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病虫害是威胁我国农业,特别是稻谷生产安全的重要因素,常发性病虫约20多种,其中以纹枯病、二化螟、稻飞虱、稻纵卷叶螟等为主。由于人们对农药、肥料等的过量使用,以及植保公益性技术服务的缺位等,导致水稻病虫害持续暴发。同时,一味地重视和单纯依赖化学农药应急防治,也使得水稻病虫害的可持续治理及水稻生产的可持续发展频频受阻。  相似文献   

正今年,国家发改委和农业部在全国启动了典型流域农业面源污染综合示范区建设,在9个典型流域建设18个示范区。其中,江苏省太仓市积极推进农作物绿色、安全、高效生产,着力转变农业发展方式,开展水稻一次性施肥、病虫害绿色防控、稻麦秸秆综合利用等工作,探索出了农业面源污染治理新模式。实施化肥农药减量。在太仓各镇建立了市、镇、村三级水稻病虫害监测预警体系,示范推广水稻机  相似文献   

本文综述了浙江省水稻病虫害综合防治的研究和应用现状,揭示了现行综合防治策略与技术的特点和局限性。论文重点说明了“九五”浙江省水稻病虫害可持续治理项目的研究成果、治理模式和技术,以及研究结果的特点和先进性。立足于浙江省水稻生产的现状,在总结上有关研究的基础上,探讨了浙江省现代农业水稻病虫害可持续协调治理中需要进一步解决的问题,并提出了相应的新思路和新的研究机会。  相似文献   

正水稻是我国主要的粮食作物之一,在我国农业生产中占有重要的地位,是我国粮食安全和农业生产的重要根基。但水稻种植病虫害发生率高、发生面积广,对粮食稳产、增产影响很大。水稻病虫害的防治对于提高水稻的产量和质量都有很大作用,田间生产实践证明,对农民进行一定的技术培训和知识推广,让农民对常见的水稻病虫害有所了解,掌握水稻病虫害基本预防和治理措施,能极大地降低水稻病虫害给农民带来的经济损失,保证粮食稳产、增产,提  相似文献   

病虫害问题在水稻生产领域中十分常见,危害时间较长,给水稻产量与质量造成巨大威胁,且加重了水稻病虫害防治的经济负担,导致农药使用量较高。因水稻病虫害高发,农药乱用、滥用情况十分普遍,增加了水稻害虫的抗性。为了做好水稻病虫害的防治工作,加强水稻病虫害的无害化治理,积极探索科学用药模式具有重要意义。基于此,本文以水稻病虫害防治中的科学用药原则为切入点,进一步探讨水稻病虫防治中的组合用药模式。  相似文献   

水稻重大病虫害农药减量控害节本增效防控技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
水稻重大病虫害防控农药减量控害和节本增效防控技术,是在确保水稻生产安全和农田生态安全的前提下,坚持"预防为主、综合防治"植保方针,以稻田生态系统为中心,以健康稻田为基础,积极推行生态调控、理化诱控、生物防治等绿色防控技术,推进绿色防控与统防统治相融合,促进水稻重大病虫害可持续治理。本文从总体思路、基本原则、防控目标、防控重点、技术路径、非化学防治技术、合理用药等方面对水稻重大病虫害防控农药减量控害节本增效技术进行了具体阐述,以期为水稻安全生产提供参考。  相似文献   

水稻是我国的重要粮食作物,水稻的健康生产直接影响我国的粮食质量与安全,随着社会经济体系的不断发展,在实际的粮食种植中应加强水稻病虫害的防治力度,针对水稻常见病虫害以及防治措施的有效应用进行中深入的探究,以保障水稻的产量与质量。  相似文献   

水稻病虫害绿色防控是持续控制水稻病虫害、保障水稻生产安全的重要手段,是促进水稻标准化生产、提升水稻质量安全水平的必然要求,是降低农药使用风险、保护生态环境的有效途径。本文就水稻常见病虫害的发生特点进行了分析,并提出了相应的绿色防控技术,希望能够为水稻病虫害的防控提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

<正>水稻作为我国主要的农作物,在种植的过程中经常会遇到各种各样的病虫害,不仅会导致农作物的产量下降,而且还会造成严重的经济损失。为此必须要加强对水稻病虫害预测预报的方法进行全面的判断,通过预先掌握病虫害的具体发病情况进行总结,明确对水稻的具体危害程度,这样才能够在第一时间对水稻病虫害进行有效防治,保障水稻的整体产量,促进农业生产的经济效益。由于全球温度的变化,各种异常的气象灾害不断频发,也导致大规模的病虫害,  相似文献   

