备是近几年发展起来的一种新型木材干燥设备,用此种设备干燥的木材质量好,木材颜色变色小,是一种较为理想的木材干燥设备。1工艺理论基础 木材属于植物有机体,含有一定的水分。其作为原材料在加工利用时,水分的存在在大多数情况下是极为不利的,因为木材的物理力学…  相似文献   

在木材加工技术中,木材干燥理论包括木材平衡含水率理论、木材传热理论、木材水分扩散理论以及木材干燥应力与应变理论。以上几大理论涉及到木材的干燥处理、加工、维护以及强度设计。木材干燥理论在木材加工中具有十分重大的意义。  相似文献   

几种木材干燥方法机理及其对木材浸注性的影响*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
木材干燥是木材工业应用中必不可少的一环 ,木材的浸注性或渗透性又是关系到木材改性成功与否的重要前提。因此 ,开展不同干燥方法对木材浸注性或渗透性影响的研究 ,将对开展低质人工林木材功能性改良、提高其质量和利用价值的新技术与新方法的研究 ,具有重要理论指导作用。文中就高温干燥、高频 /真空干燥、微波干燥、冷冻干燥和大气干燥等干燥方法的机理及其对木材浸注性或渗透性影响的研究工作进行了全面综述  相似文献   

采用两种改进的多孔固体材料水分扩散偏微分方程分析求解方法,即Dincer方法与Crank方法,分析并计算落叶松干燥过程的水分扩散系数(D)与水分传递系数(k)。使用扩散型微分方程对落叶松干燥过程进行数学模拟,木材试件被理想化为无限大平板状材料,假定木材内部水分的扩散过程是一维的。实验测定了不同干燥介质条件下木材干燥动力曲线。基于取得的实验数据,通过Dincer方法计算了木材水分扩散系数(D)与水分传递系数(k);使用传统的Crank方法分析计算了木材动态水分扩散系数(D)。研究表明,使用Dincer方法计算的木材水分扩散系数(D)均大于相应实验条件下Crank方法计算数值,接近1个数量级。这种结论应该是由于两种分析求解方法间的差异以及水分扩散与热量传递数学求解间的差异。因此相关的水分扩散微分方程的分析求解方法有待改进。随干燥介质温度的升高,木材水分扩散系数(D)与水分传递系数k均显著增大,可以采用Arrhenius方程与木材结合水传递理论来分析解释实验条件下的扩散系数(D)与干燥介质温度(T)间的变化趋势。图2表3参6。  相似文献   

木材电热远红外线干燥内部温度的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
梁健辉 《林业科学》1991,27(2):154-159
用电热远红外线干燥大量木材,发现木材内部温度高于外部温度的现象,并作了初步分析:(1)在特定条件下,木材干燥内温高于外温的快慢时间,取决于木材的含水率与厚度,厚度、含水率大者则慢,反之则快。(2)随树种材质而不同,材质致密者慢,疏松者快。(3)木材内外温差的大小,则与上述条件相反。远红外线干燥木材,主要是木材纤维素、木素和水分等强烈地吸收远红外线电磁波,其吸收率可达90%以上;辐射、吸收、再辐射、再吸收,如此循环,促进了木材含水率与干燥温度均内高外低,方向一致,达到了同步干燥目的。蒸发木材中水分1kg耗电1kwh。  相似文献   

木材微波干燥技术   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
刘昌铎 《木材工业》1996,10(3):30-31
木材微波干燥技术刘昌铎(南京国营七七二厂微波所南京210009)美国、日本、加拿大、德国等国的学者在60年代初就开始研究利用微波干燥木材,认为微波干燥木材是一种最有效的快速干燥方法。我国在70年代初开展木材微波干燥技术的研究和应用,并取得了一定的成绩...  相似文献   

