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近年来,中国与中东欧的果蔬产品贸易额稳定增长,对发展双边农产品贸易具有重要意义.选取2001-2012年作为研究区间,运用相对贸易优势指数和双边贸易综合互补系数分析中国与中东欧各国果蔬产品的竞争性与互补性.结果表明:中国的果蔬制品及蔬菜具有相对比较优势;中东欧仅在果蔬制品方面具有弱比较优势;中国与中东欧国家总体上呈互竟性,与各国的互补性与竞争性各异.并提出注重市场细分、发掘贸易潜力和利用政策优势、把握战略机遇的对策建议.  相似文献   

果蔬加工产业集群是农户、果蔬加工企业和辅助机构等在一定区域空间内聚集形成的有机整体,是区域农业加工产业发展现代化的重要标志。在国家实施区域特色产业创新发展战略背景下,果蔬加工产业将迎来新的发展契机。随着消费市场多元化的发展,果蔬加工产业集群面临诸多挑战,创新成为其竞争力的关键。提升果蔬加工产业集群综合竞争力需要政府提供产业政策与资金扶持、集群企业加大产品研发投入力度,提高加工产品附加值和延长产业链条,以促进果蔬加工产业集群长效发展。  相似文献   

Immigrant farmers from Southeast Asia have brought knowledge of tropical fruit and vegetable production from their home countries to Homestead, Florida. They have developed a new style of farming, one that most closely resembles agricultural systems described as “homegardens.” Although biodiverse agricultural systems are generally thought to be commercially unviable, homegarden farmers successfully manage crop diversity as an economic strategy. By focusing on growing a mixture of specialty Southeast Asian herbs, fruits, and vegetables, the farmers have created their own economic niche and have shielded themselves from the competition of high-volume, single commodity producers. This paper shows that the Homestead homegardens constitute an alternative form of agriculture that is defined by their agroecological and socioeconomic attributes. It also shows that although the homegarden farms are a form of “alternative agriculture,” they do not operate outside of conventional, global systems of agricultural trade; rather the homegarden farms are embedded in global agriculture. The Homestead case problematizes the tendency to delineate between the global and local scales, and alternative and conventional sectors in agriculture today. This paper concludes that the emergence of the Homestead homegardens can only be understood by taking a place-based approach to studying the environment in which the homegardens are situated as well as identifying the large-scale influences on Miami-Dade County. Valerie Imbruce holds a PhD in plant sciences from a joint program between the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and the New York Botanical Garden. She has conducted research on global agricultural systems in New York City, south Florida, and Central Honduras.  相似文献   

[目的]调查不同栽培季节对不同品系番茄生长及产量构成的影响,总结分析造成的原因,提出避免发生的措施,以期降低农户的经济损失,提升宁夏地区蔬菜市场的竞争力,使该区蔬菜产业可持续健康发展。[方法]通过对6个粉果和3个红果番茄品系在冬春茬和秋冬茬2个时段栽培,比较各参试番茄在2个时段的植株性状、果实性状、果实品质、产量、抗病毒性。[结果]3穗果之前冬春茬与秋冬茬的生长势差异不明显,秋冬茬的第1穗果坐果数较冬春茬减少。秋冬茬的单果重明显比冬春茬的降低,各品系的果形指数在两茬没有差异,均接近圆形。秋冬茬较冬春茬的果实品质均降低。从产量看,在秋冬茬除齐达利减产不明显外,其余品系均大幅减产。从抗病毒性比较,冬春茬发生率很低,而在秋冬茬栽培时除齐达利发生病毒病几率较低外其余参试品系发生病毒病的几率高达60%以上。[结论]相同品系的番茄在秋冬茬较冬春茬种植品质下降,产量减少,病毒病发生率提高。建议在宁夏地区秋冬茬栽培番茄应严控烟粉虱并选择抗病毒品种。  相似文献   

According to literature,insecure land tenure biases against soilconservation on farmland. However, there islittle evidence to test whether farmers need toown their land to conserve it, or if long-termleases are adequate. One way to infer whetheror not different land tenure arrangementspromote long-term management is throughanalyzing the types of crops planted on fieldswith different land tenure arrangements.Perennials, forage legumes, grasslands, andgrain are all important parts of sustainablecrop rotation in southwest British Columbia butprovide little cash return in the year they areplanted. Annual crops provide a high cashreturn but create soil conservation problems ifthey are planted too often. A comparison offields with different land tenures showed thatfarmers who own their land plant moreperennials, grain, and forage legumes thanfarmers who rent fields. Few differences wereobserved on fields with different leaselengths. This study leads to three overallconclusions. First, although results confirmthe literature, and insecure land tenure is areal obstacle to long-term soil conservation,it is not possible to assume that long-termleases will substitute for land ownership.Second, it is possible to use relativelyeasy-to-gather data on crop history to assessthe impact of tenure on farming. Third,intervening variables, in this case a programthat pays farmers to plant grasslands,over-rides the effect of insecure land tenureand creates incentives for owner-operators andtenant farmers alike to use crop managementthat protects soil fertility in the longterm.  相似文献   

