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用分析法研究了基本柜体和带有搁板与隔板柜体的变形。组成柜子的每个板件刚度,可用实验方法测得,或用计算法求得。如何部件刚度已知,柜体变形可由公式求出。用公式计算的变形量,与实测结果一致。通过理论分析,确定了影响柜体刚度的因素,从而得到增强柜体刚度的措施。例如,尽可能增加搁板和隔板数量;将顶,底板制成箱形结构;在背板四周边胶贴胶合板条,以增加背板刚度;还可制成带前框的柜子,并在角部胶结木块。柜体变形理  相似文献   

分析了不可压缩刚粘塑性圆扭转和拉伸的组合变形,作为特例,了圆轴只承受拉伸和只承受扭转时的情况。  相似文献   

以往生产中只能凭直观或用外圆打表测量方法来确定变形轴中心孔最佳位置,这既不方便又不准确。经分析与计算,得出变形轴中心孔最佳位置为0.35L。  相似文献   

基于部分交互作用理论的钢-混凝土组合梁弹性挠度分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为分析钢-混凝土组合梁界面滑移对组合梁变形的影响,基于Euler-Bernoulli梁弹性弯曲理论和钢-混凝土组合梁部分交互作用理论,建立了钢-混凝土组合梁受力时截面内力、界面滑移和弯曲变形控制微分方程;得出了组合梁界面滑移、截面内力和弯曲挠度的一般方程,给出了各种工况下考虑界面滑移时的组合梁挠度方程和跨中挠度系数,并与其他模型进行对比验证。结果表明:本研究得到的组合梁跨中挠度方程与现有模型相比在理论上更为严密,所得结果更为安全。  相似文献   

对如何控制蜗杆渗碳淬火后变形量进行了分析。结果表明,通过预处理及改进渗碳工艺,能够有效控制渗碳件的变形量,解决生产中的关键问题。  相似文献   

对含水平和垂直晶界的铜双晶进行了等应压缩,并对变形后的显微形貌进行了观察.结果表明:在等应变压缩条件下,相比于水平晶界双晶体,垂直晶界双晶体中晶界附近的应力更高,孔洞和裂纹数量多于水平晶界的,孔洞和裂纹分布位置更集中于滑移线上或临近滑移线某一侧.  相似文献   

大庆油田嫩二段底部(以下简称"嫩二底")标准层高压进水改变了其力学状态,使其形成滑移的条件发生变化.为研究进水压力对标准层滑移的影响,基于区域间地层压差作用下的地层位移解析解,推导了标准层断裂前、后的垂向正应力与剪切应力计算公式;考虑长期注采条件下地层存在反复多次滑移的实际情况,运用黏滑理论建立了标准层断裂后层面残余剪切应力与滑移量计算模型,计算了不同进水条件下地层的滑移临界条件与滑移量.研究表明,在区域间地层压力差的作用下形成滑移后,在标准层断裂面上会有部分剪切应力未完全释放,标准层进水后,会使标准层形成滑移的区域间压差值降低,标准层滑移后断裂面的残余剪切应力降低,形成更大的剪切应力释放,使标准层更易滑移、滑移量更大.大庆油田嫩二底标准层进水后的黏滑变形计算方法可为标准层剪切套管损坏的有效防控提供理论依据.  相似文献   

提出了一种新型的钢-混凝土组合板,并对43块不同参数的板件在施工阶段和使用阶段的工作性能进行了试验研究。分析了试件在两个阶段的荷载-变形关系、截面应变分布及裂缝发展规律等。试验结果表明:该组合板在施工阶段的应力和变形较小,模板稳定性艮好,基本处于弹性工作状态;在使用阶段其受力性能类似普通的钢筋混凝土受弯构件,但却具有更高的承载力和延性。应用数值方法计算了这种组合板的荷载一变形关系全过程曲线,理论计算结果与试验结果均吻合良好。  相似文献   

提出了一种检测活塞环外圆表面的新方法-在位测量,通过自主设计的软硬件系统,及集成的活塞环自由形线生成系统,使活塞环自由形成的生成和测试一体化,大大提高了活塞环的生产率,缩短了活塞环加工的周期。  相似文献   

采用冷光挤精加工卷绕工艺生产的发电机定子铁心具有加工精度高,生产率高,操作方便,设备简单等优点,本文冷光挤精加工卷铁心的受力和变形作了较全面的讨论,提出了设计卷铁心内孔挤压器的一般原则和基本参数确定的一般公式,提出精挤外圆,内孔,止口及齿槽的挤压力计算公式,关在生产中得到验证,具有实用意义。  相似文献   

Ide S  Baltay A  Beroza GC 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2011,332(6036):1426-1429
Strong spatial variation of rupture characteristics in the moment magnitude (M(w)) 9.0 Tohoku-Oki megathrust earthquake controlled both the strength of shaking and the size of the tsunami that followed. Finite-source imaging reveals that the rupture consisted of a small initial phase, deep rupture for up to 40 seconds, extensive shallow rupture at 60 to 70 seconds, and continuing deep rupture lasting more than 100 seconds. A combination of a shallow dipping fault and a compliant hanging wall may have enabled large shallow slip near the trench. Normal faulting aftershocks in the area of high slip suggest dynamic overshoot on the fault. Despite prodigious total slip, shallower parts of the rupture weakly radiated at high frequencies, whereas deeper parts of the rupture radiated strongly at high frequencies.  相似文献   

