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通过对海南霸王岭国家级自然保护区内霸王岭睑虎的栖息地状况、分布情况、种群数量等进行调查和统计,结果表明:霸王岭睑虎仅分布于霸王岭自然保护区内的东一、东六和雅加三个地点,其分布海拔介于500~800m之间;霸王岭睑虎的种群数量极小,主要原因为栖息地的破碎化;最后提出了保护霸王岭睑虎的几点建议.  相似文献   

亚洲象分布、数量、栖息地状况及种群管理   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
全世界野生亚洲象的数量约为5万只,分布于全球13个国家。亚洲象喜栖于热带雨林和季雨林地区,集中在各国气候湿润地带且多呈跨境分布。亚洲象适宜栖息地丧失和破碎化是各分布国面临的最主要问题之一,栖息地面积减少带来的亚洲象死亡、人象冲突等一系列生态经济问题凸显,各国就解决栖息地丧失与破碎化问题和缓解人象冲突问题提出了相关办法并拟定了共同行动方案。文中从亚洲象在世界各分布国的数量、栖息地丧失和破碎化程度的现状、人象冲突问题及各国针对保护亚洲象正在和将要计划实施的种群管理措施等方面介绍亚洲象相关信息,以期为科学管理和保护亚洲象种群提供详细的参考。  相似文献   

鸟类栖息地研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从研究方法、栖息地选择、栖息地评价、栖息地破碎化等方面对鸟类栖息地的研究进行总结。鸟类栖息地研究常用的方法有条带取样法和0.04hm2圆形地块法等,近年来3S等技术的应用,提高了研究效率,拓展了鸟类栖息地的研究领域;鸟类对栖息地的选择大多以植被等环境因子为基础,在不同空间尺度及不同季节和生活史阶段,鸟类栖息地选择的影响因素各不相同;在鸟类栖息地选择研究基础上,对鸟类栖息地进行适宜性评价及等级划分,可以为鸟类栖息地保护和恢复提供理论依据;栖息地破碎化会对鸟类生存和鸟类行为产生影响,从而影响鸟类种群的营巢成功率、繁殖成功率及鸟类群落分布。从研究对象、方法、内容等方面对国内鸟类栖息地研究进行展望。  相似文献   

太白山自然保护区大熊猫所面临的威胁代表了野生动物保护的主要问题:栖息地丧失、退化和破碎化、偷猎、不可持续的经济发展方式和保护需求的冲突等。秦岭的大熊猫作为一个独立的种群,本身数量较少,由于区内活动范围的扩大和道路建设,又被分隔成几个小种群。虽然这里被誉为大熊猫的天然庇护所,但如果栖息地退化和破碎化的程度继续加深,使此处大熊猫的命运将岌岌可危。  相似文献   

2月28日,国家林业局举行新闻发布会,公布全国第四次大熊猫调查结果。调查结果显示,截至2013年年底,全国野生大熊猫种群数量达1864只,圈养大熊猫种群数量达到375只,野生大熊猫栖息地面积为258万公顷,潜在栖息地91万公顷,分布在四川、陕西、甘肃三省的17个市(州)、49个县(市、区)、196个乡镇。有大熊猫分布和栖息地分布的保护区数量增加到67处。国家林业局副局长陈凤学在发布会上指出,当前,部分大熊猫局域种群面临生存风险,栖息地破碎化严重,圈养大熊猫种群间遗传交流不足,保护管理能力仍需加强,大熊猫及其栖息地保护与当地经济社会发展之间矛盾十分突出,保护形势依然十分严峻。  相似文献   

于2018年1~12月采用无人机调查法、跟踪调查法及访问调查获得西双版纳-普洱交界地区分布的亚洲象共189头,全部归入一个种群。根据种群、亚种群、象群及独象的等级划分和命名方法,将其命名为"西双版纳-普洱种群",下分5个亚种群,分别为勐养亚种群(70头)、六顺亚种群(45头)、思茅港亚种群(26头),云仙亚种群(4头),江城亚种群(44头)。结合历史文献和资料,对从上世纪60年代至今西双版纳-普洱亚洲象种群的种群数量动态进行了分析,得出如下结论:1)种群数量较大的波动性说明该地区野生亚洲象活动较为频繁,种群扩散较为严重;2)栖息地的丧失、破碎化、种群扩散是西双版纳-普洱亚洲象种群数量变化的重要原因;3)数量的不断增长以及种群扩散势必造成新分布区严重的人象冲突。  相似文献   

正一、涉穿山甲犯罪治理现状(一)穿山甲在我国的生存状态在我国,穿山甲本是一种分布广、数量多的动物资源,但是由于其重大的食用和药用价值而遭到乱捕滥猎,加上栖息地的破坏、外来物种的入侵等因素,野生种群数量急剧下降,几乎面临濒危灭迹的危险。我国有中华穿山甲、印度穿山甲和马来穿山甲3种。中华穿山甲在我国主要分布在长江以南各省,在福建、广东、广西、云南、贵州、湖南、海南和台湾分布较多。近年来,由于栖息地减少和破碎化、盗猎以及非法贸易的影响,世界上8种穿  相似文献   

