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幼犬是养犬中最难养、最容易发病的时期。文章结合作者多年的养犬经验,分析了新购宠物幼犬容易生病的原因,以及新购入幼犬最容易发生的几种常见病,总结出养好新购入宠物幼犬的饲养管理方法,提出要提高新购宠物幼犬的成活率,科学的喂养、正确的管理,缺一不可。  相似文献   

一、萨摩耶幼犬训练幼犬最好从50~60天抱回开始调教,在50天以内的幼犬离开母舍,会使它在相当长一段时间内对事物感到迷惑或无判断能力,50天~3个月最适合抱回家饲养调教,这段时间抱回的幼犬最易与主人感情接近。二、萨摩耶训练9条要领1.要夸奖与抚摸。经常夸奖和抚摸狗  相似文献   

李世梅 《农业与技术》2013,(11):176-177
当前家庭养犬已形成热潮,家庭主妇携犬外出已成为时尚。因此,犬的生理保健、科学喂养技术、先进的管理办法,成为家庭养犬的神秘。仔犬的呵护是保证成活的先决条件,接产和断尾已成为一门技术。幼犬喂养和饲料多样化就显得十分重要。喂、养、管、条件反射已经形成。应做好对犬的调教管理。  相似文献   

幼犬通常是指从断奶到6个月的犬,这一阶段与犬的体质发育关系极大,所以必须给予高度重视.幼犬的饲养管理关键技术主要包括营养、管理、免疫接种和疾病防治等.  相似文献   

幼犬通常是指从断奶到6个月的犬,这一阶段与犬的体质发育关系极大,所以必须给予高度重视.幼犬的饲养管理关键技术主要包括:营养、管理、免疫接种和疾病防治等.  相似文献   

本文从后备母猪的选育,各阶段的饲料搭配、免疫接种、发情控制和调教等方面阐述了后备母猪的选育和饲养管理要点.  相似文献   

<正> 随畜牧业的发展,猪的品种改良正以前所未有的速度加快进行。优良种公猪也越来越多地被养猪户饲养。但由于缺乏科学饲养管理、调教、训养,使一些种公猪性机能发生障碍,不仅给种公猪饲养户和母猪养殖户  相似文献   

<正>加强幼犬的饲养管理,不但可以提高幼犬的成活率,还可以提高幼犬的体重,增加养犬的经济效益。1仔犬的饲养管理仔犬出生后应尽快吃到初乳,如发现没有吃到初乳,要想办法尽快让幼犬吃到初乳,使仔犬获得被动免疫。仔犬出生后的前几周,母犬与仔犬的环境温度应至少不低于21℃,许多仔犬常因环境温度过低而死亡。如母犬与仔犬、同伴分开,环境温度应在一周内维持30℃;1~2周龄维持在27℃;2~4周龄维持在24℃。哺乳时应经常  相似文献   

<正>比熊犬体型娇小,性情温顺、活泼可爱,浑身白色卷毛柔软而又蓬松,深受大家喜欢,成为现在家养宠物犬的首选。比熊犬的寿命大概是12~15年,既然选择饲养,我们都希望它能健康生活,尤其是两个多月的比熊幼犬刚到家,正处于断奶不久,抵抗力差,饲养这个阶段的比熊幼犬要格外小心。我们想要养好比熊,就要付出一定的精力。笔者饲养比熊多年,积累一些经验,下面将比熊在幼犬阶段  相似文献   

犬瘟热是犬科动物常发的急性、热性传染病,多发于幼犬,传播快,死亡率高,是危害养犬业的重要疾病,现将该病的流行情况、临床症状及诊疗措施介绍如下。1流行情况本病没有明显的季节性,但春秋发病率较多。1岁以内幼犬易感,尤其以2~6月龄最易感,发病率高;饲养管理水平较差的群养犬  相似文献   

