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本文阐述了PERCLOS测评驾驶疲劳的机理.介绍了疲劳识别的算法,该系统首先利用肤色模型粗略检测出人脸区域,并根据驾驶员面部几何特征,准确定位出眼睛;然后根据眼睛区域白色像素的多少及闭眼持续时间对驾驶员状态做出判断;最后应用Microsoft Visual C++6.0在Windows XP操作平台上,对疲劳检测判定进行实现.实验表明:该系统可以准确定位眼睛并判定驾驶员疲劳状态,其准确率为94.44%.  相似文献   

机动车驾驶员驾驶疲劳测评方法的研究状况及发展趋势   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
据文献介绍,全世界每年因交通事故而导致的死亡人数达60万,直接经济损失约125亿美元,这些事故多与驾驶员疲劳驾驶有关。介绍了国内外对于机动车驾驶员驾驶疲劳程度的测评方法,对具代表性的几种方法进行了评述,认为美国公路安全管理局推荐的实时测量驾驶疲劳程度优先选择的PERCLOS法是目前较为有效的测评方法,提出我国有关驾驶疲劳程度测评方法的研究应着重于驾驶疲劳的机理和数学模型、检测和评价标准等方面,并应开展实时、非接触式预警装置的研制,实现其商品化。  相似文献   

本文通过在内蒙古典型草原公路上进行自由驾驶实验,并采集驾驶员连续驾驶过程中的心率与心率变异指标。通过定性、定量以及主观评价相结合的方法研究分析了连续驾驶时间对驾驶疲劳的影响,研究结果表明驾驶员在草原道路上连续驾驶110~120 min左右会呈现疲劳状态,驾驶疲劳表现明显的是视觉疲劳,其次为困倦感与怠倦感。  相似文献   

1、缓解疲劳 特意眨眼300次,一定是很新鲜的说法,那就行动起来吧,从姿势、习惯和保健运动做起保护眼睛。 专家介绍,缓解眼睛疲劳的最佳方式是让眼睛休息,给眼睛“放假”。  相似文献   

高考备战的考生整天埋头于书山题海之中,眼睛的疲劳自不必说。下面就介绍几种有益眼睛健康的营养素。  相似文献   

为了探究联合收割机驾驶员疲劳的心电变化规律,采集了10名男性驾驶员收获驾驶中的心电数据,对心电信号的心率变异性进行了时域、频域和非线性动力学分析。结果表明:随着驾驶疲劳的加深,时域指标SDNN在驾驶后显著上升(P0.05);频域指标LF及LF/HF显著增加(P0.05),HF显著下降(P0.05);非线性动力学特征量样本熵也显著降低(P0.05);3类指标在驾驶前后均具有显著性差异,可通过指标值变化的差异性区分出不同的驾驶疲劳状态;与线性指标相比,样本熵均值变化曲线波动范围小,稳定性较好,可有效地表征联合收割机驾驶员的疲劳状态。  相似文献   

正随着国家对农业支持力度的增大,农机购置补贴等惠农政策的实施,农民群众购买农业机械热情高涨,农业机械化水平不断提高。但是由于农机具的增加,以及各方面的原因导致了农机事故频发。文章主要分析了农机事故发生的原因以及对策。1、农机事故原因分析1.1疲劳驾驶疲劳驾驶是导致农机事故的重要原因。由于农忙时间比较集中,拖拉机驾驶员往往是超负荷驾驶,长时间的驾驶和缺少休息使得他们精神上比较疲劳,容易发生事故。另外  相似文献   

<正>随着农机推广力度的不断加大、农机购置补贴政策的逐年实施,为各地农机市场的发展和农民致富创造了良好的平台,现代农业机械越来越被广大农民重视和广泛使用。但各种事故也随之而来,如何正确地分析原因,找出对策,是解决的王道。1农机事故原因分析1.1疲劳驾驶疲劳驾驶是导致农机事故的重要原因。由于农忙时间比较集中,拖拉机驾驶员往往是超负荷驾驶,长时间的驾驶和缺少休息使得他们精神上比较疲劳,容易发  相似文献   

