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落羽杉属种源研究:种子和苗期变异   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
对落羽杉、池杉31个种源研究结果表明,种源间种子、芽苗、苗期生长和落叶期等性状变异显著。变异存在于种源、林分、家系和个体间。但无明显的地理趋势。按苗期生长节律可以分为3种类型:一般型、速生型和江苏池杉。苗期生长以速生型中的6个种源即:落羽杉304,601,41764以及池杉6,15,江苏池杉表现较好,比种源平均值大20%以上。  相似文献   

对9个紫薇家系种子的主要播种品质、一年生播种苗的苗期生长性状变异和年生长规律,及其自然越冬存活率进行了研究.结果表明:紫薇家系间的种子播种品质检验指标存在丰富的变异,其中生活力的变异最大.紫薇种子的发芽率与发芽势呈极显著正相关,与生活力显著相关.不同家系内个体间的苗高和地径变异幅度差异较大,家系间的苗高、地径生长量均存在极显著差异.采用Logistic方程能良好地拟合紫薇一年生苗高和地径生长过程.紫薇家系间苗木越冬存活率差异极显著,与生长性状无显著相关.  相似文献   

银杏半同胞家系种苗性状变异及苗期选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨银杏家系主要性状的遗传变异规律,为苗期选择提供依据,对40个银杏半同胞家系的种苗性状进行了研究。结果表明:银杏半同胞家系种苗性状遗传力较高,不同家系间存在着不同程度的变异,家系内变异较小,种苗性状作为苗期选择的指标是可行的。随苗龄的增长,家系间在生长性状上的变异和分化有加大的趋势,银杏分枝类型的数量比例也会发生变化,由幼龄时长枝占优势会逐渐转变为成龄短枝占优势。银杏家系种子大小能反映该家系在苗期的生长表现,种子愈大,苗期生长量愈大。  相似文献   

以8年生杂种落叶松21个处理为对象,对生长性状进行变异分析的结果显示:树高、胸径家系内存在较丰富的变异。其中,树高变异较大的前4个家系为日3×石51、兴5×兴9、兴9×日76-2、日5×长77-3,胸径变异较大的前4个家系为日3×石51、兴5×兴9、兴7×日77-2、兴9×日76-2。对比5年与8年生杂种落叶松生长性状变化的结果显示:兴6×和6、日11×兴2、日12×兴9这3个家系表现出较快的生长速度,年平均树高、胸径生长量较大。对杂种落叶松3次测量数据进行相关分析的结果显示:8年生树高、胸径与5年、6年生长性状均为正相关,且均达到显著水平。对8年生杂种落叶松树高、胸径数据进行方差分析的结果显示:生长性状杂种间差异达到显著水平。最终选择兴6×和6、兴7×日77-2、日11×兴2这3个家系为杂种落叶松优良家系,其平均树高与胸径遗传力分别为0.652、0.619,遗传增益分别为45.08%、39.97%。  相似文献   

以广西德保、那坡、巴马、田林等4个产地的24株初选多穗柯优株种子及其当年生播种苗为材料,研究其种子性状变异及子代苗期生长表现,结果表明:不同多穗柯优树在种子形态和子代播种苗生长方面变异均较大;不同优树个体之间的种子横径、种子纵径及单粒重等3个形态特征与与子代苗木早期生物量有很大的正相关性,可以利用多穗柯种实性状进行早期间接选择;产地为巴马的BM1、BM2、BM3,以及来自那坡的NP3、田林的TL2等5个单株在子代苗期生长上表现较好,可以作为优良家系加以保护和利用。  相似文献   

福建柏优树家系苗期生长性状遗传变异和选择研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从遗传力和相关性等方面分析了福建、湖南61个优树家系苗期14个生长性状的遗传变异,结果表明,除侧枝数和干鲜重2个性状遗传力较低外,其余12个性状均达较高遗传水平,家系苗期生长性状间的极显著差异主要受遗传因素制约,苗木生物量在地上和地下的空间遗传结构上具有高度的相关性。综合苗高、地径、侧根数、总鲜重、总干重5个苗期最重要的生物量指标和遗传力参数,以遗传增益超过家系平均值15%以上为标准,选出3个最优家系和5个优良家系,其苗高和地径遗传增益前者平均为30.82%和19.0l%,后者平均为26.37%和15.48%。  相似文献   

欧洲白桦早期生长性状变异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧洲白桦(2 a生)13个家系间的苗高性状变异较小,变异范围在22.78%~37.14%之间;家系间地径生长变异较大,而家系内地径生长变异较小,变异范围为20.15%~50.32%.方差分析结果表明:家系问2 a生苗高与地径生长均达差异显著水平.通过2 a连续测定,综合考虑苗高及地径2个性状,初步认为6号、9号、1号、10号及13号等5个家系生长表现良好,且家系内苗木高生长及地径生长变异较小,生长稳定.  相似文献   

