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云南野生茶树的地理分布及形态多样性   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
云南是世界茶树的原产地和起源中心,茶树种质资源种类众多,遗传多样性丰富,在茶学研究中占有非常重要地位。通过野外调查与文献资料的整理,对云南野生茶树资源的地理分布和形态多样性进行了调查,结果显示:(1)野生茶树在云南分布广泛,主要集中在西双版纳、普洱、保山等8个地区;(2)野生茶树与栽培茶树在形态上有明显差异;(3)云南野生茶树在形态分类上有22个种和2个变种,野生茶树呈现丰富形态多样性;(4)生境破坏是导致野生茶树数量锐减的主要原因,建议今后应加强珍稀濒危野生茶树种质的调查、收集保存、生态型及遗传多样性的研究和利用,为促进茶树新品种选育及茶产业可持续发展提供丰富的资源技术基础。  相似文献   

旦巴  王建林 《中国农学通报》2009,25(23):399-405
本文以100份西藏野生油菜及其近缘种种质资源为材料,运用群体遗传学的原理与方法,对西藏野生油菜及其近缘种种质资源的数量和遗传多样性指数的生态地理分布特征进行了研究。结果表明:1)在水平分布上,西藏野生油菜及其近缘种形成了28—31°N×88—94°E和29—32°N×96—99°E两个区域明显的遗传多样性中心,其中28—31°N×88—94°E的藏中地区野生油菜及其近缘种种质资源分布广泛,遗传多样性丰富,29—32°N×96—99°E的藏东横断山脉地区野生油菜及其近缘种种质资源数量和遗传多样性次之。2)在垂直分布上,以海拔3500-3600m、3800-3900m、4000-4200m为中心,形成了三个不同的遗传多样性中心区,并发现海拔3700-3800 m是低海拔遗传多样性丰富区和高海拔遗传多样性丰富区的临界带。3)据西藏野生油菜及其近缘种遗传资源的数量和遗传多样性指数的水平分布和垂直分布规律,提出了西藏野生油菜及其近缘种的遗传多样性中心及其多样性扩散方式。  相似文献   

为更好地挖掘、保护和开发利用苍南县重要农作物种质资源,2017年8月—2018年12月对浙江省苍南县7个镇17个行政村的农作物种质资源现状及利用情况进行系统调查,对种质资源进行收集,并对收集到的资源的种类、分布情况、植物学分类和部分特色资源进行整理和分析。结果表明,苍南县共收集到85份农作物种质资源,包括粮食作物41份、蔬菜26份、经济作物7份、果树11份,隶属于21科36属39种;按种质类型包括地方品种资源76份、野生资源9份。根据苍南县农作物种质资源现状,对苍南县地方品种和野生资源保护和开发利用进行讨论,建议通过建立资源圃和本地商业化开发利用等方式对地方品种进行原地保存,对部分地方品种或野生资源在资源采集地或原生境进行原位保护鉴定,确保本地优良种质资源的安全保存,实现种质资源可持续利用。研究结果可为苍南县农作物种质资源多样性研究、种质创新和开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   

云南省普洱市野生茶树地理分布和多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
普洱市的野生茶树不但分布广、种群大,类型也极丰富,为茶叶科学研究中不可多得的宝贵资源。通过文献资料对普洱市野生茶树资源的地理分布和形态多样性进行整理:(1)主要分布于宁洱、景东、镇沅、景谷、墨江、西盟、孟连等7个县;(2)类型、形态特征呈现丰富的多样性。野生茶树在系统发育过程中具有原始的特征特性,是遗传多样性最丰富,最具有保存和研究价值的初级茶树种质资源,期望大家都来关心、爱护、参与野生茶树研究、开发和保护。  相似文献   

海棠观赏种质资源及其利用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
龚睿 《中国农学通报》2019,35(26):75-79
海棠种类繁多、花色丰富,是著名的木本观赏植物类群。笔者查阅了近年来苹果属和木瓜属海棠研究的相关文献资料,简述了海棠野生资源及其地理分布,回顾了苹果属海棠和木瓜属海棠的分类简史,综述了分子标记技术在国内外海棠观赏种质资源遗传多样性研究中的应用及观赏海棠育种研究现状,评价了海棠在绿地应用中的景观效果,最后针对海棠在分类、育种、应用中存在的问题提出了建立标准分类体系、创新育种模式、挖掘花果共赏种质的建议,旨在为今后海棠观赏种质资源的研究及开发利用提供参考资料。  相似文献   

