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杂交水稻超多蘖壮秧超稀栽培的增产作用及机理研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文以杂交中稻冈优22、D优95为材料,研究了超多蘖壮秧超稀栽培的增产机理及本田最栽植密度.结果为:秧苗素质优良、单株带蘖10个以上的超多蘖壮秧实行超稀栽培,单株分蘖多而全田茎蘖数及叶面积发展平缓,从而提高了分蘖成穗率,减少了无效分蘖,改善了稻田通透条件,稻株个体生长健壮,光合生产率高,干物质积累快而多,尤其是生育后期的干物质积累量及速度均明显地优于常规栽培,且光合产物向穗部的运转率也高,为大穗高产提供了物质条件.所以,超多蘖壮秧超稀栽培能明显地改善稻田穗、粒结构,比常规栽培增产10%以上,而大穗多粒是其高产的主要原因.而且得出:超多蘖壮秧本田的最佳栽植密度为11.25-15.00万穴/公顷,过稀过密均不利于其产量构成因素的协调发展而增产.且在分蘖力不同的两品种间主要效应是一致的.  相似文献   

对杂交水稻新组合Ⅱ优936在各地作双晚和中稻种植的特性、产量表现与高产栽培技术进行观察和试验研究.结果表明,Ⅱ优936为大穗型组合,丰产性好、熟期适中、米质较优、主要农艺性状优良、较抗稻瘟病.高产栽培应以促蘖、足穗、插短龄秧、提高穗重为主攻方向,以培育适龄多蘖壮秧,适时移栽,适当稀植,科学施肥,合理管水,综合防治病虫害为关键措施.  相似文献   

杨飞  吴文革  赵前进  王本平  季一胜  胡琪峰 《安徽农业科学》2013,(28):11580-11581,11586
引进示范“水稻机插平衡栽培技术”,借鉴“平衡栽培的理念,开展沿江稻区杂交中粳机插稻适宜品种选择、适宜播栽期探索、明确丰产高效栽培的产量结构和再拍技术关键,总结出适合沿江杂交中粳高产平衡栽培的技术要点,并进行了示范验证。即选择嘉优2号机插、百亩示范方径省级专家实产验收平均产量达10615.6kg/hm^2;其平衡栽培技术路线是:选择大穗高产适应性强的品种,发挥品种的增产潜力;通过精量匀播、培育壮秧、适龄移栽、精量取秧,提高栽插质量;科学运筹肥水、及时防除病虫草害;缩短栽后缓苗期促发低位分蘖、控制高峰苗,减少无效分蘖,从而实现杂交中稻分蘖前后生长均衡、分蘖与成穗均衡和主茎与分蘖穗均衡,构建高质量植物群体,实现高产高效。  相似文献   

对杂交香稻Ⅱ优15在闽北地区作双晚和中稻种植的特性、产量表现与高产栽培技术进行了研究。结果表明,Ⅱ优15为大穗型组合,主要农艺性状优良、耐肥抗倒、丰产性好、熟期适中、米质较优、抗稻瘟病;高产栽培应以插短龄秧、保蘖、足穗、提高穗重为主攻方向,以培育适龄多蘖壮秧,插足苗数,促前、稳中、健后的肥水运筹,加强螟虫防治为关键措施。  相似文献   

根据促分蘖早生快发创造高产群体结构、促穗足穗大籽粒充实优化产量结构因素等水稻高产栽培原理,从品种选择、培育壮秧、适时移栽、平衡施肥、科学管水、综合防治病虫害等各个生产环节总结了山区中稻高产栽培技术。  相似文献   

