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杂交中稻汕优63再生芽幼穗分系统观察的结果表明,再生芽的幼穗分化始于头季稻齐穗后15d,分化率日增8%,至齐穗后46d结束,幼穗发育平均历时32d,其中花粉母细胞形成期和I,Ⅱ次枝梗分化所需的时间最长,花粉完成期最短。不同节位的芽在幼穗发育各过程和穗长,穗粒数及成穗率存在明显差异,再生稻的叶枕距和穗幼穗发育后期进程存存在极显著正相关,可以作为判断再生稻穗发育后期进程的形态指标。  相似文献   

杂交中稻汕优63再生芽幼穗分化系统观察的结果表明,再生芽的幼穗分化始于头季稻齐德后15d.分化率日增8%,至齐穗后46d结束.幼穗发育平均历时32d.其中花粉母细胞形成规和Ⅰ,Ⅱ次枝梗分化所需的时间最长,花粉完成期最短.不同节位的芽在幼穗发育各过程和穗长、穗粒数及成穗率存在明显差异.再生稻的叶枕距和幼穗长与幼穗发育后期进程存在极显著正相关,可以作为判断再生稻穗发育后期进程的形态指标.  相似文献   

杂交中稻再生芽生长的影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以18个杂交中稻组合为材料,研究了杂交中稻地上部植株性状和施氮对再生芽生长的影响。结果表明,头季稻齐穗期单茎干物质积累量越大、成熟期满足头季籽粒灌浆后茎鞘中剩余光合物质量越多,其再生芽活芽率与出苗率越高。高再生芽活芽率和出苗率的头季稻植株重要性状表现为株高偏矮、成穗率较高。在保持较高活芽率的基础上,提高后期根系活力是进一步提高再生稻产量的重要途径。  相似文献   

汕优63再生芽幼穗分化发育研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
杂交中稻汕优63(每公顷产7500kg 以上)再生芽幼穗分化发育于齐穗后15天左右开始。在初期,上位节芽幼穗分化快,下位节芽幼穗分化慢;后期则相反。在头季稻的完熟期,倒2、3、4节茅穗的分化进程相差不大。从芽穗分化至再生稻齐穗期,需35—53天,活动积温880—1438.2℃。茅穗分化率与头季稻后期的成熟度及芽长呈极显著正相关,与茎重的消长呈显著负相关,与籽粒干物质积累呈不明显正相关。促进再生芽穗分化发育的营养物质,来源于头季稻茎秆贮存的和后期的同化产物。但与茎重回升和籽粒积累的物质关系不大。因此,对蓄留再生稻的稻株,要确保后期生育正常和不过早收割。  相似文献   

选用6个不同类型杂交稻组合,通过常规高产栽培措施,探讨主季库源性状对再生稻发育的影响。结果表明,再生稻每穗颖花数、实粒数、和粒重与主季库因素极显著相关,再生稻穗数与主季穗数负相关。随着主季灌浆进程,再生稻活芽率下降,成熟期倒2节活芽率可达100%,倒4、5节活芽率仅33.28%~58.21%。单茎成苗数与主季穗数极显著负相关。单茎成苗数与成熟期叶干重、叶面积、叶绿素含含量和茎鞘干重均呈正相关,与乳熟期茎鞘物质输出率呈显著负相关。主季中期源库关系协调、群体质量良好,是主季获得高产和再生芽发育的基础;后期茎鞘物质输出率低、叶片衰老速率慢、高效叶面积多、叶片生理活性高以及光合产物及时输出,是获得主季高产、确保再生芽发育良好的关键。  相似文献   

水稻潜伏芽生长和穗分化形成规律及其应用的研究   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
 1986-1987年在扬州对7个水稻品种茎秆上的潜伏芽幼穗分化进程和生长进行了观察,结果如下:⒈潜伏芽幼穗分化始期是在前季稻颖花分化期到雌雄蕊分化期;前季稻抽穗期,母茎中部或偏上部节上潜伏芽幼穗分化已达颖花分化期,基部节上的潜伏芽为一次枝梗分化期,少数为苞分化期;前季稻抽穗到成熟,潜伏芽穗分化进程为休眠状态,幼穗发育处于一次枝梗到颖花分化期。⒉水稻潜伏芽的发生率,依据品种母茎茎秆各节潜伏芽发生率的差异,可把品种分为低节位型、高节位型和全节位型。⒊在前季稻收割前7-10天施氮肥,可促进潜伏芽出苗,提高再生稻的每穗粒数和穗重。  相似文献   

