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Global change is bringing barley with more frequency of suffering from high temperature. However, little has been known about the influence of high temperature on malt quality traits. In this study, we investigated the impact of 1-wk heat stress (32°C/26°C, day/night, 12 h/12 h) initiating from the 7th (HT7) and 14th (HT14) days after heading on some grain and malt quality traits of two barley cultivars. In comparison with normal temperature (24°C/18°C, day/night, 12 h/12 h), heat stress significantly reduced kernel weight, seed setting rate and grains per spike: HT7 having a larger effect than HT14. Meanwhile, total protein and β-glucan contents, and β-amylase and limit dextrinase activities were significantly increased under high temperature, with HT7-treated plants showing larger changes. Moreover, the different changes of four protein fractions under heat stress were found in the two barley cultivars, indicating the possibility of breaking positive association between protein content and enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Eight two-rowed barley cultivars were grown at seven locations in the southern winter-barleyzone of China. Mean grain β-glucanase activity ranged from 39.89 U kg-1 for Suyin2 to 49.75 U kg-1 for Xi-umai3 in 8 cultivars grown at 7 locations, and from 38.74 U kg-1 in Zhengzhou to 57. 96 U kg-1 in Putianamong 7 locations on an average of all cultivars. Correspondingly, mean malt β-glucanase activity of 8 culti-vars ranged from 313.33 U kg-1 for ZAU3 to 489.89 U kg-1 for Daner Barley, and of 7 locations from 330.40U kg-1 in Yancheng to 418.24 U kg-1 in Putian. There were significant differences among cultivars and loca-tions in malt β-glucanase activities. The locations showed much larger variation in malt β-glucanase activitiesthan cultivars. The reduction of total β-glucan content after malting varied in both cultivars and locations,with a mean of 78.31%. The analysis of correlations showed that malt β-glucan content was significantly posi-tively and negatively correlated with grain β-glucan content and malt β-glucanase activity, respectively, andmalt β-glucanase activity was significantly positively correlated with grain β-glucanase activity.  相似文献   

β-glucan is a polysaccharide compound closely related to the quality of barley used as malting,feed and food. Low β-glucan content is expected for brewing and feed barley, while high β-glucan content is desirable for food barley. The β-glucan content of barley genotypes collected from various areas of China as well as from Canada and Australia were assayed. Meanwhile a multi-locations trial was conducted to determineβ-glucan content of 10 barley cultivars in 8 locations for two successive planting years. The results showed that barley genotypes from Tibet and Xinjiang had higher β-glucan content and the genotypes with higher than 8%of β-glucan content were detected in Tibet barleys, being valuable for use in the development of healthy food.Barley cultivars being planted now in winter-sowing areas of China had basically the same β-glucan content as those from Canada and Australia. Barley seeds produced in Hangzhou had lower β-glucan content than seeds from the original areas. There was a highly significant difference in β-glucan content among 10 barleys, 8locations and between years. On an average of two years, Xiumei 3 and Kongpei 1 had the highest and lowestβ-glucan content, respectively, and Taian and Hangzhou produced the highest and lowest β-glucan content barley seeds, respectively. Analysis of AMMI model showed that interaction effect between cultivar and environment was highly significant in both experimental years, and was dependent on cuitivar, suggesting that it is important to plant the suitable cultivars in a particular area in order to obtain barley seeds with reasonableβ-glucan content.  相似文献   

Barley has been in use as food and fodder for thousands of years, and also used currently as themost important raw material in malting and brewing. The quality of malt barley is not much satisfied with therequirement by malting and brewing industry worldwide, although the great effort has been devoted to its im-provement through breeding and agronomy. The quality of malt barley is involved in many physical and chemi-cal traits, including hydrolytic enzymes. Of them, kernel protein content, beta-amylase activity, beta-glucancontent and kernel plumpness have dramatic influence on malting or brewing quality. The expression of thesequality parameters varies greatly in genotypes and is easily changed by diverse environments and agronomicpractices. This paper reviewed the important role of various parameters influencing the quality of malt barleyand the effect of different factors on them.  相似文献   