不同种源无患子苗期生长性状遗传变异研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用9个种源90个家系的无患子(Sapindus mukorossi)种子在浙江省杭州市余杭长乐林场进行苗期试验,结果表明,无患子1年生苗生长期可分为生长初期、速生期和木质化期,地径生长高峰期晚于苗高生长高峰期。方差分析表明,不同种源、不同生长时期苗高和地径生长性状差异较大,呈极显著水平。相关性分析显示,苗高生长性状与种源地纬度呈显著性负相关,南部种源苗期生长性状明显好于北部种源,初步选择出江西上犹、浙江龙泉、江西宜丰3个优良种源,上犹7号、上犹8号、上犹9号、宜丰1号、宜丰6号、龙泉4号和龙泉10号共计7个优良家系。  相似文献   

引进史密斯桉、蓝桉等5个桉树品种152个家系在昆明市海口林场苗圃进行育苗,对苗期苗高和地径生长情况进行观测和分析.结果表明,5个桉树品种苗高和地径平均值之间存在较大变异,品种间平均苗高生长量差异达到极显著水平,品种间平均地径生长量差异不明显.经多重比较后认为,史密斯桉在海口林场苗期生长表现较好.  相似文献   

欧洲白桦早期生长性状表现与优良家系选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在测定分析欧洲白桦13个家系子代生长节律、适应性及早期性状表现的基础上,系统研究生长性状变异规律,并结合优树、子代测定林和子代苗期的生长表现,进一步开展优良家系选择。结果表明:各家系子代生长高峰期均集中在7月上旬至8月初,树高和地径性状均呈正态分布,且家系间和家系内差异显著,家系间抗寒适应性差异较小。综合评价各项指标,筛选出5个生长稳定、遗传分化较小的优良家系,即:6#、9#、1#、10#及13#家系。  相似文献   

通过引种10个桉树优良无性系,在桉树采伐迹地上进行造林对比试验。结果表明:经过连续2年的观测,2年生时,参试无性系平均树高、平均胸径、平均材积的家系重复力为0.781、0.515、0.631;根据生长状况,抗性分析、多重比较及指数选择确定二代林更新的4个桉树优良无性系为DH201、DH32-29、广林9、DH32-22,入选家系2年生单株平均材积为0.0195m3,是10个家系总平均材积的133.73%,材积平均遗传增益达到21.03%;为桉树二代更新多家系选择提供了参考。  相似文献   

Reciprocal families of Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris (L.), from a Swedish seed orchard were artificially freeze tested to ‐10°C at the end of the first growth period. The degree of freezing damage was used as an indication of the cold acclimatization achieved at the time of freeze testing. Both one‐year cold acclimatization and one‐year height were mainly additively inherited. Specific combining ability, reciprocal and maternal effects were small. On the family level, freezing damage was non‐significantly correlated with field survival and field height after ten years. One‐year height was positively correlated with 10‐year field height and negatively correlated with field survival on the family level. Within families, plants from early germinated seeds cold acclimated earlier and were higher at the end of the first growth period than plants from lately germinated seeds. The results indicate that conclusions made from first‐year cold acclimatization studies can be influenced by variation in the rate of seed germination and seedling/germinant development.  相似文献   

为探讨秋水仙素对不同澳洲坚果品种萌动种子的诱变效应,将4个澳洲坚果品种'云澳57'云澳51'云澳41'和'云澳58'的种子经催芽裂壳后,用不同质量浓度(0.1%、0.2%、0.3%)秋水仙素浸泡,进行不同时间(48、72h)的诱导处理,以种子萌发生长成的苗木(诱变苗)为研究对象,研究秋水仙素对不同澳洲坚果品种诱变群体的诱变效应。结果表明,与对照相比,秋水仙素增大诱变群体地径的变异系数,增大诱变群体内地径的极差,使品种间及品种内的变异更加丰富;通过对不同澳洲坚果品种试验苗开花植株比例和结实植株比例的比较,从诱变苗木中筛选出4株性状优良的突变单株,对照中未筛选出优良突变单株;不同品种对秋水仙素的敏感性存在差异。  相似文献   

燃煤烟气脱硫副产物对桉树生长影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过盆栽和大田试验,探讨脱硫副产物及以其为原料制作的土壤调理剂对提高桉树生长量的作用,结果表明:(1)适量施用脱硫副产物可有效提高桉树生长量,将其制作成土壤调理剂施用,可进一步提高产量。(2)供试物量过高或过低会导致肥效下降而引起桉树生长量下降。(3)适量施用供试物可有效防治因桉树微量元素供应不足导致的缺素垂梢病。  相似文献   

