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长江经济带发展是当前我国正在实施的重大区域协调发展战略之一,长江经济带在全国农业乃至整个经济发展全局中占有极其重要的战略地位。长江经济带稻作农业文化遗产是我国、是全世界重要的农业文化遗产。长江经济带稻作农业文化遗产具有数量多、分布广、历史久的特点。长江经济带稻作农业文化遗产具有社会价值、经济价值、生态价值、文化价值、科技价值和全球价值。今后,为实现长江经济带稻作农业文化遗产的世代相传和永续发展,应采取以下积极措施,如提高认识、增加投入、加强研发、开展合作、严格保护和严加管理等。  相似文献   

采用安徽省740个水稻种植户的调查数据,运用Oprobit模型实证分析经济结构、耕地特征与病虫害绿色防控技术采纳之间的关系.研究结果表明:农户的病虫害绿色防控技术采纳程度整体较低,水稻耕作规模与病虫害绿色防控技术的采纳呈“U型”关系,水稻种植收入占家庭总收入的比重越高农户绿色防控技术采纳水平越高,租入耕地占总耕地面积的比重越高农户绿色防控技术采纳水平越低,其他影响农户病虫害绿色防控技术采纳的变量还包括户主年龄、户主文化水平和户主是否参加绿色防控培训.研究结果表明有必要加大政策扶持和宣传力度,通过机制创新鼓励农户病虫害绿色防控技术采纳程度;相关服务主体应采取差异化推广策略和服务形式,提高农户病虫害绿色防控技术采纳程度.  相似文献   

通过对常规稻作(CK)、稻鸭共作(A)、稻鱼共作(B)和稻蟹共作模式(C)连续3年的定位研究,分析土壤理化性质、水稻产量和品质及其总体经济效益。结果表明,在改善土壤物理性状上,C>A>B;在增加土壤速效养分和品质方面,A>C>B;稻田养鸭水稻产量降幅最小,稻蟹次之;A、B、C各处理总经济效益分别比常规稻作增收11 407.5元/hm2、4 312.5元/hm2和7 378.5元/hm2。说明,在北方寒冷稻作区,稻鸭共作在改善稻作环境、增加经济效益上优于常规稻作和其他两种稻作模式,可作为该地区稻作复合生态种养技术的主体模式推广和应用。  相似文献   


The adoption of precision farming techniques (PFTs) has been widely studied targeting specific PFT or farming systems along with the potential benefits of these PFTs in terms of yield or input use. However, few studies have examined how PFTs are adopted and used at the farm level. In this study a preliminary investigation was made of on-farm PFT uses in the Oise region (northern France). Three main PFTs were identified in the area: Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) guidance, section control, and variable rate (VR) application. For each farm, the use of every PFT was defined by the technical characteristics of the equipment, the field operation(s) concerned, the targeted crop(s), the aim of the use, the PFT adoption drivers, and the perceived impacts by the farmers. These different variables were combined into a typology of PFT uses. The results show that most of the farms combined GNSS guidance for all technical operations and section control, whereas VR application was less common. Section control was largely used by farmers for liquid fertilizers and phytochemical spraying. The typology shows three to five types of use for each PFT, which differ in terms of technique adoption drivers, e.g. reducing on-farm work or adaptation to field morphology. According to literature, economic impacts were found to be the most frequent, however farmers seemed unable to quantify them. Social impacts such as reduced work time and fatigue were also frequent and are becoming the main motivation for using PFT on farms studied. Further research is needed to assess the use trajectories of PFT along with the motivations of each PFT use.


从<礼记>可以看出,中国古代家礼的实质就是将个人固定在家族的宗法关系之中,贯穿家礼的是亲亲、尊尊、长长、男女有别的等级思想,这种宗法等级观念对于维系整个社会的等级秩序有重要作用.家礼的各种仪式都有鲜明的政治意义,尤其是家礼的核心观念孝,与政治伦理忠是一致的,这也反映出古代家国同构的历史事实,齐家就可以治国.家礼培养的是孝父尊君的社会观念.  相似文献   