本研究通过养殖实验和摄食过程摄像技术,首先研究了中华绒螯蟹(以下简称河蟹)幼蟹、早期成蟹,亚成体和成体的摄食行为差异,评价了不同发育阶段和不同性别河蟹的摄食行为、摄食响应时间和摄食率差异,然后进一步比较了不同发育阶段河蟹对冰鲜鱼、配合饲料、玉米和螺蛳的摄食选择性。结果表明:(1)河蟹的摄食行为可分为探索、定位、试探和摄食这4个阶段,其中探索和摄食耗时较长。(2)就探索阶段的耗时和摄食响应时间而言,幼蟹和早期成蟹的雌体显著短于雄体,而亚成体和成体阶段雄体显著短于雌体。(3)就摄食而言,各发育阶段雌体的摄食耗时均高于雄体。(4)就摄食率而言,河蟹摄食率随着发育阶段的增加呈现显著下降趋势,而雌雄蟹间无显著差异。(5)就不同饵料的摄食选择性结果而言,不同发育阶段的河蟹对不同饵料的首次摄食频率从高到低顺序均是冰鲜鱼>配合饲料>玉米>螺蛳。(6)雌、雄成蟹对冰鲜鱼和配合饲料的摄食响应时间均无显著差异,但均显著低于对玉米和螺蛳。综上,不同发育阶段和不同性别河蟹的摄食行为存在显著差异,亚成体阶段是雌、雄河蟹摄食行为发生转变的重要发育阶段,成蟹优先摄食冰鲜鱼与配合饲料。  相似文献   

Four species of the halictine bee genus Evylaeus keep their brood cells open during most or part of the development of the larvae. In the colonial summer phase, house bees care for the young and keep brood cells clean from feces and exuviae. Progressive feeding of nector is present at least in Evylaeus malachurus, whose fully fed larvae are, on an average, 60 percent heavier than the egg-and-pollen stage. Interactions between the two generations of social Halictinae are of general occurrence, and their intensity corresponds to the level of social behavior attained.  相似文献   

Applying dairy cow behavior in management practice is an effective way of improving cow health, welfare and performance. This paper first reviewed daily time budget and normal patterns of dairy cow behavior, and then discussed the influence of major management conditions and practices (such as competitive environments, stocking density, grouping strategies) on cow's feeding, lying and social behavior. Finally, new findings of using feeding behavior to predict disorders in transition period were addressed. It was suggested that dairy researchers and farmers should take advantage of related knowledge of dairy cow behavior to improve dairy cow health and welfare. More research is required to further study dairy cow behavior so as to better apply it in practical management and meet the needs of production.  相似文献   

2012年11月,“民有林与培训管理”赴日研修团到日本进行了培训。日本根据本国经济发展情况,及时调整林业建设方针。对民有林,扶持和组建森林组合,形成规模效应,增加经济效益。全国形成了比较健全的森林经营体系,实现了良性循环,为经济发展和人民生活创造了优美的生态环境。对国有林,逐年精简机构和人员,以中央政府投资作保证,收购生态区位重要的民有林,充分发挥国有林生态保障的主渠道作用。日本有比较健全的林业科研和技术推广体系,有比较科学的干部培训制度,为林业健康快速发展奠定了基础。这些经验都值得我们学习和借鉴。  相似文献   

培训机构的社会信用等级评价是对培训学校的资产实力、师资力量、教学水平、获利能力、经营管理水平、履约能力、发展能力、偿债能力、守信程度等情况的客观评价。探讨建立一种相对独立、公正、客观和科学的信用等级评价体系,对引导培训机构的建设与发展,以及向社会推荐优质、诚信的培训机构意义重大。培训机构信用评价实行四等十级制。设计评价工作主要程序包括评价准备、机构内外部调查、初评、审核复议、评级结果反馈等八个阶段。培训机构的社会信用等级评价应由培训机构的主管部门或行业协会负责主持或委托专业评价机构开展。评价结果应及时向社会公布,便于社会监督和学员选择,对各学校而言最终要实现“以评促建,推动发展”的目的。  相似文献   

