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河南省槭树科树木资源极其丰富 ,开发利用槭树科秋色叶树木资源对河南省园林建设具有重要意义。分析了元宝枫、茶条槭、鸡爪槭等 11个槭树科所属种及其变种的秋色叶植物的观赏特性 ,探讨了它们在园林造景中的应用。  相似文献   

为探讨彩叶树种叶片成色机理,以三尾青皮槭、桂林槭、宁波三角槭、樟叶槭、金钱槭、长尾秀丽槭、长裂葛萝槭、元宝槭、革叶槭、薄叶槭、飞蛾槭、青榨槭、罗浮槭、五裂槭、光叶槭、彩岑槭、鸡爪槭、金沙槭等18种槭树为研究对象,比较不同槭树树种光合色素含量的差异及其与叶绿素相对含量(SPAD)之间的相关性。结果表明:不同槭树树种之间光合色素(叶绿素a、叶绿素b、叶绿素总量、类胡萝卜素、花色素苷)、SPAD值存在极显著差异(P<0.001),樟叶槭、长尾秀丽槭和薄叶槭的叶绿素a含量较高;长尾秀丽槭和薄叶槭的叶绿素b含量、叶绿素总量及类胡萝卜素含量较高;彩岑槭和鸡爪槭的花色素苷相对含量最高(P<0.05),分别为16.04、20.89色素单位·g-1;罗浮槭、长裂葛萝槭、三尾青皮槭和光叶槭叶片SPAD值较高。相关分析表明,不同槭树树种类胡萝卜素含量与叶绿素a、叶绿素b及叶绿素总量之间存在极显著正相关关系(P<0.01),不同槭树树种SPAD值与叶绿素a、叶绿素总量之间存在显著正相关关系。本研究结果可为彩叶树种的选育及造林配置提供参考。  相似文献   

园林绿化珍品——灯台树   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
槭树是槭树科槭属树种的泛称,其中一些种俗称为枫树。全世界的槭树植物有199种,分布于亚洲、欧洲、北美洲和非洲北缘,中国是世界上槭树种类最多的国家,目前已有151种,全国各地均有分布,主产于长江流域及其以南各省区,是世界槭树的现代分布中心。从海拔高度来看,我国槭树的分布非常广泛,从海滨到400米的高寒山区均有分布。槭属植物中,有很多是世界文明的观赏树种。槭树的观赏价值主要由叶色和叶形所决定。在世界众多的红叶树种中,槭树的秋叶独树一帜,极具魅力。树姿优美,叶形秀丽,秋季叶渐变为红色或黄色,还有青、紫…  相似文献   

园林观叶树种——槭树   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
槭树是槭树科槭属树种的泛称,其中一些种俗称为枫树。全世界的槭树植物有199种,分布于亚洲、欧洲、北美洲和非洲北缘,中国是世界上槭树种类最多的国家,目前已有151种,全国各地均有分布,主产于长江流域及其以南各省区,是世界槭树的现代分布中心。从海拔高度来看,我国槭树的分布非常广泛,从海滨到400米的高寒山区均有分布。槭属植物中,有很多是世界文明的观赏树种。槭树的观赏价值主要由叶色和叶形所决定。在世界众多的红叶树种中,槭树的秋叶独树一帜,极具魅力。树姿优美,叶形秀丽,秋季叶渐变为红色或黄色,还有青、紫…  相似文献   

槭树是槭树科槭属树种的泛称,其中一些种俗称为枫树。全世界的槭树植物有199种,分布于亚洲、欧洲、北美洲和非洲北缘,中国是世界上槭树种类最多的国家,目前已有151种,全国各地均有分布,主产于长江流域及其以南各省区,是世界槭树的现代分布中心。从海拔高度来看,我国槭树的分布非常广泛,从海滨到400米的高寒山区均有分布。槭属植物中,有很多是世界闻名观赏树种。槭树观赏价值主要由叶色和叶形所决定。在世界众多的红叶树种中,槭树的秋叶独树一帜,极具魅力。树姿优美,叶形秀丽,秋季叶渐变为红色或黄色,还有青、紫色,为著名的…  相似文献   