采用野外观测和访问调查,对长白山自然保护区水獭资源、栖息地食物状况和致危因素进行了调查研究。结果表明,目前长白山自然保护区水獭种群不足10头,近30年来种群数量下降了97%;水獭栖息地由于过渡捕捞、农药污染、筑坝等人类活动,许多水生动物种类已减少或消失,水獭的食物严重不足,导致水獭种群数量急剧下降。  相似文献   

针对亚洲象保护所面临的栖息地减少、生境破碎化、人象冲突加剧、盗猎等问题,通过查阅资料、实地调查和监测,取得了尚勇保护区亚洲象种群数量及分布、活动地点、对生境因子的选择、周边社区土地利用等方面的数据.应用GIS技术对数据进行分析处理,从野外巡护、栖息地改造与恢复、生物走廊带建设、缓解人象冲突4个方面开展对尚勇保护区的亚洲象保护方案设计.  相似文献   

野生亚洲象目前在我国仅分布于云南省南部3个地区,种群大小在288~338头。西双版纳地区的亚洲象种群大小在228~279头,分为5个独立的种群。自2005年以来,亚洲象种群数量及分布格局发生了很大变化。采用同步调查、跟踪调查、访谈等方法对西双版纳地区的亚洲象种群分布及变迁进行了调查及分析。结果认为,亚洲象的种群数量呈增长趋势,分布区从整体看有扩散的趋势,亚洲象从保护区范围向周边国有林、集体林扩散。现面临着栖息地减少和高度破碎化以及日益严重的农业开发干扰等问题。藉此提出在几个孤立的地理种群建立生态走廊带等保护建议。  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Hyadaphis tataricae (Ajzenberg), ein ernstzunehmender Schädling anLonicera tatarica L. und auf dem europäischen Kontinent nach Westen vordringend, wurde zuerst im Jahre 1935 aus Moskau beschrieben. Seit 1959 ist die Blattlaus aus Polen bekannt, und im Jahre 1962 wurde sie zum ersten Mal westlich der Oder festgestellt. Im Jahre 1964 wurde sie an vielen Stellen im Stadtgebiet von Berlin, wo sie in einigen Fällen schwere Schäden verursachte, und außerdem in Rostock gefunden. Durch den Befall werden die Spitzen der Zweige zu großen, herabhängenden, verzweigten Gallen umgebildet.H. tataricae ist eine nicht wirtswechselnde Art, denn nahezu alle oviparen Weibchen sind die Nachkommen von Ungeflügelten. AußerL. tatarica kann auchL. bella Zabel stark geschädigt werden. Einige andere Formen vonLonicera spp. werden in geringerem Ausmaß befallen.Lonicera xylosteum L. wurde frei von Befall gefunden.
Summary Hyadaphis tataricae (Ajzenberg), a heavy pest ofLonicera tatarica L. and spreading westward on the European continent, has been originally described in 1935 from Moscow. Since 1959 the aphid is known from Poland, and in 1962 it was noted for the first time west of the Oder. In 1964 it was found in many sites in the township Berlin, causing there in some cases severe damages, and also at Rostock. By the attack the tips of the branches are deformed to big hanging down and ramified galls.H. tataricae is a nonmigrating species, for nearly all oviparous females are the offspring of apterae. BesidesL. tataricae alsoL. bella Zabel may be heavily damaged. Some other forms ofLonicera spp. are infested to a minor extend.Lonicera xylosteum L. was not found to be attacked by the species.

Sommaire Hyadaphis tataricae (Ajzenberg), une espèce extrêmement nuisible surLonicera tatarica L. et se répandant sur le continent européen vers l'occident, a été décrite originallement de Moscou en 1935. Depuis 1959, ce puceron est connu de Pologne, et en 1962 il fut découvert pour la première fois à l'ouest de l'Oder. En 1964, il fut trouvé dans des lieux nombreux dans le territoire de Berlin, où il faisait naître en plusieurs cas de grands dégâts, et de plus à Rostock. Par cette attaque, les bouts des ramaux sont déformés en grandes galles ramifiées pendant en bas.H. tataricae est une espèce sans changement d'hôte, car presque toutes les femelles ovipares son les descendants d'aptères. OutreL. tatarica, L. bella Zabel peut être détérioré gravement. Plusieurs autres formes deLonicera spp. sont attaquées d'un moindre degré.Lonicera xylosteum L. n'a pas été trouvé attaqué par le puceron.

