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为了解复杂的世界粮食安全环境下中国面临的粮食安全形势,必须对中国粮食安全的影响因素进行分析。而从农村发展现状来看,劳动力大量外出带来了农村“空心化”的现象,农业生产主体呈现女性化、高龄化,对粮食安全产生一定负面影响。通过参与式农村评估和问卷调查等方法,对江西、辽宁、贵州、河北4省的9个村庄进行实地调查,发现“空心化”的农村正面临着耕地被抛荒、土地流转不畅、农业科技难以发挥作用等问题,对粮食产量的提高和粮食安全无疑是一种威胁。为解决农村“空心化”对粮食安全的不利影响,应大力发展乡镇企业,加强农业科技投入,推动农业产业化发展。  相似文献   

为了解复杂的世界粮食安全环境下中国面临的粮食安全形势,必须对中国粮食安全的影响因素进行分析。而从农村发展现状来看,劳动力大量外出带来了农村"空心化"的现象,农业生产主体呈现女性化、高龄化,对粮食安全产生一定负面影响。通过参与式农村评估和问卷调查等方法,对江西、辽宁、贵州、河北4省的9个村庄进行实地调查,发现"空心化"的农村正面临着耕地被抛荒、土地流转不畅、农业科技难以发挥作用等问题,对粮食产量的提高和粮食安全无疑是一种威胁。为解决农村"空心化"对粮食安全的不利影响,应大力发展乡镇企业,加强农业科技投入,推动农业产业化发展。  相似文献   

抛荒比例居高不下,农村劳动力外流,不能有效治理抛荒,规模经营下资本下乡参与农业经营,非农化加剧粮食安全隐忧,治理抛荒很难取得实质性突破。建立资本治理抛荒的新型耕票制度,治理效果与耕票指标挂钩,既可解决抛荒问题,又可化解资本对粮食安全的压力,有利于规模经营的健康发展。  相似文献   

浅谈我国“三农”问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐西莹  孙学立 《现代农业科技》2007,(11):179-179,184
“三农”问题不解决,不仅影响到农村经济的发展,而且关系到全社会的稳定和全面建设小康社会目标的实现。解决农民问题的本质是解决农民收入问题和农村劳动转移问题;农业问题的重点是粮食安全问题;农村发展问题则重要集中在农村经济转型与制度创新,以及城乡二元结构和统筹城乡问题。  相似文献   

试论贵州生态建设、粮食安全和农民增收的相互关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
稳定而良好的生态环境是农业稳产、高产和粮食安全的先决条件。贵州是喀斯特岩溶发育特别强烈的地区,自然条件复杂多样,生态环境脆弱,农民的增收和粮食生产及农村经济的发展严重受到制约,抓好农业生态环境建设,是实现粮食生产可持续发展、确保粮食安全的可靠保证。同时解决好“谷贱伤农”确保粮农的收入安全亦是实现农业及农村经济持续、稳步、健康、快速发展和国家粮食安全的可靠保障。  相似文献   

当前粮食安全的现状及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中央农村工作会议提出,中国农业要强起来,首要工作是解决好国家粮食安全问题,实现谷物基本自给,口粮绝对安全。我国粮食产量历史性实现"十连增",农民收入增长实现"十连快"。前提是把完善国家粮食安全保障体系放在首位,构建新常态下的粮食安全战略,实施"以我为主,立足国内。确保产能,科技支撑的粮食安全战略"。  相似文献   

浅谈我国"三农"问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
徐西莹  孙学立 《现代农业科技》2007,(11):179-179,184
"三农"问题不解决,不仅影响到农村经济的发展,而且关系到全社会的稳定和全面建设小康社会目标的实现.解决农民问题的本质是解决农民收入问题和农村劳动转移问题;农业问题的重点是粮食安全问题;农村发展问题则重要集中在农村经济转型与制度创新,以及城乡二元结构和统筹城乡问题.  相似文献   

关于确保我国粮食安全,2013年12月23~24日在北京举行中央农村工作会议指出:我国是个人口众多的大国,解决好吃饭问题始终是治因理政的头等大事。要坚持以我为主,立足国内、确保产能、适度进口、科技支撑的国家粮食安全战略。  相似文献   

我国目前的粮食供需处于偏紧平衡,生态环境的形势也相当严峻。粮食安全与生态安全是相互促进、相互影响的,粮食安全是前提,生态安全是基础,粮食问题的解决必须建立在良好的生态环境的基础上。  相似文献   

