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针对黄河三角洲盐渍土区域开发程度低、种植结构单一,影响土地生产力的问题,通过优化盐碱地粮经饲作物种植结构,采取作物种植与盐碱地生物改良相结合、粮经饲多元化种植相结合、经济效益与生态效益相结合的方式,开展粮经饲作物提质增效绿色种植模式研究,完善不同盐碱胁迫类型,不同地力条件下粮经饲作物种植制度,推广应用适宜不同盐渍化程度下用养结合、多元化高效种植模式,构建粮经饲多元化种植结构并合理布局,实现用地养地结合,提高农业综合效益和农民收入,推动黄河三角洲现代农业可持续健康发展。  相似文献   

Among the crop production factors, preceding crop and tillage management affect the sustainable use of soil resources and ultimately crop growth and productivity. This study aimed at investigating the impact of preceding winter crops (grass or legume) and different tillage systems on forage yield, quality and nutritive values of three summer grass (Sudan grass, pearl millet and teosinte) and two legume forage crops (cowpea and guar) under arid conditions. The results exhibited that growing forage crops after legumes (as berseem clover) produced the highest fresh and dry forage yields and quality attributes compared with grasses (as wheat) with the exception of crude fiber content, which was decreased. Moreover, tillage practices showed positive impact on forage yields and quality attributes. The maximum forage yields and quality parameters were recorded under conventional tillage (CT) practice compared with reduced tillage (RT) and no-tillage (NT) systems. Among the evaluated crops, the highest yields of fresh forage, dry forage, crude fiber, crude protein and total digestible nutrient were exhibited by grass forage crops (Sudan grass, pearl millet and teosinte), whereas the highest crude protein content and the digestible energy values were produced by legume forage crops (cowpea and guar). The maximum fresh forage, dry forage, crude fiber, crude protein, total digestible nutrient and digestible crude protein yields were produced by pearl millet followed by Sudan grass under CT and RT after berseem clover. The highest net return was recorded by sowing pearl millet after berseem clover and applying CT followed by RT practices, which could be recommended for the commercial production. Moreover, it could be assumed that the combination of growing grass forage crops after legume crops under CT or RT systems could enhance forage crop yield and quality with an improvement in soil properties for sustainable agriculture with low cost and the highest net income.  相似文献   

A large portion of the Loess Plateau of China is characterized as "marginal" with serious land degradation and desertification problems. Consequently, two policies, Grain for Green and Western Development Action were established by the Chinese government in response to the demand for ecological protection and economic development in the Loess Plateau. These policies are designed to increase forest cover, expand farmlands, and enhance soil and water conservation, while creating sustainable vegetation restoration. Perennial grasses have gained attention as bioenergy feedstocks due to their high biomass yields, low inputs, and greater ecosystem services compared to annual crops. Moreover, perennial grasses limit nutrient runoff and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and soil losses while sequestering carbon. Additionally, perennial grasses can generate economic returns for local farmers through producing bioenergy feedstock or forage on marginal lands. Here, we suggest a United States model energy crop, switchgrass(Panicum virgatum L.) as a model crop to minimize land degradation and desertification and to generate biomass for energy on the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

我国柳枝稷规模化种植现状与前景   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
柳枝稷是国际上公认的最适合作为生物燃料的能源植物。我国目前柳枝稷的种植规模不大,处于引种的初级阶段。柳枝稷引种主要集中在我国北方,南方尚未见报道。本研究简要叙述了我国柳枝稷引种历史和种植现状;根据近年来引种柳枝稷出现的问题,分析阐述了柳枝稷种植过程中的技术问题,以及我国柳枝稷种植的前景。作为一种有效的水土保持植物、优质牧草,能够在废弃的工矿地、盐碱地和不适宜农作物种植的地区种植的第二代能源植物,柳枝稷在我国有着广泛种植前景,需要政府-企业-农户有机的结合,有计划的引种种植。  相似文献   