对绿春县哈尼族民俗风情广场进行规划设计,将该广场规划为入口区、中心区、停车场、文化娱乐中心、环境绿化等5个区,并在各区中开展了景观设计,以哈尼民族文化、热带植物造景为特色形成本广场特有风格。  相似文献   

针对丘陵山区地块面积小、农机底盘作业转向难的问题,设计了转向灵活、转弯半径小的摆转转向底盘。底盘由转向装置、浮动装置、液压系统、发动机,前桥、后桥、控制系统、PTO输出等组成,采用水冷系统以及CVT无级变速的汽油发动机与液压系统结合,实现底盘的动力匹配;通过ANSYS Workbench构建摆转转向底盘前桥、后桥、整体机构的力学模型,分析各机构不同状态下的变形参数的变化趋势,并对底盘机构易于损坏的部位进行优化。结果表明:前桥转向机构附近的配件对前桥的变形影响较大,采用5 mm厚度方钢的前桥结构变形量为0.85 mm,优化后的前桥所安装的配件采用模块化分配,使用10 mm以上方钢加工制作,保证前桥变形量稳定控制在0.3~1.0 mm;优化后的底盘后桥最大等效应力为14 MPa,变形量为0.25 mm,分别较优化前降低了33.33%和28.57%,机架的结构稳定性得到改善。通过压力测试仪器对实物平台的测试,底盘在行驶过程中的压力变化曲线平稳,启动和停止阶段所受的压力在可控制的范围内;底盘的行驶直线度、偏驶率均低于1%,且不受底盘载重的影响。  相似文献   

After the January 1983 earthquake swarm, the last period of notable seismicity, the rapid rate of deformation of the south moat and resurgent dome of the Long Valley caldera diminished. Frequently repeated two-color laser ranging measurements made within a geodetic network in the caldera during the interval June 1983 to November 1984 reveal that, although the deformation accumulated smoothly in time, the rate of extension of many of the baselines decreased by factors of 2 to 3 from mid-1983 to mid-1984. Areal dilatation was the dominant signal during this period, with rates of extension of several baselines reaching as high as 5 parts per million per annum during the summer of 1983. Within the south moat, shear deformation also was apparent. The cumulative deformation can be modeled as the result of injection of material into two points located beneath the resurgent dome in addition to shallow right lateral slip on a vertical fault in the south moat.  相似文献   

Bodin P  Klinger T 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1986,233(4768):1071-1073
Coastal uplift associated with the great Mexican earthquake of 19 September 1985 and its principal aftershock produced widespread mortality of intertidal organisms along the coast of the states of Michoacán and Guerrero, Mexico. Measurements of the vertical extent of mortality at ten sites provided estimates of the magnitude of the vertical component of deformation along the coast. Within the affected area, uplift ranged from about 12 centimeters to about 1 meter, and no subsidence was observed. The observations are consistent with models of the tectonic deformation that results from buried slip on a shallow-dipping underthrust fault.  相似文献   

Iridium is unique among the face-centered cubic metals in that it undergoes brittle cleavage after a period of plastic deformation under tensile stress. Atomistic simulation using a quantum-mechanically derived bond-order potential shows that in iridium, two core structures for the screw dislocation are possible: a glissile planar core and a metastable nonplanar core. Transformation between the two core structures is athermal and leads to exceptionally high rates of cross slip during plastic deformation. Associated with this athermal cross slip is an exponential increase in the dislocation density and strong work hardening from which brittle cleavage is a natural consequence.  相似文献   

Atmospheric dimethyl sulfide (DMS) measurements were made on the Atlantic Coast of the United States at Wallops Island and Cape Henry, Virginia, during June 1975. The very low concentrations, typically less than 30 parts per trillion observed at the Cape Henry site, were thought to result from the smog chemistry associated with the Norfolk metropolitan area. Atmospheric DMS concentrations at the Wallops Island site were much higher, having a geometric mean of 58 parts per trillion and a geometric standard deviation of 2.1. At this site the DMS source strength was estimated to be 6 milligrams of sulfur per square meter per year. Because of wind conditions during this experiment, the DMS source strength is thought to be representative of the DMS source strength of the ocean in the Wallops Island area and is much less than the 130 milligrams of sulfur per square meter per year needed to balance the ocean-atmosphere portion of the global sulfur budget.  相似文献   

Understanding deformation of mineral phases in the lowermost mantle is important for interpreting seismic anisotropy in Earth's interior. Recently, there has been considerable controversy regarding deformation-induced slip in MgSiO(3) post-perovskite. Here, we observe that (001) lattice planes are oriented at high angles to the compression direction immediately after transformation and before deformation. Upon compression from 148 gigapascals (GPa) to 185 GPa, this preferred orientation more than doubles in strength, implying slip on (001) lattice planes. This contrasts with a previous experiment that recorded preferred orientation likely generated during the phase transformation rather than deformation. If we use our results to model deformation and anisotropy development in the D' region of the lower mantle, shear-wave splitting (characterized by fast horizontally polarized shear waves) is consistent with seismic observations.  相似文献   

The Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) is defined by tholeiitic basalts that crop out in once-contiguous parts of North America, Europe, Africa, and South America and is associated with the breakup of Pangea. 40Ar/39Ar and paleomagnetic data indicate that CAMP magmatism extended over an area of 2.5 million square kilometers in north and central Brazil, and the total aerial extent of the magmatism exceeded 7 million square kilometers in a few million years, with peak activity at 200 million years ago. The magmatism coincided closely in time with a major mass extinction at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary.  相似文献   

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