为保证黑龙江省玉米的高产稳产,以嫩单14玉米杂交种为试验材料,通过对花粒期的不同生育时期进行干旱胁迫处理,对春玉米的植株性状、产量性状及其品质进行测定,分析了花粒期干旱胁迫对产量及品质的影响。结果表明:花粒期不同生育时期干旱胁迫春玉米株高、单株干重、单株叶面积、产量及产量构成因子均有不同程度下降。穗粒数在抽雄期干旱处理降低幅度最大,百粒重在灌浆期干旱处理降低幅度最大,单株产量在抽雄期干旱胁迫处理减产最大;抽雄期、吐丝期和灌浆期干旱胁迫处理使籽粒粗脂肪含量下降,粗蛋白含量升高。  相似文献   

中国大麦种质资源鉴定评价及其利用研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
报道了我国编入目录的16251份大麦种质资源。在形态特征、农艺性状(熟期、株高、千粒重)、抗病(大麦黄花叶病、赤霉病、黄矮病、条纹病)、抗逆(耐盐、耐旱、耐湿)和籽粒蛋白质含量诸方面的鉴定评价结果,并与国外大麦资源进行比较。筛选出一批珍贵的优异资源并研究其利用情况。  相似文献   

为全面评价引进的欧洲、北美啤酒大麦种质在甘肃省的育种潜力,选取来自欧洲、北美的26份啤酒大麦及甘肃省自育的7份啤酒大麦种质为试验材料,采用随机区组设计,鉴定了33份材料的农艺、产量和品质性状。结果表明,不同地区来源的参试品种间在农艺性状上具有显著差异,其中,欧洲啤酒大麦品种间差异最大,其次为北美啤酒大麦,甘肃啤酒大麦品种间差异较小。参试品种间产量性状也存在显著差异,其中,欧洲啤酒大麦和甘肃啤酒大麦品种间产量差异显著,北美啤酒大麦品种间差异不显著;北美二棱啤酒大麦平均产量最高,其次为欧洲啤酒大麦、甘肃啤酒大麦、北美多棱啤酒大麦。参试品种中,甘啤7号产量最高,为9 364.28 kg·hm-2,其次为甘啤6号(9 269.03 kg·hm-2)、MERIT(9 223.32 kg·hm-2)和Z090M066M(9 143.31 kg·hm-2)。参试品种间蛋白质含量、千粒重、饱满度差异均达到显著水平;其中,甘肃啤酒大麦的千粒重最高,其次为北美啤酒大麦;欧洲啤酒大麦的饱满度最高,其次为甘肃啤酒大麦。麦芽品质方面,北美啤酒大麦麦芽的水分、蛋白质含量、浊度和细粉浸出物较低,但可溶性氮、库值含量、α-氨基氮、α-淀粉酶和糖化力较高;甘肃啤酒大麦麦芽的水分、蛋白质含量、浊度、细粉浸出物、β-葡聚糖含量较高;欧洲啤酒大麦品种的β-葡聚糖含量较低。综上所述,欧洲、北美和甘肃啤酒大麦品种互有优劣,在选育啤酒大麦新品种时,不同来源的种质资源都应给予充分的重视和利用。  相似文献   

Inferior and unstable quality of malt barley in China has limited its wide use in malting and brewing industries. In this research, eight two-rowed barley cultivars were planted at 7 locations with different ecological conditions in southern China, to investigate the cultivar and environmental effect on grain and malt qualities. The results showed that grain protein content differed dramatically among locations, but there were no significant differences among cultivars. For four malt qualities including diastatic power, wort viscosity,Kolbach index and malt extract, significant differences were found among cultivars and locations, except for diastatic power among cultivars. Coefficients of variance (CV) caused by location were greater than those caused by cuitivar for each quality parameter, especially for diastatic power and Kolbach index, indicating the predominant influence of environment on malt quality. The analysis showed that grain protein content was positively related to diastatic power and wort viscosity, and negatively to malt extract. Kolbach index was positively related to malt extract, and negatively to diastatic power and wort viscosity. Diastatic power showed positive and negative correlation with wort viscosity and malt extract, respectively.  相似文献   

