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耕作及残茬管理对作物产量及土壤性状的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在河北低平原的壤质潮土上进行了保护耕作长期定位裂区试验,研究了深浅轮耕、浅耕、少耕、免耕以及残茬管理对作物产量及土壤性状的影响。结果表明,连续少耕和免耕处理的前3年对作物产量没有影响,之后小麦产量显著降低(最大降幅达到31.83%);连续免耕对玉米产量并没有明显影响;深耕并不增加作物产量;秸秆覆盖有时影响小麦生长;免耕处理的土壤有机质和全氮含量增加,但速效氮含量降低。  相似文献   

【目的】针对宁夏南部旱地降水不足、耕层浅薄、作物产量低等问题,探讨不同耕作措施对宁南地区土壤物理性质及作物产量的影响,为合理改善旱地耕层土壤结构、选用适宜耕作措施和作物增产增效提供一定的理论支撑。【方法】以马铃薯和春小麦为供试作物,在宁南旱区开展2年(2019-2020年)大田试验,设置2种耕作方式(翻耕和深松)和4种耕作深度(20、30、40和50 cm),分别为传统翻耕深度20 cm、深翻耕30 cm、深松30 cm、深松40 cm、深松50 cm等5种不同耕作措施,以传统翻耕深度20 cm处理为对照,研究不同耕作方式结合深度措施对作物收获期土壤容重、生育期土壤紧实度与水分、生育期作物生物量、产量和水分利用效率的影响。【结果】深松50 cm处理能显著降低马铃薯季和春小麦季0—60 cm层土壤容重,平均分别较对照显著降低6.49%和6.94%。马铃薯季和春小麦季各处理生育期平均土壤紧实度均以深松50 cm处理最低,分别较对照显著降低19.32%和8.11%。深松50 cm处理对提高马铃薯和春小麦季作物各生育期0—100 cm层土壤蓄水量效果最佳,平均分别较对照显著提高13.58%和2...  相似文献   

不同保护性耕作模式对冬小麦产量及土壤理化性状的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在大田条件下设4个处理:传统耕作(CT)、还田免耕(NT1)、整秆覆盖免耕(NT2)、还田深松免耕(NTS),研究了保护性耕作模式对冬小麦产量及土壤理化性状的影响。结果表明,小麦返青后,保护性耕作0~20 cm土壤容重低于传统处理,有机质含量、速效氮、速效钾和速效磷含量高于传统处理,但20~40 cm土壤养分各项指标除NTS表现与0~20 cm相同趋势外,NT1和NT2有减小趋势。保护性耕作最终提高了小麦穗粒数和千粒重,但降低了公顷穗数,比传统耕作减少240万/hm2,产量表现:NTS>CT>NT2>NT1。表明,土壤深松技术与秸秆还田相结合,能有效改善和提高土壤耕层和耕层以下土壤理化性状,发挥保护性耕作的增产潜力。  相似文献   

为筛选北方旱农区适宜的耕作模式,在旱作大田条件下,通过4 a的田间试验,设置第1年深翻、深松、常规耕作(CK)和免耕,之后每年进行旋耕的4种耕作模式,研究了不同耕作模式下土壤蓄水保墒效果、土壤呼吸速率、玉米产量以及年纯收益的变化。结果表明,深翻模式具有较强的蓄水保水能力,可提高玉米产量,增加年纯收益,为最优耕作模式,实施后第2年土壤呼吸速率、玉米产量和年纯收益均达到最大,分别较对照提高28.78%,19.49%和33.71%;深松模式次之,免耕模式较差。第1年深翻,第2,3年旋耕的深翻模式为北方旱农区适宜推广的模式,其耕作周期为3 a,该模式对解决目前生产上由于土壤耕作方式单一引起的土壤耕作层变浅、结构破坏、蓄水保水能力变差等一系列问题具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