主要对西藏栽培油菜与野生油菜遗传资源的表型性状、抗寒性、含油率、熟期和千粒重做了比较分析.结果表明:野生芥菜型油菜种质资源子叶类型最为丰富;野生芥菜型油菜和野生白菜型油菜以宽萼片为主,栽培芥菜型和栽培白菜型油菜以中萼片为主;野生白菜型油菜的抗寒性强于其他油菜,栽培芥菜型油菜抗寒性较栽培白菜型和野生芥菜型好;野生白菜型油菜和野生芥菜型种质资源的含油率大多超过40%,野生油菜种质资源含油率高于栽培油菜含油率;在山南和日喀则,无论是野生型油菜种质资源,还是栽培型油菜种质资源,除极早熟外分布有不同熟期的油菜类型;千粒重大于5 g的种质资源中,野生白菜型和栽培芥菜型油菜所占比重较大.野生芥菜型和栽培白菜型油菜的千粒重以1~5 g的居多,而千粒重小于1 g的种质资源分布在野生芥菜型和栽培白菜型油菜中;野生油菜的成熟期比栽培油菜要早20~40 d.  相似文献   

西藏野生油菜种质资源千粒重分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卓嘎  旦巴  何燕  王建林 《种子》2008,27(12)
研究了西藏野生油菜,特别是野生白菜型油菜和野生芥菜型油菜种质资源的千粒重。通过对采集来的西藏野生白菜型油菜和野生芥菜型油莱种质资源千粒重的研究与鉴定发现:(1)野生芥菜型油菜千粒重要小于野生白菜型油菜;(2)从野生油菜种质资源千粒重的水平分布来看,千粒重较大的野生白菜型油菜种质资源明显集中分布于北纬27°30′~31°00′,东经89°00′~92°00′之间和北纬27°30′~32°00′.东经97°00′-98°00′;千粒重较大的野生芥菜型油菜种质资源明显集中分布于北纬29°00′-30°00′,东经87°30′~94°00′之间;(3)从野生油菜种质资源千粒重的垂直分布来看,在高海拔地区的野生油菜种质资源的千粒重有更大的趋势,野生芥菜型油菜与野生白菜型油菜千粒重随海拔升高而增加,具有垂直分布的生态适应性。  相似文献   

魏红 《种子世界》2021,(7):0090-0092
野生牧草种质资源是指所有牧草物种和可遗传物质的总和,是牧草品种改良所使用到最原始的材料,是农业自然资源中的重要组成部分,同时也是农业高质量发展的重要物质基础,特别是在内蒙古呼伦贝尔市草地生态畜牧业发展过程中发挥着巨大作用。保存野生植物资源,维持物种多样性,维持遗传的完整性,将种质携带的全部信息传递给后代,是牧草种质资源采集和保存的核心价值所在。内蒙古呼伦贝尔市的野生牧草种子资源是当地草地生态系统高质量发展、创新的核心,同时野生牧草种质资源的开发利用和保护又是制约畜牧养殖产业生产、生态建设、农民群众脱贫致富的重要限制因素。本文探讨了野生牧草种质资源在生态环境中的重要地位,论述了具体的保护措施,希望对广大同行有一定帮助。  相似文献   

浦江野生豆类种质资源的保护与开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
浦江县位于浙江中部偏西地区,是一个"七山一水二分田"的丘陵山区县,农业种植历史悠久,蕴藏着丰富的有重要价值的农作物种质资源,如有俊果、梅梨和野生豆等.为有效保护与开发利用农作物种质资源,我单位申报的"浦江县野生豆类等种质资源保护与开发利用"项目被列入2007年度浙江省种子种苗工程重点建设项目.笔者一直参与项目的组织实施,取得了较好成效.现对野生豆类等种质资源的保护与开发利用谈点粗浅看法,旨在进一步促进农作物种质资源的交流和利用及特色农业的发展.  相似文献   

2020 年 5 月以来,镇雄县农业农村局高度重视、精心组织,成立种质资源普查专项领导小组,组建普查工作组,参照上级方案,制定普查实施方案,认真开展普查与收集工作。走访县档案局、统计局、民宗局、烟办等部门查阅县志、档案等资料,访问老农技人员调查了解相关信息,深入实地普查 41 个乡镇次,122 个村次,行程 4000 余公里,走访群众 426 人次,拍摄资源照片 200 余张,采集技术数据 200 余条,基本摸清全县农作物种质资源家底,查清了各类农作物的种植历史、栽培制度、品种更替、社会经济和环境变化,以及重要农作物的野生近缘植物种类、地理分布、生态环境和濒危状况等重要信息。切实完成对 8 个乡镇(附乡镇名及收集样品于后)农作物种质资源系统调查与抢救性收集,共征集古老农作物地方品种、野生近缘植物资源 40 份:粮食作物 7 份、蔬菜 10 份、果树 22 份,其它类作物 1 份。  相似文献   