李翠英 《中国农资》2014,(22):23-23
<正>近年来,有些地方忽视了杂交中稻的管理,中期缺肥发不起,后期早衰,使熟期不佳,千粒重下降,空壳率上升,减产幅度多在20%-25%。因此,如何防止中杂早衰,是夺取高产的重要措施,应抓好以下几点。早施蘖肥。目前杂交中稻一般亩插基本苗10万左右,即使株株成穗,仍有50%穗数需由本田分蘖而来,必须施好蘖肥,促进早蘖多蘖获高产,增施蘖肥能使分蘖早而快,有利于大穗的形成。蘖肥施得好,不仅有利于早发,而且有利于建立较大的营养体,同化作用加强,为增加穗数奠定了良好的基础。施用蘖肥要立足一个  相似文献   

【目的】研究杂交中稻超稀播旱育秧模式的产量效应。【方法】选用“冈优725”和“Ⅱ优838”2个杂交中稻品种为试验材料,每个品种设置2种育秧模式(常规密播旱育秧(对照)和超稀播旱育秧)和6种秧龄(45,51,57,63,69和75 d),分析育秧模式和移栽秧龄对杂交中稻生育进程、田间茎蘖数、经济性状和产量的影响。【结果】1)与常规密播旱育秧模式相比,超稀播旱育秧模式下,当秧龄超过51 d时,随秧龄的增加,杂交中稻全生育期显著延长,有效穗数、单穗着粒数、单穗实粒数、结实率、成穗率和单穗质量下降;当秧龄超过60 d时,水稻产量随秧龄延长而显著降低。2)当秧龄大于57 d时,超稀播旱育秧模式的最高茎蘖数较常规密播旱育秧模式显著(P<0.05)提高,且其提高程度随秧龄的增加而显著(P<0.05)增加。3)在超稀播旱育秧模式下,63和69 d秧龄的稻谷产量分别为9 047和8 247 kg/hm2,与常规密播旱育秧模式下45 d秧龄的稻谷产量(8 918 kg/hm2)相当。【结论】在川西北丘陵旱区,超稀播旱育秧模式有利于培育大龄壮秧,其秧龄可以延长至63~69 d,能有效缓解因旱迟栽带来的不利影响。  相似文献   

笔者经过十一年的田间观察和反复实践,采用平行观测及统计分析,得出以下主要结论:“蘖、主穗比”与穗实粒数及理论产量间呈极显著正相关,科学调控“蘖、主穗比”是水稻高产栽培的重要途径;“蘖、主穗比”与基本苗呈极显著负相关,通过少本、稀植栽培能极大地提高“蘖、主穗比”,但过分强调“蘖、主穗比”将不能保证高产所需的穗数;水稻返青后前15天产生的分蘖多为有效分蘖,而返青后20天以后产生的分蘖基本上为无效分蘖,通过培育壮秧及适当重施基肥等措施,力促前期分蘖量,控制后期分蘖量,是提高水稻“蘖、主穗比”和成穗率的有效措施。  相似文献   

利用新育成的大穗型籼二系杂交稻组合光优58进行了高产栽培示范试验,获得了10530kg/hm^2的高产,比汕优63增产7.8%,并总结出“前促中控后重”的大穗高产栽培策略和培育多蘖壮秧、增蔸增苗,重视后期管理,以壮秧保大穗,以增蔸增苗来增穗,以加强后期管理来提高结实率和粒重的大穗高产栽培技术。  相似文献   

水稻“稀长大”栽培新技术,就是通过稀播及化学调节,培育长秧龄、多蘖壮秧,促进群体大穗的一套全新的优质、高产、稳产、高效的栽培技术体系。其技术原理是:依据水稻生长发育规律,通过大幅度降低秧田播种量和化学药剂调节,抑制秧苗顶端生长优势,促进低节位分蘖的发生和生长,增大秧蘖弹性,适当延长秧龄,使秧苗移栽后10—20天进入幼穗分化,使秧田分蘖增大增多,减少移栽导致的死蘖空位,发挥低位分蘖易成大穗的优势;又因基肥与返青促蘖肥的施用,既促进本田分蘖,  相似文献   