The dominant feature of artificial smart materials is the “shape memory” effect. This phenomenon is based on frozen strains (FS). They were detected in wood fastened specimens during drying in the early 1960s. The integral law of wood deforming under loading and moisture content and/or temperature changes was subsequently formulated. This law takes into account the forming of FS. It was applied for the calculation of wood drying stresses. Stress memory and strain memory effects for wood were discovered. Wood has the ability to recollect the type of loading (tension or compression) which it had undergone. The difference between the free and restrained shrinkage is named “frozen shrinkage” (FSh). In calculations of drying stresses, it is more justified to use the FSh concept than “mechano-sorptive creep” (MSC). The MSC phenomenon is observed at cyclical change of moisture content in loaded wood. “Hygrofatigue” that reduces wood stiffness plays the main role in this process.  相似文献   

 Steam conditioning of softwood boards after kiln drying is of critical importance for relief of residual drying stresses and to improve distribution of final moisture content. The conditioning practice in New Zealand includes two steps: immediately after high temperature (HT) drying the load is cooled until the core wood temperature is 75 to 90°C, and then the stack is steam conditioned for a period of 1 to 4 hours depending on the lumber thickness and moisture content after drying. In this work, experimental and theoretical studies were performed to better understand the conditioning process and to investigate factors which influence its effectiveness. In the experiment, 50 mm thick Pinus radiata sapwood boards were first dried at 120/70°C for 11, 12, 13, 16 and 18 hours, respectively, to varying moisture contents, and then cooled and steam conditioned for 1 hour. To assess the effectiveness of conditioning, moisture pick-up, moisture gradient, and transverse residual drying stress (indicated by cup and strain) were measured. It was found that drying wood to a low moisture content (below 6%) increased the conditioning effectiveness. A separate matched stack was conditioned for 4 hours after 13 hours drying which showed better results than 1 hour conditioning. A mathematical model for wood drying was extended to include both the cooling and conditioning phases. The model was numerically solved to examine the wood temperature and moisture content changes during the whole process of drying, cooling and final steam conditioning. Increase in wood temperature, moisture pickup and moisture gradient during steam conditioning were predicted and validated by the experimental data. This information is currently being used at the New Zealand Forest Research Institute in simulation of stress development and relief for drying of Pinus radiata lumber. Received 6 July 1998  相似文献   

由CO2等温室气体排放带来的全球变暖问题是目前最严峻的环境问题之一。因此,利用多孔炭材料作为其高效吸附材料的研究得到了广泛的关注。系统综述了近年来用于CO2吸附的5种多孔炭材料,即煤/石油焦基活性炭、生物质多孔炭、炭气凝胶、金属有机骨架衍生物和碳纳米材料,以及多孔炭材料主要的4种制备方法(高温炭化与活化法、水热炭化法、溶胶-凝胶法和模板法),并重点讨论其结构与CO2吸附性能的关系;随后对多孔炭材料的孔结构和表面化学性质吸附CO2的机理进行总结。最后,提出多孔炭材料吸附CO2发展过程中尚待解决的问题,并对其未来的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

全球[CO2]变化与植物水分关系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
业已发现增加环境[CO2]可以改善大多数植物的水分胁迫。许多研究结果表明,较低的蒸腾速率(Tr)与[CO2]增加导致气孔关闭有关。由于[CO2]增加引起蒸腾速率的下降和净光合速率(Pn)的提高,因此,生长在高于环境[CO2]下的植物常常能够保持较高的水分利用效率(WUE).也发现生长在高于环境[CO2]下的植物能够保持较高的总水势(Ψ),增加叶面积和生物量,有较大的根/茎比率(R/S),因而通常比生长在正常环境[CO2]下的植物更耐干旱。[CO2]增加诱导产生的植物结构的变化(比如导管或管胞的解剖结构、叶比导度等),可能与木质部空穴脆弱性的变化有关,也可能与栓塞逃逸的环境条件相联系。这些重要的问题需要进一步的研究。  相似文献   