野生稻和非洲栽培稻抗稗草种质资源筛选和评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张付斗  郭怡卿  余柳青  陶大云 《作物学报》2004,30(11):1140-1144
以盆栽试验对20份野生稻和5份非洲栽培稻材料的稗草出苗率、距离稻株不同范围播种的稗草株高和干重的抑制效果进行评价,并通过聚类分析和方差分析,将其划分为6类。再以稻叶水提液培养稗草,依其发芽抑制率、芽长抑制率、根长抑制率和发芽指数,再次聚类并划分为5类。盆栽和浸提液试验中效果均好的3份野生稻S37、S68、S72和  相似文献   

Genetic variation and population structure among 1603 soybean accessions, consisted of 832 Japanese landraces, 109 old and 57 recent Japanese varieties, 341 landrace from 16 Asian countries and 264 wild soybean accessions, were characterized using 191 SNP markers. Although gene diversity of Japanese soybean germplasm was slight lower than that of exotic soybean germplasm, population differentiation and clustering analyses indicated clear genetic differentiation among Japanese cultivated soybeans, exotic cultivated soybeans and wild soybeans. Nine hundred ninety eight Japanese accessions were separated to a certain extent into groups corresponding to their agro-morphologic characteristics such as photosensitivity and seed characteristics rather than their geographical origin. Based on the assessment of the SNP markers and several agro-morphologic traits, accessions that retain gene diversity of the whole collection were selected to develop several soybean sets of different sizes using an heuristic approach; a minimum of 12 accessions can represent the observed gene diversity; a mini-core collection of 96 accession can represent a major proportion of both geographic origin and agro-morphologic trait variation. These selected sets of germplasm will provide an effective platform for enhancing soybean diversity studies and assist in finding novel traits for crop improvement.  相似文献   

利用SSR标记评价普通菜豆种质遗传多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张赤红  王述民 《作物学报》2005,31(5):619-627
利用36对SSR引物对332份国内普通菜豆、16份国外普通菜豆和29份野生菜豆的遗传多样性进行了分析,等位变异数和多样性指数的计算结果显示,3种生态型普通菜豆遗传多样性由大到小的顺序为国内普通菜豆、野生菜豆和国外普通菜豆;我国贵州、云南、黑龙江等省普通菜豆的遗传多样性较为丰富。基于SSR数据,对377份普通菜豆种质资  相似文献   

A set of 67 wild and cultivated hop accessions, representative of hop diversity, was genotyped with 29 SSR markers in order to investigate the population structure and genetic diversity among hop genotypes. A total of 314 alleles was detected, with an average of 10.8 alleles per locus and an average PIC content of 0.607. Model-based clustering placed the accessions into five germplasm groups. A distance-based tree showed good agreement with five germplasm groups, and additionally assigned accessions omitted from model-based analysis into two additional germplasm groups. The 67 hop accessions were thus subdivided in seven germplasm groups, with three corresponding to major breeding groups and four to wild hops. This finding is in accordance with two biogeographically separated hop germplasms (European and North American origin) and with the known history of the accessions. North American hop germplasm was partitioned into native and cultivated germplasm groups. European germplasm was divided into two groups of hop cultivars representing distinguishable European germplasms and three new groups of native hops, which were differentiated for the first time by this analysis. Admixture analysis showed shares of various ancestries in hop cultivars, mostly congruent with pedigree data, and the introgression of various ancestries in some native hops. The above results have so far given the most detailed insight to date into the population structure of hop diversity, which is important for its effective use in hop breeding.  相似文献   

Seed dormancy is one of the most important parameters affecting the malting process and pre-harvest sprouting in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Variation of seed dormancy in 4365 cultivated and 177 wild barley (ssp. spontaneum) accessions derived from different regions of the world was investigated in Okayama University, Kurashiki, Japan. Seed dormancy of each accession was estimated from their germination percentages at 0, 5, 10 and 15 weeks post-harvest after-ripening periods. All of the wild barley accessions showed less than 10% germination at 0 week after-ripening period. Level of seed dormancy in 4365 cultivated barley accessions showed a clear geographical differentiation. Seventy seven percent of Ethiopian accessions showed high germination percentages, while 86% of Japanese, Turkish and North African accessions showed low germination percentages at 0 week after-ripening period. A half diallel cross using eleven barley accessions with different level of dormancy revealed that seed dormancy was predominately controlled by additive gene effects. These results suggest that large genetic diversity for seed dormancy in barley is explained as different levels of additive accumulation of genetic factors. Barley varieties showing appropriate dormancy could be developed by crossing among barley germplasm accessions used in the present study.  相似文献   

