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蔬菜种子发芽特性及发芽技术研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对蔬菜种子发芽试验难的问题,通过多年的实践,对蔬菜种子发芽条件和种子发芽特性及休眠进行研究,并采取低温处理、加温干燥处理、变温发芽、去壳处理等破除种子休眠的方法,提高蔬菜种子的发芽率,为蔬菜种子发芽试验提供参考。  相似文献   

赤霉素对茄子种子发芽的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
研究了赤霉素对生产上常用的几个茄子品种种子发芽的影响。结果表明:用较低浓度(50~100mg/kg)GA溶液浸种8h,对于破除浅休眠茄子品种的休眠具有良好的效果;对于中度休眠的茄子品种,以500mg/kgGA丙酮溶液处理24h效果最佳。以上方法可用于种子发芽试验和育苗生产。  相似文献   

湖北小麦材料穗发芽抗性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过整穗发芽和子粒发芽试验评价了湖北省85个材料的穗发芽抗性。结果表明,品种间穗发芽抗性差异显著,红粒小麦材料休眠性和抗穗发芽性较强,而白粒小麦抗穗发芽种质匮乏;根据穗发芽率和子粒发芽指数两个指标聚类分析,供试材料可以分为5类,13份材料具有较强的休眠性和抗穗发芽能力;湖北省大面积推广和新选育出的品种中,郑麦9023对穗发芽高度敏感,湖北省选育的品种大多有较好的抗性,其中鄂麦352表现优异。研究结果为湖北小麦生产品种布局和抗穗发芽品种改良提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

对携Rht3基因的小麦矮秆系ND29进行了连续5年的整穗发芽鉴定,结果显示,其抗穗发芽性强而稳定。剥粒发芽试验结果表明,ND29的休眠程度较深,ND29/泰山1号的杂种F2群体穗发芽鉴定结果显示,花后50天ND29的抗穗发芽性与其所携Rht3基因密切相关。  相似文献   

野生中药材资源钩藤种子发芽研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
[目的]为探明钩藤种子的萌发条件及规律。[方法]以清水处理作对照,采用4种化学药剂(NaHCO3、KHCO3、K2CO3、NaClO)不同浓度的溶液浸种,并在光照培养箱内进行发芽试验。[结果]清水处理的钩藤种子发芽数和绝对发芽率(80%以上)均明显高于其他处理。[结论]钩藤种子成熟胚不存在休眠现象,种皮也不存在抑制作用,常规保湿处理即可诱导种子萌发。  相似文献   

测定休眠种子的发芽力,必须针对种休眠的原因,采用适当的方法提前处理,打破种子休眠,之后进行标准发芽 试验。  相似文献   

籼稻保持系穗发芽抗性的改良   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
对籼稻32个保持系和40个恢复系收获时休眠性进行鉴定,在保持系中没有发现强休眠性材料,大多数恢复系休眠性也较弱。采用国际水稻研究所的4个强休眠品种IR64、IR112-12、IR13427、IR1529与生产上穗发芽严重的Ⅱ32A、冈46A及其保持系Ⅱ32B、冈46B组配,研究水稻收获时休眠性的遗传特点,并在F5和BC1F4世代中获得21个对Ⅱ32A和冈46A具有保持能力的强休眠材料。  相似文献   

通过发芽试验来探讨孜然芹种子休眠的原因及破除方法,进而研究温度、光照及发芽床等因素对萌发的影响。设低温层积、赤霉素浸种、温水浸种和层积后浸种4种休眠破除处理,设152、02、5和30℃4种恒温,(15/25)℃(、20/30)℃2种变温,共6种温度处理,设纸上(TP)、纸间(BP)、砂间(BS)和砂上(TS)4种发芽床处理,光照设0(黑暗)和2 000 lx 2个处理。结果表明:孜然种子休眠的原因是种皮内存在发芽抑制物质,经温水浸种冲冼可破除休眠,种子发芽最适温度为25℃和15/25℃,发芽床可选择纸上,对光照不敏感,可在光照或黑暗条件下发芽,初次计数时间为发芽后第7天,末次计数时间为发芽后第11天。  相似文献   