马尾松微波间歇干燥对干燥效率与速率的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分析马尾松木材微波干燥速率随时间的变化规律,比较微波连续辐射和间歇辐射对木材干燥速率和微波能利用效率的影响.结果表明:木材微波干燥过程可以分成加速段、恒速段和减速段3个阶段;在微波干燥过程中,木材含水率在纤维饱和点以上时,其平均干燥速率和水分蒸发效率比在纤维饱和点以下时的高;采用适当间歇辐射对木材输入微波能,微波能利用率较高.  相似文献   

木材干燥过程含水率和温度变化的数学模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
木材干燥过程存在着热质互换和能量的转移,这为从热力学的角度研究木材干燥过程提供了前提条件,因此提出利用热力学原理分析木材干燥过程含水率和温度变化规律的数学模型.首先建立描述含水率和温度变化的高阶非线性偏微分方程组,然后采用有限元分析原理将方程组离散化,再经过一系列数学运算得到方程的收敛解,具体方法为牛顿迭代法,最后通过对木材含水率和温度变化情况仿真结果的分析,验证该方法的可行性及数学模型的准确性.  相似文献   

The European Drying Group (EDG) proposal on a wood drying quality standard defines demands on final moisture content variation of the dried wood. The final moisture content variation will depend on material parameters as well as the production process and the wood will always show a “natural” moisture content variation after drying. Thus the drying process has to be defined well enough to allow for the natural moisture content variation in order to fulfil the demands of the drying standards. As the average equilibrium moisture content of the wood in a vacuum drying kiln with pure steam atmosphere is determined by the pressure and the temperature, the demands on the climate control system to fulfil the demands of the drying standard can be calculated with regard to the natural moisture content variation of the wood. In the first part of this contribution the demands on climate control in vacuum dryers are calculated based on the EDG-standard and the natural moisture content variation. In the second part of the contribution the demands on climate control are compared with climate and moisture content measurements from industrial production in vacuum kilns. Critical factors in kiln design and climate control system design necessary to maintain a controlled drying climate are listed.  相似文献   

超临界流体在林产工业中的应用   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文简述了超临界流体的特征和应用,着重叙述了超临界流体在林产工业中的应用,包括木材中低分子物质的超临界流体抽提、木材超临界流体脱木素和制浆、木材超临界流体热解和水解、黑液中木素的超临界流体抽提和造纸废水的超临界水氧化等。  相似文献   

In the process of wood drying inevitable stresses are induced. This often leads to checking and undesired deformations that may greatly affect the quality of the dried product. The purpose of this study was to propose a new rheological model representation capable to predict the evolution of stresses and deformations in wood cantilever as applied to wood drying. The rheological model considers wood shrinkage, instantaneous stress–strain relationships, time induced creep, and mechano-sorptive creep. The constitutive law is based on an elasto–viscoplastic model that takes into account the moisture content gradient in wood, the effect of external load, and a threshold viscoplastic (permanent) strain which is dependent on stress level and time. The model was implemented into a numerical program that computes stresses and strains of wood cantilever under constant load for various moisture content conditions. The results indicate that linear and nonlinear creep behavior of wood cantilever under various load levels can be simulated using only one Kelvin element model in combination with a threshold-type viscoplastic element. The proposed rheological model was first developed for the identification of model parameters from cantilever creep tests, but it can be easily used to simulate drying stresses of a piece of wood subjected to no external load. It can therefore predict the stress reversal phenomenon, residual stresses and maximum stress through thickness during a typical drying process.  相似文献   

The moisture diffusion coefficient of compression wood in spruce (P. abies) and tension wood in beech (F. sylvatica) was examined. The results indicated that the diffusion coefficient measured under steady-state condition (cup method) could well characterize the drying kinetics of the reaction woods. The compression wood offered more resistance to the moisture diffusivity when compared with the corresponding normal wood. The thick cell wall rich in lignin explains the small mass diffusivity in compression wood. In contrast, the mass diffusivity in beech is almost always higher in tension wood than in normal wood, in spite of similar density values. The high moisture diffusion in tension wood can be explained by the ease of bound water diffusion in the gelatinous layers (G-layers).  相似文献   

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