农业是海南的主产业,海南农村人口占总人口的绝大多数,但长期以来,海南粮食生产水平偏低,粮食不能自给。海南农业基础簿,易受自然灾害与国内外不良农业环境影响,加上农民收入水平低,粮食安全隐患较大。2004年早季,超级稻在海南试种示范成功,为海南实现粮食自给、解决粮食安全问题提供新的思路。本文主要探讨海南水稻生产现状,粮食安全存在的主要隐患,超级稻在海南的推广应用前景,提出海南解决粮食安全问题的有关措施与建议。  相似文献   

Agricultural intensification, now commonly referred to as sustainable intensification, is presented in development discourse as a key means to simultaneously improve food security and reduce rural poverty without harming the environment. Taking a village in Laos as a case study, we show how government agencies and farmers could perceive the idea of agricultural intensification differently. The study illustrates how farmers with the opportunities for groundwater use typically choose to grow vegetables and high valued cash crops rather than intensify rice production. This contrasts with government and donor supported efforts to promote rice intensification as a means to increase food security and reduce rural poverty. The article’s main message is that farmers’ differing strategies are related to a variety of household characteristics and that farmers’ strategies should be central to the current discussion on sustainable intensification.  相似文献   

水是农作物生长过程中不可或缺的成分,作为农业生产大国,在不断推进“三农”高质量向前发展的今天,为保证粮食安全,高效、科学的灌溉方式,将利于现代化农业长期发展。本文以河北省定州市农村农田为例,总结分析现代农村农田灌溉方式,旨在为加快现代化农田灌溉提供依据与参考。  相似文献   

透过本届政府视角审视我国“三农”问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本届政府制定了《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》,为未来10年的施政之路指明了方向。以此为发展目标,对中国“三农”问题中的粮食安全、食品安全、转基因作物、农村土地、乡村治理、农民工、乡村教育、涉农补贴和乡村污染的九大热点问题进行了深入讨论。并认为“三农”问题的解决,关键在于认清发展目标、尊重事物发展的自然规律、发挥农民的积极性、局部问题的解决依赖于整体的顶层设计和机制改革。  相似文献   

Technologies and services provided to resource-poor farmers need to be relevant and compatible with the context in which they operate. This paper examines the contribution of extension services to the food security of resource-poor farmers in a rural village in South Africa. It considers these in terms of the local context and the production of African vegetables in household food plots. A mixture of participatory, qualitative and quantitative research tools, including a household survey, is used to argue that local production practices contribute more to food security requirements than the extension services. This is because of the ability of African vegetables to grow relatively well in semi-arid areas where other exotic plants do not, their ability to provide at least two foodstuffs during their life cycle, and the ability of either the fruit or the leaves, or both, to be dried and stored for consumption in the winter months. These crops can make a significant contribution in terms of household food security, but a number of social and agroecological factors are constraining their production and placing their availability under threat. Despite this, the extension services remain focused on certain activities within vegetable garden projects, even when these are not meeting their proposed purpose—food security by means of cash-crop production. The paper concludes that social and agroecological constraints could be improved if the extension services were changed. This could include the use of context specific and low-cost technologies to ensure that these crops are able to increase their contribution to household food security for resource-poor farmers in semi-arid areas.  相似文献   

玉米是中国第二大粮食作物,中国是全球第二大玉米生产国和消费国,中国玉米粮经饲兼用。近年玉米消费呈刚性增长,种植面积与产量逐年递增。加快推进玉米生产机械化对确保国粮安全、促进农牧业发展、提速粮食加工业进程,实现农业增效、农民增收迫在眉睫。发展思路;因地制宜,分类指导,重点突破。农机农艺互动,社会化服务促动,梯度推进带动,多项技术联动。主要措施:加大收获机械购机补贴力度,深入种植制度改革,创造机械化生产优质条件,实施项目带动战略,强化示范推广,积极培育玉米机械化作业市场,加强技术创新,提升玉米装备技术水平。  相似文献   