梁萍 《现代农业》2013,(12):61-61
目前所使用的种子发芽方法有常规发芽法和快速发芽法。常规发芽法的特点是准确,但所需时间较长。而快速发芽法可以在30~35℃的温度下,做各种作物种子的发芽试验,且省时、准确,具体操作如下:  相似文献   

4种温度、6种发雅档条件下木耳菜种子发芽试验结果表明:木耳菜种子发芽试验以砂床较为理想,发芽最适温度为20℃ ̄35℃变温,共次是30℃恒湿,发芽势、发芽率的计算天数以7d、14d为宜。木耳菜种子休眠原因主要是种皮透气性不良及种皮的机械约束作用,切破种皮加变温处理可有效地解决休眠。  相似文献   

Kainic acid induces sprouting of retinal neurons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The neurotoxin kainic acid caused dose-dependent morphological changes in horizontal cells of the retinas of adult cats and rabbits. High concentrations of kainic acid killed the cells, but when exposed to sublethal doses they contracted their dendritic fields and sent sprouting processes into the inner retina. It appears that kainic acid can induce neuronal growth as well as degeneration and that the potential for morphological plasticity is still present in neurons of the adult mammalian retina.  相似文献   

结合信阳市独特的饮食文化以及芽苗菜的特点、生产技术等,分析了信阳发展芽苗菜生产的途径。  相似文献   

转基因抗穗发芽小麦的获得   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以易穗发芽小麦幼胚为受体,用基因枪法对TrxS反义基因(目的基因)和Bar基因(标记基因)进行了共转化;通过对轰击后的小麦幼胚进行愈伤组织诱导、胚性愈伤组织分化和生根培养,获得再生植株;经分子检测证实在3个受体材料上获得转基因再生植株和可遗传的转基因后代.通过培养皿籽粒发芽试验、离体整穗保湿发芽试验和温室模拟降雨穗发芽试验,均证明转基因后代材料具有延缓籽粒发芽和抗穗发芽的特性.  相似文献   

穗上发芽对小麦种子发芽率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究小麦穗上发芽对小麦种子发芽率的影响,结果表明:穗上发芽的种子在收获后及时晾晒、风干,短期内发芽率比较正常,但随着时间的延长,发芽率逐渐下降,两个月内穗萌籽粒的种胚基本死亡;穗发芽率<10%的小麦种子作为商品种子使用较为安全;穗发芽率在10%~20%之间,如果作为生产用种,除了在适期范围内提前播种外,还应适当增加单位面积播种量;穗发芽率高于20%时,不宜作为生产用种;对穗发芽的种子进行低温冷藏处理可以有效地保持较高穗发芽率小麦籽粒的种胚活力,20%以下的穗发芽种子冷藏处理后发芽率可望达到国家种子质量标准,可以作为商品种子使用.  相似文献   

1999~2002年三个生长季节,选用长江中下游地区常见的和扬州大学农学院小麦育种研究组选育的25个小麦品种(系),测定了其穗、粒发芽敏感性。对穗、粒发芽率数据的方差分析表明:小麦的穗、粒发芽敏感性受阴雨时问长短和品种的遗传基础共同作用;收获前小麦的穗发芽性和种子的休眠性存在极显著的相关性。对25个品种(系)进行聚类分析,根据其抗性可分为强、中、弱三类。  相似文献   

Massive dendritic sprouting was induced in identified giant reticulospinal neurons of the lamprey by axotomy close to the soma. An axonal lesion slightly farther from the cell body induced new growth from both dendrites and axon. The amount of new growth per cell was the same whether it originated from the dendrites alone or from axonal and dendritic compartments. The location of the axonal lesion therefore determines where, in the neuron, membrane is inserted to produce the new neurites. The dendritic tree of a differentiated vertebrate central neuron was shown to have sufficient plasticity to extend new growth for several millimeters beyond the normal dendritic domain.  相似文献   