[目的]对灵川县主要乡(镇)的耕作制度模式开展相关调查,为灵川县农业快速健康发展提供理论依据.[方法]对灵川县6个乡(镇)进行走访以及查阅相关资料,收集相关信息,并于2012年6月22~24日进行实地问卷调查.[结果]调查结果显示,目前灵川县耕作制度类型主要有水田耕作模式(包括紫云英—早稻—晚稻、蔬菜—早稻—晚稻或蔬菜—一季稻、冬闲—早稻—晚稻或冬闲—一季稻、马铃薯—早稻—晚稻或马铃薯—一季稻、稻—菜轮作)、旱地主要耕作制度(包括玉米间作或套作大豆、柑橘间作花生)、山地立体种植模式以及果园立体种养模式.但在调查中也发现灵川县耕作制度仍存在许多问题,如新型种植模式推广速度慢、范围小;种植人员结构老化,劳动力不足;农产品加工业发展滞后,技术含量较低;农田重用轻养,冬闲田面积较多等.[建议]应加快农业产业结构调整、继续建立和完善农业综合开发基地、提高农民科学文化素质、提高农业产业化程度、加大冬闲田的开发利用、扩大农业技术推广人才队伍、提高农业机械化程度,以积极推动灵川县农业可持续发展.  相似文献   

采用半结构访谈与参与式地理信息系统相结合的方法研究了晋西北的耕地利用状况,调查了位于晋西北宁武县5个村农户的具体的种植业状况,并从自然、经济、社会、政策、技术5个方面分析了耕地利用状况形成的驱动力。结果表明:①目前在晋西北范围内的这5个村的耕地利用状况是不可持续的,但仍保留有一些优良的传统农作方式。②自然条件差是研究区耕地利用状况产生的客观因素,种植业经济效益低下是直接原因;社会因素包括农村家庭开支加大、耕地细碎化等;政策因素主要表现在国家对农业的支持与保护力度仍不够,农村社会保障体制、耕地流转及监管不完善等;技术因素是基层农技服务工作严重缺乏。  相似文献   

本文主要论述水稻是明清以后中国社会的主要食物依赖,唐宋以来经济重心向南方转移,由水稻作为主体的农业在其中扮演重要角色,美洲作物传入中国以后,没有改变水稻在其中所占的主体地位。作者认为,水稻对中国传统社会后期的各个方面产生重要的影响,包括正面和负面两个方面,涉及经济结构、技术进步、环境变化、文化特征等多个方面。其正面作用主要是养活了大量人口,成为多熟种植的主体作物,使得江南稻作产区成为经济与文化中心,促成了稻鱼共生系统的发展与梯田农业的演进;与此同时,水稻生产的特殊原因与其它因素共同作用,又限制了工具,特别是犁的进步,此外,还因为挤占了洪水泄洪的空间,促成了南方雨季洪灾的发生。  相似文献   

Recent decades have seen a rapid increase in the rate of conversion from conventional to organic farming, as organic farming shifted from an alternative production approach practiced by a small number of idealists, to the de facto alternative to mainstream conventional production. Although there has been considerable academic debate as to the role of agri-business penetration into the production and marketing chains of organic farming (‘conventionalization’), less is known about how the economic drivers of conventionalization are negotiated into practices at the farm level. Drawing on Bourdieu’s conceptualization of economic and cultural capitals, the direct connection between symbols of ‘good farming’ and the economic requirements of maintaining a viable farming business (i.e., the ‘taste of necessity’) is demonstrated. Findings indicate that conventional and organic farmers in the study sites identified a similar range of cultural symbols, but organic farmers emphasized different symbols within this range. This diversity and selectivity demonstrates the fragmentation and contestation of ideals resulting from economic challenges at the time of the study. Economic capital is important to the decision to consider conversion to organic farming, but formal conversion reflects re-weighting of forms of cultural capital. The author argues that recognition of the impact of economic pressures on conventional farming, which in the study sites often led to reduced input use rather than intensification, is missing from the conventionalization debate. The mainstreaming of organic farming production has presented conventional farmers with a set of alternative or re-weighted symbols and a crucible for reflexive consideration of their own standards and practices of farming.  相似文献   

古村落历史悠久,文化积淀深厚,且相对与外隔绝.随着现代化和全球化的发展,古村落作为独特的旅游资源被开发,其自身的社会文化所受影响是多方面的.本文在概括古村落旅游地旅游价值的基础上,分析了旅游开发对古村落旅游地社会文化造成的积极和消极影响,探讨了促进古村落旅游地开发和可持续发展的相关对策.  相似文献   

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