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英语中的结构歧义是一种常见的歧义现象。结构歧义的出现是因为句子的表层结构相同,但却有两个或两个以上不同的深层结构。引起结构歧义的因素很多,本文着重讨论因定语和状语修饰关系不明而引起的结构歧义,并提出了排除这些歧义的方法。  相似文献   

任何语言都有歧义现象的存在,英语也不例外。英语歧义现象是由多种原因引起的,一方 面,英语歧义句语义含混,模棱两可,会妨碍人们正常的信息交流,另一方面,正确的理解和恰当的运用英语歧义,不但能提高英语的欣赏水平,而且可以使我们的语言更加生动有趣,富有幽默感  相似文献   

在一般情况下,一个句子只能表达一个确定的含义,但是有些句子并非如此,有时会有两种甚至三种含义,这种句子在日语中叫「両義文」,也就是汉语中的歧义句。歧义按其形成原因可分为语音歧义、语义歧义、句法歧义、语用歧义等四个方面,本文主要从句法歧义角度对比分析日汉歧义句,进而加深对语言中歧义现象的理解和认识,并尝试在日汉互译中消除歧义。  相似文献   

英语中的歧义现象,根据成因可分为语音歧义,词汇歧义,句法歧义等。探讨英语中的歧义现象的成因及排除方法,有助于我们阅读、翻译、教学和交际。  相似文献   

本文从语言平面的角度具体分析了英汉两种语言中的语法结构歧义,认为语法结构歧义大体可分为三种:范畴结构歧义(Category Structure Ambiguity)、关系结构歧义(Relation Structure Ambiguity)、深层结构歧义(Deep Structure Ambiguity)。  相似文献   

歧义度即指歧义结构的强弱程度,根据歧义结构之间歧义语感的轻重可分为相对歧义度和绝对歧义度。在保证歧义存活的前提下,替换歧义结构中最能控制歧义存活环境适合度的结构项,可以考察歧义结构歧义度的变化情况。  相似文献   

几乎每种语言都存在着歧义现象。对歧义句的正确理解一直以来都是一个难题,而且也是一个人们普遍关心、研究的热门话题。前人对歧义句的研究表明:对歧义句的正确理解与语境之间有着密切的关系。因此,正确理解语境是翻译语境歧义句的关键。文章试图从对语境歧义句的翻译实践中探寻这类歧义句的翻译。  相似文献   

任何语言都有歧义现象,英语也不例外。我们虽然不必极端的理解歧义的普遍性,但其在语言中的客观存在是不容忽视的。本文主要从交际效应的角度出发,把交际过程中出现的歧义现象分为蓄意歧义和无意歧义,并分别结合教学实践加以分析举例。  相似文献   

歧义是语言中普遍存在的现象。它对交际有着极其重要的影响,因此我们有必要多层次、多角度地对其进行研究。一般说来,歧义的形成有四个方面的因素即语音、词汇、语境及语法。以此类推,我们消除歧义也应该从这四个方面着手。  相似文献   

本文把交际过程中出现的歧义现象分为无意歧义和蓄意歧义。前者是语言结构矛盾的自然显露;后者是说话人对于语言结构矛盾的积极利用以达到特定的交际目的。这样的分类,能显示语言消极的一而和积极的一面,在交流中区别对待,定会得到事半功倍的效果。本文还从语音、词、句法、语感、情理诸方面论述英语和汉语歧义现象,说明其对交流的关键作用。  相似文献   

提出了采用选权拟和的正则化新方法,利用参考站坐标准确已知的条件作为约束,设计出正则化矩阵,使法矩阵的病态性得到了改善,只用几个历元的数据求解,能较准确得到模糊度的浮点解,在此基础上结合LAMBDA方法可以快速地确定整周模糊度。以4条中长基线的实测数据为例,新方法用3个历元的单频L1数据就能求解出整周模糊度,且成功率为100%。与现有方法相比,新方法可采用单频GPS数据实现中长基线GPS网络RTK的整数模糊度快速解算。  相似文献   

This study reports on action research efforts that were aimed at developing institutional arrangements beneficial for soil fertility improvement. Three stages of action research are described and analyzed. We initially began by bringing stakeholders together in a platform to engage in a collaborative design of new arrangements. However, this effort was stymied mainly because conditions conducive for learning and negotiation were lacking. We then proceeded to support experimentation with alternative arrangements initiated by individual landowners and migrant farmers. The implementation of these arrangements too ran into difficulties due to intra-family dynamics and ambiguities regarding land tenure. Further investigations to find out how ambiguities could be tackled revealed that the local actors themselves had taken initiatives towards developing institutional innovations to reduce ambiguities. However, there is still considerable scope for further development of these self-organized innovations. The article ends with a reflection on inter-disciplinary action research, where it is argued that making “mistakes” is an inherent and necessary characteristic in action research that aims to address complex social issues.
Samuel Adjei-NsiahEmail:

法院对基础合同虚假之保理合同效力认定存在裁判分歧。保理合同不同利益主体诉求的差异性、立法与司法的差异性以及司法裁判正义价值目标的实现都要求在裁判中进行充分的利益衡量。司法裁判应在利益衡量方法与价值判断的指引下,在明确保理合同与基础合同相对独立、探寻当事人真实意思表示的基础上,通过区分通谋虚假意思表示的内外效力、统一"强制性"规定对保理合同效力影响的司法认定路径、类型化适用基础合同虚假时民事责任承担的规则等方面来重塑基础合同虚假之保理合同效力认定的裁判路径。  相似文献   

后显关系是在后组式检索系统中,主题词轮排后产生的诸语句与被标引文献主题之间的关系。其性质有三:(1)同义关系;(2)主题转换;(3)歧义关系。歧义的产生多在主动句向被动句转变的过程中,语义的变化不是语法变化引起的而是违背了语法规则导致的。后显关系反映的是语法关系的不同变化。为保证同义关系功能词的采用是必要的。  相似文献   

基于梯形直觉模糊数的值和模糊度两个特征,一类梯形直觉模糊数的排序方法被研究.首先,给出了梯形直觉模糊数的定义、运算法则和截集.其次,定义了梯形直觉模糊数关于隶属度和非隶属度的值和模糊度,以及值的指标和模糊度的指标.最后,给出了梯形直觉模糊数的排序方法,并将其应用到属性值为梯形直觉模糊数的多属性决策问题中.  相似文献   

The existence of a general relation between population density and body size in animal assemblages has been debated because of known biases and ambiguities in the published data and data handling. Using new comprehensive data sets from two geographically separated stream communities that encompass 448 and 260 invertebrate taxa with a wide range of body sizes, we show that an inverse proportionality between density and body size is a consistent feature in these communities. The scaling across taxa is not statistically different between the two systems, indicating a convergent pattern of communities. Variation in the regression slope among different taxonomic groups indicates that these communities are not governed universally by a single ecological or energetic rule.  相似文献   

The observed interannual variability of temperature at 60 degrees N has been investigated. The results indicate that the surface warming due to increased carbon dioxide which is predicted by three-dimensional climate models should be detectable now. It is not, possibly because the predicted warming is being delayed more than a decade by ocean thermal inertia, or because there is a compensating cooling due to other factors. Further consideration of the uncertainties in model predictions and of the likely delays introduced by ocean thermal inertia extends the range of time for the detection of warming, if it occurs, to the year 2000. The effects of increasing carbon dioxide should be looked for in several variables simultaneously in order to minimize the ambiguities that could result from unrecognized compensating cooling.  相似文献   

The use of a combination of the stable isotopes of sulfur, carbon, and nitrogen allows the flow of organic matter and trophic relations in salt marshes and estuaries to be traced while eliminating many ambiguities that accompany the use of a single isotopic tracer. Salt-marsh grasses take up the isotopically light sulfides formed during sulfate reduction, and the transfer of this light sulfur through the marsh food web is illustrated with data on the ribbed mussel (Geukensia demissa) from various locations in a New England marsh. The multiple isotope approach shows that this filter feeder consumes both marsh grass ( Spartina) detritus and plankton, with the relative proportions of each determined by the location of the mussels in the marsh.  相似文献   

Chain initiation and control of protein synthesis   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
H Noll 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1966,151(715):1241-1245
Analysis of the enzymatic mechanism of chain extension during protein synthesis and studies with N-formylmethionyl-sRNA suggest that chain initiation requires formylation of the amino group of the amino acid destined to start chain growth. The existence of a set of starting triplets coding for a special set of N-formylaminoacyl-sRNA's is postulated. These triplets might be ambiguous in the sense that they specify different amino acids, depending on whether they are at the beginning of or within a message. A number of starting triplets and their NH(2)-terminal amino acids are predicted from previously suggested ambiguities. The biochenmical, regulatory, and genetic implications of a formylation step controlling chain initiation are discussed.  相似文献   

A method is presented that dramatically improves the resolution of protein nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra by increasing their dimensionality to four. The power of this technique is demonstrated by the application of four-dimensional carbon-13--nitrogen-15 (13C-15N)--edited nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) spectroscopy to interleukin-1 beta, a protein of 153 residues. The NOEs between NH and aliphatic protons are first spread out into a third dimension by the 15N chemical shift of the amide 15N atom and subsequently into a fourth dimension by the 13C chemical shift of the directly bonded 13C atoms. By this means ambiguities in the assignment of NOEs between NH and aliphatic protons that are still present in the three-dimensional 15N-edited NOE spectrum due to extensive chemical shift overlap and degeneracy of aliphatic resonances are completely removed. Consequently, many more approximate interproton distance restraints can be obtained from the NOE data than was heretofore possible, thereby expanding the horizons of three-dimensional structure determination by NMR to larger proteins.  相似文献   

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