杂交中稻齐穗后叶片SPAD值衰减对再生力的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 【目的】探明影响再生力的主作关键植株性状,为杂交水稻及其再生稻的高产育种与栽培提供参考。【方法】以18个杂交中稻品种为材料,在大田高产栽培条件下,通过相关、回归与通径分析,研究了杂交中稻植株性状与再生力关系及主作和再生总体高产组合的穗粒结构。【结果】活芽率、发苗力、再生稻有效穗和产量4个性状是代表品种再生力的关键因子,增加有效穗是进一步提高再生稻产量的重要途径;穗粒数、叶颖花比、叶粒数比、叶粒重比、LAI衰减指数和SPAD值衰减指数分别与活芽率、发苗力、再生稻有效穗和产量呈显著或极显著相关,其中仅有头季稻齐穗期至成熟期叶片SPAD值衰减指数对活芽率、发苗力、再生稻有效穗和产量的偏相关均达显著以上水平;同一个组合同时实现头季稻和再生稻均分别达到最高产量的可能性小,两季总产同时满足理论产量达11.5 t?hm-2和产量潜力达14 t?hm-2的高产组合的主作群体主要特征最佳取值范围:穗粒数为160~190粒,叶粒重比0.0737~0.0827 cm2?mg-1、SPAD值衰减指数0.4029~0.5409、有效穗232.12万~249.40万/hm2、结实率81.54%~85.74%、千粒重28.58~30.07 g、单穗重4.13~4.43 g。【结论】再生稻进一步高产的主攻目标是增加有效穗,头季稻齐穗到成熟叶片SPAD值衰减指数可作为鉴定再生力的新指标,中等偏大穗品种是中稻-再生稻总体高产的重要特征。  相似文献   

1987和1993年分别用石蜡切片法对杂交中稻汕优63休眠芽幼穗分化发育的进程进行了显微观察,研究了它与头季稻生长发育和收获的关系,以及它发育成熟的天数和积温。结果表明,汕优63休眠芽伸长与幼穗分化发育开始于头季稻齐穗后7-10天。营养生产与生殖生长并进,穗发育由上而下开始分化。头季稻成熟期,休眠芽穗发育进程最高为雌蕊形成期,以倒3芽为最快;稳分化进程最低为第一苞分化期,以倒5芽为多。各节芽分化至齐穗期需38-45天,积温943.9-1050.2℃。芽长度的变化与穗分化进程无明显相关性。从芽穗发育进程规律来看,头季稻齐穗后15天为促芽肥最佳施期。头季稻成熟期适时收割确保再生稻安全结实。  相似文献   

隆两优华占高产高效再生稻栽培技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2015~2016年在湖南永州对隆两优华占再生稻进行了喷施"九二○"、增施促芽肥、机收时稻田土壤水分含量、留桩高度对比等试验,试验结果表明:隆两优华占两季总产量最高,生育期适中,再生力强,抗逆性较强,是一个综合性状优良的再生稻品种;蓄留再生稻在前季稻齐穗后约15 d和再生稻破口期喷施"九二○"可明显提高产量;在肥力上等的田块增施促芽肥尿素10~12.5 kg/667m~2,在肥力中等和差的田块增施促芽肥尿素15 kg/667m~2,可显著提高再生稻产量;头季稻机械收割蓄留的再生稻产量低于人工收割蓄留的;蓄留再生稻以头季稻始穗后约18 d排水晒田再机械收割最适宜;机械收割留桩高度以25~30 cm为宜。  相似文献   

杂交中稻——再生稻两季高产栽培   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近10年来,广西再生稻面积逐年扩大,1995年发展到48.65万亩,平均单产141.9公斤,最高亩产达323.2公斤,双季平均亩产1031.7公斤,构成再生稻产量的亩有效穗,穗粒数,结实率和千粒重对产量作用的比率依次为1.00:0.6:0.42:0.22。再生稻高产要急取头季有更多的稻桩,活桩和活率,栽培技术要采取以养根,壮秆,活芽,壮苗,多苗为中心环节的配套措施。  相似文献   