阿旗草用燕麦生产调查及种植前景分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
阿鲁科尔沁旗有广阔的草场面积,是国内重要的肉牛肉羊生产基地,气候资源适宜燕麦生长,近年来苜蓿和燕麦草人工草场发展迅速。本文为了更好服务阿旗草用燕麦生产,准确掌握阿旗燕麦种植水平及种植收益情况,通过对阿旗人工草地燕麦的生产调查及综合各地研究结果的方法对草用燕麦种植结果进行总结,结果表明:(1)燕麦可作为沙地保护作物种植。在严重沙化草地上利用燕麦留下的根茬可以防风固沙,燕麦根茬地种植紫花苜蓿,避免风沙侵蚀苜蓿种子,确保紫花苜蓿苗全、苗齐、苗壮;也可以使用燕麦作为保护作物与苜蓿混播,紫花苜蓿播种时间也因此可以提前两个月,可以当年收割一次燕麦草和苜蓿草,提高了总体收益。(2)燕麦用于草地苜蓿倒茬作物。人工草地多种植紫花苜蓿,当苜蓿草地进入高产期后,苜蓿草地产草量开始下降,需要及时应用燕麦进行倒茬轮作。(3)燕麦与苜蓿等牧草混播建立放牧型草地。燕麦与苜蓿混播是国内外成型的技术措施,与苜蓿混播或与苜蓿、无芒雀麦等牧草作物混播建立放牧型草地,当年可获得一定的牧草收益。(4)燕麦青、干草是畜牧业的优质饲草,籽实是畜牧业的优质饲料。燕麦可以在各类土壤类型地块种植,需要选用适宜的品种适应一季作区或二季作区种植,有针对性地生产符合饲用目标的鲜、青、干饲草饲料,种植效益可以与苜蓿持平。(5)草用燕麦种植效益可观。燕麦是生态友好型作物,青刈燕麦可在拔节至开花期刈割,可以刈割两次,第一次留茬5~8 cm左右,一般每公顷产鲜草22500~30000 kg,晒制干草或青贮时应在乳熟期到蜡熟期刈割,一般可每公顷产鲜草30000~45000 kg,晒制干草后公顷产9000~13500 kg左右,二季种植一般可每公顷收益15000~24000元,在不能种植苜蓿的一季作燕麦区种植燕麦仍可有每公顷7500~13500元的收益。目前种植燕麦的投入水平均低于玉米、箭舌豌豆、苜蓿等牧草作物,采收期也不近相同,所以简单的进行种植效益对比就低估了燕麦的种植效益,增加对燕麦生产的水肥投入,采用规范种植技术指导生产,二季作燕麦区采收二季燕麦与种植苜蓿相比省工省投入效益相当,燕麦的种植效益是可观的。  相似文献   

开发面向农户的农作物分布与配套服务的GIS信息系统有利于实现农户们生产前信息交换、更合理地使用土地资源和安排生产,为增长增收提供基础保障.在基于农户需求调查结果基础上,设计开发了面向农户的农作物分布与配套服务的GIS信息系统,系统包括人机交互层、数据层、功能处理层和表现层,辅助实现农户通过地名、坐标等搜索方式查找到自家地块所在点,以及与自家种同类农作物的其他农户分布信息.  相似文献   

决明属牧草研究进展   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
决明属牧草既是重要的饲料作物,又在土壤改良、水土保持等多方面发挥着积极作用。本文主要就近年来决明属牧草的引种、栽培技术、饲用品质、抗逆性以及应用前景等方面的研究进行了较全面的综述。  相似文献   

本文概述了我国的坡耕地资源及其利用现状,总结了坡耕地粮草间作的培肥和水土保持的效果与机制,阐述了粮草间作对水土资源保护的重要意义.粮草间作为农业结构调整提供契机,为畜牧业发展提供优质蛋白饲料,可获得良好的经济与社会效益.  相似文献   

【目的】研究填闲作物对植烟土壤残留氮素吸收利用的影响,为浏阳市植烟土壤科学轮作制度提供科学依据。【方法】通过防雨棚内大棚桶栽试验,模拟旱地和水田环境,研究植烟红壤及紫色土上种植水稻、萝卜、小白菜、红薯、大白菜、玉米等6种填闲作物时不同深度土壤氮转化迁移的动态变化,及不同填闲作物对土体残留氮素吸收利用的影响;收获后取植株样测定植株全氮含量,并测定作物产量、经济效益等指标。【结果】旱地红壤上填闲作物干重、全氮含量和总吸氮量均显著高于紫色土。不同土壤类型,作物吸氮规律存在差异,红壤上小白菜吸氮量最高,为68.52kg/ha,大白菜总吸氮量最低,为43.93kg/ha;紫色土上萝卜总吸氮量最高,为48.78kg/ha,大白菜总吸氮量最低,为24.22kg/ha。6种填闲作物经济效益从高到低依次为:萝卜〉大白菜〉红薯〉小白菜〉玉米〉水稻。【结论】适宜与烤烟轮作作物为萝卜,其全氮吸收量和经济效益均高于其他作物。  相似文献   

Contributions of conventional plant breeding to food production   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Within a relatively short geological time frame, Neolithic man, or more probably woman, domesticated all the major cereal grains, legumes, and root crops that the world's people depend on for most of their calories and protein. Until very recently, crop improvement was in the hands of farmers. The cornerstones of modern plant breeding were laid by Darwin and Mendel in the late 19th century. As the knowledge of genetics, plant pathology, and entomology have grown during the 20th century, plant breeders have made enormous contributions to increased food production throughout the world. There have been major plant breeding break-throughs for maize and wheat, and promising research activities to raise yields in marginal production environments are ongoing. Since it is doubtful that significant production benefits will soon be forthcoming from the use of genetic engineering techniques with higher plants, especially polyploid species, most research funds for crop improvement should continue to be allocated for conventional plant breeding research.  相似文献   

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