In this paper, a new cultivation practice-super-sparse-cultivation associated with maximumtiller seedling (SSCMTS) of hybrid rice was proposed and its high-yielding mechanism was studied. The results showed that the practice of SSCMTS in hybrid rice could not only increase grain yield but also save seeds and labor. It was a new high-yielding way for the late transplanting seedlings and heavy panicle type hybrid rice cultivars to further utilize the high-yielding potential of hybrid rice cultivars. The increasing number of spikelets and ideal grain -filling were the direct factors for the high yield of SSCMTS in hybrid rice, and those high-yielding factors relied on high quality seedlings, sturdy individuals, high quality population and vigorous later growth.  相似文献   

应用线性回归分析方法分析了江西省10个高产早杂组合的产量三要素对产量的影响。结果表明,每穗实粒数对产量的影响最大,其次是每公顷穗数,千粒重对产量的影响最小。产量构成各因素间存在一定程度的负相关。在保持现有组合的千粒重的基础上,增加每穗实粒数是提高早杂组合产量的有效途径。提出适应江西生态区域的高产早杂组合的理想形态特征是“中秆,多蘖,大穗”。在早稻保持系品种资源丰富的情况下,选育配合力高的大穗型不育系是早杂高产组合选育的有效途径。  相似文献   

Indica-japonica hybrid rice(Oryza sativa L.) cultivars showed high yield potential and poor tasting quality when compared with common japonica rice cultivars. Large panicle is a prominent factor of high yield for indica-japonica hybrid rice cultivars, and the panicle weight varies greatly among different indica-japonica hybrid rice cultivars. It is important to research on yield and grain quality of different panicle weight indica-japonica hybrid rice cultivars. In this study, two different panicle types indica-japonica hybrid cultivars were used to research on the relation of yield and grain quality. The yields of two heavy panicle weights indica-japonica hybrid cultivars were significantly higher than that of two medium panicle weight rice cultivars. The cooking and eating quality and starch properties of different panicle type cultivars were evaluated. Yongyou 6715(medium panicle) and Yongyou 1852(heavy panicle) got the relatively higher cooking and eating quality. Rice cultivars with medium panicle weight had more large starch granules and higher relative crystallinity than cultivars with heavy panicle weight. Transition temperature and retrogradation enthalpy(ΔHret) of medium panicle type cultivars were significantly higher than that of heavy panicle type cultivars. There was no significant difference in amylose content among different panicle type cultivars. Protein content of heavy panicle type cultivar was higher than that of medium panicle type cultivar, and protein content is the main factor affect cooking and eating quality in this study. The cultivar Yongyou 6715 got the highest taste value with the lowest protein content. Thus, it is suggested that the emphasis on improving rice cooking and eating quality of indica-japonica hybrid rice cultivars is how to reduce the protein content in rice grain. According to the results of this study, medium panicle type with high grain weight is the desired panicle type for high quality indica-japonica hybrid rice breeding.  相似文献   

China's Super Hybrid Rice Breeding Program has made significant progress over the past two decades. In this paper, we reviewed our studies on the yield potential and stability in super hybrid rice and discussed the strategies for super hybrid rice production. The results of our studies show that rice yield potential has been increased by 12% in super hybrid cultivars as compared with ordinary hybrid and inbred cultivars. The higher grain yields in super hybrid rice cultivars are attributed to larger panicle size coupled with higher biomass production or higher harvest index. However, grain yields in super hybrid rice cultivars vary widely among locations depending on soil and climatic factors. Therefore, it is important to tailor target yield to local conditions in super hybrid rice production. The target yield for super hybrid rice production can be determined by the average yield method or the regression model method. Improving soil quality is critical to achieving the target yield in super hybrid rice production. Favorable crop rotations such as rice-oilseed rape and novel soil management practices, such as biochar addition, are effective approaches to improve soil quality. It is needed to develop simplified cultivation technologies for super hybrid rice to meet the changes in socioeconomic environments during the period of transition. There are such technologies as no-tillage direct seeding and mechanized transplanting at high hill density with single seedling per hill.  相似文献   