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to develop genetic fingerprints and analyse genetic relationships among 29 Ipomoea accessions from different geographical locations around the world, including unique wild species, and reproducible profiles were obtained for all accessions using random decamer primers. The primers generated 46 polymorphic markers, one primer alone having 10 products, enabling the discrimination of all 29 accessions. A high level of genetic variability in sweet potato collections was suggested by the degree of polymorphism. Half of the Japanese land races were closely related while accessions from Papua New Guinea and The Philippines were distinct and exhibited the greatest genetic diversity. The wild species Ipomoea gracilis and Ipomoea tiliacea formed a group distinct from the cultivated sweet potato. The wild tetraploid accession K233 and the species Ipomoea trifida were progressively more related genetically to the cultivated sweet potato and are the probable progenitors of Ipomoea batatas, and may be suitable as germplasm for genetic enhancement. RAPDs proved to be useful for sweet potato systematics and should be valuable for germplasm management, gene tagging and efficient choice of parents in breeding programmes.  相似文献   

利用SSR标记分析橡胶草种质资源的遗传多样性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了解橡胶草种质的遗传背景和遗传多样性,为今后橡胶草育种提供理论依据。利用23对SSR引物对96份橡胶草材料进行遗传多样性分析。结果显示,23对SSR引物通过扩增得到71个等位变异,等位变异范围2-6个,平均等位基因数为3.09个。通过聚类分析,俄罗斯材料和美国材料与新疆7个居群材料被分为2大类群,类群I包含所有俄罗斯和美国材料以及5份新疆野生材料,类群II包含其余新疆7个居群的材料;俄罗斯和美国材料同属于亚群A,平均遗传相似度为0.88,说明它们存在紧密的亲缘关系;新疆7个居群的材料被分为5个亚群,显示丰富的遗传多样性,而且相互之间存在复杂的遗传关系。本研究结果证明了SSR标记能够有效地用于橡胶草的遗传多样性研究,为以后的橡胶草种质收集和遗传育种提供重要依据。  相似文献   

A. Hamdi  W. Erskine 《Euphytica》1996,91(2):173-179
Summary Susceptibility to drought stress is a key factor in dry land lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) production in the Mediterranean region of West Asia and North Africa. This study examined the response to drought stress of 121 accessions representing all subspecies of the genus Lens; cultivated, and the wild L. culinaris ssp. orientalis (Boiss.) Ponert, L. culinaris ssp. odemensis (Ladiz.), L. nigricans M.B. Godr. ssp. nigricans Godr. and L. nigricans ssp. ervoides (Brign.) Ladiz. for their potential use in breeding for dry land conditions. Accessions were grown under two moisture regimes (dry land and dry land plus supplemental irrigation) at Breda, Syria during the 1990–91 and 1991–92 seasons. The cultivated lentil had markedly superior seed and straw production than did the wild Lens species. Time to flowering accounted for less than 10% of the variation in yield of wild accessions under rainfed conditions in the two seasons, showing that, in contrast to the cultivated germplasm, drought escape was relatively unimportant in wild lentil. Performance under drought in wild lentil, measured in terms of dry land seed yield or drought susceptibility index (S), was randomly distributed among collection locations with little relation to collection site aridity. Direct selection of wild lentil germplasm for biomass yield under dry conditions is of little value and an evaluation of wild accessions in hybrid combination is needed.  相似文献   

Fifteen amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) EcoRI/MseI‐based primer combinations with five selective bases (Eco RI‐ANN, MseI‐CN) were used to estimate genetic diversity among 45 line varieties of cultivated cornsalad and 19 genebank accessions classified into nine different species related to cornsalad. Polymorphic fragments were scored for calculation of Jaccard's coefficient of genetic similarity (GS). The average GS estimate in elite germplasm (GS = 0.90) was substantially higher than in exotic germplasm (GS = 0.47). UPGMA‐cluster analysis revealed genetic relationships among recently bred varieties, old varieties and genebank accessions. Analysis of molecular variance indicated almost threefold variability within sets compared with between sets due to a high level of polymorphism among wild species. Sources for increasing genetic diversity in elite germplasm of cornsalad were suggested and a duplicate among the genebank accessions was detected. AFLPs could be considered a powerful tool for genetic diversity estimation in cornsalad germplasm and are recommended for systematic fingerprinting of remaining cornsalad species.  相似文献   

野生小豆种质资源遗传多样性的RAPD分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
利用RAPD分子标记技术对16份不同来源地的野生小豆种质进行基因组DNA多态性分析,25个随机引物共扩增出240个DNA片段,其中197条谱带表现出多态性。对基于数字化处理后的多态性谱带进行聚类,16个野生小豆种质可划分为4个类群:日本类群、中国类群、不丹类群和尼泊尔类群,材料的归组与其来源地有显著的相关性。  相似文献   

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