灌浆期高温和干旱对小麦灌浆特性的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在盆栽和人工气候箱模拟条件下,研究了高温与干旱胁迫对两个不同筋力小麦品种豫麦34号(强筋)和豫麦50号(弱筋)灌浆特性的影响.结果表明,高温胁迫抑制了子粒灌浆速率,使最大灌浆速率出现时间提前,灌浆持续期缩短,导致子粒干物质积累量下降.不同时段高温胁迫对粒重的影响有差异,豫麦34号和豫麦50号分别以前期和中期受高温胁迫影响最大,后期相对小.豫麦34号以中期干旱胁迫粒重降幅最大,而豫麦50号在前期受干旱胁迫影响最大,后期干旱使两品种的粒重略有增加.高温和干旱对小麦子粒灌浆特性及粒重的影响存在明显的水、温互作效应.研究还表明,渐增期平均灌浆速率的降低及快增期、缓增期持续时间的缩短是最终导致粒重降低的主要原因.  相似文献   

The influences of N applicationrate, timing, sowing date and seeding rate on β-glucan and protein content in barley grains were studied through the field experiments in Hangzhou, China during 1997 -2001. Protein content increased with N application rate and with N proportion applied at late stage. β-glucan content also responded significantly to N application rate and timing, but with different pattern with protein content. Of three N rate treatments, the medium N rate (135 kg ha-1) had the highest β-glucan content, being significantly higher than low N rate (90 kg ha-1) and no difference with high N rate (180 kg ha-1). Among three N timing treatments, two times of N top-dressing at both tillering and booting stage had significantly higher β- glucan content than once N top-dressing at tillering or booting stage. Sowing date has the dramatic effect on both β-glucan and protein content. Protein content decreased with the delayed sowing, and kernel weight showed opposite tendency. Either earlier or later sowing caused increased β- glucan content relative to sowing in early November, which is the normal date for barley sowing locally. Seeding rate had no significant influence on both β- glucan and protein content.  相似文献   

结实期水分胁迫对两系杂交稻产量及品质的影响   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
以6个两系杂交水稻为材料,研究结实期水分胁迫处理(-50kPa)对水稻产量及稻米品质的影响。结果表明;大多数品种的结实率、千粒重和产量处理都显著低于对照(浅水层)。剑叶的叶绿素含量和光合速率灌浆初期处理与对照无明显差异.但灌浆中后期明显比对照下降快.且籼型两系杂交稻比粳型两系杂交稻下降更快;根系活力在灌浆初期处理高于对照,灌浆中后期下降趋势与叶绿素和光合速率一致。干物质积累量处理低于对照.而茎鞘物质输出率和转换率都高于对照.成熟期茎、鞘中可用性糖的含量明显低于对照,说明水分胁迫处理加快了植株衰老,减少了抽穗后干物质积累,但促进了茎鞘储藏非结构性碳水化合物的输出。水分胁迫处理对稻米品质的影响表现为对出糙率、长宽比、糊化温度、直链淀粉和蛋白质含量无显著影响.精米率和整精米率表现因品种而异,垩白米率、垩白度和胶稠度均高于对照。  相似文献   

为选育啤酒大麦优良品种(系)提供适宜的亲本材料,经生态适应性、生产实用性选育后,对13种啤酒大麦品(系)种蛋白质含量、β-淀粉酶、α-淀粉酶活性进行检测分析,结果表明:不同大麦品种麦芽β-淀粉酶活性差异较大,‘沪麦16’的β-淀粉酶活性显著高于其他品种(P<0.05),其次为A7-30、‘晋大麦(啤)2号’和09-189次之,‘驻3’、‘港啤1号’和‘邯98-58’的β-淀粉酶活性显著低于以上品种;‘晋大麦(啤)2号’、‘临啤3号’、W-03、‘驻9125’的籽粒蛋白均低于12%;09-189、A7-30、‘京984’及‘盐95137’的蛋白质含量在12%~12.5%,均显著低于其他5个品种(P<0.05)。‘晋大麦(啤)2号’、09-189、A7-30 3个品种(系),其β-淀粉酶活性较高,且蛋白质含量低于12.5%,可作为选育优良啤酒大麦的材料。  相似文献   