水稻病虫害严重影响粮食生产安全,单一的化学药剂虽然能有效防治病虫害,但是却给农业生态环境带来负面影响。文章着重介绍云南省几种常见的水稻病虫害,并对其提出综合防治方法,以期在有效控制水稻病虫害发生的同时保护生态环境。  相似文献   

● Crop pests are a major factor restricting agricultural production in China. ● The National Monitoring and Early Warning System (NMEWS) was established > 40 years ago. ● Application of NMEWS has increased national capability to tackle pests. The importance of food security, especially in combating the problem of acute hunger, has been underscored as a key component of sustainable development. Considering the major challenge of rapidly increasing demands for both food security and safety, the management and control of major pests is urged to secure supplies of major agricultural products. However, owing to global climate change, biological invasion (e.g., fall armyworm), decreasing agricultural biodiversity, and other factors, a wide range of crop pest outbreaks are becoming more frequent and serious, making China, one of the world’s largest country in terms of agricultural production, one of the primary victims of crop yield loss and the largest pesticide consumer in the world. Nevertheless, the use of science and technology in monitoring and early warning of major crop pests provides better pest management and acts as a fundamental part of an integrated plant protection strategy to achieve the goal of sustainable development of agriculture. This review summarizes the most fundamental information on pest monitoring and early warning in China by documenting the developmental history of research and application, Chinese laws and regulations related to plant protection, and the National Monitoring and Early Warning System, with the purpose of presenting the Chinese model as an example of how to promote regional management of crop pests, especially of cross border pests such as fall armyworm and locust, by international cooperation across pest-related countries.  相似文献   

● An overview of impacts of climate change on wheat and rice crops. ● A review on impacts of climate change on insect pests and fungal pathogens of wheat and rice. ● A selection of adaptation strategies to mitigate impacts of climate change on crop production and pest and disease management. Ongoing climate change is expected to have impacts on crops, insect pests, and plant pathogens and poses considerable threats to sustainable food security. Existing reviews have summarized impacts of a changing climate on agriculture, but the majority of these are presented from an ecological point of view, and scant information is available on specific species in agricultural applications. This paper provides an overview of impacts of climate change on two staple crops, wheat and rice. First, the direct effects of climate change on crop growth, yield formation, and geographic distribution of wheat and rice are reviewed. Then, the effects of climate change on pests and pathogens related with wheat and rice, and their interactions with the crops are summarized. Finally, potential management strategies to mitigate the direct impacts of climate change on crops, and the indirect impacts on crops through pests and pathogens are outlined. The present overview aims to aid agriculture practitioners and researchers who are interested in wheat and rice to better understand climate change related impacts on the target species.  相似文献   

Plant pests and diseases have significant negative impacts on global food security, world trade and rural livelihoods. Climate change exacerbates these impacts in certain parts of the world. Overreliance on pesticides as the primary tool for plant pest management leads to problems such as pesticide resistance and pest resurgence. Environmental and food safety concerns are also associated with overuse of pesticides in crop production. There is clearly a need for a shift in pest management strategies and practices globally. Optimization of structures and functions in crop production agroecosystems through soil conservation practices and cropping diversification can improve pest regulation services provided in the systems. Prioritization of safer alternatives and practices in the IPM pyramid, such as resistant varieties and biopesticides, helps minimize the use of potentially risky agricultural inputs such as synthetic pesticides. Investment is needed to boost the development of innovative green technologies and practices. Production, distribution, use and regulatory capacities need to be strengthened to facilitate large-scale adoption of green technologies and practices. Finally, policy, financial and market instruments should be wielded to provide an enabling environment for the transformation to sustainable plant pest and disease management strategies and practices worldwide.  相似文献   