This study examines the food flow in Tianjin, divided into three areas (urban, suburban, and rural), as a case study to gain a better understanding of local and regional food flows and ecosystem performance. The study has the following objectives: (1) to evaluate the capacity for self-sufficiency within Tianjin’s administrative boundary by estimating a self-sufficiency ratio (SSR) using statistical data at both the city and local scales, (2) to estimate food flow at the city scale from field surveys of the local markets and statistics provided by the local government, and (3) to examine the real flows of the two primary types of arable crops (cereal grains and vegetables) at the local level by conducting semi-structured household interviews. The results of this study show that Tianjin has experienced a rapid increase of self-sufficiency capacity since the 1980s, and it appears to have the capacity to support the citizens within its borders. Rural areas have had a surplus in all of the studied food categories since the 1980s, and suburban areas have a history of high estimated SSR for vegetables, poultry, and fish. However, a low degree of locally sourced product flow was observed in this study. Most of the local cereal crops were consumed in the agricultural production areas, but 70?% of the vegetables produced in the rural areas flowed outside of Tianjin and did not support Tianjin local consumption. To reduce its vulnerability to food security issues and to promote a more environmentally desirable local food system, Tianjin needs to recognize the high productivity of its local ecosystem and reduce its dependence on other remote ecosystems for its food needs. A stronger relationship between urban and rural areas should also be established.  相似文献   

This paper explores the interrelationship between maize farming, the discourse of modernity, and the performance of a modern farmer in southern Zambia. The post-colonial Zambian government discursively constructed maize as a vehicle for expanding economic modernization into rural Zambia and undoing the colonial government’s urban modernization bias. The pressures of neo-liberal reform have changed this discursive construction in ways that constitute maize as an obstacle to sustained food security in southern Zambia. Despite this discursive change, maize continues to occupy a central position in the farming systems of the region. I argue that the continued prevalence of maize in southern Zambia can be understood as a performance that allows farmers to maintain their identities as modern rural subjects. The paper concludes with the policy implications of the field of performance on two contemporary debates in Zambian food security: the use of GMO crops and the promotion of cassava as a drought tolerant alternative to maize. Nicholas Sitko is a doctoral student in the geography department at the University of Colorado. His research interests include multi-disciplinary approaches to food studies, critical development, and Sub-Saharan Africa. This paper presents initial findings from field work conducted in Zambia in 2006. His dissertation research will further develop the relationship between neo-liberalism, food security, and agricultural production by employing analytical concepts derived from political-economic and cultural studies.  相似文献   

通过分析山西省主要作物种植比例及其产量变化趋势,发现油料、蔬菜等经济作物种植比例显著上升;作为粮、饲兼用的玉米种植比例逐年上升;而支柱型粮食作物———小麦近年来种植比例逐年下降,这是一个严峻的粮食安全问题,在农业种植结构调整中必须遏制小麦播种面积下降的现象。主要作物单产量都在逐年提高,但由于受播种面积下降的影响,谷子、棉花总产量处于下降趋势,其余作物总产量都有不同程度的增长。这就要求以科学的发展观加大农业投资力度,扩大小麦播种面积,科学调整粮、经作物种植比例,合理配套农耕、灌溉技术,提高灌溉用水的利用效率,尽可能满足作物需水要求,以保障21世纪粮食安全及经济可持续发展。  相似文献   

印度作为人口大国,农村人口占绝大多数并且大量处于贫困状态。因此,印度政府非常重视生物技术对农业生产和粮食安全的作用,转基因生物技术的发展及其在农业中的运用对印度农业发展具有重要意义,转基因抗虫棉的推广使印度成为世界棉花生产和出口大国。但印度在转基因作物推广种植中也遇到了不少问题,国内各界对此也存在分歧。基于此,印度对转基因生物的监管参考欧美两大监管体系,并寻找适合本国利益的最佳选择。研究印度转基因生物的发展现状及其监管政策对发展中国家具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

为了解河北省粮食安全现状以及草食家畜的节粮潜力,应用2008年河北省统计资料和相关文献的数据,计算了河北省粮食产量及消费量,并根据粗饲料产量,计算了河北省草食家畜的节粮潜力。结果表明:2008年河北省基本粮食需求占当年该省粮食总产量的45%,生猪和家禽饲养耗粮占粮食总产量的57%,粮食生产已不能满足粮食消费需求。加上工业用粮增加、人口增长、城镇化率上升和耕地面积减少,河北省粮食安全压力与日俱增。通过对河北省粗饲料供给量的统计和载畜量的计算,发现作物秸秆和饲草等粗饲料资源还有较大的开发空间。在粮食产量增幅有限的情况下,充分利用尚未开发的粗饲料资源发展草食家畜生产,每年可节约粮食近765万t,占河北省2008年粮食产量的26.32%,对缓解河北省粮食生产压力、优化城乡居民食物结构和确保粮食安全具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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