2003~2005年连续2年在池栽条件下,选用粘、壤、砂土3种土壤质地,以面筋含量高、中、低3个冬小麦品种藁麦8901、豫麦49号和洛麦1号为供试材料,对籽粒灌浆期间小麦旗叶可溶性蛋白含量及籽粒干物质形成与积累动态进行了研究。结果表明:3种冬小麦品种在不同质地土壤条件下,灌浆期旗叶可溶性蛋白含量存在一定差异,总的变化趋势表现为开花后随籽粒灌浆进程,旗叶中的可溶性蛋白含量逐渐降低;3种冬小麦粒重增加趋势基本一致,但不同品种在不同质地土壤条件下种植,粒重及灌浆速率表现不同。面筋含量较高的藁麦8901和较低的洛麦1号,成熟期粒重大小均表现为壤土>粘土>砂土;而面筋含量中等的豫麦49号表现为壤土>砂土>粘土。面筋含量较高的品种灌浆高峰出现较早,且灌浆速率较低;面筋含量较低的品种灌浆高峰出现较晚,但灌浆速率较高。3种小麦品种灌浆期粒重与旗叶可溶性蛋白含量均呈负相关。  相似文献   

灌浆期干旱条件下不同衰老类型小麦生理和灌浆特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以11个冬小麦品种为材料,以灌浆期大田干旱胁迫条件下叶绿素降为0的时间为标准,将11个品种分为不同的衰老类型,比较不同衰老类型小麦品种主要农艺性状及生理指标的变化情况,用logistic方程对小麦籽粒灌浆过程进行拟合,并分析不同灌浆参数与小麦粒重的关系及小麦的灌浆规律。结果表明,干旱胁迫条件下,抗衰老小麦叶绿素含量、有效光合叶面积降为0的时间较非抗衰老小麦推迟7~15 d,但千粒重却较非抗衰老小麦降低10 g左右 干旱条件下子粒灌浆速率对小麦粒重影响显著,而灌浆持续时间与粒重无显著相关关系。  相似文献   

The work is devoted to the effect of planting depth of seeds depending on their size on productivity formation and brewing quality of barley grain and malt. At a planting depth of 8 and 12 cm compared with the adopted depth of 4 cm, the grain protein content increased. In this case, malt solubility on the basis of the difference in fine- and coarse-grind extract content improves, but becomes worse with respect to coarse-grind flour extraction and malt hardness traits.  相似文献   

小麦粒重基因TaGW2-6A编码区等位变异与抗旱性的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】小麦籽粒大小及其在水、旱两种生态环境下的稳定性直接影响小麦的产量,研究小麦粒重与抗旱性的关系对品种高产稳产具有重要意义。探究粒重相关基因不同等位变异的抗旱性,进而确定抗旱高产的优异等位变异基因型,为利用该基因型进行小麦抗旱高产品种分子标记辅助选择及性状的遗传改良提供理论依据。【方法】以小麦粒重基因TaGW2-6A编码区不同等位变异的中国春和兰考大粒(977 bp多一个“T”碱基插入)为亲本构建的含有325个株系的RIL群体为研究材料,依据序列“T”碱基插入设计引物,利用高分辨率熔解曲线分析技术(high resolution melting curve,HRM)鉴定RIL群体中TaGW2-6A编码区不同等位变异基因型,并对其PCR产物进行测序分析。在水、旱两种生态环境下,测定小麦开花期、灌浆中期和乳熟期的叶绿素荧光参数、茎秆可溶性糖含量、抗旱指数等与抗旱紧密相关的指标,考察粒长、粒宽、千粒重等粒重相关性状,并研究这些抗旱相关指标及粒重相关性状与小麦粒重基因TaGW2-6A编码区不同等位变异基因型之间的相关性。【结果】高分辨率熔解曲线分析技术可以准确地将小麦RIL群体按TaGW2-6A编码区不同等位变异分为兰考大粒基因型(TT)、中国春基因型(tt)以及杂合基因型(Tt),且PCR产物测序结果显示高分辨率熔解曲线的差异是由“T”碱基插入引起的。水、旱两种生态环境下,RIL群体中TT、Tt基因型材料与tt基因型材料相比,粒长、粒宽、千粒重等粒重相关性状以及叶绿素荧光参数、茎秆可溶性糖相关性状、抗旱指数等抗旱相关指标的差异普遍达到显著或极显著水平。旱胁迫下,小麦RIL群体不同基因型材料的粒长、粒宽、千粒重等粒重相关性状、叶绿素荧光参数除初始荧光Fo外均有所降低,而茎秆可溶性糖含量则有所增加。但TT、Tt基因型材料的粒长、粒宽、千粒重及叶绿素荧光参数的下降幅度普遍比tt基因型材料小,而茎秆可溶性糖的增加幅度比tt基因型材料大。旱胁迫下,tt基因型的茎秆可溶性糖积累效率(accumulation efficiency of stem soluble sugar content,AESSC)和转运效率(remobilization efficiency of stem soluble sugar content,RESSC)有所降低,而TT、Tt基因型的茎秆可溶性糖积累效率和转运效率则有所提高。【结论】小麦粒重基因TaGW2-6A编码区“T”碱基插入等位变异是大粒的优异等位变异,与此同时,该等位变异也是抗旱的优异等位变异,且抗旱能力与晋麦47相近。  相似文献   