【目的】小麦产量和品质性状除了受遗传因子控制外,还受到生态环境条件和耕作栽培措施等外部因子的影响。研究周年耕作模式对小麦产量和品质的持续效应可为优化区域耕作制度提供依据。【方法】基于2004年小麦秋播时建立的长期定位试验,研究成都平原稻麦轮作区耕作方式与秸秆还田两个因素的5种周年组合模式(麦免稻旋WZRR,麦免稻旋+秋菜WZRRV,麦稻双免WZRZ,麦稻双免垄作WRZB,周年旋耕无秸秆还田CK)对小麦生长发育、产量与品质性状的持续影响效应。【结果】所有耕作模式的小麦产量及产量构成因子在年际间均呈波动性变化,对照产量在多数年份都处于低值水平,7年平均较其它处理低3.0%-4.7%,随时间推延下降趋势明显,年均递减0.125 t•hm-2。所有处理的有效穗均无明显的时间变化趋势,但穗粒数下降趋势和千粒重上升趋势明显。7年平均,对照的有效穗显著低于其它处理,而穗粒数、单位面积粒数和千粒重在处理之间均无显著性差异。免耕与秸秆还田组合模式具有不同程度提高小麦主要生育阶段耕层土壤速效N、P、K含量和改善中后期个体与冠层质量的作用。WZRZ、WRZB处理的多数小麦品质性状与CK相当或略优,而WZRR、WZRRV处理有降低籽粒蛋白质含量、沉降值、面团稳定时间的趋势。【结论】免耕与秸秆还田利于稳定小麦产量和改善耕地质量,尤以周年免耕秸秆全量还田模式最好。  相似文献   

不同耕作方式对土壤理化性状及玉米产量的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过2010,2011年的大田试验,对常规耕作、免耕、深翻、深松4种处理的土壤含水量、容重和氮、磷、钾、有机质含量以及玉米产量进行分析。结果表明,各处理在玉米拔节期、大喇叭口期、灌浆期和成熟期的土壤含水量由高到低的顺序均为:深翻>深松>常规耕作>免耕;深翻和深松处理0~30 cm,土壤容重较常规耕作分别降低10.27%和2.10%,免耕较常规耕作增加4.1%;深翻和深松处理较常规耕作的土壤速效钾、有效磷、有机质含量增加;深翻和深松处理的玉米产量分别较常规耕作提高20.38%和3.74%,免耕处理较常规耕作减产15.11%。选择合理的耕作方式,能够有效改善土壤结构,提高土壤含水量、有机质含量和作物产量。  相似文献   

 【目的】研究成都平原不同耕作模式对土壤质量性状的影响,探索建立适合当地生产条件的土壤质量评价体系,筛选出适宜该地的耕作模式,为提高当地土壤生产力水平、改善土壤质量提供借鉴。【方法】通过长期定位试验获取不同耕作模式对土壤性状及作物生产指标的影响效应,采用主成分分析的方法筛选评价指标,运用因子分析法对土壤质量进行综合评价。【结果】筛选出的评价土壤综合质量的指标在不同土壤层次存在明显差别:0—10 cm土层的主要影响因子为毛管孔隙度、土壤比重、土壤饱和渗水速率、土壤紧实度、土壤有机质;10—20 cm土层的主要影响因子为总孔隙度、非毛管孔隙度、饱和渗水速率、土壤吸湿水、土壤紧实度;0—20 cm土层的主要影响因子为非毛管孔隙度、土壤比重、土壤饱和渗水速率、土壤紧实度。其中,不同土层的共同影响因子——土壤饱和渗水速率和土壤紧实度是目前当地土壤质量的限制因子。土壤质量综合评价结果表明0—10 cm土层以麦稻双免耕作模式最好,10—20 cm土层麦免+稻旋最好,0—20 cm土层麦免+稻旋最好。【结论】在本研究的试验条件和当地实际情况下,对成都平原土壤质量具有良好效益的耕作模式为麦免+稻旋模式。  相似文献   

水旱轮作对作物产量和土壤理化性状的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
在浙江余杭,德清,海宁等地前后8年所开展的稻田水轮作的研究表明,稻田种植玉米等旱地作物,只要技术适当可获得明显的增产增收,水旱轮作对土壤物理性状的影响是显著的,表现在团粒结构的增加,孔隙和滞水特征明显改善;稻作时微团聚体增加,对化学性状的研究表明,水旱轮可以促进有机质更新,减少稻田还原物质,改变稻田的次生潜育化现象。  相似文献   