目前,在一些农村,仍然流传有"左眼跳福(财),右眼跳祸(灾)"的说法,意思是眼皮的跳动能预示来日的福祸吉凶。实际上,这是一种没有科学根据的无稽之谈。那么,人的眼皮为什么会跳动呢?大家知道,人的眼皮是很薄的,在眼皮下面还有一层很薄的椭圆形的肌肉,医学上叫做"眼轮匝肌"。当这块肌肉收缩或舒张时,眼皮就产生张开或闭合的动作。眼轮匝肌是受面部神经支配的,其中枢在大脑皮层,当外界异物进入眼睛时,受面部神经的指挥,上下眼皮就会自动闭合,这是人体的一种保护性的反应。但是,当眼轮匝肌过于疲劳,或面部神经过于兴奋,或眼睛受到某种  相似文献   

1、缓解疲劳特意眨眼300次,一定是很新鲜的说法,那就行动起来吧,从姿势、习惯和保健运动做起保护眼睛。专家介绍,缓解眼睛疲劳的最佳方式是让眼睛休息,给眼睛放假。  相似文献   

Single motor units, i.e., anterior horn cells plus the muscle fibers they innervate, have recently been placed under direct observation while responding to a normal reflex stimulus. Details such as the normal rate of discharge, latent period, refractory period, influence of fatigue, etc., have been carefully studied. The work of Denny-Brown, Adrian and Bronk, Eccles and Sherrington have all indicated that the natural rate of discharge of the anterior horn cell is slow, i.e., 5 to 25 per sec., and never more than 80 to 90 per sec. under intense stimulation. A motor unit discharging at 10 per sec. may continue in activity for indefinite periods of time without fatigue. Tonic responses are maintained by such rates of discharge and therefore no special tonic mechanisms need be postulated to explain the absence of fatigue.  相似文献   

应用MD23A进行农用潜水电动机参数综合测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用MD23A电机参数综合测试仪及微型计算机进行农用潜水电机试验时,应用A/D转换器结合微型计算机,进行瞬时采样,测取数据组,进行数据处理后,应用数学方法和手段,绘制潜水电动机的工作特性曲线,对于产品生产企业,可以直接得到产品特性曲线,是生产潜水电机的企业的新型测试手段,具有广泛的意义。  相似文献   

人脸识别技术是当今人工智能和模式识别领域的一项重要研究内容,快速稳定的人脸检测算法已成为新的研究热点。提出了一种基于肤色模型和距离变换的快速人脸检测算法,首先利用肤色在颜色空间的类聚特性对肤色加以判别,从而确定出人脸区域在图像中的基本位置,然后运用距离变换结合人脸的几何特征计算出长和宽,最终实现人脸的定位。实验结果表明:该算法简单,易实现,在执行时间和识别率上取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

The red palm weevil (RPW) is a key pest of horticultural and ornamental palm species in Asia, the Middle East and the Mediterranean region, currently dispersing in Mediterranean European countries, endangering the landscape. The RPW larvae bore deep into palm crowns, trunks and offshoots, concealed from visual inspection until the palms are nearly dead. Traded palm trees are intensively transported between and within countries, spreading the pest worldwide. Consequently, an urgent need exists to identify and monitor concealed RPW larvae. Acoustic signals of boring RPW larvae can be recorded from the infested palms using off-the-shelf recording devices, but the resolution of the signals emitted by healthy palms is often difficult to discriminate. The purpose of this research was to develop a mathematical method to automatically detect acoustic activity of RPW in offshoots and implement it in a prototype setup. The methodology applied was similar to techniques used in the field of speech recognition, utilizing Vector quantization (VQ) or Gaussian mixture modeling (GMM). The algorithm successfully achieved detection ratios as high as 98.9%. The study shows that it is feasible to detect RPW sounds using the mathematical method of speech recognition and commercial recording devices, which could be utilized to monitor trade and transportation of offshoots.  相似文献   

