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A major reason for the low adoption of modern varieties of seed among small-scale farmers in developing countries is the inability of formal, centralized seed production systems to meet their complex and diverse seed requirements. Drawing on experiences in Uganda with the common bean, the paper proposes seed production by farmer seed enterprises (FSEs) as a strategy for meeting dual objectives: to sustainably distribute and promote modern crop varieties and to establish a regular source of clean seed of either local or modern varieties. It reports on lessons learned from the Ugandan experience and offers a conceptual framework and guidelines for establishing economically and institutionally sustainable FSEs. While FSEs offer a potentially sustainable solution to the problem of seed supply, the challenge of implementing and scaling up this approach in eastern and southern Africa remains formidable. Collaborative linkages need to be fostered between farmers, researchers, agro-enterprise specialists, NGOs, and the formal seed industry. Seed policy reforms need to be implemented and more client-oriented research systems must be institutionalized.  相似文献   

选取蔬菜专业产区作为研究区域,运用Logit 模型实证分析蔬菜种植户销售渠道选择行为的影响因素, 结果表明,种植面积,种植的品种数量,种植年限是影响销售渠道选择的主要因素,小商家地头收购和农贸市场销售 等传统渠道目前仍然是蔬菜销售的主渠道,面对小规模的农户供应商,大型超市或加工企业直接采购的交易成本较 高,因此未普遍参与产地采购限制了农户的销售渠道选择发展新型规模化的采购供应链,形成订单式的蔬菜销售 渠道,有待于农户规模化经营方式的普遍形成,如合作社、家庭农场等.  相似文献   

本文基于对宁夏小农经济与农业现代化融合发展模式的实践考察,从宁夏农业组织发展现状出发,归纳了宁夏地区小农经济与现代农业融合发展模式及存在的问题,并提出了建议,以期为欠发达地区小农经济与农业现代化融合发展提供参考。  相似文献   

为了探索菜豆采收弹性期及贮藏时间的长短,选用耐贮性不同的菜豆品种,对嫩荚采摘后贮藏过程中鼓粒程度、种子鲜重/嫩荚鲜重和嫩荚比重变化进行研究。结果表明,红花青荚种子占比大,易鼓粒,荚肉薄易失水,不耐贮藏;丽芸2号和丽芸3号种子占比小,荚肉厚,不易失水,耐贮藏。  相似文献   

It is of great theoretical and practical significance to understand the rules of the differences in pesticide use behaviors between large-scale and small-scale farmers, so as to regulate the behavior of farmers differently and improve the quality and safety of rice. The overall pesticide use behavior of large-scale farmers was characterized by large doses and high application frequency, while that of small-scale farmers was characterized by small doses and low application frequency. The econometric test showed that (i) the proportion of staple food ration has a significant negative impact on the single dose exceeding the standard and pesticide application frequency of small-scale farmers, and the increase of the proportion of staple food ration will reduce the demand among small-scale farmers for pesticides; (ii) yield effect has a greater impact on the frequency of pesticide application by large-scale farmers, and the large yield effect will increase the frequency of pesticide application among large-scale farmers. Therefore, in pesticide use behaviors, large-scale farmers should reduce pesticide quantity and increase efficiency, while small-scale farmers improve the level of plant protection.  相似文献   

为明确吡虫啉不同配比和不同剂量对大小粒径绿豆种子进行拌种处理的安全性,通过室内测定不同温度下不同粒径‘白绿11号’和‘科绿1号’绿豆种子发芽率,比较不同温度下二者胚芽和胚根长度,且结合田间播种试验,得出结果:20℃以上(包含20℃)两个品种发芽率无明显差异,但吡虫啉剂量大的处理的胚芽和胚根长度都明显低于对照,差异显著;20℃以下各品种吡虫啉剂量小的处理的发芽率较对照无差异,剂量大的处理均明显低于对照,胚芽和胚根长度都与对照差异显著;田间播种试验进一步验证了室内试验结果,更明确吡虫啉不同配比大田拌种的安全性。试验表明按药种比1:100拌种,吡虫啉配比≤40%,播种土壤含水量≥20%时,对大粒径绿豆安全性较高,为种子拌种防治绿豆蚜虫提供理论依据。  相似文献   

马克思、恩格斯认为小农经济是非常落后的,随着工业的发展,小农经济必然灭亡,而代表落后生产力的小农也将走向灭亡。关于小农的这一历史命运马克思、恩格斯自始至终是不变的。但是对于小农何时、如何走向灭亡以及如何对待小农却前后有着不小的变化。  相似文献   

以食用毛豆为研究对象,研究环巢湖地区涝渍灾后补种的最迟安全播种时期和最佳补种品种,旨在为指导该地区农民开展灾后补种毛豆生产技术、减轻涝渍灾害对作物产量的影响提供依据.结果表明:(1)8月20日及以前播种毛豆能正常生长、收获.毛豆产量随着播期的推迟,逐渐减少.8月25日及以后播种的毛豆花芽分化期,开花期、结荚期都比前几期延长,株高降低,英数减少,且不能充分鼓粒,无经济产量.因此,该地区补种毛豆的最迟安全播种期为8月20日.(2)在供试的毛豆品种中,科蔬一号、95-1和理想M-7 3个品种的生育时期短、产量较高、英粒性状较优、口感评价较好,可作为环巢湖地区涝渍灾后补种毛豆新品种引进和推广.  相似文献   

在2002~2003年对河北主产棉区农户调查和相关科研、推广人员访谈的基础上,运用农业科学、经济学和社会学等多学科交叉的方法,从转基因抗虫棉应用的技术、经济、社会等多角度对农户采用该技术的应用效果进行了分析.结果表明:转基因技术的应用效果与农户生产行为、认知等存在交互作用,农户表现出规避风险,追求利润最大化的生产行为,但同时也存在生产管理和投入的盲目性;该技术的应用在一定程度上增加了农户来自农业的经营收入,但由于受多方面因素的影响,其在农户的生计系统呈现复杂的技术形态;政府等相关部门应加强转基因作物种子及生产应用过程的管理,并针对我国农户特有的小农户、小规模、多样性和复杂性等特点采取针对性措施,最终以改善农户生计为目的发展转基因作物.  相似文献   

Many reviews and evaluations of contract farming and its importance for small-scale farmers in the developing nations have been conducted. While some scholars opined that contractual terms were unfavourable to farmers, others considerd them as being beneficial to them. These contrasting views were not likely to discourage it since it provided encouragement for farmers' involvement in markets. It was therefore worthwhile to investigate previous experiences with the aim of improving on it. This study investigated contract farming entered into by farmers in Delta State of Nigeria and livestock feed companies with the objective of seeking ways to make such contractual agreements beneficial to small-scale farmers. The study utilized convergence of science approach. The study unveiled the constraints experienced by farmers and they included technical and institutional challenges. The technical problem was the planting date, while the institutional problem was the contractual arrangements. It was recommended that all the stakeholders in the contract should converge and negotiate technological adoptions of the improved maize varieties; contract needed to be clearly defined and risks and uncertainties should be parts of the contract; scientific investigations should be carried out to determine the best planting date; and there was need for legislation to particularly protect farmers in contract farming.  相似文献   

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