This study attempted to clarify the carrying-over effect of different nitrogen treatments applied to the main crop on the crop population growth and yield formation of ratoon rice under mechanized cultivation in Southeast China.  Based on the constant total nitrogen application amounts (225.00 kg ha–1) in the main crop, an experiment with different ratios of basal and topdressing nitrogen fertilizer (the ratio of basal fertilizer:primary tillering fertilizer:secondary tillering fertilizer:booting fertilizer at 3:1:2:4 (N1), 3:2:1:4 (N2), 3:3:0:4 (N3), and 4:3:0:3 (N4), respectively, and a control without nitrogen treatment (N0)) was set up across two consecutive years in field using hybrid rice variety Yongyou 1540 as the test materials.  The results showed that the total tiller number and effective tillering percentage increased in the main crop under the N1 treatment, more nitrogen fertilizer applied in late growth stage of the main crop, and its effective tillering percentage of the main crop was the highest at up to 70.18%, which was 9.15% higher than that of conventional fertilization treatment (N4), more nitrogen fertilizer applied in early growth stage of the main crop.  The same tendency was observed in leaf area index (LAI) value of the main crop and its subsequent ratoon rice, which were 16.52 and 29.87% higher, respectively, in the N1 treatment than that in the N4 treatment at the full heading stage.  The same was true in the case of the transport rates of stem and sheath dry mater and the canopy light interception rates in both the main and its ratoon crops.  The transport rate of stem and sheath in main crop rice under N1 treatment increased by 50.57% compared with N4 treatment.  The canopy light interception rate of N1 treatment increased by 5.07% compared with N4 treatment at the full heading stage of the ratoon crop.  Therefore, the total actual yield was the highest in the main and its ratoon crops under N1 treatment, averaging 17 351.23 kg ha–1 in two-year trials, which was 23.00% higher than that in the conventional fertilization treatment (N4).  The results showed that appropriate nitrogen treatment was able to produce a good crop stand in the main crop, which was essential for producing a good ratoon crop population and high yield especially under mechanized cultivation with low stubble height of the main crop.  The study suggested that shifting the proper nitrogen application amounts to the late growth stage of the main crop, such as N1 treatment, not only had a higher productive effect on ensuring the yield of the main crop, but also had a positive effect on the axillary bud sprouts from the stubbles for ratoon rice, resulting in an increased percentage of productive panicles and achieving the goal of one planting with two good harvests under the conditions of our study.  相似文献   

水稻植株含氮量与穗粒重的关系   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
采用田间和水培试验的方法,对水稻生育中后期不同器官的含氮量变化进行了研究。结果表明:水稻植株根、茎鞘、叶各器官的含氮量与后期穗粒重之间存在密切关系。抽穗前10 d 顶四鞘及抽穗期各叶位叶片含氮量与每穗实粒数、结实率之间, 穗后19 d 顶二、顶三鞘的含氮量与千粒重、单株产量之间均呈显著或极显著正相关。顶二鞘的含氮量可作为后期结实率、千粒重和单株产量的诊断指标。  相似文献   

留桩节位与母叶对再生稻生长发育的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文探讨了头季稻收获时保留的母茎节数与母叶数对再生稻生长发育与产量形成的影响.结果表明:在同样保留例二节上休眠芽的情况下,保留母茎到叶或倒二叶和倒一节可以增加母茎的干物重和营养物质贮藏量,因而可以减少头季稻收获后再生芽的死亡率,促进再生芽的萌发,增加发南数。相应地也使再生稻育效德数有所增加.但发苗期延长.迟发苗和弱苗增多,加之母叶与倒一节的严重荫蔽作用,使再生稻株生长发育较差,结实率、稳实粒数和千粒重均降低.产量不高。在去除倒二节后的第三节再生芽较保留了第二节的发苗多、生长好、有效稳增加、结实率、德实粒数和千粒重提高,在去除了第三节后的第四节再生芽也表现同样趋势,表明再生芽的萌发生长也具有顶端优势现象。再生稻产量以去掉第一节保留第二节的最高。  相似文献   