Pinus halepensis is a widely distributed species in the Mediterranean basin. It is generally well adapted to regenerate after wildfire, except when fire intervals are too short (≤15 years). In these latter situations, direct seeding could be a good alternative for restoring pine woodland after fire. Under dry climate, low seedling growth and survival can greatly limit the use of seeding. Early studies have shown that seedlings grown from large seeds have higher seedling establishment, growth and survival. Seed size grading may however reduce the genetic diversity of a seed lot by eliminating part or all of the families with relatively small seeds. An alternative to improve seed lot quality without losing genetic variability could be collecting and sieving seeds from each family separately. In order to explore the influence of seed mass on P. halepensis seedling performance, seeds from five half-sib families differing in mean seed mass were sown under greenhouse and field conditions. Final seedling emergence was unrelated to seed mass and half-sib family. The time of emergence was also unrelated to seed mass but it varied among families. Seed mass showed a positive effect on seedling height and diameter, both at population level and within family throughout the study period (9 months under greenhouse conditions and 20 months under field conditions). We also observed a negative relationship between seed mass and relative growth rate for seedling diameter, but it was not high enough to fully compensate the initial differences due to seed mass at the end of the 20-month study period. Seedling predation had a considerable impact on seedling survival, and it was not related to seed mass. When seedlings killed by predation were excluded from the survival analysis, larger seedlings, coming from larger seeds, showed slightly better survival, but only during the first growing period. The small advantages obtained from large seed mass in seedling development do not seem to justify the increased operational costs derived from seed mass selection for each family.  相似文献   

In silvopasture system, the coexistence of eucalyptus seedlings with other species may result in growth reduction, especially during eucalyptus early development.Therefore, studies elucidating how forage species affect the eucalyptus growth can provide important information for their rational management aiming to obtain the maximum gain of the system. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of increasing densities of Urochloa brizantha cv.Marandu in the early development of Eucalyptus urograndis. An experiment was conducted in 20 L pots, in an open and semi-controlled area, during 90 days after planting of eucalyptus. A completely randomized design with four replications was used, in a 6 9 7 factorial system, meaning six evaluation periods and seven densities of U. brizantha: 0(control), 22, 33, 44, 67, 89 and111 plants m-2. Fortnightly, eucalyptus height, stem diameter and chlorophyll fluorescence(Fv/Fm) were evaluated. At the end of experimental period, the net assimilation rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate of eucalyptus plants were determined, in addition to the dry matter of eucalyptus(leaves and stem) and U. brizantha (leaves). In coexistence with 111 plants m-2, eucalyptus had reduction of 63.9% on total dry matter and 72.7% on leaf area, compared to the control. From the density of22 plants m-2, U. brizantha negatively interfere significantly the growth of E. urograndis. Up to 8 plants m-2 there are no reductions greater than 5% in eucalyptus height and stem diameter.  相似文献   

Repellent activity of five essential oils against Culex pipiens   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Erler F  Ulug I  Yalcinkaya B 《Fitoterapia》2006,77(7-8):491-494
Essential oils extracted from the seeds of anise (Pimpinella anisum), dried fruits of eucalyptus (Eucalyptus camaldulensis), dried foliage of mint (Mentha piperita) and basil (Ocimum basilicum) and fresh foliage of laurel (Laurus nobilis) were tested for their repellency against the adult females of Culex pipiens. All essential oils showed repellency in varying degrees, eucalyptus, basil and anise being the most active.  相似文献   

对昆明市海口林场2012年栽植的5种桉树早期生长性状进行了观测研究。结果发现,5种桉树中,造林成活率较高的有本沁桉、邓恩桉及多利桉,树高和地径表现最优的是多利按。不同种桉树中苗圃地生长表现最优的,上山栽植以后生长表现不一定最优,这与不同生长发育阶段、不同环境条件有着密切关系。  相似文献   

体细胞培养能获得稳定的遗传材料,还能通过变异获得抗性的育种材料。在现代科学技术的支撑下,通过体细胞培养来获得次生代谢物和进行细胞育种的技术不断完善。本文从桉树愈伤组织培养、原生质体培养、悬浮培养、体细胞胚胎发生和人工种子等五个方面对二十世纪八十年代以来桉树体细胞培养的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

缓坡山地林牧复合经营的桉树生长性状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对广西防城港市防城区缓坡山地宽行窄株种植模式下桉树生长性状进行调查,结果表明:宽窄行种植模式的桉树生长量明显高于对照林,其蓄积量比对照高31.86%。桉牧模式3年生桉树的收益为12923.7元·hm-2,比对照林(8317元·hm-2)高4606元·hm-2以上。缓坡山地实行林牧经营模式达到林业和牧业共同发展的双赢局面,具有一定的推广意义。  相似文献   

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