Call feeding for pregnant sows is a novel modular extension of a conventional electronic feeder (PigTek INTEC MAC) communicating via ISOagriNET. The call feeding module (CFM) assigns individual calls to each animal of a group supplied by one feeder and trains them to associate that call with feed access. Afterwards it actively calls sows to the feeder in a variable sequence in order to minimize queuing and thereby reducing aggression, stress and injuries associated with feeding. In this paper, we describe the automatic training procedures, the principal technical design and implementation details that make call feeding applicable in practice. The automatic training consists of an initial Pavlovian conditioning during standard electronic feeding and a subsequent operant conditioning. During Pavlovian conditioning the sows may enter the feeder whenever they have remaining feed allowance. An individual acoustic signal is then played immediately before the feed is dispensed. In the operant training the sow learns by experience that she can enter the feeder only after the individual acoustic signal has been presented. The training modes and their durations are individual to each sow’s learning success. Undersupply with feed due to incomplete learning is prevented by the training routines without manual intervention by controlling automatically the proportion of operant and Pavlovian conditioning. Thus, introducing call feeding in an existing herd is possible. The implementation is further able to estimate roughly the social hierarchy and incorporates this in the calculation of the call sequence in order to attenuate feeding associated aggressions. It helps to provide the animals with a positive anticipation of safe feeding and thereby offers a suitable way to improve welfare and health of pregnant sows. Being automatically controlled, it is easy to apply and has the potential to become a promising future element of precision livestock farming.  相似文献   

精准化管理——我国农业信息化的下一个方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着信息技术农业应用的不断发展,农业信息化开始逐步进入新的发展阶段。由于社会的需要和技术的推动作用,精准化管理极有可能成为其发展的新方向。探讨了农业信息技术的发展阶段,提出了精准化管理阶段及其相应的管理技术;论述了精准化管理阶段的必然性,介绍了未来精准化管理的几个应用前景,主要包括宏观决策、对农业生产过程的有效监督、服务农业市场、增加农民收入等;最后,提出了加速农业管理精准化实施的几条建议。  相似文献   

Hu Sheep is a local sheep breed in the plain of Taihu,China.Due to the natural conditions in Taihu and human domestication,Hu Sheep is gradually featured with high adaptability,fast growth rate,early maturity and high productivity,which make them to be a unique and rare breed of sheep.In the present study,an experiment was conducted by means of instantaneous scan sampling,focal animal sampling and all-occurrence sampling to learn about Hu Sheep's behavior and activity pattern under certain feeding management and ecological condition.The result showed that the activity time budgets for several behaviors were different between rams and ewes,with respect to feeding (rams 30.60% vs.ewes 33.23%),ruminating (33.43% vs.35.30%);sleeping (19.92% vs.13.69%),standing (4.13% vs.5.26%),moving (8.10% vs.7.46%),and other behaviors (3.86% vs.5.06%).A circadian activity rhythm was shown in some behaviors;e.g.,total feeding time was greater in the daytime than at night,whereas resting time showed the opposite tendency.Moving mostly occurred in the daytime,and ruminating mainly occurred at night.Additionally,feeding activity occurred 32.22 times per day in rams and 31.73 times per day in ewes,whereas ruminating activity after feeding occurred 19.83 times per day in rams and 24.34 times per day in ewes.For each food bolus,the average ruminating time was 51.22 s in rams and 49.52 s in ewes,with 68.22 bouts of rumination per day in rams and 57.35 bouts of rumination in ewes.By conducting the experiment,we studied and grasped the local Hu Sheep's main behavior and regularity which are of great significance on improving the feeding management and reducing diseases.  相似文献   

任何一所大学的发展首先要有一个准确的定位。科学合理的定位关系到高校的生存与发展。面对当前新的形势和要求,地方农业高校能否将教学研究型大学作为发展目标?且如何发展?本文在阐述教学研究型大学涵义及主要特征的基础上,以云南农业大学为列,同教学研究型大学的特征进行了对比分析,为加速农业高校教学研究型大学的建设,提出了更新观念,把握好发展目标;狠抓教学改革,不断提高人才培养质量;加强学科建设,走特色发展路子;进一步加强科学研究,不断拓展社会服务功能;创新管理体制,提高管理效益;完善激励机制,实施学院制管理等建议。  相似文献   

安艳辉 《北京农业》2012,(18):220-221
目前,我国农村的改革与发展进入新的历史阶段,“三农”工作取得显著成果,农村财务管理方面的问题也越来越受到社会各界的关注.因此,认识和了解农村财务管理工作中存在的问题,并分析和总结解决问题的对策,对于农村未来的发展是十分重要的.  相似文献   

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