槭树是槭属中一类多产业链经济树种的泛称,经济效益显著,生态效能不可估量,应用前景广阔,因此,充分发掘槭树的优良基因资源,探寻有效的综合利用途径和生态保护策略具有重大而深远的意义。基于相关领域的国内外科技文献和研究成果,在广泛汲取和科学甄辩的基础上,概述槭树的起源与演化、地理分布、生物学特性、生态学特性、应用价值、营养成分及其药理分析、引种驯化理论、生物繁殖技术,阐述槭树类树种的研究现状,指出在开发利用过程中存在的主要问题,并提出相应的合理化建议,旨在为该类种质资源的有效保护、长期保存、高效经营与可持续利用,提供基础数据和理论依据。同时,为林业产业的结构调整和升级转型,提供高科技附加值的优良品种或优异种质,以实现林业的伟大复兴。  相似文献   

为了合理评价福州市引种的13种乔木彩叶树种,对其观赏价值、林木生长量、生态适应性等进行观测和记录,按照引种彩叶树种的评价指标和评分标准,应用层次分析法,进行福州市引种的彩叶树种综合评价。结果表明:彩叶树种的呈彩期和叶色的权重值是引种的彩叶树种重要评价指标。根据综合得分将13种彩叶树种分为3个等级:娜塔栎、四照花、山乌桕、北美枫香、无患子等5种彩叶树种综合应用价值优良;彩岑槭、枫香、檫树、光叶槭、野鸦椿等5种应用价值较好;中华槭、罗浮槭、岭南槭等3种应用价值一般。建议将综合应用价值较高的彩叶树种作为福州市彩化山体造林和园林景观营造的首选树种。  相似文献   

观赏槭树的苗期试验初报   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
观赏槭树育苗试验表明,不同树种、种源间种实发芽率差异较大。发芽率较高的种类有樟叶槭(92%)、鸡爪槭(90%)、三角枫(90%),其次是复叶槭(85%)、红花槭(82%)、橄榄槭(76%)和元宝槭(75%);茶条槭、五角槭、罗浮槭发芽率均小于70%。1年生苗高生长量以复叶槭最大(113.98 cm),其次是三角枫(101.21 cm);樟叶槭和鸡爪槭1年生苗生长量中等,当年生长量分别为62.43 cm和71.74 cm;罗浮槭、青榨槭和橄榄槭1年生苗高生长量较小。季节生长节律有3种类型:橄榄槭、鸡爪槭、元宝槭、茶条槭等几种槭树表现为第1类型(前期生长型),即5月前苗木缓慢生长,6~7月进入速生期,7月以后苗木渐渐停止生长,速生期较短。复叶槭和青榨槭表现为第2种类型:1年生苗全年高生长有2次高峰,出现在6月和9月;樟叶槭和三角枫季节生长节律表现为第3种类型:5月生长缓慢,6月生长开始加快进入速生期,一直持续到8月底,速生期长。三角枫、橄榄槭、鸡爪槭、元宝槭、茶条槭、复叶槭和青榨槭等几种槭树表现出较强的抗寒性,樟叶槭和罗浮槭抗寒性较差。  相似文献   

针对漯河绿化树种单一,秋色叶树种匮乏的现状,试验性引种了长柄槭、葛萝槭、飞蛾槭、建始槭、血皮槭5种河南野生槭树,从生长量及生长表现对比,发现建始槭、飞蛾槭、长柄槭在漯河生长表现良好,可以作为城市绿化树种加以推广。  相似文献   

正人们在公园内常见的槭属树种多是单叶槭树,而具有优雅的3小叶复叶的三小叶组槭树则不常见。血皮槭(Acer griseum)便是槭属三小叶组的成员之一,是我国特有、珍稀濒危物种,集观赏、材用和药用等多种用途。因其观赏价值极高,于1901年被西方植物猎人欧内斯特·威尔逊发现而让世人所知,成为世界闻名的、珍贵的观赏树种。国外学者对血皮槭的繁殖开展了大量研究,并关注其濒危机制。然而,血皮槭在国内园林绿化中应用很少,且研究方面也刚刚起步。该树种亟待人们的深入研究,在保护前提下合理开发以发挥其价值。  相似文献   