水分胁迫对水稻籽粒灌浆及淀粉合成有关酶活性的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
 【目的】探索不同水稻抗旱品种在水分胁迫条件下籽粒灌浆特性及有关淀粉酶活性的变化规律。【方法】选用抗旱性不同的3个杂交水稻品种,分别在正常供水和水分胁迫条件下,研究水稻茎鞘物质运转、籽粒灌浆和淀粉合成有关酶活性。【结果】水分胁迫下,抽穗期和成熟期茎鞘干物重以及抽穗后茎鞘物质输出量、输出率、转化率均下降;籽粒生长潜势、最大灌浆速率和平均灌浆速率降低,籽粒生长活跃期缩短,各品种达最大灌浆速率的时间提前;籽粒灌浆过程中可溶性淀粉合成酶(SSS)、Q酶和ADPG焦磷酸化酶3种酶活性都不同程度的被抑制。各性状抗旱性强的品种均比抗旱性弱的品种减少的幅度小。抽穗期茎鞘干物重、抽穗后茎鞘干物质输出量、输出率和转化率均与籽粒产量呈显著或极显著正相关。【结论】在水分胁迫下抗旱性强的品种具有较高的茎鞘物质输出率和转化率、籽粒灌浆速率及淀粉合成有关酶活性,是产量降低较少的生理基础。  相似文献   

[目的]研究干旱胁迫对中亚大麦农艺性状和品质的影响,为大麦耐旱育种以及干旱条件下提高产量与品质提供理论依据.[方法]以12个不同抗旱性的中亚大麦种质资源为研究对象,设3个水分处理,测定大麦株高、穗长、穗粒数、千粒重、产量、籽粒总黄酮含量和总多酚含量.[结果]干旱胁迫对测定的指标均有显著影响,其中(1)随着干旱胁迫增加,...  相似文献   

小麦耐旱品种籽粒灌浆特性的研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文研究了旱地条件下不同小麦品种籽粒灌浆进程模型及灌浆特性与粒重、籽粒饱满度的关系。结果表明,小麦灌浆期间籽粒干物质积累以logistic曲线递增,籽粒含水量呈直线下降,灌浆速度的变化为单峰曲线。旱地条件下的籽粒灌浆速度较水浇地上升得快、高峰期提前。灌浆中前期灌浆速度的快慢在很大程度上决定了粒重的高低,开花后8~17d灌浆速度快的品种千粒重高。在粒重相近的情况下,平均灌浆速度快的品种籽粒饱满度好。灌浆中后期品种间籽粒含水量差异较大,籽粒含水量高者其饱满度差。因此,选育小麦耐旱品种,应以选择灌浆中前期灌浆速度快、后期脱水较迅速的材料力宜。  相似文献   

啤用大麦主要农艺性状对产量及部分酿造品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对啤用大麦的11个农艺性状与小区产量、千粒重、蛋白质含量及α-淀粉酶含量分别进行通径分析和比较研究。结果表明:对产量有显著影响的性状为单株粒数、单株粒重、主穗粒重及主穗粒数;对千粒重、α-淀粉酶含量、蛋白质含量等部分酿造品质有显著影响的主要性状为主穗穗长、单株粒重、单株穗数、主穗粒数、分蘖数、基本苗数及有效穗数(指667 m2有效穗数,下同),其中基本苗数和单株粒重的遗传决定系数h2B<50%;主穗粒重、主穗粒数这2个性状受遗传效应的影响较大,同时对千粒重和α-淀粉酶的直接作用效应较大,所以在育种实践中应特别注意该性状的锁定及选择。  相似文献   

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