优质高产杂交糯稻新组合嘉糯1优3号的选育与应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
嘉糯1优3号是福建农林大学作物科学学院用糯稻不育系嘉农wxA1与恢复系嘉糯恢3号配组育成的杂交糯稻新组合,2009年3月通过福建省农作物品种审定委员会审定。具有生育期合适,高产稳产,米质优,适应性广,制种产量高等特点。本文重点介绍该组合的选育经过、产量表现、特征特性、高产栽培及高产制种技术要点,供栽培及育种同行参考。  相似文献   

博优938是广西钦州市农科所用新育成的恢复系钦938与博A配组而成的感光型高产优质晚籼杂交稻新组合,区内外区域试验均表现为高产稳产,适应性广,耐寒不早衰,一般产量6.75~7.50kg/ha,米质达国标优质稻谷二级标准,2000年12月通过广西农作物品种审定,2003年2月通过国家农作物品种审定,2009年4月获广西钦州市第一届科学技术特别贡献奖。目前该组合已成为广西杂交晚稻当家组合,可在桂南稻作区、桂中稻作区南部以及广东、福建南部地区和海南省等地作晚稻种植。  相似文献   

超级杂交稻高产理论与实践初论   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在分析我国水稻产量提高和株型变迁时代特征的基础上,通过对众多水稻株型模式差异的比较,阐述了超级杂交稻“高冠层、矮穗层、中大穗”株型模式的特点。从理论上,初步分析了该模式“有效增源、扩建高库容、高源库水平的协调”、“矮穗层”的抗倒力学及生理学等方面的理论基础。同时,通过对超级稻超高产实例的分析,率先提出了超级稻实现超高产目标的部分生理指标,重点介绍了适于超级杂交稻超高产栽培的改良型强化栽培技术体系。  相似文献   

岳优617是用岳4A与恢复系R617配组而成的杂交晚稻新组合,该组合具有米质优(国优二级),产量高,适应性广,熟期转色好等特点。本文介绍了岳优617的选育过程、特征特性、产量表现、高产栽培及制种技术。  相似文献   

In recent years, an increasing number of different types of japonica rice cultivars have been released in the southern rice region of China. The grain yield and quality of these new cultivars showed significant differences in large scale planting. However, the causes of the differences remain little known. Therefore, three typical types of japonica rice cultivars were used in this study to investigate their grain yield and quality. A scanning calorimeter(DSC), X-ray powder diffractometer(XRD), rapid viscosity analyzer(RVA) and taste analyzer were used to evaluate the cooking and eating properties. The results showed that the yield of non-soft hybrid japonica rice cultivars was significantly higher than that of non-soft inbred japonica rice cultivars and soft inbred japonica rice cultivars. Soft inbred japonica rice cultivars had a low amylose content and moderate protein content, which are the main reasons for the superior cooking and eating quality. In addition, the relative crystallinity of soft inbred japonica rice cultivars was significantly higher than that of non-soft inbred and non-soft hybrid japonica rice cultivars, which is considered the major factor resulting in higher transition temperature and gelatinization enthalpy(ΔHgel). Non-soft hybrid japonica rice cultivars had a higher number of large starch granules than soft inbred and non-soft inbred japonica rice cultivars. The setback value(SB) and breakdown value(BD), indirectly reflecting the cooking and eating quality of the three types of japonica rice cultivars, also confirmed that soft inbred japonica rice cultivars with a low SB value and a high BD value had better palatability than the other two types. This study provides guidance for future plantation of different types of japonica rice cultivars in large rice-producing areas.  相似文献   

超级杂交稻特优航1号的选育与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
特优航1号是福建省农科院水稻研究所利用不育系龙特甫A与恢复系航1号选配成的杂交稻新品种,表现丰产性好、稳产、适应性广等优良特性,介绍了特优航1号选育过程、主要特征特性、高产栽培技术和制种技术要点。  相似文献   

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