The invasion of exotic earthworms in previously earthworm-free northern deciduous forests has been linked to the disappearance of forest floor litter, declines in plant species richness, and the development of monotypic stands of Carex pensylvanica. However, the impact of exotic earthworms on the regeneration of trees and understory plants is largely unknown. We examined the relationships between earthworm density, plant species richness, leaf litter accumulation, number of tree (Acer) seedlings, and cover of C. pensylvanica at 14 sites in mesic hardwood forests of the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest in northern Wisconsin. Earthworm biomass, especially of the genera Lumbricus, Aporrectodea, and Octolasion was negatively associated with leaf litter mass and number of Acer seedlings. Nine plant species, including two spring ephemerals (Dicentra cucullaria and Osmorhiza claytonii), a sedge (Carex deweyana), and an invasive mint (Galeopsis tetrahit) were negatively correlated with exotic earthworm densities. Dryopteris intermedia and Allium tricoccum, on the other hand, were associated with high earthworm densities. The activities of exotic earthworms appear to have significant impacts on Acer regeneration and the persistence of many herbaceous plants. Our findings suggest that the effects of exotic earthworms on litter mass are strongly related to the observed effects on species composition. Sensitive species can be used as indicators of high and low earthworm densities and might be useful for identifying forests of high conservation value where future invasions of exotic earthworms should be prevented.  相似文献   

To improve the management of ageing urban trees, the role of wood‐decay fungi as potential causes of stem breakage was investigated among hazardous trees removed in the Helsinki City area during 2001–2004. The study material comprised 194 trees, and included 76 Tilia spp. trees, 58 Betula spp. and 60 Acer spp. Thirteen species or genera of commonly occurring decay fungi were identified on the basis of fruiting bodies and pure cultures. The occurrence of the fungi was investigated in terms of frequency, visibility and as potential causes for stem breakage. Most hazardous fungi caused extensive horizontal decay in the stem; such fungi were Ganoderma lipsiense on Tilia and Acer, Phellinus igniarius on Acer, Inonotus obliquus and Cerrena unicolor on Betula and Kretzschmaria deusta on Acer, Tilia and Betula. Typically, Rigidoporus populinus was frequently present in weak fork formations on Acer trees. Agaric fungi (Pholiota, Armillaria, Pleurotus and Hypholoma) were frequently recorded but were of minor importance from the point of view of tree breakage hazard.  相似文献   

王斐  山本晴彦 《林业研究》2009,20(3):254-260
本文依据1967-2007年间的气象资料,对日本山口市的极端天气事件进行了分析,主要用像素分析和光谱分析法对景观树的响应进行了调查研究.结果表明,经过干热、多风的2007年夏季之后,山口市的许多景观树对这些极端天气事件的响应趋于缩减其叶面积和减少辐射能的吸收.一些景观树种出现树叶早期变色或脱落,在许多不利条件下栽培的四照花(Cornus kousa)树上发生叶边叶缘焦枯症状.像素分析结果表明,四照花样树的叶面积平均焦枯率达41.6%,山茶花2007年花季的花量也明显少于2006年.对偏冠变色的美国枫香(Liquidambar styraciflua)树进行的微分分析表明,其树冠颜色呈逻辑斯蒂函数式变化.这表明即使在湿润的山口市,持续的高温少雨天气对一些不利条件下栽植的敏感景观树也是有害的.  相似文献   

Summary The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the resistance of beech foliage(Fagus sylvatica) against oxidative stress was affected by soil quality, nitrogen or CO2 fertilisation, or lachnid infestation(Phyllaphis fagi). For this purpose young beech trees were grown for four years in reconstructed calcareous or acidic forest soils in open top chambers under ambient or elevated CO2 concentrations with two levels of nitrogen fertilisation. At harvest lachnid colonisation was observed, preferentially on leaves from trees in calcareous soil and on leaves from trees fertilised with the high nitrogen level. General leaf characteristics such as pigment concentrations, dry mass, and leaf mass ber area were not affected by the soil type, nitrogen fertilisation or CO2 regime. Leaves colonised with lachnids displayed slightly increased leaf mass per area. When the stress resistance was challenged by exposure to paraquat — a herbicide inducing oxidative stress — leaves from trees grown on calcareous soil maintained significantly longer membrane integrity and, thus, were better protected against stress than leaves from trees on acidic soil. Other experimental variables had negligible or no effects on the resistance against oxidative stress.   相似文献   

Preliminary research to understand the flammability of 14 species of shrubs and 8 species of trees based on silica-free ash content was done in order to recognize which shrubs or trees are more flammable. The results show that the silica-free ash content of shrubs and trees leaves was greater than the stems ranging between 1.7% and 11.4% for leaf and 0.4% and 7.8% for the stems. The shrubsDicranopteris linearis, Imperata cylindrica, Eupatorium pubescens, Lantana camara, Eugenia sp.,Cliforia laurifolia, Pterospermum sp.,Hibiscus similis, Clidemia hirta andTrema orientalis must be considered when fire invades the plantation as well as the treeParaserianthes falcataria, Eucalyptus urophylla, Calliandra callothyrsus, andPeronema canescens.  相似文献   