The effect of ethanol on hippocampal axonal sprouiting was studied with a histochemical technique for identifying acetylcholinesterase. Unilateral lesion of the entorhinal cortex in adult rats produced an increase in the density of acetylcho-linesterase staining in the outer molecular layer and a concomitant increase in the width of the pale-staining commissural-associational zone of the dentate gyrus. Other rats were given ethanol (11.3 +/- 0.45 grams per kilogram) for 2 weeks before and 9 days after receiving the lesion. Ethanol abolished the expansion of the commissural-associational zone. The effect of ethanol on sprouting axons suggests that it may inhibit recovery of function after brain injury.  相似文献   

参照农业部小麦穗发芽抗性鉴定行业标准(NY/T 1739-2009)对国家小麦良种联合攻关2018-2019年度40份小麦新品系进行穗发芽抗性鉴定.结果 发现,黄淮南片广适组和抗赤霉病组等29份半冬性小麦品系穗发芽抗性均为感或高感,未鉴定出抗性品系,且品系间变异系数(11.23%和22.06%)明显低于长江上、中下游区试验组的11份品系(88.09%,45.45%),半冬性品系的穗发芽抗性区分度较低.因此,根据该行业标准,从2019-2020年度128份国家小麦良种联合攻关参试品系中随机选取25份和18份试验材料,分别设置2、3和4d共3个发芽处理时间,研究不同发芽时间对穗发芽抗性鉴定的影响,并对穗发芽时间进行优化,以确定合适的穗发芽处理时间.结果 表明,和穗发芽3、4d相比(27.44%,13.84%),发芽2d的品系间穗发芽抗性差异明显(高感—高抗),变异系数较大(46.26%,54.89%).进一步对128份品系的穗发芽抗性鉴定,结果也发现发芽处理2d,各参试组穗发芽抗性变异较大,能够有效区分半冬性品系间抗性水平,与生产实际相符.  相似文献   

无锡梅园作为中国近代第一座花卉专类园,自1912年首任园主荣德生购地建园至今,历经百年,经几代人精心打造,发展成今日之规模。目前,正在实施的梅品种国际登录园建设,传承了梅园深厚的历史文脉,弘扬了梅花精神,使百年梅园在新时代有了新发展。建成后,无锡梅园将成为国际登录梅品种权威所在地和种质资源基因库,从而也体现了中国在国际园艺届的地位,其科学价值十分重大。同时,这也是陈俊愉先生、二梅协会和全国梅花界同行对无锡的信任,对无锡梅花事业的肯定。本文从无锡梅园历史沿革入手,阐述了在无锡建设梅品种国际登录园的必要性和重要意义,并介绍了登录园的设计理念和造园特色。  相似文献   

Pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) in rice production is usually caused by high temperature and humidity or continuous rains. It frequently happens in F1 in hybrid rice seed production. The PHS or “Physiologically germinated” seeds are of lower quality, by which the hybrid rice seed production is badly affected every three years at a loss of 20% or even 50% yield in seed production over the vast Yangtse River Valley and Southwest China. It is estimated that PHS causes an average decrease of seed activity by 10%. A recombinant inbred line population including 304 lines, derived from a cross between Indica rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars Zhong-156 and Gumei-2, was used to study the PHS physiology. Based on the data of sprouting rate in panicles and sprouting rate in grains, two kinds of lines, namely easy-to-sprout lines and hard-to-sprout lines, were selected to investigate their physiological differences when PHS happened. The experiment was conducted in a special field with a microclimate of higher temperature and humidity. The results indicated that it was easier to produce PHS from the female parent GM-2 than the male parent ZH-156, besides, the GA1 content and amylase activity in GM-2 grains were higher than those in ZH-156. However, the abscisic acid (ABA) content in GM-2 grains was lower than that in ZH-156. Higher temperature and higher humidity facilitated the GA1 increment from milk ripe stage to yellow ripe stage. GM-2 and the easily-sprouting lines showed an even higher increase in GA1 than ZH-156 and the hardly-sprouting lines, which enhanced the amylase activity and induced pre-harvest sprouting. This may be the physiological basis for pre-harvest sprouting induced by higher temperature and higher humidity, and these special characteristics must be inherited from their parents. __________ Translated from Acta Agronomoca Sinica, 2006, 32(5): 728–733 [译自: 作物学报]  相似文献   

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