Agricultural commercialization as a mechanism to alleviate rural poverty raises concerns about small land-holders, non-adopters, and inequity in the distribution of benefits within transforming economies. Farm gross margins were calculated to assess the economic status and impact of cash cropping on the economic well-being of agrarian households in the Mid-hills of Nepal. On an individual crop basis, tomatoes and potatoes were the most profitable. On a per farm basis, 50 of the households with positive farm gross margins grew at least one vegetable crop, while only 25 of households with negative farm gross margins included vegetable crops in their rotation. Farmers have been hesitant to produce primarily for the market given the rudimentary infrastructure and high variability in prices. Farmers reported selling more crops, but when corrected for inflation, gross revenues declined over time. The costs and benefits of developing markets have been unevenly distributed with small holders unable to capitalize on market opportunities, and wealthier farmers engaging in input intensive cash cropping. Farms growing vegetables had an average gross margin of US$137 per year compared to US$12 per year for farms growing only staple crops. However, the area under production is small, and while vegetable production is likely to continue increasing, sensitivity analysis and scenarios suggest high variability and limited short-term impact on poverty alleviation.Sandra Brown is a Senior Research Associate jointly appointed to the Institute for Resources and Environment, University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada and the Communities and Watersheds Program at the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture in Cali, Colombia. Her research interests are in gender and equity issues in natural resource management, and linking biophysical and socio-economic research approaches. Sandra works extensively in watershed management both within Canada and internationally. She has worked extensively in the Himalayan and Andean Mountains including current projects in Nepal, China, Bhutan, Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia. Sandra is co-author of numerous multimedia CD-ROMs including: Gender and Resources in the Middle Mountains of Nepal, Integrated Watershed Management, and Water in International Development. She has developed and delivered numerous educational programs including courses on gender and natural resources, watershed management, and innovative technologies in teaching and research. George Kennedy is an Associate Professor in Food and Resource Economics and the Director of International Programs in the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver Canada. His research interests are in agricultural development and internationalizing higher education. Within this capacity, George is the UBC coordinator for the Southeast Asian University Consortium for Graduate Education in Agriculture. In 2002, he won the Association of Universities and Colleges in Canada Award for Excellence in Internationalization for the Global Resource Systems Program in the category Broadening the Student Experience.  相似文献   

【目的】了解云南布朗族地区作物遗传资源基本现状,促进该地区作物遗传资源可持续利用与生态保护。【方法】采用人物访谈、入户调查和标本采集等调查方法,对云南布朗族地区22个布朗族村的作物遗传资源进行调查研究。【结果】收集了粮食作物、蔬菜、果树、油料作物、经济作物和药用植物等种质资源样本共290份,分属于55科97属113种。其中粮食作物资源115份,分属于7科17属19种;蔬菜(野菜)资源95份,分属于21科33属40种;果树资源35份,分属于23科28属31种;其他植物资源共45份,分属于19科22属24种。【建议】布朗族地区作物遗传资源丰富,应进一步广泛收集种质,提高资源保存数量和质量;加强作物遗传资源的开发利用,对经济性状优良的品种应加以推广。  相似文献   

通过对西藏1995—2002年之间农业生产总值、种植业、畜牧业统计数据进行分析,发现西藏现有的农业生产结构存在如下问题:(1)种植业和畜牧业是西藏农业产值的主要组成部分,种植业和畜牧业发展不协调。(2)种植结构单一,以粮食作物为主,粮:经:饲=87:11:2,比例不合理。在粮食作物内部麦类作物占绝对比重,经济作物以油菜为主,均表现出明显的单一性。(3)畜群结构单一,为牛、羊为主的反刍类动物占绝对比重的草食型畜群结构,加大了西藏的草畜矛盾,不利于西藏畜牧业的健康快速发展。针对这些问题,笔者提出以下调整措施:(1)降低粮食作物尤其是青稞和小麦的播种面积,增加蔬菜、水果的种植面积。(2)推广粮草轮作制度,加强农牧结合。(3)增加猪、鸡的数量,逐渐以耗粮型与草食型相结合的畜群结构代替单一的草食型畜群结构。  相似文献   

Over the last half-century, quality control standards have had the perverse effect of restricting the circulation of non-commercially bred vegetable cultivars in Britain. Recent European and British legislation attempts to compensate for this loss of agrodiversity by relaxing genetic purity standards and the cost of seed marketing for designated “Amateur” and “Conservation” varieties. Drawing on fieldwork conducted at a British allotment site, this article cautions against bringing genetically heterogeneous cultivars into the commercial sphere. Such a move may intensify the horticultural “deskilling” of British allotment gardeners, who have come to rely on commercial seed catalogs as sources of germplasm and knowledge. Horticultural deskilling also entails the delegation of seed selection activities to professional breeders and the potential loss of agrodiversity. The activities of dedicated seed savers who save and circulate the seed of genetically heterogeneous “heritage” varieties, in a manner similar to the management of landraces in the global South, may provide a better model for attempts to safeguard vegetable diversity in the global North.  相似文献   

In Vanuatu (Oceania), small-scale farmers’ subsistence still largely relies on the sustainable use and maintenance of a wide-ranging biodiversity out of which root and tuber crops provide the bulk of daily subsistence. In neighboring countries, foreign influence since the first European contacts, further associated changes and the introduction of new crop species have induced a loss of cultivated diversity. This paper presents a baseline study of the diversity of root and tuber crops in ten communities throughout Vanuatu. In a context where the smallholders’ agrosystems are increasingly considered as key components for the global conservation of crop genetic resources, this study provides clues to better understand the effective roles of biodiversity in traditional agrosystems. It also provides insights on the rationale behind the constitution of agricultural portfolios and discusses how the cultivated diversity allows communities to cope with changes and pressures. The paper also shows that recently introduced crops neither seem to have compromised agricultural diversity nor drastically changed the agrosystems in Vanuatu. On the contrary, such crops are used by farmers to strengthen the resilience of their agrosystems. A discussion then presents the idea of continuity through change and novelty as a critical factor for resilience. The paper concludes by discussing the role of indigenous agriculture and culture in ensuring food security and in development strategies in a larger context.  相似文献   

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