The cotton whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) (Hom., Aleyrodidae) is increasingly a very important pest on many vegetables, field crops and ornamental plants. Therefore, controlling of this pest is still needed especially under glasshouse conditions. The specialist whiteflies’ predator, Serangium parcesetosum Sicard (Col., Coccinellidae) appears to have a great potential for the cotton whitefly control. In this study, the dynamic changes in B. tabaci populations in glasshouse cabins in response to S. parcesetosum were monitored. B. tabaci were introduced to cotton plants in three cabins in average of 50 adults per plant. One and two weeks later, adult females and males of S. parcesetosum were introduced at a rate of one female and one male per plant in the first and second cabins, respectively. The third cabin was considered as a control. The results showed that the mean number of whiteflies in the control cabin was found significantly higher than that of either when S. parcesetosum was introduced 1 or 2 weeks after the infestation with the whitefly. Also, the mean number of B. tabaci was significantly higher when the predator was introduced 2 weeks rather than 1 week after B. tabaci infestation. The maximum mean weekly number of whiteflies/plant was 192.3 in the second week, whereas it was 294.6 in the third week and 1136.4 in the fifth week, in first, second and control cabins, respectively. In the last experimental week, the mean weekly numbers were 74.7, 122.9 and 684.7 whiteflies/plant in the three cabins, respectively. S. parcesetosum has been successfully fed, reproduced and established its population on B. tabaci on cotton plants. The mean weekly number of the predatory individuals increased gradually with the progress of the experimental time. The results demonstrated that the maximum reduction percentage in B. tabaci population was 90.7 and 86.5% in the fifth week after B. tabaci infestation, when the predator was introduced 1 and 2 weeks after the infestation with the whiteflies, respectively. Nevertheless, it is speculated that an earlier release of S. parcesetosum would be more effective in the biological control of B. tabaci.  相似文献   

The complex influence of rice variety, fertilization timing, and insecticides on the population dynamics of Sogatella furcifera (Horvath) and Nilaparvata lugens (Stål), and their natural enemies was studied in rice in Hangzhou, China. In the early season, S. furcifera adults immigrated to japonica Xiushui 11 (XS11) in a much higher density than to indica-japonica hybrid Xieyou 413 (XY413), which resulted in a higher density of the egg population of successive generations in XS11, while the peak density of the population peak of the 2nd generation in XY413 was higher due to a higher growth rate. In both of the rice varieties, spraying organic phosphorous triazophos in mid-season (during the 1st generation of the planthoppers) induced a population resurgence of the 2nd generations of S. furcifera and N. lugens. The main mechanism for the resurgence was the stimulation of reproduction of the 1st-generation adults and reduction of the density of predators, which in turn increased the survival of the planthoppers. Plots that were fertilized early attracted more N. lugens immigrants, but did not necessarily attract S. furcifera. Reproduction of the S. furcifera immigrants was enhanced by early fertilization of the fields of both rice varieties. The negative correlation between population growth rate from the 1st to the 2nd generation of S. furcifera and the density of spiders during the same period demonstrates the potential of predators in the natural control of rice planthoppers.  相似文献   

无患子天然居群遗传多样性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
[目的]通过我国无患子主要分布区的居群样本,研究无患子天然居群的遗传多样性和遗传结构.[方法]采用ISSR分子标记技术,利用12条ISSR引物分析18个天然居群的265株个体样本.[结果]表明无患子遗传多样性水平较高,物种和居群水平上的多态位点百分率 (PPB)分别为95.37%和57.82%,Shannon's信息指数(I)分别为0.256 9和0.199 8,Nei's遗传多样性指数(H)分别为0.390 9和0.298 0.AMOVA分析表明,18个居群间出现一定程度的遗传分化,且遗传变异主要发生在居群内.UPGMA聚类和Mantel检验结果表明,18个天然居群可分为2大组群,且居群间的地理距离与遗传距离之间不存在显著相关性(r=0.066 7,P=0.541 7>0.05).[结论]无患子以自交为主,其天然居群遗传多样性丰富,居群内的遗传多样性高于居群间.研究结果可为无患子育种策略的科学制定和种质资源的有效保护及利用提供理论依据.  相似文献   

An experimental area of poplar was established in Songyuan of Jilin Province in 1999 for testing the resistance of different poplar stains toSaperda poplnea. Incidence ofS. poplnea on ten poplar strains were investigated, and the main trophic component of branches of these poplar trees were measured and analyzed in April 2001. The results showed that there existed significant difference in population size ofS. poplnea on different poplar strains, and the branches of these poplar strains have significant difference in nutrient component and content of amino acids. The population size of this pest had a significantly positive correlation with dissolvable total sugar and water content but had no significant correlation with content of total nitrogen and protein nitrogen. Foundation Item: This paper is part of the subject of integrated control of longicorn of poplar for mainly focusing on pest resistance, which was supported by Jilin Provincial Forestry Department (96-010). Biography: Gao Chang-qi (1949-), Research Fellow, Doctorate Tutor, Jilin Provincial Academy of Forestry Science, Changehun 139931, P. R. China. Responsible editor: Chai Ruihai  相似文献   