以Y两优9918和晶两优华占2个水稻品种为试验材料,研究了不同水稻品种进行中稻-再生稻高产栽培时头季稻、再生稻的生育期、产量和经济效益的变化。结果表明:在中稻-再生稻高产栽培模式下,2个水稻品种水稻生育期均无明显差异;头季稻产量以Y两优9918较高,达545.88 kg/667m~2;再生季水稻产量以晶两优华占较高,达254.53 kg/667m~2。两季水稻,以Y两优9918的经济效益较高,为910.37元/667m~2。总的来说,选择Y两优9918水稻品种开展中稻-再生稻栽培模式能获得较高的经济效益,具有一定的应用前景。  相似文献   

【目的】探讨超级稻再生稻适时播种期,为充分利用山区光、温、水资源,指导山区农民适时播种,合理衔接超级稻、再生稻与油菜生育期提供技术指导。【方法】对比融水、三江两县不同播期对超级稻头季稻及再生稻生物学、经济学性状的影响。【结果】超级稻播期每推迟5 d,头季稻叶龄、基本苗、最高苗数、有效穗数增加,始穗期、齐穗期、成熟期后推1~4 d,全生育期缩短1~4 d,成穗率、穗粒数、实粒数、产量降低;再生稻生育期延迟,其生物学、经济性状均呈退化趋势;在气候条件允许情况下,留低桩,延长营养生长期,有利于获得高产。【结论】海拔140 m以下地区,超级稻宜在3月中下旬早播,最迟不超过4月8日,再生稻留10~20 cm低桩,通过促大穗大粒获得高产;海拔250 m以上中稻地区,超级稻宜3月19~24日播种,最迟不超过4月3日,再生稻留高桩,保留倒2节,通过提高有效穗而获得高产。  相似文献   

再生稻产量形成特点与关键调控技术研究进展   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
发展再生稻是充分利用秋季光热资源,提高稻田产出效益的一条重要途经。根据已报道资料,结合笔者20余年的研究结果,综述了再生稻产量形成特点及关键调控技术研究进展。主要内容包括:(1)头季稻中上部节的再生穗抽穗期比下部抽穗早、着生叶片数少、出叶速度快、生育期短、穗子小、成穗率和结实率较高。头季稻抽穗后光合物质主要供给穗部籽粒灌浆结实,分配给再生芽生长利用的光合物质极少,是齐穗后大量再生芽开始死亡的机理所在;改善头季稻抽穗期间植株行间的光照条件对再生芽生长的促进作用,必须在一定光合物质供给基础上才能显现。头季稻齐穗后品种间再生力取决于头季稻的叶粒比,强再生力品种头季稻单位颖花的绿叶面积占有量较大,其光合产物满足头季稻高产之后剩余量较多,对再生稻高产提供了重要的物质基础,杂交组合间再生力与穗粒数呈极显著负相关关系。(2)水稻品种再生力可分为4级,头季稻及再生稻两季高产品种的库源特征:穗粒数160-190粒、叶粒重比0.0737-0.0827 cm2·mg-1、有效穗232.12-249.40万/hm2、结实率81.54%-85.74%、千粒重28.58-30.07 g、单穗重4.13-4.43 g。(3)促芽肥提高再生力的作用,是通过施氮延缓了头季稻生长后期绿叶衰老速度,提高母茎叶片全氮含量及其净光合速率,增加叶片当时的光合产物向头季稻穗部输入比例,减少先期贮藏于母茎鞘中光合产物向穗部输入量,相对地提高了母茎鞘干物重而增强再生力。促芽肥对再生稻的作用效果在品种间的表现不尽相同,头季稻穗粒数较多的大穗型品种要提早施用促芽肥并增加施用量,才能获得较高的再生稻产量。利用杂交中稻齐穗期剑叶叶绿素计读数(SPAD值)可预测再生稻促芽肥高效施用量;通过防治纹枯病保护头季稻基部叶片和适度烤田提高根系活力,是再生稻高产的重要保证;头季稻收获期的成熟度与再生力呈极显著正相关,以头季稻完熟期再生芽开始破鞘现青时收割头季稻为宜,留桩高度以保留倒2节并高出5-7 cm处割苗即可。(4)针对目前再生稻生产上存在的主要制约因素,即再生稻开花期的低温危害、再生稻大面积产量不平衡和机械收获头季稻对再生稻生产的不利影响,提出了相应的对策与解决途经。(5)提出再生稻理论与技术的研究重点,包括“生态与农艺措施对头季稻后期冠层性状与再生芽生长的多因素互作机制”、“头季稻收割后再生芽停滞于母茎鞘中的原因及其调控途径”、“提高再生稻氮肥利用效率的技术途径”和“适应机械插秧与机械收割的杂交水稻-再生稻配套技术”4个方面。  相似文献   