【目的】通过研究不同耕作模式对土壤性状及产量的影响,为成都平原主导耕作模式的筛选和调控技术提供理论依据。【方法】采用长期定位试验的方法,通过5年对5个处理[CK:麦稻双旋(WRCT)、麦免+稻旋(WNRCT)、麦稻双免(WRNT)、麦稻垄作(WRRT)、麦免+稻旋+秋作(WNRCVNT)]的大田试验研究,系统分析耕作模式对土壤性状和作物产量的影响。【结果】不同耕作模式对土壤性状的影响各不相同:与对照相比,单免和双免耕处理降低了0-10cm土层的容重,增加了10-20cm土层的土壤容重;增加了土壤的小孔隙、小孔隙的比例及0-10cm土层的大孔隙,降低了10-20cm的大孔隙,使土壤孔径分布得到改善。耕作措施对土壤吸湿水和土壤比重影响差异不显著,免耕降低了土壤比重。双免使土壤的渗水速率增加,不利于水稻生长,但单免能促进水稻生长。与对照相比,单免和双免耕秸秆覆盖增加了土壤有机质,降低了0-10cm土层的碱性,但增加了10-20cm土层的碱性。双免耕定位5年,增加了小麦产量,但大幅降低了水稻的产量。与此相反,单免则有利于小麦和水稻共同增产。【结论】免耕形成了"上松下紧"的土壤结构,改变了土壤的通透性,尤其是在10-20cm,打破了传统耕作的犁底层。但免耕对土壤结构的改变对小麦和水稻的产量影响并不一致:长期双免耕能促进小麦增产,但对水稻生长和产量不利。  相似文献   

Compaction layers are widely distributed in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, China, which restrict root growth and reduce yields. The adoption of subsoiling has been recommended to disrupt compacted soil layers and create a reasonable soil structure for crop development. In this paper, the effects of subsoiling depth(30, 35 and 40 cm), period interval(2 or 3 years) and combined pre-sowing tillage practice(rotary cultivation or ploughing) on soil condition improvement was studied on a tidal soil in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain. Seven tillage patterns were designed by combining different subsoiling depths, period intervals and pre-sowing. The evaluation indicators for soil condition improvement were as follows: thickness of the plough layer and hard pan, soil bulk density, cone index, soil three-phase R values, alkali nitrogen content, crop yield, and economic benefits. The results showed that subsoiling can significantly improve the soil structure and physical properties. In all subsoiling treatments, the depth of 35 or 40 cm at a 2-year interval was the most significant. The thickness of the plough layer increased from 13.67 cm before the test to 21.54–23.45 cm in 2018. The thickness of the hard pan decreased from 17.68 cm before the test to 12.09–12.76 cm in 2018, a decrease of about 40.07%. However, the subsoiling combined presowing tillage practice, that is, rotary cultivation or ploughing, was not significant for soil structure and physical properties. For all subsoiling treatments, the soil bulk density, cone index and soil three-phase R values of the 15–25 cm soil layer were significantly lower compared to single rotary cultivation. Subsoiling was observed to increase the soil alkaline nitrogen and water contents. The tillage patterns that had subsoiling at the depth of 35–40 cm at a 2-year interval combined with rotary cultivation had the highest alkali nitrogen and water contents, which increased by 31.08–34.23% compared with that of the single rotary cultivation. Subsoiling can significantly increase the yield both of wheat and corn, as well as the economic benefits. The treatment of subsoiling at the depth of 35 cm at an interval of 2 years combined with rotary cultivation had the highest annual yield and economic benefits. For this treatment, the annual yield and economic benefits increased by 14.55 and 62.87% in 2018, respectively. In conclusion, the tillage patterns that involved subsoiling at a depth of 35 cm at a 2-year interval along with rotary cultivation are suitable for the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain.  相似文献   

稻田不同免耕轮作模式对土壤性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究稻田不同免耕轮作模式对土壤性质的影响,基于2004年在成都平原建立的耕作定位试验,以当地传统麦稻周年旋耕+无秸秆还田(CW-CR)模式为对照,设置麦稻周年免耕+秸秆还田(ZW-ZR)和油稻周年免耕+秸秆还田(ZO-ZR)2种免耕轮作处理,2014年后分层取样测试土壤物理、化学性质和主要酶活性。结果表明:和CW-CR相比,连续免耕配合秸秆还田促进土壤有机碳和碱解氮含量的提高,土壤表层(0~7.5 cm)增幅分别为41.3%~52.2%和33.6%~33.7%,差异达显著水平。免耕模式不同土层有效钾含量显著低于对照模式,降幅19.8%~25.7%。连续免耕促进直径2 mm的水稳性团聚体的大幅增加,但对不同土层容重、孔隙度和最大持水量等物理性质及土壤酶活性影响较小。周年免耕条件下,麦稻模式较油稻模式更利于表层土壤5 mm水稳性团聚体的形成,其他多数指标无显著差异。0~7.5 cm土壤质量指数(Soil quality index,SQI)排序为ZO-ZRZW-ZRCW-CR。连续免耕可以提高小麦和油菜产量,但水稻产量不及对照模式,ZW-ZR和ZO-ZR模式平均降幅8.7%和4.6%。本研究条件下,免耕可改善稻田土壤质量,ZO-ZR模式优于ZW-ZR模式,但土壤质量的改善与水稻生产力的提高不同步。  相似文献   