The sesbania beetle, Mesoplatys ochroptera Stål (Chrysomelidae: Coleoptera), is a serious defoliator of Sesbania sesban in eastern and southern Africa. Developing integrated pest management practices against the beetle is an important aspect of the adoption of S. sesban as an improved fallow species. Field studies were conducted in eastern Zambia with the objective of determining the incidence of M. ochroptera on S. sesban in pure and mixed species fallows. M. ochroptera did not successfully feed or breed on species other than S. sesban either in the pure or mixed species fallows. The density of adult and immature stages of M. ochroptera was higher in mixtures of S. sesban with Mucuna pruriens, Macrotyloma axillare, Macroptilium atropurpureum or Crotalaria grahamiana compared to a pure S. sesban fallow. Although mixed fallows of S. sesban with M. axillare and M. pruriens may produce fodder, increase the amount and quality of organic inputs and improve nutrient cycling in the soil, they appear to be incompatible with management of M. ochroptera. Mixing S. sesban with G. sepium neither increased larval and adult populations of M. ochroptera feeding on S. sesban nor damage to it. While this mixture appeared to favour development of pupae to the adult stage, it increased mortality of emerging adults. Therefore, it is concluded that mixing S. sesban with G. sepium is more robust in nutrient cycling, improving resource utilisation and management of M. ochroptera on S. sesban.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The indirect consequence of sika deer (Cervus nippon) grazing on the regeneration of Picea jezoensis var. hondoensis through its effect on the small rodent population was assessed by evaluating seed predation by mice inside and outside the deer-proof fence on Mt Ohdaigahara, central Japan. Following construction of the deer-proof fence, Sasa nipponica, which covers the forest floor and is the main forage of deer, grew thicker inside the fence due to the absence of deer grazing than outside of the fence. Higher numbers of two species of woodmice (Apodemus speciosus and A. argenteus) were found inside the fence, possibly because the thick S. nipponica growth provides better cover. Inside the fence, more seeds of P. jezoensis var. hondoensis were eaten by the mice than outside the fence. These results suggest that the mouse populations inside the fence increased due to changes in S. nipponica cover, which subsequently increased seed predation by the mice, possibly preventing regeneration of P. jezoensis var. hondoensis.  相似文献   

Sugar beet, Beta vulgaris L. is a strategic crop of sugar industry in Egypt. It is threatened by several insect pests among most important of them is the beet beetle Cassida vittata. This work deals with the biological control of this insect using four Egyptian and imported entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs). The nematodes included Steinernema carpocapsae S2, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora S1, S. feltiae and H. bacteriophora (1-3). Daily mortality of larvae, pupae and adults of C. vittata were recorded after treatment with serial concentrations (from 500 to 4,000 infective juveniles/ml) of each of four studied EPNs. Development of nematodes in insect bodies was followed up. S. carpocapsae S2 was chosen for the application against different stages of the pest in a sugar beet field. In the field, single application of S. carpocapsae S2 killed 65% of the larvae, 92% of the pupae and 57.3% of the adults of C. vittata within a week. This work is the first report on using the EPNs to control sugar beet beetle.  相似文献   

Comparing with an affinity and widespread speciesAdenophora potaninii, the age structures of A.lobophylla population, an endangered plant species were studied. 29 sample plots were investigated in the centered distribution area, Jinchuan county from altitude 2 300 m to 3 400 m. The main factors which influence the population age structures of A.lobophylla were analyzed. The principal characteristics of A.lobophylla populations are that the number of seedling and the density of population are much less than these of A.potaninii population. Below altitude of 2 700 m, the age structures of most A.lobophylla populations show the declining status, only above altitude of 2 700 m they are stable, while age structures of all populations of A.potaninii populations at corresponding altitude perform stable and developing features. The age structure patterns, relations between age (x) and number of individual (y) of stable populations of A.lobophylla can be expressed by equation: y =e(a-bx), and the longest life span is 25a. Whereas A.potaninii populations can be expressed by the equation: y =ax-b, and the longest life span of individual is 21a. The external factors, which constrain the extension of A.lobophylla population, are extreme environmental conditions such as serious drought, external disturbance and low temperature. The project was supported by the National Nurture Science Foundation of P.R. China (No.393915007). (Responsible Editor: Zhu Hong)  相似文献   

This paper covers the examination of EC50 of carbendazim to diferent isolates ofS. sclerotiorum, the observation of the resistance development in a population of the pathogen, for working out whether carbendazim plays some role in increasing the resistance of the fungus to the chemical.  相似文献   

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