Absence of, or poor, oak (Quercus spp.) regeneration is a problem in uneven-aged, mixed closed-canopy broadleaved forests. Browsing by ungulates on small trees may contribute to poor oak regeneration in such forests. This possibility was investigated in 25 Swedish stands, and browsing damage was analysed in relation to landscape and stand factors. The proportion of browsed small (<20 cm tall) oak seedlings and other seedlings was low, and apparently a minor mortality factor. For saplings (20–130 cm tall), accumulated browsing damage was generally higher on oak than on five major competing tree species: Fraxinus excelsior, Corylus avellana, Tilia cordata, Acer platanoides and Sorbus aucuparia. Leaf removal was rare in late summer, except for rowan. The amount of cover (shelter) for ungulates near plots was positively correlated with oak browsing intensity; within plots, a high density of ash saplings may reduce browsing on oak saplings. In these forests, browsing probably retards growth of oak saplings relative to competing trees. Oak may persist as a minor stand component, but monitoring is needed to study future changes.  相似文献   

冬青属种质资源及其园林应用研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冬青属植物种质资源丰富,园艺品种多样,叶、花、果等具有优良的观赏特性,抗性较强,具有广泛的园林应用价值和药用价值。文中综述了冬青属种质资源的分类、调查与引进,从植物学、生物化学、分子生物学角度阐述了种质资源研究进展,并介绍了冬青属植物的园林应用,提出目前我国冬青属种质资源研究与应用存在的问题,以及今后应加强种质资源调查和保存、加速优良种质资源繁育和引进、深入探索冬青属种质资源的药用价值等建议,旨在为冬青属种质资源的研究与应用提供参考。  相似文献   

云杉属树种体细胞胚胎发生研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
云杉属树种具有适应性强、抗逆性强、生长迅速等特性,是园林绿化的重要树种。体细胞胚胎发生技术在云杉属树种中的应用,为其品种改良和规模化、产业化繁殖提供了可能。文中综述云杉属树种体细胞胚胎发生的过程及主要影响因素,提出在云杉属树种体细胞胚胎诱导过程中存在的问题和研究展望,以期为云杉属树种体细胞胚产量和质量的提高以及建立高效再生体系提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Direct herbivore damage to trees in temperate silvopastoral agroforestry systems is a major management consideration. Individual plastic tree-shelters may sometimes cause poor tree development and they have limited life span. Therefore, some alternative tree-shelter products were tested on four year old Acer pseudoplatanus and Fraxinus excelsior. Damage to the main stem was assessed by determining the area of bark removed by sheep browsing. Wobra®, a paint-on abrasive substance applied to the main stem, was effective in reducing sheep damage. However, some damage did occur due to breach of the protective barrier as a result of stem diameter increases and its removal through rubbing by animals. Anipel®, a systemic bittering agent supplied through the root system, was not effective in preventing significant damage compared to no-treatment controls, possibly because of poor uptake of the active ingredient into the tree. Within treatments, there were significant differences in damage incurred. Most notably Fraxinus suffered more damage than Acer, an effect which may be related to differences in tree size and/or relative palatability.  相似文献   

辣木幼林对氮、磷、钾肥效响应及叶片的生理反应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
[目的]研究辣木幼林时期对大量元素的需求状况。[方法]应用"3414"配方施肥试验设计,探讨N、P、K配方施肥对元阳干热河谷辣木幼龄林的生长量、叶片色素含量(叶绿素a、b及类胡萝卜素)和叶片含水率的影响。[结果]肥力补充对辣木幼林的生长具有非常明显的促进效果,其中N肥各施肥配方对幼林的各项生长量指标和生理指标具有显著或极显著的影响,P肥对除地径增量和叶片含水率之外的其它设定指标也表现出显著效果,而K肥各施肥处理仅对冠高增量、冠高比增量和叶片含水率具有显著影响。[结论]综合方差分析、多重比较、极差分析和相关分析结果,显著促进树高、地径、冠幅生长和叶片色素积累的组合均为本试验设计的中高施肥量配比,其中N3P2K3为最优组合。辣木幼龄阶段对大量元素需求非常旺盛,以维持其快速增长的生物量。  相似文献   

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