Detection of immature peach fruits would help growers to create yield maps which are very useful tools for adjusting management practices during the fruit maturing stages. Machine vision algorithms were developed to detect and count immature peach fruit in natural canopies using colour images. This study was the first effort to detect immature peach fruit in natural environment to the authors’ knowledge. Captured images had various illumination conditions due to both direct sunlight and diffusive light conditions that make the fruit detection task more difficult. A training set and a validation set were used to develop and to test the algorithms. Different image scanning methods including finding potential fruit regions were developed and used to parse fruit objects in the natural canopy image. Circular Gabor texture analysis and ‘eigenfruit’ approach (inspired by the ‘eigenface’ face detection and recognition method) were used for feature extraction. Statistical classifiers, a neural network and a support vector machine classifier were built and used for detecting peach fruit. A blob analysis was performed to merge multiple detections for the same peach fruit. Performance of the classifiers and image scanning methods were introduced and evaluated. Using the proposed algorithms, 84.6, 77.9 and 71.2 % of the actual fruits were successfully detected using three different image scanning methods for the validation set.  相似文献   

在试验的基础上,研究了注水管道中以腐蚀为主、疲劳为辅的腐蚀缺陷裂纹扩展机理,认为腐蚀缺陷裂纹扩展主要是由印化膜开裂引起的。在此基础上,建立了腐蚀缺陷裂纹扩展率的数学模型,并提出了求解此数学模型的有效方法,以胜利油田营-11试验区某段加缓蚀剂的注水管道为例,利用腐蚀缺陷疲劳裂纹扩展数学模型预测注水管道腐蚀缺陷尺寸随时间的变化趋势,预测结果和智能检测仪的检测结果基本一致。  相似文献   

对如何选取和表示人脸的Gabor特征、如何融合多通道Gabor的识别结果进行了研究.提出了一种多通道Gabor人脸识别方法:依据各通道特征可分离性判据确定特征提取区域、计算通道权值,采用模糊加权规则融合多通道的识别结果.该方法降低了特征冗余度;考虑了各通道识别能力的差异性;更好地解决了分类“边界”问题.在AR, CAS-PEAL-R1, YaleB和ORL人脸库上的实验结果表明,本文方法较传统多通道Gabor表征方法具有更高的识别率,平均识别时间较传统整体表征有较大的优势.  相似文献   

单片机和THB6128构成的步进电机控制器设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田强  姬长英 《江西农业学报》2010,22(5):98-100,105
以宏晶公司生产的单片机STC89C52和东芝公司生产的步进电机专用电机控制芯片THB6128为核心实现了一种结构简单的高性能、多细分、微型化两相混合式步进电动机控制器。该系统采用恒流斩波控制方式,可调的电流衰减模式可以进一步改善步进电机绕组的电流波形。驱动器最高细分数为128,提供正反向控制、使能控制、自动半流锁定功能以及过流、过热等电动机驱动器的保护功能。这种控制器成本低、容易实现、性能稳定,是步进电机控制器的一种较好选择。  相似文献   

Estimating forage intake by free-grazing livestock is difficult and expensive. Previous approaches include behavioral observation, ratio techniques using indigestible markers, mechanical recording of ingestive jaw motion, and acoustic recording of ingestive behaviors. Acoustic recording shows great potential but has been limited by the difficulty and time required to manually identify and classify ingestive events. We present an acoustic recording and analysis system that automatically detects, classifies, and quantifies ingestive events in free-grazing beef cattle. The system utilizes a wide-frequency acoustic microphone close to the animal's mouth, mathematical signal analysis to detect and measure ingestive events, and streaming data analysis capable of handling an unlimited amount of data. Analysis parameters can be reconfigured for different animals, forages and other changing conditions. The system measures the acoustic parameters of ingestive events, such as duration, amplitude, spectrum and energy, which can support further event classification and become the inputs to a forage intake model. We validated our detection and classification technique against the results of trained human observers based on field studies with grazing steer. The software detected 95% of manually identified bites in an event-by-event comparison. Field observations and sound attenuation analysis indicate that sounds from adjacent livestock and ambient pastoral environments have an insignificant effect upon the integrity of the recorded acoustic data set. We conclude that wideband acoustic analysis allows us to identify ingestive events accurately and automatically over extended periods of time.  相似文献   

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