土壤是农作物生长发育的基础条件,作物能否获得稳产高产,土壤肥力是关键因素。为此,以山西省晋城市为例,通过对黄土山丘区典型高、低产田土壤的物理性质进行分析,探讨土壤基本物理性质与农作物产量之间的关系,进而为晋城市高产农田土壤培肥、低产农田土壤改良提出相关建议,以期对晋城市下一步的农业增产及可持续发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Traditional agricultural practices have resulted in decreased soil fertility, shortage of water resources and deterioration of agricultural ecological environment, which are seriously affecting grain production. Conservation tillage (CT) research has been developed and applied in China since the 1960s and 1970s, and a series of development policies have been issued by the Chinese government. Recent research and application have shown that CT has positive effects on crop yields in China. According to the data from the Conservation Tillage Research Center (CTRC), Chinese Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), the mean crop yield increase can be at least 4% in double cropping systems in the North China Plain and 6% in single cropping systems in the dryland areas of North-east and North-west China. Crop yield increase was particularly significant in dryland areas and drought years. The mechanism for the yield increase in CT system can be attributed to enhanced soil water content and improved soil properties. Development strategies have been implemented to accelerate the adoption of CT in China.  相似文献   

Three-year field experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of different tillage operations after harvest on crop residues sequestration and their subsequent effects on soil available nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), some soil biochemicalproperties, and three enzymatic activities during the following growing seasons in a soybean (Glycine max)-soybeancorn (Zea mays) rotation farming system in Northeast China. Two different managements were implemented after crop harvest every year, which were tillage (T) and no tillage (NT). Results showed that crop residue m asses on soil surface and in the 0-20 em layer after soybean harvest were about 1 450 and 340 kg ha-1, respectively, in October 2006 and 2007.While, soybean residue mass in the 0-20 cm soil layer was about 340 kg ha-1 in NT and about 1 550 kg ha-1 in T before sowing in May 2007 and 2008. The adverse results were found after corn crop plantation, that corn residue mass was about 270 and 860 kg ha-1 on soil surface and in the 0-20 cm soil layer, respectively, after harvest in October 2008, while residue mass in the 0-20 cm soil layer was only 466 kg ha-1 in T but 863 kg ha-1 in NT before planting in May 2009. So T had effectively sequestered soybean residue into soil but not corn. Results also showed that T after harvest helped to improve soil available N, P, soil microbial biomass carbon (MBC), and nitrogen (MBN) contents and soil enzymes activities (urease, acid phosphatase, and protease) during the 2007 and 2008 seasons, but the positive effects decreased during the 2009 season. T practice had significant positive effects on available N, P, MBC, and MBN contents, protease and urease activities, however, no obvious effects on acid phosphatase activity. In this study, T practice after soybean harvest was proved to be preferable to improve soil microbial and enzyme activities during the following seasons due to an efficient sequestration of soybean residues. However, NT could be considered preferential after corn crop harvest.  相似文献   

• The linkage between crop water productivity and soil properties were summarized• Knowledge of soil microbial effects on crop water productivity is still limited• Knowledge of interactions of soil factors on crop water productivity is still limitedAgriculture uses a large proportion of global and regional water resources. Due to the rapid increase of population in the world, the increasing competition for water resources has led to an urgent need in increasing crop water productivity for agricultural sustainability. As the medium for crop growth, soils and their properties are important in affecting crop water productivity. This review examines the effects of soil physical, chemical, and microbial properties on crop water productivity and the quantitative relationships between them. A comprehensive view of these relationships may provide important insights for soil and water management in arable land for agriculture in the future.  相似文献   

耕作方式和秸秆还田对直播稻产量及稻田土壤碳固定的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
土壤有机碳贮量巨大,其较小幅度的变化就可能影响到CO2向大气的排放,以温室效应影响全球气候变化.人类不当利用下的土壤碳库的损失可能是陆地失汇和大气碳库不断增加的原因之一[1-3].水稻土作为一种特殊利用方式下形成的人为耕作土壤,具有较高的碳密度和较大的固碳潜力[3-4].  相似文献   

在总结水耕人为土土系划分指标选取原则及依据的基础上,以成都平原10个典型土样为例,详细阐述了指标选取过程。研究结果表明:利用特征响应时间、经典统计分析、相关分析及定性分析等方法相结合,确定出土系划分的指标有土体构型、质地、粘砂比(表层),所选指标能很好地将水耕人为土划分开来,并符合实际情况。  相似文献   

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