Rice ratooning refers to the production of second crop from the stubble after the harvest of main crop.Main and ratoon rice growth and development are affected by different factors.These factors include varieties selection,water management,fertilizer management,stubble height,plant protection practices and external environmental factors such as temperature and light.In this review,we discussed the different factors affecting the yield and yield components of main and ratoon rice.Among these factors the most important and first one is varietal selection.Varieties should be selected according to the requirement of specific area and prefer varieties resistant to insects/pests and diseases.Sufficient amount of water and fertilizer should be supplied.Stubble height of 10-20 cm will resulted in high production of ratoon rice.Too low or too high temperature and light would reduce the grain yield and quality of rice.Optimal temperature is useful for higher yield.It was concluded that by keeping the management practices more efficiently,the yield of main rice as well as ratoon rice could be increased.There is a need of more studies focusing on improvement of the quality of ratoon rice.  相似文献   

对5个抗早衰能力有明显差异的籼稻恢复系灌浆中后期上3片功能叶的相对叶绿素含量(SPAD值)进行测定,分析了叶绿素含量及其变化趋势与谷物产量的关系.结果表明,水稻灌浆中后期各功能叶中叶绿素含量与单穗粒重关系最为紧密,但相关性未达显著水平;抽穗后15~20d之间,剑叶和倒二叶中叶绿素降解速率与单株粒重呈分别呈显著和极显著负相关,而倒三叶中叶绿素降解速率与单株粒重相关程度较低,育种上选择抽穗后15 ~20 d期间剑叶和倒二叶叶绿素降解速率较慢的恢复系作为父本将有利于提高杂交水稻的籽粒产量.  相似文献   

The border effect (BE) is widely observed in crop field experiments, and it has been extensively studied in many crops.  However, only limited attention has been paid to the BE of ratoon rice.  We conducted field experiments on ratoon rice in Qichun County, Hubei Province, Central China in 2018 and 2019 to compare the BE in the main and ratoon crops, and to quantify the contribution of BE in the main crop to that in the ratoon crop.  The BE of two hybrid varieties was measured for the outermost, second outermost, and third outermost rows in each plot of both crops.  To determine the contribution of BE between the two crops, portions of hills in the outermost and second outermost rows were uprooted during the harvest of the main crop so that the second and third outermost rows then became the outermost rows in the ratoon crop.  Overall, the BE on grain yield was greater in the main crop than in the ratoon crop.  In the main crop, the BE on grain yield was 98.3% in the outermost row, which was explained by the BE on panicles m–2, spikelets/panicle, spikelets m–2, and total dry weight.  In the ratoon crop, the BE on grain yield was reduced to 60.9 and 27.6% with and without the contribution of the BE in the main crop, respectively.  Consequently, 55.1% of the BE on grain yield in the ratoon crop was contributed from the main crop.  High stubble dry weight and non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) accumulation at the harvest of the main crop were responsible for the contribution of BE in the main crop to that in the ratoon crop.  Our results suggest that increases in stubble dry weight and NSC accumulation at the harvest of the main crop could be important strategies for developing high-yielding cropping practices in the rice ratooning system.  相似文献   

Rice ratooning refers to the production of second crop from the stubble after the harvest of main crop. Main and ratoon rice growth and development are affected by different factors. These factors include varieties selection, water management,fertilizer management, stubble height, plant protection practices and external environmental factors such as temperature and light.In this review, we discussed the different factors affecting the yield and yield components of main and ratoon rice. Among these factors the most important and first one is varietal selection. Varieties should be selected according to the requirement of specific area and prefer varieties resistant to insects/pests and diseases. Sufficient amount of water and fertilizer should be supplied.Stubble height of 10-20 cm will resulted in high production of ratoon rice. Too low or too high temperature and light would reduce the grain yield and quality of rice. Optimal temperature is useful for higher yield. It was concluded that by keeping the management practices more efficiently, the yield of main rice as well as ratoon rice could be increased. There is a need of more studies focusing on improvement of the quality of ratoon rice.  相似文献   

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