为增加水稻种植效益,减少稻田化学农药的施用量,保障稻米品质和稻田生态环境,通过选用抗性品种、优化耕作栽培措施、加强肥水管理、种植蜜源植物、推行性引诱杀虫和频振杀虫灯、结合生物农药和应急化学农药、应用高效植保器械提高农业生产效率等技术措施,评估了江西省水稻病虫害绿色防控技术集成应用的可行性。2019—2020年分别在江西省新干县和峡江县进行了对比试验示范。以5种水稻主要病虫害为例,比较了不同施药方案对病虫害的防治效果,分析了用药成本和经济效益。结果表明,综合应用绿色防控技术可持续控制病虫害,“三虫两病”危害率降低2.62%~47.11%,产量增加0.35%~11.16%;每季药剂成本减少139.1元·hm-2,降幅为7.84%。该技术模式简单易行、绿色环保、经济省工,应用前景广阔。  相似文献   

中国农作物病虫害防控科技的发展方向   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
吴孔明 《农学学报》2018,8(1):44-47
中国是世界上农作物病虫害发生最严重的国家之一,常年发生1700余种。近年来,受全球气候变化、经济一体化和农业产业结构调整等诸多因素的影响,中国农作物病虫害问题趋于严重。化学农药是目前中国防治农作物病虫害的最主要手段,农药的大量使用在控制有害生物的同时,也带来了农药残留超标、环境污染、害虫抗药性与再猖獗等一系列问题。因此,发展绿色防控科技,大幅度降低化学农药的用量是中国植物保护科研工作的核心任务,其重点发展方向包括:产业结构调整、全球经济一体化和气候变化等因素对重大病虫害种群演替规律的影响,基于现代生物技术、信息技术、新材料与先进制造的植保新理论、新方法与新产品,绿色防治关键技术与产品,化学农药精准施药和残留检测追溯技术,智能化植物保护装备,以及区域性病虫害绿色可持续控制模式等。  相似文献   

全球气候变化对农业生态系统的影响及研究对策   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
全球气候变化在不同时间和空间尺度上对农业生态系统产生深刻的影响,并引起了世界各国科学家、政府的极大关注。本文从CO2浓度和气温升高、UV-B辐射增强等方面综述了全球气候变化对作物、土壤、畜牧业、病虫害以及气候灾害的影响,提出了全球气候变化下未来应加强研究的领域。  相似文献   

Global climate warming has been exerting impacts on agricultural pests. Pests also take some strategies to adapt to climate change. Understanding such adaptation could benefit more accurate predictions and integrated management of pest. However, adaptation to climate change has not been widely investigated in agricultural pests but has been well documented in model species, Drosophila, and reviewed by Hoffmann before 2003. To provide recent progress and references for agricultural entomologists who interested in thermal biology, here we have reviewed literatures since 2003 about adaptation to temperature changes under climate change. We mainly summarized thermal adaptation of Drosophila (especially to high temperatures) from three aspects, behaviors, plastic responses and micro-evolution and discussed how Drosophila increases their heat tolerance through these three mechanisms. Finally, we summarized the measures of thermotolerance and concluded the main progress in recent decade about the behavioral thermoregulation, mortality risks driven by limited evolutionary and plastic response under climate change, geographic distribution based on basal rather than plastic thermotolerance. We propose future work focus on better understanding adaptation of organisms including agricultural pests to climate change.  相似文献   

全球气候变化对我国农业生产的可能影响与对策   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
 论述了温室效应引起全球气候变暖对我国作物生产、种植制度、病虫害等方面的影响,探讨了相应的农业对策。  相似文献   

台湾农产品质量安全体系构建起步早,并逐步形成体系相对独立、功能互为补充、并行推动管理的4大认证产品,及其配套标准体系、管理体系和法律法规体系。福建则以农业"三品"为重点,并逐步推行农产品可追溯制度。比较闽台农产品质量安全标准、认证机构、管理机构和认证体系的发展特点,福建应重视对台湾认证标准的研究、消化和借鉴,规范认证机构管理并提高公信力,推进两岸安全管理机构合作,逐步与国际通用认证方式接轨。  相似文献   

全球气候变化对人类生产生活的影响日益显现,农业有害生物控制亦面临全球气候变化带来的挑战。本文概述了全球气候变暖的现状及其"日因说"、"自律说"、"碳因说"、"牛因说"等观点。同时讨论了气候变化对农业有害生物的趋利和不利影响,认为在全球气候变化背景下,从长时间尺度的战略角度,应重视探索有害生物的群落结构响应、适应机制、扩散机制、致灾预测等基础性科学课题,从短时间尺度上生产实际需要的角度,则应针对具体农业环境、作物对象、有害物种研究防控策略和技术,因时因势而进,因时因势而变。  相似文献   

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